A popular activity within BNAPS are the many study groups (listed below) that afford members the opportunity to communicate with other members sharing similar interests. Most groups publish their own newsletter in which group members can exchange opinions, ask questions, and report findings. The information published in study group newsletters can lead to the production of specialized handbooks by the BNAPS Publications Committee.
Many study groups meet at BNAPEX, the Annual Convention of the Society. Each group has its own elected officers and minimal dues, which help to cover printing and distribution of the newsletters.
Membership in BNAPS entitles you to apply for membership in as many study groups as you wish, with the first year's dues for one group provided free of charge by the Society.
NOTE: back issues of some study group newsletters are available at this location.
23 Mar 2025
Details updated: 10 Mar 2025
Digital Philately
Digital Philately Study Group meeting. Starts at 4PM Pacific or 7PM Eastern
How we view stamps at home, at a stamp club or at a bourse has its own unique challenges. Digital microscopy can help tremendously in all of these settings and is surprisingly affordable. There are a wide range of tools available for purchase but for most of us the real difficulty is figuring out what to buy. This session will help tease out some of the pros and cons about many of the available digital imaging tools available. Dr Darin Cherniwchan is the Chair of the BNAPS Digital Philately Study Group and will lead this session that is bound to change the way you look, literally, at your collection.
To get the link for the meeting, contact Darin at the email below.
Newsletter: British Columbia Postal History Newsletter
Frequency: quarterly
Newsletter: The Canadian Dead Letter Office
Newsletter: Fancy Cancel & Miscellaneous Markings Newsletter
What Newfoundland collecting is about!!
Newsletter: The Newfoundland Newsletter
Newsletter: Postal Stationery Notes
About the Study Group and RPO collecting
Newsletter: The Newsletter of the Canadian R.P.O. Study Group
Some study groups are currently dormant. They were active for a period of time, and published newsletters that are available online (see links below). If you have an interest in an area covered by one of these study groups and would like to help reactivate it, please contact the Vice-President Study Groups, Ronald F. Smith (email).
This Study Group exists to encourage discussion of an often-overlooked aspect of philately - the ephemeral materials that support the stamp issues and postal history of BNA and Canada. From postal bags to order forms, from new issue announcements to Christmas cards from Canada Post executives - we're looking for it or discussing its importance.
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This page was last modified on 2024-12-20.