2003 Exhibit awards won by BNAPS members

To acknowledge the efforts of BNAPS members and the success they have achieved in exhibiting BNA material, we present information about BNAPS exhibit winners at National exhibitions in Canada and the United States and FIP-sponsored International exhibitions.

Awards are for BNA exhibits and BNA literature. If you think we've missed any, let us know.
Contact Adri Veenstra (email: a.veenstra@chello.nl).

The information on this page was provided by Norris (Bob) Dyer.

2003 Overview

Summary of exhibit awards won by BNAPS members in 2003

U.S. and Canada
Award Level Single
Platinum 1           1
Gold 9 24 1 1 1 6 42
Large Vermeil 3 3
Vermeil 1 22 1 11 35
Large Silver 2 2
Silver 5 16 2 9 32
Silver Bronze 1 4 4 4 13
Bronze 1 1 2
Total 17 66 3 6 7 31 130

There were five literature awards to BNAPS members in 2003. A Silver and Silver-Bronze were awarded at the Bangkok FIP show. A Gold, Vermeil and Silver were awarded at CHICAGOPEX 2003.

80 different BNAPS members won a total of 135 exhibit and literature awards in 2003 at major stamp exhibitions in the U.S., Canada, and Bangkok. This compares to 67 members and 104 awards in 2002. The most significant difference was at BNAPEX. We had only 19 exhibits in 2002, but 38 this year, primarily because of the Canadian venue. Another area worth noting is the increase in single frame exhibits - 27 in 2003 compared to only 12 in 2002. One out of every five exhibits is now single frame.

Doubtless there are many other members who exhibited only on a local or regional basis. In all instances, sharing our material (exhibits or literature) with the public at all stamp shows is a significant outreach effort. It helps generate interest in the collection of BNA philately, and recruit new members. Exhibiting takes a lot of time, as does philatelic writing and research.

All BNAPS members who share their interest in BNA philately with the public are owed our congratulations and thanks.

2003 Exhibit Awards

Competition Awards from CHICAGOPEX 2003, Nov. 21-23, Arlington, Illinois

Single frame

Gold: Jerome Kasper - SCADTA Postal Stationery


Gold: B. Arfken and Harry W. Lussey - Canada's Registered Mail 1802-1909
Vermeil: David Handelman - BNA TOPICS, Volume 59, No. 1-4
Silver: David Handelman - Avis de reception

Competition Awards at VANPEX 2003, Oct. 31-Nov. 1, 2003, Vancouver, B.C.


Gold, Grand and BNAPS Awards: Joan Unwin - Via Vancouver: Canada's Transpacific Maritime Mails
Gold and Reserve Grand: Ian McTaggart-Cowan - A Century of Law Stamps in British Columbia
Gold: Ian McTaggart-Cowan - Law Stamps of Yukon
Gold: John Keenlyside - Victoria, BC 1872-1899
Gold: H.P. Jacobi - Gems of the Kootenays
Gold: Tom Watkins - The Postal History of Canada's Semi-Official Airmail
Gold: William G. Robinson - Canadian Participation in the Anglo-Boer War, 1899-1902
Vermeil: Herbert L. McNaught - 1908 Quebec Tercentenary Issue
Vermeil: Ben Cohen - Large Queens of Canada: Selected Papers, Shades & Cancels
Vermeil: John Jamieson- Newfoundland John Guy Tercentenary Issue
Vermeil: Ron Battersby - Newfoundland Selected Covers - 1865-1915
Vermeil: Bob Lane - Railway Postal Cancellations Used in Manitoba
Silver: Bill Pekonen - Ottawa Free Special Service Machine Cancels 1905-1963
Silver: Alex Hadden - Canada Celebrates the Scouts and Guides
Silver-Bronze: Arlene Sullivan - Automatic Christmas - Stick 'N' Tic Labels & Greetmore Stamps, 1983-1995

