2017 Exhibit awards won by BNAPS members

To acknowledge the efforts of BNAPS members and the success they have achieved in exhibiting BNA material, we present information about BNAPS exhibit winners at National exhibitions in Canada and the United States and FIP-sponsored International exhibitions.

Awards are for BNA exhibits and BNA literature. If you think we've missed any, let us know.
Contact Adri Veenstra (email: a.veenstra@chello.nl) who compiled the listings.

The exhibits are listed in four parts, each covering a three-month period.

2017 Overview

Summary of exhibit awards won by BNAPS members in 2017

  Nationals - U.S. and Canada International - FIP BNAPS Totals
Award Level Single
Lit. Single
Lit. Single
Large Gold 3 15             18
Gold 4 18     2   1 11 36
Large Vermeil 6 17     1       24
Vermeil 5 9   1     3 3 21
Large Silver 4 2             6
Silver   1         4 1 6
Silver-Bronze 1           1 2 4
Bronze             2 1 3
Totals 23 62   1 3   11 18 118

Not included above are Court of Honour exhibits by David Piercey (at the Edmonton Spring National Show, Edmonton, AB, and ORAPEX, Ottawa, ON) and David Hobden (at the PHSC Symposium in Hamilton, ON).

At International FIP shows, single frame exhibits are given numeric scores, but are not awarded medals. This year, there was one single-frame exhibit. Its numeric score was equated to a medal using the scoring for multi-frame exhibits as a guide.

There was a new venue this year, the very successful PHSC Symposium in Hamilton, ON, organized by the Postal History Society of Canada, and returning for its second year was CANPEX 2017 in London, ON. BNAPS members had 118 competitive exhibits, a dip from last year's 133. Judging from the glitter of the medals, the judges were impressed with the caliber of the exhibits. Of note, following the well-established practice at International shows, most National shows have begun awarding Large Gold, Large Vermeil, and Large Silver medals.

The numbers do not include non-BNA exhibits by BNAPS members or BNA exhibits by non-members, of which there were several. Some exhibits may figure more than once in the awards tabulation because they were displayed at more than one show.

70 BNAPS members entered competitive exhibits. They deserve our thanks for threading their BNA collections into stories we can enjoy and promoting BNA philately to a wide audience. Although this listing is limited to National and International shows, local and regional shows are no less important as venues for displaying BNA material and attracting potential new members.

New appointments - Dave Freeman and David McLaughlin

BNAPS and its study groups sponsor several special awards at National shows. They include Best BNA Exhibit, Best Researched BNA exhibit, Best BNA 2 to 4 Frame Exhibit, the John D. Arn White Queen Award for best Elizabethan exhibit, etc. Included in the listings below are the winners of these awards.

The BNAPS Awards Coordinator acts as the interface between BNAPS and the show organizers, and is responsible for providing the awards to the organizers. The Awards Coordinator is also responsible for managing the supply of medals and other awards given at the BNAPEX conventions. Jon Johnson has filled this position since 2007. In February 2018, Jon passed the torch to Dave Freeman. You can reach Dave by email at the following address: dfreeman@latitude.ca.

In March 2018, the Royal Philatelic Society of CANADA (RPSC) appointed BNAPS member David McLaughlin as its new International Liaison Officer (ILO). He succeeds James R. (Jim) Taylor. The ILO is the officer of the RPSC who represents Canadian international exhibitors’ interests in competition around the world. David has exhibited regularly since 2010 in Canadian national exhibitions, the APS Stamp Show Champion of Champions, and internationally at Fédération Internationale de Philatélie (FIP) shows in Singapore, New York, Bandung, and Brasilia. He is the Canadian National Commissioner for PRAGA 2018 and Thailand 2018.

David's predecessor, Jim Taylor, established the International Exhibitor newsletter as a way to communicate FIP and FIAF news to Canadian collectors interested in exhibiting internationally. The newsletter is available on the Philatelic Specialists Society of Canada (PSSC) website. To contact David, send an email to david.mclaughlin@rogers.com.

