Buttons for Books, Articles, Exhibits, and External websites: the links are listed on this web page.
Buttons for Videos, Forum (short articles), and Links: the links are listed on separate web pages.
The Links page lists the websites of BNAPS Study Groups, BNAPS members, and BNAPS dealers. It also lists reference material, publications, philatelic societies, libraries, archives, and postal administrations that may be of interest to BNAPS members.
Links to external websites open in a new browser tab.
Canadian Philatelic Bibliography - Cimon Morin
This online bibliography includes more than 12,600 references on stamps, postal stationery, postal
history and postal markings of Canada and British North America. It contains references to documents
such as monographs, brochures, specialized catalogues, auction catalogues, as well as articles
published in periodicals, exhibition programs and more general works. Both English and French
documents are indexed. The bibliography indexes documents published between 1864 and 2006.
Cette bibliographie en ligne réunit plus de 12 600 références bibliographiques sur les timbres, les entiers postaux, l'histoire postale et les marques postales du Canada et de l'Amérique du Nord britannique. On y retrouve des références aux documents tels que des monographies, brochures, catalogues spécialisés et catalogues de vente aux enchères, ainsi que des articles parus dans les périodiques, les catalogues d'expositions et les ouvrages plus généraux. Les documents de langue français et anglais sont répertoriés. Cette bibliographie indexe les documents publiés entre 1864 et 2006.
Horace Harrison Library search engine - P. Charles Livermore
The Horace Harrison Library (HHL) consists of the online editions of BNA Topics and
several tools to facilitate browsing and searching through the issues. One of these tools, the
HHL search engine, indexes BNA Topics as well as Maple Leaves, the
journal of the Canadian Philatelic Society of Great Britain, and the PHSC Journal, the
journal of the Postal History Society of Canada. Using the HHL search engine, viewers can search
all the articles in all three journals using as criteria the title, author, subject keywords,
abstract, and year of publication.
Canadian Philately - An Outline
- John Burnett, Gray Scrimgeour, and Victor Willson
Survey of collecting interests of BNA philatelists,
including stamps, postal history, and collateral material of Canada and the provinces.
Canadian Stamps with
Perforated Initials (html),
6th edition, with 01 August 2023 updates - BNAPS Perfin Study Group
The Perfin Handbook lists the origin and use of all known perfins on Canadian stamps.
The 1 August 2023 edition is available. Newly updated sections are
identified by the date 2023 08 01. Individual sections as well as compressed and uncompressed
editions of the complete handbook with the most recent edition of each section are available
for downloading.
canadiens avec initiales perforées (html),
5e édition, mise à jour le 1 aout 2023 - BNAPS Perfin Study Group
L'origine et l'utilisation des timbres perforés et une liste de tous ceux connus parmi les timbres
canadiens. Les sections mises à jour le plus récemment sont identifiées par la date : 2023 08 01.
Addenda to Webb's Postal Stationery Catalogue of Canada &
Newfoundland, 8th Edition, 2019 - Canada Premium Products (html) - Earle L. Covert
The 500-page Webb Catalogue, 8th Edition, is available only in a print edition published by
Unitrade Associates. The addenda to the Catalogue consist of an additional 150 pages that
have been separated from the main catalogue, and are available as a set of freely-downloadable
PDF files. The addenda list Canada Premium Products, which include the following:
The Canadian Posted Letter Guide for Letters Mailed in the
1851 - 1902 Period, 2nd edition (html) - Victor L. Willson and Charles G. Firby
Pricing guide to BNA covers between 1851 and 1902.
Squared Circle Postmarks of Canada, December 2024 update
to the 6th edition published in January 2020 (html) - Prepared by the BNAPS Squared Circle
Study Group. Handbook author/editor: Rick Friesen. Annual update editor: Gary Arnold.
The Handbook is organized according to hammer type and province. In over 680 pages, it provides an
exhaustive treatment of each hammer: period of use, time marks, indicia information, stamp issues on
which the hammer is found, rarity factors, and illustrations of hammer usage. Section 1 of the
Handbook provides an introduction to these fascinating postmarks.
The December 2024 update replaces all the sections of the December 2024 update to the Handbook.
Railway Post Office (RPO) Postmarks of Canada on the 1898 Canadian 2¢ Imperial
Penny Postage Issue (The ‘Map Stamp’): A Cover Census and a Roster of Off-Cover
Cancellations (5.5 MB pdf) - Rick Friesen
Lists Map stamp covers postmarked with RPO hammer strikes. About 250 covers are
listed. The listing for each cover includes an illustration (if an image is available), RPO cancel
identification, origin (if known), destination, and provenance. The census also updates
the 1987 Lew Ludlow roster of RPO cancellations on off-cover Map stamps.
Barred Circle Postmarks of Canada on the 1898 Canadian 2¢ Imperial Penny
Postage Issue (The ‘Map Stamp’): A Cover Census
(1.8 MB pdf) - Rick Friesen
This is a census of Map Stamp covers with Barred Circle postmarks, often referred to as
precursors of Squared Circle postmarks. The hammers, introduced in 1892, were issued to
nine towns in Canada (Halifax, Hamilton, London, Montreal, Ottawa, St. John, Seaforth,
Toronto, and Winnipeg) and St. John’s, Newfoundland. The census currently documents 72
covers with Montreal strikes and one with a St. John’s, Newfoundland, strike.
