To acknowledge the efforts of BNAPS members and the success they have achieved in exhibiting BNA material, we present information about BNAPS exhibit winners at National exhibitions in Canada and the United States and FIP-sponsored International exhibitions.
Awards are for BNA exhibits and BNA literature. If you think we've missed any, let us know.
Contact Adri Veenstra (email:
The information on this page was provided by Norris (Bob) Dyer.
Nationals - U.S. and Canada | International - FIP | BNAPS | Total | ||||||
Award Level | Single Frame |
Multi Frame |
Lit. | Single Frame |
Multi Frame |
Lit. | Single Frame |
Multi Frame |
All Exhibits |
Gold | 5 | 18 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 6 | 33 | ||
Large Vermeil | |||||||||
Vermeil | 5 | 20 | 9 | 3 | 1 | 10 | 48 | ||
Large Silver | 1 | 1 | |||||||
Silver | 4 | 19 | 4 | 1 | 3 | 7 | 38 | ||
Silver-Bronze | 6 | 8 | 1 | 5 | 20 | ||||
Bronze | 5 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 9 | ||||
Total | 19 | 65 | 24 | 5 | 3 | 4 | 29 | 149 |
The 149 total awards are the highest yearly total since I started recording totals in 2001 and 18% more than last year. Factors that influenced 2005 totals were the new Canadian national show, STAMPEX 2005 in Toronto, and the fact that BNAPEX 2005 was held in Canada this year.
There seems to be a decreasing number of BNAPS exhibits at APS shows. Only 13% of the awards for Nationals were from U.S. shows this year.
In the single frame category, APS has revised its scoring system and eliminated the Platinum level award. Overall, we had only 23 single frame awards compared to 38 in 2004. It appears experimental inclusion of these exhibits at FIP shows is over, also. This category continues to be popular at APS shows which provide separate Grands for them, but does not seem to be of equal interest to those who organize some Canadian national shows.
I know there are many of our members who exhibit at the local or regional level, or even in other countries at non-FIP shows. In every instance, this helps to promote BNA philately, and recruit new members. All exhibitors and those who write on BNA philately should be congratulated. It takes research and a lot of work.
COMPETITION AWARD at CHICAGOPEX2005, Nov. 18-20, 2005, Arlington Heights, IL
Silver: Dale Spiers - Calgary Philatelist (2004-2005)
COMPETITION AWARD AT MILCOPEX2005, September 16-18, 2005, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Gold: Warren S. Wilkinson - New Brunswick and Nova Scotia Postal Rates, July 6, 1851 Thru September 30, 1860
COMPETITION AWARDS AT SESCAL2005, October 7-9, 2005, Los Angeles, CA.
Gold: Jerome V.V. Kasper - SCADTA Postal Stationery
COMPETITION AWARDS AT STAMPEX 2005, October 14-16, 2005, Toronto, ON
This show is a National Show on a trial basis.
Vermeil: R. M. Morris - The Admiral Issue
Vermeil: John Hillmer - The 'Caricature' Issue, 1973-1977
Vermeil, BNAPS Award: John Hillmer - The 'Landscape' Issue, 1972-79
Vermeil: Herb McNaught - The Quebec Tercentenary Issue
Silver: J. Shelton - B.C. & Yukon Law Stamps
Silver: Michael Croy - The Large Queen Issue
Gold, Best Single-Frame Exhibit, Best Canadian Exhibit: Herb McNaught - The Half Cent Small Queen
Vermeil: Garfield Portch - The Half Cent Small Queen
Silver: Fred Fawn - 1898 Map Stamp, Unusual Usage
Bronze: J. Fretwell -An Introduction to the Small Queen Era
Bronze: Joe Janthur - Cancellations on the 3¢ Small Queen
Bronze: G. Green - Postage Due
Bronze: Don Beaumont - Environment Definitives, 1977-87
Vermeil: Stéphane Cloutier - Catalogue of Canadian Duplex Cancellations, Third
Revised Edition
Vermeil: George Arfken - Early Canada Post cards, 1871-1911
Vermeil: Fred Fawn - Canada - Imperial Penny Postage of 1898
Vermeil: Brian T. Stalker - Travelling Post Office Postmarks of Newfoundland and Labrador
Silver: Kenneth A. Kershaw - Plating the Canadian Xmas Stamp of 1898. Vols. 1-3
Silver-Bronze: John D. Arn - Canada - Cameo Definitive Issues
Silver-Bronze: Kenneth V. Ellison - Force "C" -The Canadian Army's Hong Kong Story
Silver-Bronze: Ian McTaggart-Cowan - The Law Stamps of British Columbia and their Uses 1879-1984
Silver-Bronze: Ian McTaggart-Cowan - The Law Stamps of Yukon
