BNAPS actively encourages the publication of new books on suitable subjects in BNA philately through its Handbooks and Exhibit series which are produced by the Publications Committee. For more information on having books published, please contact the Book Department Coordinator, Mike Street email.


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Recent Book Releases

All the books released during the past 12 months are listed below.
Use the Search Books feature above to find all books published on any subject or any era of interest.
To order a book from the BNAPS books Sales Agent, Bill Longley, click on the book's price.

Book cover illustration

First Day Covers of the 1946 Canada King George VI Peace Issue

Donald J. LeBlanc
Released December 2024. 222 pages, 8.5" x 11", spiral.
Colour C$ 53.00 [ISBN 978-1-989280-48-5].

Shortly before his passing in July 2024, the late Donald J. LeBlanc completed the third and final volume of his series on Canadian First Day Covers, First Day Covers of the 1946 Canada King George VI Peace Issue.

Celebrating the end of World War II, in September 1946 Canada released a new set of high-value definitive stamps to replace the 1942 King George VI War Issue set. The new stamps showed different aspects of life in peacetime Canada.

Because of the large number of cachets, ...

Book cover illustration

The Philatelic History of Kingston, Ontario, from 1673 to the Present Day

Curated by Chris Anstead and Chris Hargreaves
Released November 2024. 220 pages, 8.5" x 11", spiral.
Colour C$ 53.00 [ISBN 978-1-989280-47-8].

Mike Street, Coordinator of the BNAPS Book Department, believes that, of the over 300 book titles BNAPS has published to date, The Philatelic History of Kingston, Ontario, from 1673 to the Present Day is the most colourful. Almost all normal competitive exhibits are focused on a particular type of material, and tend to be similar in many aspects such as colour and shape. The pages of the Kingston exhibit come from 40+ contributors. The diversity of contributors and their contributions ... Read more...

Book cover illustration

The Second Canadian Military Postal History Anthology

H.M. (Mike) Street, editor/compiler
Released October 2024. 272 pages, 8.5" x 11", spiral.
Colour C$ 57.00 [ISBN 978-1-989280-46-1].

A Canadian Military Postal History Anthology, published in 1991, was 250 pages in length. Interest in Canadian Military Mail has continued to be strong, resulting in a second, 272-page, anthology. The 44 articles, written by 21 authors, in the second anthology cover the period from 1897 to 1997.

There are several Boer War articles, more than a dozen from World War I, a larger number from World War II, plus a few from the Korean War and the post WW II peace-keeping era.

Subjects ...

Book cover illustration

The Centennial Definitives of Canada, 1967 to 1973

Douglas Irwin
Released July 2024. 170 pages, 8.5×11, Coil.
Colour C$ 57.00 [ISBN 978-1-989280-43-0].

The Centennial Definitives of Canada, 1967 to 1973 exhibit is divided into two parts: the basic adhesive stamps and supplementary categories, including the varieties, booklet pane covers, cello-paq envelopes, tagged stamps, regular issue postal and special-order stationery, followed by extensive coverage of Centennial postal history. One feature of the exhibit is the imaginative way the author has chosen to display some of the material.

Doug Irwin has been collecting and exhibiting ...

Ordering Books

BNAPS would like to thank Sparks Auctions and Ian Kimmerly Stamps for their strong support of the BNAPS publications program since 2004. The great assistance of Brian Wolfenden over that time is especially appreciated.

BNAPS is pleased to announce that Bill Longley is the new sales agent and distributor of BNAPS books as of 1 October 2019.

BNAPS books are available from:

Bill Longley
c/o Longley Auctions
PO Box 620
Waterdown, ON L0R 2H0

To browse through the BNAPS books on the Longley Auctions website, go to:

The price quoted for each book is the retail price in Canadian dollars.

Shipping is extra. Credit card orders (Visa, MasterCard) will be billed for the exact amount of shipping plus C$2 per order. For payment by cheque or money order, please first contact Bill Longley. Applicable taxes will be charged for orders delivered in Canada.

Please note: prices shown are current as of the posting of the book descriptions. While every effort will be made to keep prices on this website up to date, the price quoted on the Bill Longley website will apply to all orders.

New Books - Email Notification

"BNAPS Books" is an email list for announcements about philatelic literature titles published by the British North America Philatelic Society and sold through the BNAPS Book Department, which is managed by Bill Longley of Waterdown, ON. This mailing list is managed by the BNAPS Book Department and is separate from any mailing list(s) operated by Bill Longley as part of his stamp business, Longley Auctions.

This list is for book announcements only; it is not a discussion list. We anticipate sending a maximum of 3 to 4 emails per year to subscribers.

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The documents on this website are for informational and non-commercial or personal use only.
Documents on this website shall not be used on other websites or for commercial purposes without permission.

This page was last modified on 2025-02-24.

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