To acknowledge the philatelic endeavours of BNAPS members and their success in exhibiting BNA material, we list the awards they have won.
The listing covers exhibit awards for BNA exhibits and BNA literature at National exhibitions in Canada and the United States and FIP-sponsored International exhibitions. It also covers non-exhibit awards that recognize the philatelic achievements of members.
Many exhibitions use a points-based system to evaluate exhibits. A number after a medal is the number of points the exhibit was awarded.
If you think we've missed any, let us know. Contact Adri Veenstra (email: who compiled the listings.
Nationals - U.S. and Canada | International - FIP | BNAPS | Totals | ||||||
Award Level | Single Frame |
Multi Frame |
Lit. | Single Frame |
Multi Frame |
Lit. | Single Frame |
Multi Frame |
All Exhibits |
Large Gold | 3 | 13 | 1 | 2 | 19 | ||||
Gold | 5 | 8 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 11 | 28 | ||
Large Vermeil | 5 | 6 | 1 | 1 | 13 | ||||
Vermeil | 1 | 3 | 2 | 7 | 14 | 27 | |||
Large Silver | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 5 | ||||
Silver | 7 | 3 | 10 | ||||||
Silver-Bronze | 1 | 1 | 2 | ||||||
Bronze | 2 | 2 | |||||||
Totals | 16 | 31 | 1 | 2 | 4 | 5 | 17 | 30 | 106 |
Not included in the table are World Stamp Championship and Champion of Champions exhibits and non-exhibit awards.
2023 saw a total of 106 BNA exhibits by BNAPS members, an encouraging 25% jump over 2021 when stamp shows were struggling with COVID. The 2022 numbers were exceptional because of CAPEX 22. The all-time pre-COVID high was 157 in 2018. With 47 exhibits, BNAPEX 2023 Halifax set a record at a BNAPS convention, edging out BNAPEX 2018 Quebec by 1. Compared to pre-COVID numbers, there was an excellent showing at the International level, but a drop at the National level.
The quality of the exhibits was higher than ever. Almost 45% won Gold or Large Gold, an impressive showing. Irrespective of medal standing, all the exhibits represent years of collecting, extensive research, and intense efforts to write up and mount. Without the dedication and hard work of the exhibitors, there would be no exhibitions. We thank the 70 BNAPS members who displayed the BNA exhibits that viewers have been able to study and admire.
Note that the number of Large Gold, Large Vermeil, and Large Silver medals is understated because some shows, BNAPEX among them, do not distinguish between these medals and Gold, Vermeil, and Silver ones. Most Nationals and Internationals judge exhibits using a points system. For multi-frame exhibits, the medal awarded to the exhibit is based on the point count. Single frame exhibits are not awarded medals; however, to compile the summary table above, a medal level was determined using the multi-frame point count. Another complication: the mapping from point count to medal level is different for International and National exhibitions. For example, an International exhibit must earn 95 to 100 points to get a Large Gold, whereas a National exhibit earning 90 to 100 points gets the same medal.
BNAPS sponsors several special BNA exhibit awards at National and Regional shows in Canada and the U.S. The awards include: Best BNA exhibit, Best BNA One Frame, Best Researched BNA, Best BNA 2 to 4 Frame, and the John D. Arn White Queen Award for best BNA Elizabethan exhibit. For more information on these awards, contact the BNAPS Awards Coordinator, whose email address is given under "Appointed Officials".
The RPSC, PHSC, PSSC, and other specialist societies also sponsor special awards. And shows have their own special awards to recognize best-in-class exhibits.
This compilation does not include non-BNA exhibits by BNAPS members or BNA exhibits by non-members. Some exhibits may figure more than once in the awards tabulation because they were displayed at more than one show.