Single Frame

Gold: John Keenlyside - 19th Century Post Offices of the BC Gulf Islands
Silver: Herbert L. McNaught - Toronto Oval Numeral Duplexes 1881-1897

Competition Award at PEACH STATE 2003, Sept. 24-26, 2003, Atlanta, Georgia

Vermeil: Dwight D. Gray - Canadian Internment Camps in World War II

Competition Awards at BANGKOK 2003 International (FIP), Oct. 4-13, 2003, Bangkok, Thailand

Multi-frame Exhibits

Gold (90 points): Fred Fawn - Canada's Imperial Penny Postage 1898
Large Vermeil (88 points): Fred Fawn - Canada's Large Queens 1868-1896
Large Vermeil (86 points): Ian McMahon - Envelopes and Postcards of Canada
Large Vermeil (85 points): Colin Lewis -Newfoundland Postal History Jan 1857 - Jun 1893
Large Silver (77 points) - Charles J.G. Verge - Roots, Necks and Crowns
Large Silver (76 points): John Anders - Imperial Penny Post, Canada 1898


Silver (70 points): Chris Hargreaves - The Canadian Aerophilatelist
Silver-bronze (68 points): Lyse Rousseau -Darnell "Stamps of Canada: 2003 Cat. 10th Edition

Single Frame Exhibits

This is an FIP "Experimental Class". Only three medal levels are used - Gold, Silver and Bronze.

Gold & Special Award (94 points): John McEntyre -1908 Canada 1 Cent Quebec Tercentenary And New Constant Plate Varieties
Silver & Special Award (87 points): Norris R. Dyer - Newfoundland's 1897 Postal Shortage
Silver (83 points): Jerome Kasper - SCADTA Postal Stationery

C. Ron McGuire Receives BNAPS Toop Award

C. Ron McGuire, FRPSC, was awarded the BNAPS E .R. "Ritch" Toop Military Literature Award at the Society's annual convention and exhibition held in London, ON, September 25-27, 2003.

McGuire, a well-known postal historian and author, received the Award for his outstanding writings throughout 2002. These ranged from items on the ill-fated Canadian Force "C" in Hong Kong during the Second World War, to the tragic sinking of the Newfoundland steamship ferry, S.S. Caribou, in October, 1942.

The long-term collector includes Canadian and British North American military postal history as some of his interests. McGuire has contributed to national and international journals over the last forty years, and hopes to continue entertaining collectors with his outstanding efforts.

The BNAPS E. R. "Ritch" Toop Military Literature Award was named in honour of E. R. Toop, a renowned military postal historian and author. Recipients are chosen by panel and the Award consists of a stylized certificate and cash honorarium. Recipients need not be BNAPS members and anyone interested in Canadian and BNA military postal history is encouraged.