Silver-Bronze: Warren S. Wilkinson - British Columbia & Vancouver Island Postal
Colonial Period 1858-1871
Bronze: Kenneth V. Ellison - British Columbia Hotel Covers, 1880 to 1920
Gold: Robin Harris - Unitrade Specialized Catalogue of Canadian Stamps, 2006 Edition
Vermeil: Lyse Rousseau - Darnell - Le Catalogue des timbres du Canada, 11e éd.;
Vermeil: Lyse Rousseau - Darnell - Stamps of Canada Catalogue, 11th Ed., 2005
Vermeil: Lyse Rousseau - Erreurs philatéliques canadiennes - édition spécialisée,
3e éd., 2005
Vermeil: Lyse Rousseau - Canadian Philatelic E.F.O.'s Errors, Freaks & Oddities,
3rd. Ed., 2005
Gold: Gus Knierim - PHSC Journal (Nos. 117-120, 2004)
Vermeil: Maple Leaves (Vols. 28-29, 2003-2005)
Silver: John G. Pebbles - The Canadian Collection (Vol. 18, 2004)
Silver: Léopold Beaudet - The Admiral's Log (Vol. 8, 2004)
Silver-Bronze: Dale Speirs - Calgary Philatelist (Nos. 64-69, 2004)
Silver-Bronze: John T. Anders - The 1898 Christmas Stamp Newsletter (Vol. 4, 2003)
Silver-Bronze: Gary Coates - War Times, Journal of the World War II Study Group
Of BNAPS (Nos. 26-29, 2004-2005)
COMPETITION AWARDS AT VANPEX 2005, November 11-13, 2005, Richmond B.C.
Gold, BNAPSAward: Herb McNaught -Canada - 1908 Quebec Tercentenary Issue
Gold: Gray Scrimgeour - Canadian Picture Postcards of the Numeral Issue Period
Vermeil, PHSC Award: John Burnett - Canada Postal History of the Stamps of 1937-38
Vermeil: William G. Robinson - Canada - Prisoners of War and Internees, 1914-1920
Silver: Mike Painter - Varieties of the 1967-73 Centennials of Canada
Silver: Andrew Scott - Vancouver's North Shore - Post Offices and Postal Markings
Gold: Jon Johnson - Canadian Military Hospitals at Sea
Vermeil: Jon Johnson - South African Military Nursing Service
Silver: Andrew Scott - "Wings" - The Evolution of a Modern Postmark Series in British Columbia
COMPETITION AWARDS AT PACIFIC EXPLORER 2005 ( FIP), April 21-24, 2005, Sydney, Australia
Traditional Philately
Gold (90): Fred Fawn - Canada's Large Queens 1868-1896
Vermeil (84): John McEntyre - The Parliament Stamps of Canada
Vermeil (84): Herb McNaught - Canada -1897 Jubilees
Vermeil (83): John M. Walsh - Newfoundland Plate Numbers 1897-1947
Postal History
Large Silver (75): Alexander M. Clark - Early Postmarks of Nova Scotia
Vermeil (83): John M. Walsh - Newfoundland Specialized Stamp Catalogue, 2002
Silver (70): David Handelman - AR - Avis de' Reception
Silver-Bronze (68): David Handelman - BNA Topics 2003
COMPETITION AWARDS AT BNAPEX 2005, September 2-4, 2005, Edmonton, AB
Gold, Harrison Grand: Vic Willson - Postal History and Usages of Canada Post Card
Gold, Steinhart Reserve Grand & Meyerson Newfoundland Award: Kevin O'Reilly -
A Pre-Confederation Postal History of Labrador
Gold, Meyerson Provinces Award: Warren Wilkinson - Prince Edward Island Postal Rates 1851-1873
Gold: Nickle Military Award: Pete Gray - Canadian Internment Camps in WWII
Gold: Herb McNaught - The 1908 Quebec Tercentenary Issue
Gold: David Piercey - Newfoundland: The Postal Issues 1865-1908
Vermeil: Rockett Revenue Award: Ian Mowat - Yukon Revenue 1899-1962
Vermeil: John Burnett - The Postal History of the Issues of 1937-1938
Vermeil: Marc Eisenberg - Study of Canadian Victorian 2-Cents Post Card Rates
Vermeil: Steven Luciuk - Remembering the Korean War: 1950-1955
Vermeil: Dean Mario - Selected Newfoundland "Paid All" and "Postage Paid" Markings: 1897-1947
Vermeil: Brian Stalker - Mail by Rail in 19th Century Newfoundland
Vermeil: Harry Voss - Canadian Re-Entries 1852-1953
Vermeil: Ken Ellison - Japanese Internment in Canada 1941-1946
Vermeil, Best Junior Award: Kelly Liusz - Christmas in Canada
Vermeil, Best Junior Award: Jared Barron - Maple Leaf Stamps of Canada
Silver, Richardson Research Award plus felicitations: Susan Sheffield - Inside Out:
German Prisoner-of-War Camp 20 Gravenhurst
Silver, Best Novice Award: David Brown - The Search for Gold: Airmail History of
Northwestern Ontario
Silver: Barry Brown - What the Canadian Public Saw As Revenue Promotion/Collection
for WWII
Silver: Earle Covert - Not All the Mail Get Through Uneventfully
Silver: David Sessions - The Arch Issue, 1930
Silver: Joe Smith - Golden Prairie Diamonds
Silver: Orrin Esau - Got a Nickel?