Non-exhibit Awards | ||
Award | Member | Notes |
RPSC Geldert Medal | Andrew Chung | Best article in The Canadian Philatelist in 2023: "The Floral Emblems and Coats of Arms of the Provinces and Territories Canada 1964 to 1966" (published in Vol. 74, No. 6, Nov.-Dec. 2023, pp. 258-279) |
Non-exhibit Awards | ||
Award | Member | Notes |
Elected as a Fellow of the RPSL | Ed Kroft | |
Elected as a Fellow of the RPSL | David McLaughlin | |
Multi-frame | ||
Award | Exhibitor | Exhibit |
World Stamp Championship/entry | David McLaughlin | The Maple Leaf Issue of Canada 1897-1898 |
Large Silver/78 | Michael Croy | The History of Canadian Aviation and Pioneer Airmail |
Single Frame | ||
Award | Exhibitor | Exhibit |
Large Vermeil/88 | John McEntyre | 1876: First Canadian Weights and Measures Revenue Issues |
Literature | ||
Award | Exhibitor | Exhibit |
Large Silver/76 | Yohann Tanguay | The Brigham Estate, Province of Canada Part I |
Multi-frame | ||
Award | Exhibitor | Exhibit |
Large Gold/90 | Richard S. Wilson | Dominion of Canada Law Stamps |
Single Frame | ||
Award | Exhibitor | Exhibit |
Champion of Champions/entry | Patrick Durbano | Department of Finance 5-Hole OHMS Perfin Mail 1923-1939 |
Literature | ||
Award | Exhibitor | Exhibit |
Large Gold/90, literature Reserve Grand | Chris Hargreaves, Editor | The Airmails of Canada and Newfoundland (2nd Edition) |
Multi-frame | ||
Award | Exhibitor | Exhibit |
Large Gold/93, BNAPS Best BNA Exhibit, PHSC Best BNA Postal History Exhibit | Charles Girard | British North America Rate Handstamps |
Large Gold/90, BNAPS Best Researched BNA Award | David McLaughlin | Canada: 100 Years of Householder Mail 1889-1989 |
Large Gold/90, APS Research Award Medal and Ribbon | Brian Murphy | Canada’s External Mail, 1873 - 24 December 1898 |
Gold/86, PSSC Research Award | Chris Ellis | Humanistic Philately: Canada Stationery Post Card Advertising Series |
Gold/86, Jury's Choice Award | John Hall | Gasoline Rationing on the Home Front |
Gold/85 | Doug Irwin | 1950 King George VI Definitive Issue of Canada - Original Design |
Single Frame | ||
Award | Exhibitor | Exhibit |
Large Gold/92, Single Frame Grand Award, RPSC Award for Excellence - Title Page/Synopsis, BNAPS Best BNA One Frame Exhibit | Gary Steele | Ottawa Dead Letter Office Hand Stamps – 1872-1898 Decentralization |
Large Gold/92, APS Postal History Medal | Derek Smith | New Brunswick Postage Rates “Cents Issue” – 1860-1868 |
Gold/87, John D. Arn White Queen Award | Doug Irwin | The 15¢ “Bylot Island” Centennial Definitive of Canada. The Stamp and Single Stamp Uses |
Gold/87, CAS Best Airmail Exhibit | Gary Steele | Canadian Mail Sent via the Empire Air Mail Scheme 1938-1939 |
Gold/87, APS Post-1980 Medal of Excellence and Ribbon | Bob Anderson | Canada’s Non-Denominated A Stamp 1981-1982 |
Gold/85 | Jean Wang | The Toronto Hospital for Sick Children’s Christmas Appeals to 1926: The Sweetest of All Charities |
Non-exhibit Awards | ||
Award | Member | Notes |
Elected as a Fellow of the RPSC | Hugo Deshaye | |
Elected as a Fellow of the RPSC | Roy W. Houtby | |
Elected as a Fellow of the RPSC | Gregg Redner | |
Non-exhibit Awards | ||
Award | Member | Notes |
Aikens-Hillson Trophy | John M. Walsh | Best article in Maple Leaves in 2023: "Newfoundland: Discovery Measurements to Determine the Size Differences for the Pence Issue Denominations" (published in Vol. 38, No. 2, April 2023, pp. 71-87) |
Single Frame | ||
Award | Exhibitor | Exhibit |
Large Vermeil/82 | Jane Sodero | Milford House - A Rustic Resort in Southwestern Nova Scotia |
Large Vermeil/80 | Allison Cusick | Canada's Golden West: Wheat Farming in Canada's Prairie Provinces Prior to World War I |