2017 Exhibit Awards, Part IV - Oct.-Dec.

CHICAGOPEX 2017, Itasca, IL, 17-19 November 2017

Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Large Vermeil Clarence A. Stillions Newfoundland's Last Definitives -- The Waterlow Printings

Brasilia 2017 World Stamp Exhibition, Brasilia, Brazil, 24-29 October 2017

Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Gold Luc Legault Canada: Meter Franking: the first twenty five years
Gold David McLaughlin The Maple Leaf Issue of Canada 1897-1898

CANPEX 2017, London, ON, 14-15 October 2017

Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Large Gold, Grand Award, BNAPS Best BNA Exhibit, PHSC BNA Postal History Award, PSSC Canada Research Award Rob Leigh The Western District of Upper Canada: The Development of Postal Communications and Postal Markings, 1800-1850
Large Gold, APS Medal of Excellence (1900-1940), BNAPS Best BNA 2 to 4 Frame Exhibit Gary Arnold Squared Circle Cancels of Canada in the Admiral Period (1912-1927)
Large Gold, APS Medal of Excellence (Pre-1900) John Sheffield Two Ring Numerals Cancels of Canada
Large Gold, AAPE Plan and Headings Award Derek Smith Advertising Mail of St. John, N.B. Businesses, Victorian Period 1857-1903
Gold, John D. Arn White Queen Award Peter J. McCarthy Canada 1972-1977 Definitive Issue Caricatures and Landscapes
Gold Chris Ellis The Great Canadian Postal Stationery Advertising Card Series
Gold, BNAPS Best Researched BNA Exhibit Leon Matthys The Great Halifax Explosion of 1917
Gold, ATA Second Place Award Brainard Fitzgerald Royal Visit to Canada 1951
Gold John Hall The Canadian Fiscal War Tax Stamps of WWI
Large Vermeil Sean Weatherup The Railway Post Office Operating on Routes Between Halifax and Sydney, Nova Scotia
Large Vermeil Ted Nixon Mail From Canada to Overseas Destinations 1937-1942
Vermeil Doug McAndless Canadian Errors and Varieties During the Elizabethan Era
Single Frame
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Large Gold, Single Frame Grand Award, BNAPS Best BNA One Frame Exhibit, CAS Grand Award Ray Simrak Canadian Pioneer Airmails
Gold Derek Smith The Squared Circle Post Marks of New Brunswick
Large Silver John G. McEntyre 1934 Canada First Day Covers of the Jacques Cartier Issue
2017 Exhibit Awards, Part III - July-Sept.

BALPEX 2017, Baltimore, MD, 1-3 September 2017

Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Large Vermeil Clarence A. Stillions Newfoundland's Last Definitives - The Waterlow Printings

