BNAPS Youth Program

Norris “Bob” Dyer Youth Scholarship

To honour the memory of Bob Dyer who promoted youth philately within BNAPS for many years, BNAPS is sponsoring the Norris “Bob” Dyer $1,000 Youth Scholarship. The Scholarship helps to defray the costs for a young stamp collector to attend the APS Annual Summer Seminar on Philately at the American Philatelic Center in Bellefonte, Pennsylvania. It is awarded annually, and is administered by the American Philatelic Society (APS).

The Scholarship is awarded to young stamp collectors who are residents of the United States or Canada. Applicants must be between the ages of 18 and 24 as of 1 June of the year the Scholarship is awarded.

2022 applications

In 2022, the Annual Summer Seminar on Philately, planned for in-person presentation on 19-23 June, has been replaced by online presentations. To learn more about the Seminar, click on the button below.

The deadline to apply for the 2022 Norris “Bob” Dyer Youth Scholarship was 1 March.

BNAPS Youth Projects

Norris (Bob) Dyer, BNAPS Youth Program Coordinator, 2005 to 2013

In 2005, the BNAPS Board of Directors was inspired to establish funding for a new program to encourage children and young adults (up to 18 years of age) to pursue our wonderful hobby of philately. The ultimate goal was that the young philatelists would continue to collect when they become adults. It was also expected that the new program would foster positive feelings in the philatelic community about BNAPS as there did not seem to be a similar organization providing cash grants.

During 2006-2009, 60 cash grants were awarded, averaging about $300 each, and about 80,000 free stamps distributed. Fiscal constraints, however, dictated that grants could no longer be given starting in 2010. The program continued with an increased emphasis on distribution of stamps and some supplies, as well as sponsoring philatelic contests for youth.

Starting in 2010, the program became self-funding, using contributions by BNAPS members and other philatelists interested in youth philately. A 2011 contest asked for lesson plans that could be used by classroom teachers. $500 in stipends were awarded. The 2012 contest solicited youth to submit an example of a postage stamp with patriotic importance, with a short essay explaining that importance. $160 was awarded in prizes along with packets of stamps. Also, between 2010-2013, 155,000 additional free stamps were provided along with miscellaneous stamp supplies and mini-albums. That means about 235,000 free stamps were given away between 2006-2013.

U.S.P.S. postal rates from the U.S. (where the stamps have been housed) to Canada led to another refocusing of the program in mid-2013. The emphasis is now on establishing joint programs with other accredited philatelic and educational organizations to support youth philately, with available contributions helping to fund these. The activities could be outreach programs or contests such as those conducted in 2011 and 2012.

Here are examples of some projects that took place during the 2006-2009 period. They point out the types of youth-related activities BNAPS likes to support. We still do so.

The 2006 Program

  1. Spellman Museum of Stamps and Postal History, MA
    Staff from the museum visit local schools to put on extensive stamp programs. They normally charge $3 per student to cover their overhead. They also charge $3 per student to put on activities for educational programs at the museum. The BNAPS grant allowed free tuition for 100 students.

  2. Brantford Junior Stamp Club, Ontario
    The Brantford Stamp Club decided to restart a youth program after a 50-year absence. They anticipated an attendance of 15-20. Our grant supplemented a contribution from the senior club, and helped to pay for equipment and a new stamp catalogue. George Speers, who coordinates the club, sent a detailed list of club goals and month-by-month program activities for the club that would be a good model for any junior club. Speers joined BNAPS as a result of the program.

The 2007 Program

  1. Stamp Camp USA
    "Just want to extend my appreciation as well for the grant funding ... We will be getting the supplies and using them immediately with our upcoming camps. Thanks to you, and all those responsible. We truly appreciate it."

    "Thanks to BNAPS for the financial help for the Youth Table at the recent NOVAPEX 2007. The Vario sheets were a great success. The children enjoyed getting sophisticated additions for their collecting habits."

The 2008 Program

  1. Postal History Foundation
    Funds were used to purchase a children's rug imprinted with a map of the United States, along with materials providing enlarged stamps (statehood, flags, and state flowers/birds) for kids to Velcro onto the matching state.

  2. Fitch Middleschool Stamp Club
    Funds paid for a bus to Philatelic Show 2008 in Boxsborough. "Thirty-one students made the trip ... My kids put in a dozen exhibits ... Several boys won prizes for exhibits - one on Boy Scouting and the other on wild animals. Girls also won prizes, both for exhibits and in a competition in the Youth Area."

The 2009 Program

  1. Don Shorting
    Funds were provided for prizes, ribbons, plaques, etc. for winners of Don's annual First Day Cover Design Contest. During the 2008-2009 school year, 112 student from four elementary schools submitted entries.

  2. St. Louis Stamp Expo (scheduled for early 2010)
    Funds were provided for stock pages and hinges for collector bags which will be handed out to an estimated 350+ elementary school children brought in by Stamp Expo buses.

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This page was last modified on 2022-04-04