Multi-frame | ||
Award | Exhibitor | Exhibit |
Gold, Horace Harrison Grand Award, Meyerson Award, Order of the Beaver Novice Award, J. J. MacDonald Award (local) | Pat Burns | The Nova Scotia Post: Early Mail and Markings |
Gold | John Cooper | The Way Mails of New Brunswick 1800 – 1880 |
Gold | Patrick Durbano | 4-Hole OHMS Perfin Mail to Foreign Destinations (1939-1952) |
Gold | Brainard Fitzgerald | Royal Visit to Canada 1951 |
Gold | Paul Grimm | Squared Circle Postmarks of Nova Scotia |
Gold, Allan Steinhart Reserve Grand Award | Robert Lemire | Revalued Canadian Postal Stationery – Correlation with Rate Changes |
Gold | Claude Michaud | Newfoundland 1897 Royal Family |
Gold, Wilmer Rockett Revenue Award | David Schurman | The Supreme Court Revenue Stamps of Canada |
Gold | Ron Smith | Fancy Cancels during the Small Queen Period: 1870 – 1897 |
Gold, John D. Arn White Queen Award | Jane Sodero | Canada’s 1955 Kayak Hunter |
Gold, Allan Steinhart Reserve Grand Award, Lola Caron Award | Grégoire Teyssier | An Overview of Canadian Continental Postal Rates from 1763 to 1851 through the Quebec City Post Office Window |
Vermeil | Ross Elliot | Varieties, Errors, Oddities, Freaks & Counterfeits from Canada Coil Stamps by CBNC from 6 Cent Centennial to 46 Cent Red |
Vermeil, Ed and Mickey Richardson Award | Doreen Fitzgerald | The Story of Kaulbach Island Local Carriage Service |
Vermeil | Jack Forbes | Canada – 8 Cents Small Queens Combining to Pay Period Postal Rates – 1893 to 1899 |
Vermeil | Luc Frève | Return from the Harvest Field – the Suzor-Côté Commemorative Issue of 1969 |
Vermeil | Jim Graham | The Use of Perforated Postage by Canadian National Railways, Montreal, 1929 – 1966 |
Vermeil | Paul Grimm | Pre-Confederation Postal Markings and Postal History of Halifax, Nova Scotia |
Vermeil | John Hall | Canadian Postal Rates During the War Tax Era – April 15, 1915 – July 1, 1926 |
Vermeil, William G. Robinson Award | George Lafontaine | The Railway System of Prince Edward Island |
Vermeil | Rob Lunn | Alouette: Canada’s Entry into the “Space Race” |
Vermeil | Ronald Majors | Canadian Postal History: North American Rate and Route Study during Decimal Period 1854 – 1868 |
Vermeil, Canadian Military Mail Study Group Award | Peter McCarthy | Identifiable Mail to and from Naval Personnel Serving in Minesweepers Corvettes and Destroyers during World War II: 1939 – 1945 |
Vermeil | Jeff Parks | Canada 1949 – 1951 Definitive Issue |
Vermeil | Grégoire Teyssier | Province of Canada Domestic Letter Rates from 1851 to 1859 through the Quebec City Post Office Window |
Vermeil | Sean Weatherup | The Gilbert Issue of 1933 |
Silver | Dave Bartlet | His and Hers, Long Johns and Corsets |
Silver | Hugh Rathbun | Traditional and Unusual Nova Scotia Postal Markings in a Transitional Era 1867 – 1893 |
Silver | Clarence Stillions | Canada’s Embossed Stamps, 1974 – 1981 |
Silver-Bronze | Robert Lighthouse | Cancellation Destinations and Railway Cancellation Destinations |
Silver-Bronze | Haifa Selo | Canadian Elizabethan Era |
Single Frame | ||
Award | Exhibitor | Exhibit |
Gold | Patrick Durbano | Department of Finance 5-Hole OHMS Perfin Mail |
Gold, Herbert L. McNaught One Frame Award | Mike Powell | The Jacques Cartier Commemorative Issue of 1934 |
Vermeil | Richard Baxter | The 1/2 Cent Quebec Tercentenary – Canada’s Last 1/2 Cent Stamp |
Vermeil | John Cooper | New Brunswick Postal History – The Pence Era 1851 – 1860 |
Vermeil | Doreen Fitzgerald | Visiting Acadia University through the Years |
Vermeil | Peter MacDonald | The 1983 and 1984 "Stick 'n Tick" Labels of Canada |