Competition Awards at BNAPEX 2003, September 25-27, 2003, London, ON


Gold, Horace Harrison Grand, Provinces Award, and PHSC Certification: Warren Wilkinson - British Columbia and Vancouver Island Postal History: 1850-1871
Gold, Allan Steinhart Reserve Grand, and Meyerson Award (Newfoundland): John Walsh - Newfoundland 1897-1918: Royal Family, Dead Letter Seal & Map Stamp Issue
Gold, and BNAPS Novice Award: Richard M. Lamb - Rennie's Seeds
Gold: Earle L. Covert - Canadian Postal Notes, M.O.'s, The Stamps and Related Items
Gold, and Wilmer Rockett Revenue Award: Joseph M. Shelton - Canadian Unemployment Insurance Stamps
Gold: E.E. Palmer - Hamilton, U.C. Pre-Confederation Postal History
Vermeil, and Ed & Mickey Richardson Award: Barry Brown - Canadian Revenues For War: World War I & World War II
Vermeil: R. (Bob) Anderson - Brant County Postal History
Vermeil: Colin G. Banfield - The Wilson Patriotics 1897 to 1902
Vermeil: John J. Burnett - Postal History of the Canadian "Mufti Issue" of 1937-1941
Vermeil: Earle L. Covert - The Series "C" Tobacco Stamps 1935-1968
Vermeil: Peter Jacobi - "Gems of the Kootenays"
Vermeil: Peter McCarthy - Cancellations Used by Railway Post Offices
Vermeil: Herbert L. McNaught - The 1908 Quebec Tercentenary Issue
Vermeil: David Piercey - Newfoundland: The Postal Issue 1865-1908
Vermeil: "Rockey" - The First Decimal Issue of Canada
Vermeil: Joseph M. Smith - The Jubilee Postcard
Silver, BNAPS Novice Award, and AAPE Exhibitor's Pin: P. Charles Livermore- Thanks for the Smokes
Silver: Victor Dick - Essex County: The Sun Parlor of Canada
Silver: John Fretwell - Canadian Coils
Silver: John B. Harper - The 1940 Quebec Tobacco Essay by ABNC
Silver: Robert K. Lane - Railway Post Office Cancellations Used in Manitoba
Silver: John Jamieson - The Newfoundland 'JOHN GUY' Issue of 1910-1911
Silver: Andrew Liptak - The Centennial Issue Era : International Rates
Silver: Joseph M. Smith - Jubilee Junque Jewels
Silver: Dieter Staecker - King Edward VII Pre-Stamped Postcards 1903-1912
Silver-Bronze: John S. Gordon - Squared Circles and Precursors on the 1898-99 Map Stamp
Silver-Bronze: Kenneth H. Magee - Canada, 1930-39
Silver-Bronze: Geoff Russell - Canadian Revenues: "It's A Federal Issue"
Silver-Bronze: Barry Senior - Newfoundland Perfins
Bronze: Harold Cusden - Canadian Post Office Cancels on 3-Cent Small Queens

Single Frame

Gold, and AAPE Exhibitor's Pin: John McEntyre - Canada First Cents: The 17-Cent Single Stamp
Vermeil: Brian T. Stalker - Postmarks of the London, Huron & Bruce Railway
Silver-Bronze: Earle L. Covert - Niagara Falls Views on Victorian Postal Stationery
Silver-Bronze: Herbert L. McNaught - Toronto Oval Numeral Duplexes 1881-1897
Silver-Bronze: Garfield Portch - The Half-Cent Queen
Silver-Bronze: Garfield Portch - A Selection of Postal Markings Used in 19th Century Canada
Bronze: John S. Gordon - Squared Circles & Precursors on 8-Cent Small Queens

Competition Award at MILCOPEX 2003, September 19-21, 2003, Milwaukee, Wisc.

Gold: Warren W. Wilkinson - British Columbia and Vancouver Island Postal History 1850-1871

Competition Awards at AIRPEX XXVIII, September 12-14, 2003, Dayton, Ohio

Vermeil: Murray Heifetz - Dirigibles, Catapults and the Canadian Connection
Silver: Marc Eisenberg - Canadian Meter Stamps

Competition Award at Minnesota Stamp Expo, July 18-20, 2003, Crystal, MN

Single Frame

Gold and Reserve Grand: Charles D. Shoemaker -Greenland Mails: A Canadian Connection in the 1930's-1940's

Competition Awards at APS StampShow 2003, August 7-10, 2003, Columbus, Ohio

World Series of Philately

Prix d'Honneur: John L. Robertson - U.S. and B.N.A. Cross Border Mail, April 6, 1851 to U.P.U.

