Online Resources and Exhibits

New submissions to the ORE

BNAPS welcomes worthwhile new contributions to the Online Resources and Exhibits (ORE) area of its website. Submissions can be articles or exhibits as described in the About ORE page. If you would like to submit a contribution, send an email describing it to the ORE Committee.

Contributor's responsibilities

The contributor must:

  1. Be the author of the article or own the exhibit.
  2. Provide a statement giving BNAPS permission to present the article or exhibit on its website.
  3. Prepare a brief note describing the contribution. For exhibits, include any recognition or awards it may have received at stamp exhibitions.
  4. Agree to the copyright provisions as currently posted on BNAPS web pages. Contributors retain the copyright for the documents posted, and agree that viewers can use them for non-commercial, personal use.
  5. Agree that BNAPS can post the contribution for an indefinite period of time.
  6. Inform BNAPS of any prior publication of the contribution, and obtain the publisher's permission that BNAPS can post it on the BNAPS website.

Submission guidelines

  1. Contributions must pertain to BNA philately.
  2. The BNAPS ORE Committee will evaluate contributions based on the relevance of the subject matter and the existence of similar contributions already posted on the BNAPS website.
  3. Contributors can elect to post the exhibit under their own name or a nom de plume.
  4. Contributors can choose to have their email address posted so that viewers can send them questions or comments. Alternatively, viewers can send comments to the ORE Committee, which will forward them to the contributor.
  5. Contributions can be submitted as plain text, Microsoft Word, Corel WordPerfect, Microsoft PowerPoint, or pdf files. Illustrations should be submitted as separate files in a standard image format (jpeg, tif, etc.). Exhibits can be submitted as one or more pdf files, depending upon file size. In addition, each page of the exhibit can be submitted as a jpeg file.
  6. File size is important. Large files can take a long time to download if the viewer has a slow Internet connection.
  7. Contact the ORE Committee before submitting your files.
  8. The ORE Committee will convert contributions into the format required to post them on the BNAPS website.

Copyright © 2015 - 2025 The British North America Philatelic Society.
The documents on this website are for informational and non-commercial or personal use only.
Documents on this website shall not be used on other websites or for commercial purposes without permission.

This page was last modified on 2021-01-18