Squared Circle Postmarks of Canada on the 1898 Canadian 2¢ Imperial Penny
Postage Issue (The ‘Map Stamp’): A Census of Off-Cover Cancellations
(6.8 MB pdf) - Rick Friesen
This census of 3,461 postmarks on off-cover Map stamps is compiled from numerous sources. They
include over 58 years of public auction listings, three Internet auction sources (such as eBay),
philatelic literature (including books and journals), exhibits, dealer stocks, personal
communications from Squared Circle collectors, and the author's collection.
Squared Circle Postmarks of Canada on the 1898 Canadian 2¢ Imperial Penny
Postage Issue (The ‘Map Stamp’): A Cover Census and Analysis
(18.1 MB pdf) - Rick Friesen
Lists over 1,100 covers franked with the 1898 2¢ Map Stamp and postmarked with Squared
Circle hammer strikes. If an image is available, the cover is illustrated. The previous census,
compiled in 2001, listed 620 covers. The data for this census comes from auction catalogues dating
back to 1960, Internet auctions such as eBay, philatelic literature, exhibits, dealer stocks,
personal communications from fellow collectors, and the author's collection.
Census of 8¢ Small Queen Covers with Squared Circle Postmarks
(8.4 MB pdf) - Rick Friesen
This census is a compilation of covers franked with the 8¢ Small Queen issue of 1893, postmarked
with Squared Circle hammer strikes. The 8¢ Small Queen was issued in August 1893. Its primary use
was to pay the first class mail rate (3¢) plus registration (5¢). The census is organized according
to hammer type, with the Type 2 hammers ordered by province/RPO as in the Squared Circle
Postmarks of Canada handbook. The September 2024 initial release of the census lists
489 covers from 184 different hammers.
Eaton Company: Philatelic Notes (13.4 MB - pdf) - Clayton Rubec
The Timothy Eaton Company was in operation for 138 years, from 1861 to 1999. During its heyday, it had
department stores in over 100 cities and a highly developed mail order business. This monograph
explores the company's use of postage stamps, perfins, precancels, postal stationery, postage meter
machines, mailing permits, bulk mail, and revenue stamps.
Post Offices of Pre-Confederation Newfoundland (html) - Carl
Munden. Formatting and editing: Malcolm Back and John M. Walsh.
Traces the history of Newfoundland's outport post offices. The listing for each post office includes
its location by bay and map reference, population, opening and closing, postmasters and general
information, and illustrations of the various markings used. There are also sections describing the
mail distribution to and from the outports and the types of town date stamps used. 479 pages.
100 Years of Union Dues Stamps in Canada and Newfoundland, 1880 to
1980 (12.3 MB pdf) - Clayton Rubec and Ron Lafrenière
Describes, lists, and illustrates the stamps issued by unions in Canada and Newfoundland for the
payment of dues by union members. Includes international unions based in the U.S. with locals in Canada
and Newfoundland. 152 pages.
Library and Archives Canada Private Philatelic Fonds/Collections and Accruals (html)
Lists recent fonds/collections and accruals available for consultation at Library and Archives
Canada (LAC). The list was provided by James Bone, Archivist, LAC. Also describes how to
conduct online searches of the private fonds at LAC, and how to request material for on-site
Philately at LAC / La philatélie à BAC (2.5 MB pdf) - James Bone, Archivist,
Archives Branch, Library and Archives Canada
Describes the philatelic and postal history collections at Library and Archives Canada (LAC), the
access and research tools LAC offers to the philatelic community, and how to cite LAC items in
documents and articles. Provides links to Canadian Postal Archives research material such as the
database of post offices and postmasters. This presentation was given at BNAPEX 2018 Québec.
Kasimir Bileski — 14 September 1908 to 19 January 2005 (html) - John Jamieson
Memorial to one of Canada's foremost stamp dealers.
Philatelic Literature is the Heart of the Hobby (html) - Michael O. Nolan
Describes the benefits of having a philatelic library, and recommends some additions to it.
Stamp Books for a Weekend Read (html) - Clayton Rubec
Books with philately in mind.
Exhibit Synopsis Template (0.1 MB pdf)
Suggested synopsis outline for BNAPEX exhibits.
BNAPS Judging Guidelines for Juries and Exhibitors (0.1 MB pdf)
Judging guidelines that apply specifically to BNAPEX exhibits.
The Goebel Press Era of Canadian Stamps (html) - Ken Sargent with Leopold Beaudet
History, stamp production, and the people behind the BABN Goebel press used to print Canadian
stamps between 1968 and 1989.
Proofs — The Printers’ Finest Work (html) - John Jamieson
Discusses die and plate proofs and how they enhance a collection.
Constant Plate Flaws on Elizabethan Stamps (6.8 MB pdf) - Leopold Beaudet
During the Elizabethan period, 1953 to 2022, Canadian stamps were printed by several different
methods: engraving, lithography, photogravure, and combinations thereof. This presentation
describes the types of flaws produced by each printing method. During the 70-year Elizabethan
period, printing methods underwent major changes. The presentation looks at how the evolution
of the printing processes affected the types of flaws.