Vermeil, Canadian Aerophilatelic Society Best Airmail Exhibit | Gary Steele | Canadian Mail Sent via the Empire Air Mail Scheme 1938 – 1939 |
Vermeil | Gary Steele | Ottawa Dead Letter Office Handstamps 1872 to 1898 Decentralization |
Vermeil | Richard Thompson | Three Cents Small Queen 1870 – 1897 |
Silver | Bill Burden | Admiral Plate Flaws – Scratching the Surface |
Silver | John Eldridge | The $1.00 1967 Confederation Issue |
Silver | Robert Elias | The Canadian 6 Cent UPU Letter Rate and Franking |
Silver | Gilles Morel | Jacques Cartier First Cent – 1859 – 1868, A Complete Plate Reconstruction |
Silver | Brian Murphy | Mail Between – and Via – Canada and Japan, 1873 – 1898 |
Silver | Donna Trathen | Canada’s First RCMP Stamp (1935) |
Silver | Klaus Wehlt | Sir Humphrey Gilbert Issue 1933 |
Silver-Bronze | John McEntyre | Study of 20th Century Postcard Rates: Canada to the UK |
Non-exhibit Awards | ||
Award | BNAPS Member | Notes |
Vincent G. Greene Award | Anthony Thompson & John Wiseman | “Canada’s 7¢ ‘bistre’ Admiral and its shades, Part II: Analytical description”, BNA Topics, Vol. 79, No. 4, Oct.-Dec. 2022 |
John S. Siverts Award | Morris Beattie | The BC Postal History Newsletter, British Columbia Postal History Study Group |
Jack Levine Fellowship Award | Jack Forbes (Chairman) & Gary Steele (coordinator) | Atlantic Provinces Regional Group |
E. R. Ritch Toop Memorial Award | Kevin O’Reilly | “The Yukon Motor Machine Gun Battery, Part 2: Two outgoing covers”, BNA Topics, Vol. 79, No. 1, Jan.-Mar. 2022 |
Hall of Fame Award | Gary Dickinson | |
Hall of Fame Award | George Dresser | |
Hall of Fame Award | Adri Veenstra | |
OTB Lifetime Achievement Award | Bill Burden | |
OTB Lifetime Achievement Award | Andrew Chung | |
OTB Lifetime Achievement Award | Kenneth Pugh | |
OTB Lifetime Achievement Award | Wayne Smith | |
Multi-frame | ||
Award | Exhibitor | Exhibit |
Gold/91 | Ian McMahon | Envelopes and Postcards of Canada |
Multi-frame | ||
Award | Exhibitor | Exhibit |
Large Gold/94 | James Allen | The Rise and Fall of the Grand Trunk Railway - The Big Picture |
Large Gold/90 | David Crotty | Canadian Postage Meter Stamps |
Gold/88 | Richard S. Wilson | Newfoundland's 1897 Royal Family and 1908 Map Stamp Issues |
Large Silver/74 | Clarence Stillions | Canada's Embossed Stamps 1974-1981 |
Multi-frame | ||
Award | Exhibitor | Exhibit |
Large Gold/96 | David McLaughlin | The Maple Leaf Issue of Canada 1897-1898 |
Large Gold/95 | Robert Forster | Nova Scotia Colonial Postal History |
Single Frame | ||
Award | Exhibitor | Exhibit |
Gold/90 | John McEntyre | Canada 1934: The Cartier Quadricentenary Stamp |
Literature | ||
Award | Exhibitor | Exhibit |
Large Vermeil/88 | Paul Wijnants | The postal history of the Prince Edward Islands from 1769 till the moment they joined the Canadian confederation in 1873 (book published privately) |
Vermeil/82 | William Burden | Finding Images for Marler...and Beyond (website) |
Vermeil/81 | William Burden | Small Queen Constant Plate Varieties (website) |
Large Silver/76 | Andrew Chung & Robert Vogel | Canada Post Office Replacement and Publicity First Day Covers (book published by BNAPS) |
Multi-frame | ||
Award | Exhibitor | Exhibit |
Large Gold/96, Grand Award, PHSC Best BNA Postal History Exhibit, BNAPS Best BNA Exhibit, APS Award of Excellence (pre 1900) | Brian Murphy | Canada's External Mail, 1873 - 24 December 1898 |
Large Gold/95, PHS Best Postal History, AAPE Award of Excellence-Treatment | Grégoire Teyssier | Canadian Government Official Postmarks, 1841 - 1939 |
Large Gold/92, APS Research Award | John Hall | The Canadian Fiscal War Tax Stamps of World War One |