Single Frame

Platinum: Norris R. Dyer - Newfoundland's 1897 Postal Shortage

Competition Awards at PIPEX 2003, August 29-31, 2003, Eugene, Oregon

Vermeil: Herbert L. McNaught - The 1908 Quebec Tercentenary Issue of Canada
Vermeil: J. Alex Hadden - Canada Celebrates the Scouts and Guides
Silver-Bronze: Gilbert M. Hulin - Pioneer and Semi-Official Air Mail Issues of Canada

Single Frame

Silver: Herbert L. McNaught - Toronto Oval Numeral Duplexes 1881-1897

Competition Awards at ROPEX 2003, June 20-22, 2003, Webster, NY


Gold: Warren S. Wilkinson - British Columbia and Vancouver Island Postal History: 1858-1871
Gold: Randall Martin - Newfoundland Surface Mail

Single Frame

Gold: Randall Martin - New Brunswick Pre-Confederation Stamped Mail 1851- 1868
Gold: Randall Martin - Nova Scotia Pe-Confederation Stamped Mail 1851-1868
Gold: Randall Martin - Prince Edward Island Pre-Confederation Stamped Mail 1861-1873

Competition Award at INDYPEX 2003, June 27-29, 2003, Indianapolis, IN

Gold: Frank L. Shively - Yukon Territory, Klondike District: A Revenue Law Stamp Story

Competition Awards at Philatelic Show 2002, May 2-4, Boxborough, MA

Gold: Randall R. Martin - Newfoundland Surface Mail, July 27, 1866-March 31, 1949
Gold: Warren S. Wilkinson - Prince Edward Island Postal Rates, 1860-1873
Vermeil: Fred C. Dietz - Canada's Airmails: The Pioneer and Semi-Official Era

Competition Award at ROMPEX, May 16-18, Denver, CO

Single Frame

Gold and Grand: Charles D. Shoemaker - Greenland Mails: A Canadian Connection in the 1930's-1940's

Competition Awards at ROYAL 2003 ROYALE, May 30-June 1, Hanover, ON

Gold and Grand: Warren S. Wilkinson - British Columbia and Vancouver Island Postal History 1858-71
Gold: Fred Fawn - Canada's Large Queens 1868-1897
Vermeil: Herbert L. McNaught - The 1908 Quebec Tercentenary Issue
Vermeil: John T. Anders - Imperial Penny Postage, Canada 1898
Silver: Kenneth Magee - Canada 1930-1939
Silver: Derek Smith - New Brunswick Queen Victoria 5 Cents - A Study of the Stamp
Silver: Peter McCarthy - Cancellations used by Railway Post Offices (R.P.O.)
Silver: John Fretwell - Canadian Coils - Their Usage and Rates 1910-1980's
Silver: Robert J. Elias - Canadian Karsh-Wilding Definitives: Paper and Fluorescence
Silver: Kimber Wald - Canadian Special Delivery Stamps and Service 1898-1954
Silver-Bronze: Geoff Russell - Canadian Revenues - It's a Federal Issue

Single Frame

Vermeil: John E. McEntyre - Canada 1 Cent Quebec Tercentenary & New Constant Plate

Competition Award at NAPEX 2003, June 6-8, McClean, VA

AAPE 2003 Youth Champion of Champions

Prix d'Honneur: Danny Handelman - Now You See it, Now You Don't - Temporary Canadian Post Offices

Dean Mario Wins Pratt Award

The Collectors Club of Chicago's "Pratt Award" is named for Robert H. Pratt, the eminent Newfoundland collector, researcher and author. In 1997, the Club started presenting this award, given to the author or authors of the best philatelic article(s) on Newfoundland. The award consists of $1,000 to the winner, or winners, if there is more than one selected for any given year.

The Collectors Club is pleased to announce this year's winner is Dean Mario. Dean won for his two articles published in BNA Topics in 2002: "Newfoundland's 'FS' Handstamps" in Vol. 59, No. 3, and "Newfoundland's 1919 Sudan Booklet - Bogus or Bona Fide?" in Vol. 59, No. 4.