The presentation was given to the Dutch Society for USA and Canada Philately (USCA) in December 2023 and to the BNAPS Elizabethan II Study Group at ORAPEX in May 2024.
Paper Expansion & Shrinkage Affects Perfins and Perforations (html) - John Jamieson
Soaking stamps can affect the perforations. What to do about it?
The Canadian Stamp Perforation Change of 1962 (5.2 MB pdf) - Julian J. Goldberg
A small but measurable change in the gauge of the perforations on Canadian postage stamps
appeared in 1962. At the time, Canadian Bank Note Co. printed all of Canada's postage stamps,
and perforated them with a line perforator. This article discusses the perf change and
illustrates all the stamps known to exist with the two perforations.
Fake Double Perf Coils Uncovered (html) - John Jamieson and Leopold Beaudet
Describes fake extra perf "varieties" on coils and sheet stamps, and how to detect them.
Canada’s Most “Superb” Stamp (html) - Saskatoon Stamp Centre
The title says it all.
Canadian Varieties: Pence Issue (5.0 MB pdf) - Arnie Janson
This presentation describes re-entries, plate flaws, and paper varieties on three stamps of the
1851 Pence Issue: 1/2d Queen Victoria, 3d Beaver, and 10d Jacques Cartier. It also discusses a
6d Prince Albert with fake perforations and a 1/2d Queen Victoria with the scarce four-ring #48 cancel.
Canada’s ½d Plate Varieties (12.4 MB pdf) - Michael D. Smith
Re-entries and plate flaws with clear illustrations taken from the plate proof. References the plate of
120 for the imperforate stamp and the cut-down plate of 100 for the perforated stamp. Presented at the
Re-entries and Constant Plate Varieties Study Group meeting at BNAPEX 2018 Quebec.
Three Pence Beaver Selected Re-entries and Plate Varieties (2.9 MB pdf) - Michael D. Smith
Description, including plate position, of selected re-entries and plate flaws with detailed
illustrations to aid identification. Presented at the Re-entries and Constant Plate Varieties
Study Group meeting at BNAPEX 2015 Niagara Falls.
Analysis of Paper Thickness on 3d Beavers (html) - Saskatoon Stamp Centre
Results of measuring 125 1852-1857 3d Beaver stamps on wove paper in the Saskatoon Stamp Centre
inventory between 1987 and 1999.
Whitworth’s Plate Flaws on the One Cent Decimal Issue (6.5 MB pdf) -
Michael D. Smith
Close-up illustrations from an early plate proof and issued stamps with detailed annotation of plate
flaws reported by Geoffrey Whitworth in the 1960s. Version 2, revised in Jan. 2020.
1859 5 Cents Beaver Plate Flaws (html) - Pence-Cents Era Study Group
According to Geoffrey Whitworth, one plate of 100 subjects was prepared for the 1859 5 Cents Beaver
stamp. The plate was reworked ten times, and thus exists in 11 states. This article displays images
of the plate flaws, and provides easy navigation to any stamp position and plate state.
This article is the result of an ongoing project by the Pence-Cents Era Study Group, led by Jim Jung, to compile an online, searchable database of all the plate flaws on the 1859 5 Cents Beaver stamp and illustrate them with actual stamps. As examples of flaws become available, they will be added to the database. The August 2021 release contains 200 stamp images.
Canada's Five Cents Beaver Plate Proofs with Various Plate Flaws
(13.0 MB pdf) - Michael D. Smith
Illustrates plate flaws found on the 1859 Five Cents Beaver stamp. The flaws are on plate proofs from
states 1, 4, and 10/11 of the plate.
2¢ Large Queen, Laid Paper, Sold on 28 January 1998 (html) - Saskatoon Stamp Centre
Behind the scenes story of the sale of Canada's rarest stamp.
Updated Story of the 2¢ Large Queen on Laid Paper (html) - Leopold Beaudet
Provenance of the three known copies of Canada's rarest stamp.
BABN Co. and the Small Queens Moved from Ottawa to Montréal in October 1871 (html) -
Christopher D. Ryan
Points out that the British American Bank Note Company moved its production facilities from Ottawa
to Montréal in October 1871. Refutes the commonly held belief that the move occurred in 1873.
Guide to the Admiral Stamps of Canada (html) - Randall W. Van Someren
Dies, printing, paper, straight edges, coils, fakes,
forgeries, varieties, cancellations, rates, and bibliography.
The Admirals after Marler (12.2 MB pdf) - Leopold Beaudet
Describes discoveries made after Marler's 1982 book, The Admiral Issue of Canada, was
published. Topics covered include plates, lathework, pyramid lines, booklets, re-entries and retouches,
design types, plate flaws, and fluorescent ink.
1930-1933 Arch Issue & Commemoratives Collection (html) - Saskatoon Stamp Centre
Illustrates die essays, die proofs, and major varieties of the 1930 Arch Issue and other stamps from
the same period.
1953 $1 Totem Production File (html) - Saskatoon Stamp Centre
Illustrates die essays, die proofs, and other pre-production material for the 1953 $1.00 Totem Pole
Die Proofs of the 50¢ Textile Issue of 1953 (html) - Saskatoon Stamp Centre
Illustrates progressive die proofs in several colours of the 1953 50¢ Textile definitive.