Silver-Bronze: Earle Covert - Tobacco Duty Paids - The Last 30 Years
Silver-Bronze: Robert Lane - Mail by Rail on Both Sides of the Manitoba/USA Border
Silver-Bronze: Steven Luciuk - Military Conflict and Saskatchewan: North West
Uprising to the Cold War, 1885-1966
Silver-Bronze: John Gordon - Town Cancels on 1897-98 8-Cents Victoria Leaf Issue
Silver-Bronze: Russell Sampson - A Selection of Canadian Perfins on the Edward VII Issue
Bronze: Clinton Phillips - Canada and the United States Connection
Gold, Best Single Frame Award: Herb McNaught - The Half-Cent Small Queen Issue
Of 1882-1897
Silver, plus felicitations: Robert Elias - Paper Texture of Canadian Wilding Definitives
Silver: Jon Johnson - Mail from the South Africa Military Nursing Service (S.A.M.N.S.)
Silver: Gary Steele - 1897 One Cent Jubilee
Induction into the Order of the Beaver - Bill Pawluk
Hall of Fame Award - Mike Street
Hall of Fame Award - John Walsh
Hall of Fame Award - Andy Ellwood
Siverts Award for Best Newsletter - Ross Gray
Vincent G. Greene Award for Best BNA Topics Article (2004 year) - Colin Lewis for
"Newfoundland - Oporto Mail 1810-1865"
Jack Levine Fellowship Award - Cecil & June Coutts, Pacific Northwest Regional Group
Jack Levine Fellowship Award - David Piercey, Edmonton Regional Group
Additional non-jury awards will be added shortly.
COMPETITION AWARDS AT APS STAMPSHOW2005, August 4-7, 2005, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Champion of Champions
Prix d'honneur: Fred Fawn - Canada - Imperial Penny Postage 1898
Multi-frame Exhibits:
Vermeil: Ray Simrak - Canadian Pioneer and Semi-Official Air Mail
Single Frame
Gold: Ray Simrak - The SCADTA System from Canada to Columbia South America
ROPEX 2005, June 10-12, 2005, Webster, NY
Grand, Gold and BNAPS Award: Fred Fawn - Canada-Imperial Penny Postage 1898
Gold: Kimber A. Wald - Canada 1927 Historical and Confederation Anniversary Issues
Gold: Louis O. Fiset - Japanese Canadians in World War II
Grand, Gold and BNAPS Award: Kimber A Wald - Canada 1927 Historical and Confederation Anniversary Issues
Reserve Grand, Gold: Derek Smith - Transatlantic Stampless Covers - to 1859
Gold: David Brown - The Search for Gold: Airmail History of Northwestern Ontario
Gold: Ray Simrak - Canadian Pioneer & Semi-Official Airmails
Gold: John Sheffield -Two-Ring Numeral Cancels
Vermeil: Richard Thompson - The First Decimal Issue of Canada 1859-68
Vermeil: Peter McCarthy - Canadian Railway Post Office Cancellations
Vermeil: Danny Handelman - Western Canadian Dead Post Offices
Vermeil: Ian McMahon - Guelph: The Royal City
Vermeil: Herbert McNaught - Canada -1908 Quebec Tercentenary Issue
Silver: Joseph Shelton - British Columbia and Yukon Revenue Stamps & Including
Other B.C. Revenues
Silver: Robert C. Smith - Postal Union of the Americas and Spain: Diplomatic Mail Involving Canada
Silver: G. Russell - Canadian Revenues - "It's a Federal Issue"
Silver: Michael Croy - Large Queens 1868-99
Silver: John Powell - Squared Circle Cancellations - London Branch Office
Silver: J. Munro-Cape - The One Cent of the Canadian War Issue
Silver: Stéphane Cloutier - The Duplex Cancels of London Ontario
Silver: Robert K. Lane - Mail by Rail on Both Sides of the Manitoba/U.S.A. Border
Bronze: Peter Kritz - Christmas Seals of Canada, National Campaigns, 1927-1977
Single Frame
Gold: Ray Simrak - The SCADTA System from Canada to Columbia, South America
