This page lists the BNAPS study groups, both active and dormant, and provides a convenient set of links to resources the groups have provided. The resources include:
Some study groups were active for a period of time, but are currently dormant. Dormant groups that published newsletters are listed below if the newsletters are available online. These groups have a "D" preceding their name.
Some study groups eventually merged with another group. These groups have an "M" preceding their name.
For more information about a study group or to join one, refer to the
Study Groups page. If you would like
a new study group in your collecting area or would like to re-activate a dormant group, contact
the Vice-President Study Groups by email:
Ron Smith,
The newsletters are copyrighted by individual study groups. Individual articles are copyrighted by the author.
Copyright © 2015 - 2025 The British North America Philatelic Society.
The documents on this website are for informational and non-commercial or personal use only.
Documents on this website shall not be used on other websites or for
commercial purposes without permission.
This page was last modified on 2025-03-15