BNAPEX 2017 CALTAPEX, Calgary, AB, 1-3 September 2017

Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Gold, Horace Harrison Grand Award, APS Medal of Excellence (Pre-1900) Ronald E. Majors Canadian Postal History: A Rate Study using Decimal Franked and Stampless Covers (1859- 1868)
Gold, Alan Steinhart Reserve Grand Award David Piercey Steamship Mail in the Early Decimal Period of Newfoundland 1865-1910
Gold, APS Research Medal Robert J. Elias Canadian Postal Rates and Fees: Early Elizabethan II Era (1952- 1967)
Gold, Canadian Military Mails Study Group Award, PSSC Specialization Medal Jon Johnson WWI Canadian Army Nursing Sisters Serving Overseas
Gold, Daniel Myerson Award Kevin O’Reilly A Postal History of Labrador before Confederation
Gold, Order of the Beaver Novice Award, APS Medal of Excellence (1900-1940) Gordon William Turnbull Booklets and Coils of Canada - The Canadian Postal System Enters the Machine Age
Gold, William G. Robinson Award Sean Weatherup The Railway Post Office Operating between Halifax and Sydney
Gold, John D. Arn White Queen Award, APS Medal of Excellence (1940-1980) Joel Weiner The Centennial Booklets of Canada 1967-1973
Gold Earle L. Covert Canadian Centennial Postal Stationery
Gold Hal Kellett Northwest Territories and Saskatchewan Territory Mail 1846-1905
Gold Ken Pugh The B.N.A. Faked Bisect Covers of Raoul Ch. de Thuin
Vermeil, Ed and Mickey Richardson Award David Bartlet Vended Postage Automation
Vermeil, APS Medal of Excellence (Post-1980) Earle L. Covert 1991 Flag Stamp on Postal Stationery
Vermeil Richard S. Wilson Newfoundland's 1897 Royal Family Issue
Silver Raymond Villeneuve Special Delivery Service between Canada and the U.S.: 1898-1946
Silver-Bronze Earle L. Covert Religious Groups Using Illustrated Permits
Silver-Bronze Hugh Delaney Passage to Confederation (Fathers and Mothers)
Bronze Dale Speirs The Maple Leaf Flag
Single Frame
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Gold, Herb McNaught Memorial Award Peter J. McCarthy Canadian Railway Post Office Markings
Vermeil David Bartlet Cello-Paqs 1961 to 1967
Vermeil Earle L. Covert 1991 Flag Stamp on Postal Stationery
Vermeil Stephen Sacks 1917 Confederation Issue of Stamps: Usages and Rates as well as Related Research
Silver F. Jeffrey Scott Arndt Fakes, Forgeries, and Fantasies: Some Call Them Album Weeds
Silver Richard Thompson The 12½¢ and 17¢ Stamps of 1859
Silver, WE Sterling Achievement Award Richard Thompson The One Cent Small Queens 1870-1897
Silver Gordon William Turnbull The 1949-1951 Vending Booklets Exposed
Silver-Bronze Leopold Beaudet Eclectic & Eccentric Admiral Postal & Fiscal History
Bronze, CAS Best Aerophilatelic Exhibit Chris Hargreaves A History of Canada's Airmail Stamps, 1928-1939
Bronze John McEntyre Canada: The Development of Official International Airmail Routes 1928-42
Non-exhibit Awards
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Vincent G. Greene Award David Piercey The "St. John's East" Post Office
E. R. (Ritch) Toop Memorial Award Michael Powell Postal History of the Great War Internment Camps in Canada
Jack Levine Fellowship Award Prairie Beaver Regional Group
Hall of Fame Award Jon Johnson
Hall of Fame Award Peter J. McCarthy
Induction into the Order of the Beaver David Bartlet
Induction into the Order of the Beaver Leopold Beaudet
Induction into the Order of the Beaver Eldon C. Godfrey

Bandung 2017 World Stamp Exhibition, Bandung, Indonesia, 3-7 August 2017

Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Large Vermeil David McLaughlin The Maple Leaf Issue of Canada 1897-1898

APS StampShow 2017, Richmond, VA, 3-6 August 2017

Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Large Gold, Reserve Grand, BNAPS Best BNA Exhibit, Postal History Society Medal, APS Best Canadian Exhibit Ronald E. Majors Canadian Postal History: A Rate Study using Decimal Franked and Stampless Covers (1859-1868)
Large Vermeil Richard S. Wilson Newfoundland's 1897 Royal Family Issue
Single Frame
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Gold Tom & Jill Hare One Cent Postage Rates of Canada's One Cent Small Queen 1870-1897

PHSC Symposium 2017, Hamilton, ON, 20-23 July 2017

Court of Honour (non-competitive)
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Special award: Large Gold David Hobden In Defence of the Border
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Large Gold, Grand Award, Regional Postal History Award Christiane Faucher & Jacques Poitras Lower St. Lawrence and Gaspe Peninsula Postal History
Large Gold, Postal Markings Award, Most Popular Exhibit Stéphane Cloutier The Postmarks of Hamilton Ontario, 1828- 1897
Large Gold Kevin O'Reilly Yukon Postal History Before World War II
Large Gold, Reserve Grand Award Grégoire Teyssier Canadian Government: Postal History and Postmarks to 1950
Gold Luc Legault L'introduction du compteur postal 'MIDGET' et son usage en Amerique du Nord
Gold Tom Watkins The Postal History of Canada's Semi-Official Airmail
Gold, Novice Award, Most Popular Exhibit Rob Leigh The Western District of Upper Canada: the Development of Postal Communications and Postal Markings
Gold Gray Scrimgeour The Lower Mainland of British Columbia
Large Vermeil Ken Lemke Grand Trunk Railway Pictorial Post Cards
Large Vermeil, Intermediate Grand Award, Transport of the Mails Award Brian T. Stalker A Postal History of the Great Western Railway of Canada and the Hamilton Connection
Vermeil, PHSC Toop Military Award Robert Toombs RAF Ferry Command Dorval: Military Mail to and from Global War Fronts
Vermeil Yan Turmine Histoire postale du Haut Richelieu 1783-1869
Single Frame
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Large Gold, One Frame Grand Award Guillaume Vadeboncoeur Canada's Small Queen Era Postal History with Foreign Stamps
Gold, Research Award Alec Globe Forerunners, Manufacture, and Spinoffs of Canada's Multiple 2-ring Stamp Obliterators Used between 1869 and 1884
Vermeil Garfield Portch The Expansion of the Post Office in Toronto, 1880 to 1899
Vermeil Ray Simrak The S.C.A.D.T.A. System from Canada to Colombia, South America
Vermeil Bob Thorne Post WWII IDEA becomes POSTAL CODE
Vermeil Peter J. McCarthy Canadian Railway Post Office Markings
Large Silver Christopher Anstead The Royal Flying Corps in Deseronto 1917-18 PER ARDUA AD ASTRA
Large Silver Leigh Hogg The Wreck of the Steamship Labrador 1899
Large Silver Luc Legault Correspondance de Guerre d'Emile Martin (1914-1916)
2017 Exhibit Awards, Part II - Apr.-June