Missing Colour on the 1983 32¢ Maple Leaf Definitive (html) - Leopold Beaudet
Story behind the discovery of the "Winter Leaf" missing colour error on the 1983 32¢ Maple Leaf
Spotted 45¢ Flag, a.k.a. “Snowstorm Variety” (html) - Saskatoon Stamp Centre
The “Snowstorm Variety” on the 1995 45¢ Flag definitive isn't really a variety.
Faked 1995 45¢ Flag Definitive (html) - Saskatoon Stamp Centre
The 1995 45¢ Flag definitive with the blue colour doubled turns out to be not such an attractive
Canada Post Announces Smaller Dimensions for the Current Canadian 45¢ Flag Definitive
(html) - Charles J. G. Verge
Discusses the decision by Canada Post to reduce the size of the 1995 45¢ Flag definitive and all
the collectables it produced.
$2 Truro Provincial Normal School Inverted Inscriptions (html) - John Jamieson
Background behind the discovery of the 1995 $2.00 Truro Provincial Normal School definitive with
inverted inscriptions.
Modern Flower Coil Definitives (20 MB pdf) - Jim Watt
Also available as a PowerPoint presentation (39 MB)
Printing and die cut varieties on the coils issued between December 2004 and December 2007.
The 1917 3¢ Confederation Commemorative (1.8 MB pdf) - Leopold Beaudet
Based on a study of the 1917 3¢ Confederation stamp by Richard M. Morris. Presentation made at the
Admiral Study Group meeting at BNAPEX 2008 Halifax.
St. Lawrence Seaway Invert Errors (html) - John Jamieson
History and illustrated list of 1959 5¢ St. Lawrence Seaway invert errors on cover and on piece.
The Many Faces of Canada 1977 Christmas 12¢ (html) - Saskatoon Stamp Centre
Illustration of printing, perforation, and tagging varieties on the 1977 Christmas 12¢ stamp.
Canada’s Most Amazing Error (html) - James E. Kloetzel
Re-evaluation of the errors resulting from a major corner fold on the 1982 Christmas 30¢ stamp.
The 1994 Christmas Varieties (html) - Saskatoon Stamp Centre
The 1994 Christmas stamp denominations were 43¢, 50¢, and 88¢. So, why do 52¢ and 90¢ stamps exist?
Self-Adhesive Greeting Booklets (1994-1997) (html) - Robin Harris
Detailed review of the 1994-1997 self-adhesive Greeting booklets, the stickers that went with
them, their usage, and the printing errors.
The History of Canada’s OHMS Official Perforated Postage Stamps 1939-1949
(18.6 MB pdf) - J. D. Graham
This article provides a detailed account of the adoption of stamps perforated OHMS by Federal
Government departments beginning in 1939, their use over a ten-year period, the regulations
surrounding their use, and their eventual replacement by stamps overprinted OHMS. Illustrations
include OHMS perfins on and off cover during their period of use and a Cummins Model 53
perforating machine such as the one used to create the OHMS perfins. This fascinating history
draws on primary reference sources, the files from the Post Office Department Financial Branch
held by Library and Archives Canada.
Errors, Freaks and Oddities on Canada Post Official First Day Covers (3.1 MB pdf) -
Andrew Chung
OFDC EFOs: on the cachet, on the cancellation, and on the stamp or stamps. Presentation made to
the BNAPS Golden Horseshoe Regional Group and to the Philatelic Specialists Society of Canada.
Addendum and Update to the Section of Webb’s
Postal Stationery Catalogue of Canada and Newfoundland 2019 for Canadian Postage-Prepaid
Postcard Factory® Cards (6.7 MB pdf) - Robert Lemire
This addendum to Webb’s Postal Stationery Catalogue contains corrections and additions
to the listing of postage-prepaid Postcard Factory® cards, primarily for cards prepared using dies
IIIc and IIId (pages 238-259 of the catalogue). It is anticipated that the addendum will be
updated as new material is reported. This addendum update was compiled on 16 Jan. 2023 and posted
to the website on 3 April 2023.
Non-prepaid Priority Courier and Xpresspost Envelopes (html) - Earle L. Covert
Detailed list of non-prepaid Priority Courier and Xpresspost envelopes. The list also includes
Purolator envelopes that mention Canada Post.
Illustrated Permits (html) - Earle L. Covert
Canada Post introduced illustrated indicia for permit mail in 2006. Earle Covert has been compiling
a list of these colourful permits, with images, dating back to their introduction. His listing also
includes "forerunners", indicia with illustrations that appeared before 2006. 2014 saw an explosion
in the number of illustrated indicia as bulk mailers adopted the concept. The listing currently has
919 bulk mailers and 5,214 illustrated permits.
30 September 2024 update: this update adds 27 new bulk mailers and 521 new permit mail indicia to the 15 March 2023 listing.
An Introduction to Canadian Revenue Stamps (html)
- Christopher D. Ryan. Also available as a
pdf file (5.7 MB).
Describes the many different types of Canadian Revenue stamps, both federal and provincial,
and their usage.