Vermeil: Garfield Portch - The Half Cent Small Queen
Bronze: Ingo Nessel - Canada: Uprated Postal Stationery 1954-1974
Gold and BNAPS Award: Herbert McNaught - Canada - The 1908 Quebec Tercentenary Issue
Gold: Ian McTaggart-Cowan - The Canadian Federal Services Revenue Stamps
Silver: Earle Covert - Not all the Mail Gets Through Uneventually
Silver: Earle Covert - Tobacco Duty Paids - The Last 30 Years
Silver: Joseph Smith - The Jubilee Postcard
Silver-Bronze: Joseph Smith - Jubilee Junque Jewels
Single Frame
Gold and Best Single Frame: Jon Johnson - Canadian Military Hospitals at Sea
Postcard Division
Gold: John Powell - Hampton Court Palace and gardens - a Tour
Vermeil: Gary Scrimgeour - Canadian Picture Post Cards of the Numeral-Issue Period
Silver: Wally Gutzman - Canada - Artist-signed Post Cards
Bronze: Earle Covert - Indians, their Teepees and Horses through the Camera of Byron Harmon
ORAPEX 2005, April 30-May 1, 2005, Ottawa, Canada
Multi-frame Exhibits
Gold and Reserve Grand: David Handelman - Canada & Maritimes' Money Letter Registration
Gold and BNAPS Award: Bob Anderson - Brant County Postmarks & Cancellations to 1950
Gold: - Herb McNaught: 1908 - Quebec Tercentenary Issue
Vermeil: John Hillmer - Caricature Definitive Series - EFO's
Vermeil: John Anders - Imperial Penny Postage - Canada 1898
Vermeil: Sue Sheffield - Inside Out German Prisoner of War Camp 20, Gravenhurst, Ontario
Vermeil: Graham McLeave - Registered Letter Stamps of Canada
Vermeil: John Munro-Cape - The One-Cent of the Canadian War Issue
Silver: John Hillmer - The Landscapes 1972-1979
Silver: Robert C. Smith - Postal Union of the Americas and Spain: Diplomatic Mail Involving Canada
Silver-Bronze: Chris Hargreaves - Frankings on Canadian First Flight Covers
Silver-Bronze: Jane Sodero - Postal Markings of the Guysborough, Nova Scotia
Post Office
Silver-Bronze: Stephane Cloutier - The Duplex Cancellations of London, Ontario
Silver-Bronze: John Gordon - Quebec Town Cancels on 1897 Victorian Jubilee
Silver- Bronze: Wally Gutzman - Two-Cent Map Stamps of Canada
Single Frame
Vermeil: Jill Hare - Admirals & Old Lace: King George V-Admiral Lathework - Canada
Silver: Ian Kimmerly - Guysborough County - Victorian Dinghy Tour
Multi-frame Exhibit, Youth
Silver: Danny Handelman - Closed Post Offices of Western Canada
AmeriStamp Expo, February 18-20, 2005, Atlanta, Georgia
Single Frame Champion of Champions
Prix d'Honneur: John McEntyre - Canada 1859 First Cents Issue: The 17¢ High Value
Prix d'Honneur: Norris R. Dyer - Newfoundland's 1920 Postal Shortage
Garfield-Perry March Party, March 11-13, 2005, Cleveland, Ohio
Vermeil: Pomeroy Charles Livermore - Thanks for the Smokes
WESTPEX, April 17-19, 2005, San Francisco, California
Vermeil: Louis O. Fiset - Japanese Canadians in World War II
Vermeil: Ray Simrak - Canadian Pioneer & Semi Official Air Mail and Canadian SCADTA
Silver: Ray Simak - Canadian Pioneer & Semi Official Air Mail and Canadian SCADTA
Silver: Richard M. Morris - The Admiral Issue of Canada
Single Frame
Vermeil: Norris R. Dyer - The One-Cent Stamps of the 1897 Newfoundland Royal Family Issue
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Documents on this website shall not be used on other websites or for
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This page was last modified on 2021-02-20