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Book cover illustration

Catalogue of Canadian Hunting and Fishing Revenue Stamps

Clayton Rubec and Dale Stover
Released September 2015.
174 pages, 8.5x11, spiral bound.
B&W C$ 21.00 [ISBN 978-1-927119-52-5].

Since 1964 the Canadian provinces and territories have collectively issued at least 4532 hunting and fishing revenue stamps. Until now awareness of the existence of these stamps has remained quite limited, mainly within the hunting and fishing communities and to a few collectors of Canadian Revenues. With this extensive catalogue that situation no longer exists.

Clayton Rubec retired from Environment Canada in 2008 after 34 years of public service. His professional career included national program implementation and inter-governmental missions to many nations related to wildlife habitat conservation treaties, science and policy. He has written two other BNAPS books, The Hunting, Fishing and Conservation Stamps of Canada, a precursor to this volume, and Canada and Newfoundland Wartime Ration Books and Coupons.

Dale Stover, retired after 32 years of service as a public school art teacher in Illinois, has collected Canadian and American hunting and fishing stamps for over 30 years.

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