Competition Awards for Garfield-Perry March Party, March 28-30, Cleveland, Ohio

Gold: Warren S. Wilkinson - P.E.I. Postal Rates
Silver: Stuart Reddington - The 3-Cent Small Queen of Canada

Single Frame

Gold: John L. Robertson - Semi-official Canadian Handstamps Used on Cross-Border Mail

Competition Award at the Postage Stamp Mega Event, April 3-6, New York, NY

Single Frame

Silver: Russell D. Sampson - A Selection of Canadian Perfins on the King Edward VII Issue

Competition Award at TEXPEX 2003, April 11-13, Dallas, Texas

Single Frame

Silver-Bronze: Jeffrey Arndt - The Canadian Five Cent Wilding Queen

Competition Awards at ORAPEX2003, May 3-4, Ottawa, Canada

Gold & Reserve Grand: David Handelman - Early Canadian Round Datestamps & Their Manuscript Friends
Vermeil: Herb McNaught - The 1908 Quebec Tercentenary Issue
Vermeil: Bruce Nesbitt - Canadian Special Delivery Service, 1939-1953
Vermeil: John Cooper - New Brunswick Way Offices
Silver: John Cooper - Newfoundland Booklets
Silver: Jon Johnson - Canadian Pacific Railway Perfins
Silver: Wally Gutzman - Canada's Directory Service - Its Operation and Markings

Single Frame

Silver: Chris Hargreaves - A Long Look at Canadian Astrophilately
Silver: David Handelman - U.S. RRR & AR via Solo Use

Display Class

Vermeil: David Hanes - Postal History of the RCAF including RFC and CAF 1917-1968
Vermeil: Ian McMahon - Guelph, the Royal City
Vermeil: Kimber Wald - Where Have all the Covers Gone? Canadian Special Delivery Covers & Destinations


Vermeil: Dan Handelman - Temporary Canadian Post Office Datestamps

Competition Awards at Plymouth Show 2003, April 26-27, Plymouth MI

Gold & Grand: John L. Robertson - U.S. and B.N.A. Cross Border Mail, April 6, 1851 to U.P.U.
Gold & BNAPS Award: Warren S. Wilkinson - New Brunswick and Nova Scotia Postal Rates 1851-1860

Competition Award at ARIPEX 2003, January 24-26, Tucson, AZ


Gold: Jerome V.V. Kasper - SCADTA Postal Stationery

Competition Award at COLOPEX2003, February 14-16, Columbus, OH

Gold: Kimber A. Wald - Canadian Special Delivery Stamps and Service, 1898-1954

Competition Awards at APS AMERISTAMP EXPO, February 28-March 2, Biloxi, MS

Single-Frame Champion of Champions

Prix d'Honneur: Jerome V.V. Kasper - SCADTA Postal Stationery
Prix d'Honneur: Norris R. Dyer - Newfoundland's Surcharged Airmail Stamps
Prix d'Honneur: Norris R. Dyer - Edward and Alexandra, Newfoundland's Homage to the Prince and Princess of Wales to the Prince and Princess of Wales

Competition Awards at Edmonton Spring National, March 28-30, Edmonton, Alberta

Gold, Grand and BNAPS Award: Ian McTaggert-Cowan - The Law Stamps of British Columbia
Gold and Reserve Grand: David Piercey - Postal Issues of Newfoundland: 1865-1908
Gold: Herbert McNaught - Canada: The 1908 Quebec Tercentenary Issue
Gold: Ian McTaggert-Cowan - The Law Stamps of the Yukon
Vermeil: Bruce Field - The Large Queens of Canada
Vermeil: Earle Covert - Canada "C" Series Tobacco Stamps
Vermeil: Kevin O'Reilly - The 1929 MacKenzie River Air Mails
Silver and PHSC Award: Robert Lane - The Development of Manitoba R.P.O.'s (1882-1919)
Silver: David Brown - The Search for Gold: Airmail History in NW Ontario
Silver-Bronze: Jon Johnson - Canadian Pacific Railroad - Perfins
Silver-Bronze: Universal Postal Union Conferences in Canada

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This page was last modified on 2021-02-20