Application Payment

If you wish more information, please email the Secretary.

If you prefer, the mailing address is:
Christopher J. Ellis
BNAPS Secretary
62 Bruce Street
London ON N6C 1G6

BNAPS Online Membership Application

Are you already a member of BNAPS?

If so, please do NOT use this form for your membership dues renewal.
Click "Member Login" (or "Get Password" if you haven't logged in before).


Online Membership Application Form

(To apply by mail, download the PDF form)

indicates a required field.


First name
Last name

Under 18?

If you are under the age of 18, you must provide the name of an adult BNAPS member to act as sponsor and financial guarantor. If you are under 18, please provide the following information:
Year of birth
Name of sponsor (must be a BNAPS member)
Sponsor's BNAPS membership number


Address - line 2
Postal/zip code
Required only for countries with a postal code
Cell phone

Alternate email

Interests and Associations

Principal collecting interests

Have you ever been suspended, rejected or expelled by a philatelic organization?
If the answer is yes, please submit details in writing to the Secretary either by mail or by email (both found at left).

Membership Fees

If you choose to pay by cash or cheque, please mail payment to the Secretary (address at left). Make cheques payable to "BNAPS".

If you choose to pay by PayPal, when you click the "Submit Application" button at the bottom of this application, a new form with a PayPal link will be displayed.
1 or 3-year membership 1-year 3-year
Payment method Cash Cheque PayPal
Jan-Mar: one-year membership

Specify your country to get your membership dues.

The dues schedule is given below.

1. The three-year membership includes a discount of roughly 10%.
2. The membership year corresponds to the calendar year.
3. The dues for Oct-Dec also includes the dues for the following year.
4. UK residents may pay in pounds sterling or the amount in Canadian dollars listed in the "Other" column.
MonthOne year membership Three year membership
US $
US $
Jan-Mar $35.00 $30.00 ₤26.00 $40.00 $94.50 $81.00 ₤70.25 $108.00
Apr-Jun $26.25 $22.50 ₤19.50 $30.00 $89.25 $76.50 ₤66.25 $102.00
Jul-Sep $17.50 $15.00 ₤13.00 $20.00 $80.50 $69.00 ₤60.00 $92.00
Oct-Dec $43.75 $37.50 ₤32.50 $50.00 $103.50 $88.50 ₤77.00 $118.00

Study Groups

The BNAPS Study Groups are formed by members that share similar collecting interests. Group members share information, exchange opinions, and report new discoveries. Many Groups publish their own newsletter devoted to the Group's findings.

You may join as many Study Groups as you wish. Groups may charge a nominal fee to defray operating expenses. This fee is separate from the BNAPS membership fee and is paid directly to the Study Group. BNAPS will pay a new member's first year fee to one Study Group.

Please check the Study Groups you would like to get information about from the list below.
Air Mail
British Columbia Postal History
Dead Letter Office
Digital Philately
Elizabethan II
Fakes and Forgeries
Fancy Cancel and Miscellaneous Markings
First Day Covers
George VI
Large and Small Queens
Map Stamp
Military Mail
Postal Stationery
Railway Post Offices
Re-entries and Constant Plate Varieties
Squared Circle Cancels
World War II
A Study Group is needed on
I am willing to help start it?

Regional Groups

BNAPS Regional Groups throughout the United States and Canada meet periodically throughout the year. At these meetings, collectors of BNA stamps and postal history discuss their philatelic interests, exchange material, and share their enthusiasm for BNA philately.

To receive information about the Regional Group closest to you, check the appropriate Group below.
Alberta (Alberta, Saskatchewan)
Atlantic Provinces (NS, NB, PEI, Newfoundland & Labrador)
Dixie Beavers (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee)
Golden Horseshoe (Southern Ontario, western New York, eastern Michigan and northern Ohio)
Golden West (California, Arizona, Nevada)
Lower Canada / Bas Canada (Quebec)
Manitoba-Northwestern Ontario (Manitoba, northern Ontario, Minnesota, North and South Dakota)
Mid-Atlantic (Virginia, West Virginia, DC, Delaware, Maryland)
Midwest (Indiana, western Michigan, Minnesota, Illinois, Wisconsin, Kansas, Iowa, and Nebraska)
Northeastern (Connecticut, New Jersey, New York, Maine, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont, Massachusetts)
Pacific Northwest (British Columbia, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, Alaska, Yukon)
Prairie Beaver (Texas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana)
St. Lawrence Seaway (Eastern Ontario, western Quebec)
I would like to see a Regional Group in
I am willing to help start it?

Submit application

How did you learn about BNAPS
Other source


Copyright © 2015 - 2025 The British North America Philatelic Society.
The documents on this website are for informational and non-commercial or personal use only.
Documents on this website shall not be used on other websites or for commercial purposes without permission.

This page was last modified on 2025-03-22.