Large Gold/91, APO Best Show Theme, RPSC Excellence - Title Page / Synopsis, John D. Arn White Queen Award | Robert J. Elias | Use of Canadian Karsh Definitive Stamps |
Large Gold/90, Herbert L. McNaught Best Canadian Traditional, BNAPS Best Researched BNA Exhibit | Douglas Irwin | Canada's Last Airmail Stamp |
Large Gold/90, BNAPS Best BNA Two to Four-Frame Exhibit, APS Award of Excellence (1900-40) | Sean Weatherup | The Colony of Newfoundland - The Gilbert Issue of 1933 |
Large Gold/90 | Raymond Villeneuve | Special Delivery Service between Canada and the United States: 1898-1951 |
Gold/88, APS Award of Excellence (post 1980) | Peter MacDonald | The 1983 and 1984 Stick n Tick Labels of Canada |
Large Vermeil/84 | David Schurman | Rates, Usage and Varieties on Cover During the Cents Issue Era: 1859 - 1868 |
Large Vermeil/82, AAPE Gold Award of Honor | Patrick Durbano | 4-Hole OHMS Perfins: Foreign Destinations |
Large Vermeil/82 | Peter MacDonald | The 1969 Christmas Issue of Canada |
Vermeil/77 | Richard Baxter | Canadian Post Cards of The Edwardian Era and Quebec Tercentenary |
Single Frame | ||
Award | Exhibitor | Exhibit |
Large Gold/91, One Frame Grand, BNAPS Best BNA One-Frame Exhibit | J. Michael Powell | The Jacques Cartier Commemorative Issue of 1934 |
Large Vermeil/82 | Douglas Irwin | King George VI Definitive Issue O.H.M.S. Official Stamps and Their Usage |
Large Vermeil/82, AAPE Creativity Award | John G. McEntyre | Introducing Singular First Day Covers |
Silver-Bronze/62, AAPE Novice Award | John Breukelaar | Constant Plate Varieties on the Nova Scotia 8 1/2 cent Queen Victoria |
Multi-frame | ||
Award | Exhibitor | Exhibit |
Gold/87 | Richard Wilson | Dominion of Canada Law Stamps |
Multi-frame | ||
Award | Exhibitor | Exhibit |
Gold/89, BNAPS Best BNA Exhibit | Robert Forster | Nova Scotia Colonial Postal History |
Multi-frame | ||
Award | Exhibitor | Exhibit |
Gold/87, BNAPS Best BNA Exhibit, PHSC Best BNA Postal History Exhibit | Kevin O'Reilly | Sovereignty, Substances, Small Centres and Subs: Closed Post Offices of the Northwest Territories |
Large Vermeil/83, BNAPS Best Researched BNA Exhibit | Steven Friedenthal | Canada Postage Meters at War |
Large Vermeil/83, RPSC Excellence of Presentation, APS Award of Excellence (pre-1900) | Robert Stock | Advertising Mail as a Window on Regional Social History |
Vermeil/76, BNAPS Best BNA 2 to 4 Frame Exhibit | Bruce Pollock | The Story of a Remarkable Family from the Cowichan Valley of British Columbia |
Large Silver/70, NorthWest Federation of Stamp Clubs Thunderbird Award | David Biltek | Celebrate Indigenous People, Culture, and History |
Large Silver/70 | Barend Wissink | Niagara Falls as Told through Post Cards |
Single Frame | ||
Award | Exhibitor | Exhibit |
Gold/85 | David Biltek | Variations in the Key of ‘G’ |
Vermeil/78 | Dave Bartlet | Hers and His |
Large Silver/72 | Hal Kellett | The Royal Flying Corps Canada 1917-1920 |
Non-exhibit Awards | ||
Award | BNAPS member | Publication |
2022 Col. Robert H. Pratt Award for best English language article, series of articles, book, or electronic presentation related to Newfoundland philately | Robin J. Moore and John M. Walsh | “Newfoundland: Further Exciting Discovery Findings in Design Sizes of Perkins Bacon & Co. 1932 First Resources Issues” in Maple Leaves, Vol. 37, No.8, Oct. 2022 |
Single Frame | ||
Award | Exhibitor | Exhibit |
Large Vermeil/83, AAPE Award of Honor, ATA Medal | Philip J. Stager | The Quebec Bridge |
Non-exhibit Awards | ||
Award | BNAPS member | Notes |
2023 Alfred F. Lichtenstein Memorial Award | Charles Verge | For distinguished service to philately |
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This page was last modified on 2025-03-04