Miscellaneous Comments on Canadian Revenue Stamps (html) - Christopher D. Ryan
This article features short takes on a wide range of revenue topics. To highlight just four of them:
the 1915 provisional War Tax overprints on the 5¢, 20¢, and 50¢ Admiral stamps, the “FIFTY CIGARETTES”
overprints on Newfoundland cigarette and tobacco stamps, the IN PRIZE overprint on federal Law
stamps, and the tickets marked with various municipal and provincial taxes on retail sales. In many
cases, the article clarifies common misconceptions about the topic discussed.
Federal and Quebec Revenues: A (very) brief overview (4.6 MB pdf) - Dave Schurman
Illustrates revenue stamps and their use on documents. Issued by Canada: Canadian Law and Bill stamps.
Issued by Quebec: Law, Registration, Insurance, Prohibition, Unemployment, Licence, and Stock
Transfer Tax stamps.
Canada’s Provisional War Tax Revenue Stamps (revised Nov. 2018) (html) -
Christopher D. Ryan
Describes the events behind the issue of the Admiral 5¢, 20¢, and 50¢ stamps overprinted War Tax and
Inland Revenue War Tax. Includes the 5¢ reprint from plates 9 and 10. Notes that the stamps were
ordered and issued by the Inland Revenue Dept., not the Post Office.
Canada’s Inland Revenue and Postal War Tax Stamps did not Finance its War Expenditures during
the First World War (html) - Christopher D. Ryan.
What purpose did the Admiral War Tax stamps actually serve?
A Scarce Example of the War Exchange Tax on Periodical Publications (html) -
Christopher D. Ryan
1942 mailing label from the U.S. with three Canadian revenue stamps.
Revisions and New Listings for Catalogue of Canadian Hunting and Fishing Revenue Stamps
- April 2021 (1.0 MB pdf) - Clayton Rubec and Dale Stover
Part One of this document provides revisions and corrections to the BNAPS book
Catalogue of Canadian
Hunting and Fishing Revenue Stamps published in 2015. Part Two provides
listings of new material released from 2016 to 2021 or noted since the book was released.
A New Listing of Alberta Hunting, Resource Development and
WISE Foundation Revenue Stamps,and Stampless Licence,
Authorization and Special Quota Licence Stamps and Cards 1964 to 1997,
Version 2, Jan. 2014 (2.1 MB pdf) - Clayton Rubec and Dale Stover
Revised listing with new catalogue numbers corrects descriptive errors in previous listings,
flags non-existent stamps, and adds newly discovered ones.
Canada's National Park Motor Vehicle Licences, 1923 to 2015,
Version 3, Aug. 2015 (4.0 MB pdf) - Clayton Rubec
Motor vehicle card licences, metal licence plate toppers, metal radiator badges, self-adhesive
decals, rearview mirror shields, and paper receipts issued by Parks Canada.
City of Winnipeg Wildlife Conservation (html) - Saskatoon Stamp Centre
Unusual perforation varieties plus fluorescent paper varieties exist on the City of Winnipeg
Wildlife Conservation stamp.
A BNA Cover Challenge (html)
Complex BNA covers are shown and described.
Crashes, Fires, and War Interrupted the Mail (html) - John Burnett
Illustrates examples of interrupted mail due to airplane crashes, fires, and war, and the
markings applied to such mail.
Paquebot Covers: Mailed on the High Seas (html) - John Burnett
Describes paquebot mail and some of the postal markings found on paquebot covers.
An Extraordinary Canadian Cover (html) - Norris (Bob) Dyer and Leopold Beaudet
The story of the controversial 1851 New Carlisle "Postmaster's Provisional Envelope".
Re-enactment of Western Canada's First Airmail Flight by Katherine Stinson
(html) - Robert K. Lane
Commemorative covers marking the 9 July 1918 flight and photos of the re-enactment.
Canada Pence Issue 1851 – 1859 Cover Census, January 2022 revision (html) - Wayne Smith
Census of over 4,500 Pence Issue covers. The census is presented in two ways:
1) By stamp/paper variety – lists the number of covers known for each rate paid by the stamp.
2) By rate – lists the number of covers known for each way to pay the rate.
1859 Cents Issue Used on Cover after April 1, 1868 (html) - Wayne Smith
Census of covers with 1859 Cents Issue stamps mailed after April 1, 1868, when the Large Queens were
issued. The census is broken down by domestic mail and registered domestic mail and by foreign
destination (U.S., Great Britain, and other destinations). Latest update: May 2022.
Census of Large Queen Covers by Rates, End of 2023 update (html) - Wayne Smith
Census of 1868 Large Queen covers, over 8,000 of them, sorted by postal rate and destination.
Domestic mail: over 5,000 covers. Foreign mail to Newfoundland and PEI: almost 100 covers. To the
United States: over 1,500 covers. To Great Britain: over 1,000 covers. To other foreign
destinations (broken down by country): over 250 covers. 175 covers were added since the
end-of-2021 update.
Census of Large Queen Covers by Rates, End of 2021 update (html) - Wayne Smith
Census of 1868 Large Queen covers, almost 8,000 of them, sorted by postal rate and destination.
Domestic mail: over 5,000 covers. Foreign mail to Newfoundland and PEI: 88 covers. To the
United States: over 1,500 covers. To Great Britain: over 1,000 covers. To other foreign
destinations (broken down by country): almost 250 covers. The end-of-2021 update added 103 covers.