NAPEX 2017, McLean, VA, 9-11 June 2017

Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Large Vermeil, BNAPS Best BNA Exhibit Clarence A. Stillions Newfoundland's Last Definitives -- The Waterlow Printings
Vermeil Richard S. Wilson Newfoundland's 1897 Royal Family Issue

Royale *2017* Royal, Boucherville, QC, 26-28 May 2017

Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Large Gold, AQEP Meilleure recherche philatélique, APS Medal of Excellence (1900-1940) Luc Legault L'introduction du compteur postal MIDGET et son usage en Amérique du Nord
Large Gold, BNAPS Best BNA Exhibit, PHSC Best BNA Postal History Exhibit John Cooper The Way Mails of New Brunswick
Large Gold, BNAPS Best Researched BNA Exhibit John M. Walsh Stampless Precursor and 1898 Queen Victoria First Revenue Types ‐ Newfoundland
Gold, AAMS Best Air Mail Exhibit, BNAPS Best BNA 2 to 4 Frame Exhibit, CAS Best Air Mail Exhibit Richard McIntosh Canadian Aerophilately, Roessler's Contribution
Gold Laurent Bélisle Les oblitérations de type cercle encadré du Québec
Gold Robin Moore Newfoundland 1840‐1949 Postage Markings
Gold, PSSC Specialization Award Robin Moore Newfoundland Postage Meters
Large Vermeil Bruce Field The Two Ring Numeral Cancels of Canada
Large Vermeil Christiane Faucher & Jacques Poitras From the Province of Canada to the Dominion of Canada, a Special Study on Confederation
Large Vermeil, John D. Arn White Queen Award David Bartlet Cello‐paqs 1961‐1967
Vermeil Chris Hargreaves A History of Canada's Air Mail Stamps 1928‐1935
Large Silver, AAPE Award of Excellence John McEntyre Canada: The Development of Official International Airmail Routes 1928‐1942
Silver, AAPE Sterling Achievement Award Stuart Keeley Canadian Philatelic Seals
Single Frame
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Gold, BNAPS Best BNA One Frame Exhibit Richard Gratton Les produits forestiers du Canada

European Stamp Exhibition "Finlandia 2017", Tampere, Finland, 24-28 May 2017

Single Frame
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
83 points John McEntyre 1876–1887 Canada: First Weights and Measures Revenue Issues

PIPEX 2017, Portland, OR, 12-14 May 2017

Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Large Gold, Reserve Grand, NW Philatelic Library Tom Current British Exhibit Award Robert Forster Nova Scotia Postal History to 1868
Large Vermeil, APS Medal of Excellence (post 1980), Scouting on Stamps Society International First J. Alex Hadden 15th World Jamboree WJ ’83
Single Frame
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Large Vermeil William P. Barlow The Newfoundland Official Seals