Canada Four Ring Numeral Cancel Census (html) - Wayne Smith
This census catalogues four-ring numeral cancels found both on and off cover. It lists the number
of cancels by the numeral in the cancel and by the stamp issue it occurs on (Pence, Cents, Large
Queen, Small Queen) as well as stampless covers. For each numeral, the earliest and latest recorded
dates are given. Latest update: May 2022.
Early Use of Two-ring Numeral Cancels on the Large Queen Issue (html) - Wayne Smith
Listing of the earliest recorded use of each of the 60 two-ring numeral cancels. The first strikes
appeared in March 1869 during the Large Queen period. The latest update, May 2022, has two new
earliest dates.
Some Early Postal History of Brandon, Manitoba (html) - Robert K. Lane
Illustrates the important role the mail played in the early days
of settlement in the Brandon area, dating from when the post
office was established on 1 August 1881.
An Alberta and a Saskatchewan Cover (html) - Gray Scrimgeour
Two covers from the territorial period of Alberta and Saskatchewan.
Calgary Covers (html) - Calgary Regional Group
Reflections of Calgary's history and postal history.
Now That Was Service (html) - Pete Jacobi
Story of a cover mailed 1.5 years after the recipient had moved.
Canadian National Vimy Memorial (html) - Mike Street
Unveiling the Memorial on 26 July 1936 at the site of the battle of Vimy Ridge.
The 1936 'Vimy Ridge' Issue (html) - Mick Bister
The issue and usage of stamps and postal stationery from France to
commemorate the unveiling of the Vimy Memorial.
First Special Service Force 1942 – 1944 (html) - Ken Ellison
Story of the joint USA-Canada First Special Service Force (also known as the "Black Devils") formed
in 1942 during WW II and disbanded in December 1944. The story is told through covers from its
Canadian members showing usage from all points where the F.S.S.F. served.
British Columbia Numeral Grid Cancel Census, January 2024 update (html) - Wayne Smith
Census of numeral grid cancels, on and off cover, used by the colonies of British Columbia and Vancouver
Island. 36 grid cancelling devices were issued to the colonies in 1860. The census lists 407 covers
and 2,981 off-cover cancels. 9 covers and 208 cancels were added since the initial census release
in September 2020. One the 9 covers added is the only one reported with grid 34.
New Brunswick Numeral Grid Cancel Census, January 2024 update (html) - Wayne Smith and
Charles Verge
The census describes 1,066 known covers with New Brunswick numeral grid cancels. It also lists
2,367 known off-cover cancels. The document includes information about New Brunswick
stamps and postal rates when the grid cancels were in use and the origin and use of the hammers.
73 new covers and 243 off-cover cancels were added since the initial census release in April 2021.
Newfoundland ABN Plate Proofs of the 1897 Royal Family and
1908 2¢ Map Stamps (html) - John M. Walsh, from the collection of Ed Wener
Slides of the ABN proofs acquired by Ed Wener, and the results of his studies.
Newfoundland 1897 Provisional Surcharge on Cover (html) - Norris (Bob) Dyer
Cover with 1¢ 1897 provisional surcharge with rare sans serif font overprint.
Perkins Bacon & Company Their Trade Samples and Other Mysteries (2.9 MB pdf) -
Clarence A. Stillions, based on a slide program prepared by Robert H. Pratt. The original
Pratt slides are owned by the Collectors Club of Chicago.
Explores the Pratt collection of trade samples produced by Perkins Bacon from 1902 to about
1930 with particular emphasis on those that reproduce Newfoundland stamp designs.
3 Fr |
Canada: Three Cent Small Queen, Printing Classes - The First Ottawa Period - 1870 to 1873 Raymond J. Dubeau (email) |
This exhibit illustrates and describes the 3 cent Small Queen colour variation, paper type and perforations during the period 1870 to 1873 known as the “First Ottawa” printing period. An emphasis is placed on colours and shades related to a given printing class. The exhibit won a Gold medal at BNAPEX 2015 Niagara Falls, ON. See also "Canada: Three Cent Small Queen, Printing Classes - The Montreal Period - 1873 To 1888" by the same exhibitor. |
2 Fr |
Canada: Three Cent Small Queen, Printing Classes - The Montreal Period - 1873 To 1888 Raymond J. Dubeau (email) |
This exhibit illustrates and describes the 3 cent Small Queen colour variation, paper type, and perforations during the period 1873 to 1888 known as the "Montreal" printing period. An emphasis is placed on colours and shades related to a given printing class. The exhibit won a Silver medal at BNAPEX 2021 Virtual. See also "Canada: Three Cent Small Queen, Printing Classes - The First Ottawa Period - 1870 to 1873" by the same exhibitor. |
1 Fr |
The Chemistry of the War Time Admiral Richard Judge (email) |
This exhibit studies the ink used for the 1911 Admiral 2¢ carmine stamp using reflectance, X-ray fluorescence, and Fourier Transform infrared spectroscopy. Discusses aniline ink and shade varieties. The exhibit won Vermeil and the Ed and Mickey Richardson Award at BNAPEX 2018, Quebec City, QC. |
7 Fr |
The Centennial Booklets of Canada 1967 - 1973 Joel Weiner (email) |
This exhibit focuses on the booklets of the 1967 Centennial definitives. 18 distinct booklet types were produced. The Canadian Bank Note Co.(CBN) produced the first booklets, but lost the contract in 1968 to the British American Bank Note Co. (BABN). BABN introduced many innovations including first se-tenant bi- and tricolor booklets. The complexity of the Centennial stamps extends to the booklets. There are numerous printing, paper, perforation, gum, and tagging varieties. A previous version of this exhibit was shown at BNAPEX 2012 Calgary where it received a Vermeil. This version, a complete re-organization of the last, was shown at BNAPEX 2017 Calgary where it won a Gold, the John D. Arn White Queen Award, and the APS Medal of Excellence (1940-1980). |
4 Fr |
My Favourite Elizabethan Varieties Leopold Beaudet (email) | |
This exhibit shows Elizabethan varieties chosen because of their distinctiveness and/or their revealing insights about stamp production. The exhibit marked the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II. It was shown in the Court of Honour at ORAPEX 2012 in Ottawa, ON, and BNAPEX 2012 CALTAPEX in Calgary, AB. |
7 Fr |
Canadian Law Stamps Edward Zaluski (email) | |
The exhibit displays Law Stamps from 1765 to 1970: embossed "AMERICA", Lower and Upper Canada, and post-Confederation stamps and usage. This exhibit was awarded a Vermeil at BNAPEX 2001, Ottawa, ON, 31 Aug. - 2 Sept. Edward Zaluski is the author of a seven-volume reference on Canadian Revenue stamps that was released on CD between 2010 and 2013 |
4 Fr |
Sovereignty, Substances, Small Centres and Subs:
Closed Post Offices of the Northwest Territories Kevin O'Reilly (email) |
The exhibit shows all the closed post offices in the Northwest Territories as defined by the boundary set from 1912 to 1999. Post offices operated by Canada, the U.S. and Great Britain are shown. It is divided into four parts: 1) Sovereignty - RCMP detachments, weather stations, military bases. 2) Substances - Mining company towns. 3) Small Centres - Small communities in remote locations. 4) Subs - Special post offices. This exhibit was shown at Royale 2011 Royal in Dorval, QC, and the Edmonton Spring Show 2011. A fourth frame was added to include U.S. and U.K. military post offices. It was then shown at the Edmonton Spring Show 2013 and BNAPEX 2013 in Charlottetown, PE. It won Gold at each show. |
1 Fr |
Canadian Mail Sent via the Empire Air Mail Scheme 1938 - 1939 Gary W. Steele (email) |
The exhibit shows Canadian first class letters and post cards mailed and transported via the Empire Air Mail Scheme (EAMS). The use of air mail to carry all first-class mail from Great Britain to certain Empire countries was inaugurated by Great Britain on 29 June 1937. The service extended to South Africa. On 23 February 1938, the second stage was implemented. The EAMS service was extended to Canadian mail per the notice in the Canadian postal guide supplement dated 5 February. In the third stage, the service was extended to Australia and New Zealand. Additional destinations were admitted at various times. The exhibit won Vermeil and the Canadian Aerophilatelic Society’s Best Airmail Exhibit award at BNAPEX 2023 Halifax. |
5 Fr |
Ottawa Dead Letter Office Handstamps 1872 to 1950 Gary W. Steele (email) |
The Dead Letter Office processed mail matter that could not be forwarded to its final destination. This included domestic mail, mail from foreign countries, and mail to foreign countries that was returned because of insufficient forwarding information. This exhibit shows the evolution of the handstamps - small and large circular, oval, and rectangular - used by the Ottawa Dead Letter Office from 1872 to 1950. The exhibit was shown at ORAPEX 2013, Ottawa, ON, where it won Gold and the BNAPS Best Researched BNA Exhibit. It was also shown at BNAPEX 2016, Fredericton, NB, where it won Gold and the Ed and Mickey Richardson Award. |
1 Fr |
Ottawa Dead Letter Office Handstamps 1872 to 1898 Decentralization Gary W. Steele (email) |
With Confederation in 1867, a new Post Office Department was created, but Dead Letter Office (DLO) handstamps were not produced until the early 1870s. Initially, only one office was set up. It was in Ottawa. On 1 July 1898, the DLO was decentralized. Branches were opened across Canada. This exhibit shows the evolution of Ottawa Dead Letter Office (DLO) handstamps from 1872 up to the decentralization on 1 July 1898. The exhibit won a Large Gold and the One-frame Grand at ORAPEX 2024. |
1 Fr |
Canadian Dead Letter Office Reorganization Handstamps Gary W. Steele (email) |
The exhibit shows the new style rectangle Dead Letter Office handstamps due to a major Post Office reorganization in 1948. Onward, all mail directed to several Dead Letter Offices were to be sent only to Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver depending upon the point of origin and destination. Mail containing valuables that could not be redirected and mail suspected of being illegal or of a fraudulent nature would be forwarded to the Dead Letter Office in Ottawa. The exhibit won a Large Vermeil at CANPEX 22 in Toronto, 9-12 June. |
1 Fr |
Dead Letter Office Wax Seals & Boxed Registration Handstamps Gary W. Steele (email) |
This exhibit studies the Dead Letter Office (DLO) Wax Seals and Boxed Registration handstamps used only on registered Canadian DLO return envelopes. The exhibit includes several previously unknown, unreported, earliest and latest reported dates. The exhibit won Gold at BNAPEX 2015, Niagara Falls, ON. |