ORAPEX 2017, Ottawa, ON, 5-6 May 2017

Court of Honour
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Non-competitive David Piercey Steamship Mail in the Early Decimal Period of Newfoundland 1865-1910
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Large Gold, PHSC Best Postal History (BNA), APS Medal of Excellence (1900-40), BNAPS Best BNA Exhibit, BNAPS Best Researched BNA Exhibit, Auxiliary Markings Society Award of Merit Gary Steele Canadian Dead Letter Office Handstamps
Large Gold, APS Medal of Excellence (pre 1900), AQEP Best Original Research Grégoire Teyssier The Ship Mail of Quebec City (1763-1914)
Gold Luc Legault The Introduction of the "MIDGET" Postage Meter and its Use in North America
Gold, AAPE Best Creativity, APS Medal of Excellence (1940-80), BNAPS William G. Robinson Best BNA Railway Post Office Exhibit Brainard Fitzgerald Royal Visit to Canada 1951
Gold John Cooper The Way Mails of New Brunswick
Large Vermeil, BNAPS Best BNA 2 to 4 Frame Exhibit Joe Trauzzi The 1939 Royal Train Post Office
Large Vermeil, R. D. Mitchener Certificate: Most Innovative & Interesting Thematic Display, APS Medal of Excellence (post 1980) Earle L. Covert Religious Groups Using Illustrated Permits
Large Silver Christiane Faucher & Jacques Poitras From the Province of Canada to the Dominion of Canada, a Special Study of Confederation
Single Frame
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Large Gold, BNAPS Best BNA One-Frame Exhibit Grégoire Teyssier The Steamboat Mail of Quebec City
Large Vermeil Christopher Anstead A Frontenac Colonization Road - A Postal History
Large Vermeil Chris Hargreaves A History of Canada's Airmail Stamps, 1928-1939
Large Vermeil, Herbert L. McNaught Memorial Award: Best Canadian Traditional Ted Nixon Canada One Dollar Fisheries Issue
Large Vermeil, John D. Arn White Queen Award David Bartlet Cello-Paqs 1961-1967

Plymouth Show 2017, Westland, MI, 29-30 April 2017

Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Large Vermeil, AAPE Award of Excellence, BNAPS Best BNA Exhibit Gary Arnold Squared Circle Cancels of Canada in the Admiral Period (1912-1927)
2017 Exhibit Awards, Part I - Jan.-Mar.

Edmonton National Spring Show 2017, Edmonton, AB, 25-26 March 2017

Court of Honour
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Non-competitive David Piercey Steamship Mail in the Early Decimal Period Of Newfoundland
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Gold, BNAPS Best BNA Exhibit, John D. Arn White Queen Award Earle L. Covert Canadian Centennial Postal Stationery
Gold, APS Medal of Excellence (1900-1940), PHSC Best BNA Postal History Exhibit Jon Johnson WWI Canadian Army Nursing Sisters Serving Overseas
Large Vermeil, BNAPS Best Researched BNA Exhibit, PHSC Ritch Toop Best Military Postal History Exhibit Hal Kellett The Military in Canada 1812-1905
Vermeil, BNAPS Best BNA 2 to 4 Frame Exhibit Hal Kellett Force 'C' - The Canadian Army in Hong Kong
Vermeil, APS Medal of Excellence (Post-1980) Earle L. Covert Religious Groups Using Illustrated Permits
Single Frame
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Silver Bronze Earle L. Covert 1991 Flag Stamp on Postal Stationery

Garfield-Perry March Party 2017, Cleveland, OH, 23-25 March 2017

Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Vermeil Kimber Wald The Gannet Stamp of Canada

TEXPEX 2017, Grapevine, TX, 24-26 February 2017

Single Frame
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Vermeil, UPSS Single-Frame Award Denise Stotts Canada: Private Order Stationery of the 8 Cent Centennial Issue

ARIPEX 2017, Mesa, AZ, 17-19 February 2017

Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Large Vermeil, BNAPS Best BNA Exhibit Richard S. Wilson Newfoundland's 1897 Royal Family Issue and 1908 Map Stamp

Southeastern Stamp Expo 2017, Norcross, GA, 27-29 January 2017

Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Gold, BNAPS Best BNA Exhibit, BNAPS Best BNA Researched Exhibit Clarence A. Stillions Newfoundland’s Last Definitives - The Waterlow Printings
Single Frame
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Large Vermeil John Burnett The Montreal Telegraph Company Cachets 1857-1883

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This page was last modified on 2021-02-19