1 Fr |
The Victoria Post Office and Undeliverable Mail 1874 - 1925 Brian C. Plain (email) |
This exhibit shows the handling of undelivered mail by the Victoria post office from 1874 to the discontinuance of the service in the mid-1920s. A variety of posted items, date stamps and regulatory markings illustrate the activity of this office. The exhibit won Vermeil at BNAPEX 2012, Calgary, AB. |
1 Fr |
Epic of Vimy - A Canadian Pilgrimage Don Hedger | |
Explores the voyage of some 6,000 Canadian veterans to participate in the unveiling of the Vimy Ridge monument in France on 26 July 1936. |
3 Fr |
A Postal History of Imperial Oil
Atlantic Perspective Brainard Fitzgerald (email) |
This exhibit traces the formation and growth of Imperial Oil during its first 100 years, from 1880 to 1980, with an Atlantic Canada perspective. It does so using Imperial Oil advertising covers, postcards, and other related postal material. The exhibit won a Vermeil at ORAPEX 2012 in Ottawa and a Silver at BNAPEX 2013 in Charlottetown, PEI. |
5 Fr |
Newfoundland Plate Numbers 1897-1947 John M. Walsh (email) |
This exhibit is a comprehensive study of Newfoundland postage stamps whose printing plates have a plate number engraved on the outer edge of the plate. It contains discoveries resulting from the exhibitor's original research. The exhibit won Gold at BNAPEX 2000 Shaumburg, IL. |
5 Fr |
Newfoundland Royal Family 1897-1901 Jean-Claude Michaud (email) |
The Royal Family Issue of 1897-1901 consisted of eight stamps, including two colour changes. This exhibit shows the evolution of the stamps and their usage. It is organized in six sections: 1) die proofs, 2) plate proofs, 3) specimen overprints, 4) issued stamps including single usages, 5) multiple/mixed usages, and 6) E. R. Krippner Patriotic covers. The exhibit was displayed at BNAPEX 2023 Halifax where it won Gold. |
1 Fr |
The 1¢ Newfoundland "Heap of Cod" Stamp 1932-1949 Anthony Thompson (email) |
The exhibit examines the Newfoundland 1932-1949 1¢ Heap of Cod definitive. It looks at the dies, printers, plates, watermarks, perforation, and usage. This exhibit won Gold and the Grand award for the BNAPS best one-frame exhibit at NOVAPEX 2010, Dartmouth, NS, 24-26 September. It was exhibited in the Champion of Champions category at APS AmeriStamp Expo 2011, Charleston, SC, February 11-13, where it received a Prix d'Honneur award. |
1 Fr |
Blitz Stamps of Newfoundland Clarence A. Stillions (email) |
A small subgroup of the last Industrial Issue of Newfoundland, the 2¢, 3¢, 4¢, and 5¢, are known used prior to their first recorded printing by Waterlow & Sons in February 1942. These are known as the Blitz Stamps and examples of all are shown. Except for the 5¢ Caribou, they can only be distinguished from subsequent Waterlow printings by dated examples or from dated covers. This exhibit won a Vermeil at BNAPS 2013 in Charlottetown, PEI. |
Finding Images for Marler ... and Beyond (html) - William G. Burden
Provides detailed images (over 2,000 of them as of October 2021) of re-entries, retouches, and
other plate flaws on Admiral stamps. Accompanying each image is a description (taken from Marler
for re-entries and retouches described by Marler) and, where known, the plate position and Marler
design type. All the text fields are searchable. If you have discovered a constant plate
variety on an Admiral stamp and are curious about whether it has been reported previously or you
want to plate it, here is a great resource.
Canada's Picture PostageTM (html) - Darlene Burt
Website devoted to Canada's Picture PostageTM stamps. Has many illustrations going
back to when the stamps were first issued. Includes Greetings stamps dating back to 1994 and
the 2003 Alaska Cruise stamps. Also includes Canada Post Commemorative Envelopes and Picture
PostageTM first day covers.
The Canadian Advanced Posting Service 1926-1949 (html) - P. Charles Livermore
Christmas cards posted early in December would receive special
cancels and be delivered just before Christmas.
Thanks for the Smokes (html) - P. Charles Livermore
Canada - World War II overseas tobacco distribution scheme.
Evolution of Air Mail - Toronto, Canada - From Biplane to Jet (html) - Neil Hunter
Posted on the
Canadian Aerophilatelic Society website.
Toronto Postal History (html) - P. Charles Livermore
Peterborough's Transorma Sorting Marks (html) - P. Charles Livermore
High tech mail sorting machine installed in Peterborough, ON, in 1955.
Slides of the Robert H. Pratt Newfoundland collection (html) - Robert H. Pratt.
The 4,000 plus slides of the Pratt Newfoundland collection owned by the Collectors Club of Chicago
and digitized by BNAPS were assembled by subject matter and stamp issue into approximately 30 pdf
files by John M. Walsh with assistance from Andrew L. Winter. Besides Newfoundland, there are two
files of Canadian material covering the early issues and revenue stamps.
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The documents on this website are for informational and non-commercial or personal use only.
Documents on this website shall not be used on other websites or for
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This page was last modified on 2025-03-23.