2012 Exhibit awards won by BNAPS members

To acknowledge the efforts of BNAPS members and the success they have achieved in exhibiting BNA material, we present information about BNAPS exhibit winners at National exhibitions in Canada and the United States and FIP-sponsored International exhibitions.

Awards are for BNA exhibits and BNA literature. If you think we've missed any, let us know.
Contact Adri Veenstra (email: a.veenstra@chello.nl).

The information on this page was provided by Norris (Bob) Dyer.

Summary for 2012

Summary of exhibit awards won by BNAPS members in 2012

  Nationals - U.S. and Canada International - FIP BNAPS Totals
Award Level Single
Lit. Single
Lit. Single
Large Gold                  
Gold 3 8         5 8 24
Large Vermeil                  
Vermeil 6 7         3 4 20
Large Silver                  
Silver 2 3         1 2 8
Silver-Bronze 1           1   2
Bronze             1 1 2
Totals 12 18         11 15 56

The total number of awards in 2012 (56) was markedly lower than in 2011 (85). Single frame awards were 41% of the total awards, and Golds 43% of all awards.

Not listed above are two Prix d Honneur awards for BNAPS members whose exhibits were U.S. national finalists at the APS StampShow in Atlanta, GA, 27-29 January 2012. Those exhibitors were David McLaughlin and Kevin O’Reilly.

What accounts for the decline? There were no literature awards in 2012 or international shows and BNAPEX awards were down somewhat. The biggest decline, however, was in awards at national shows in the U.S. and Canada. In 2010 there were 66. This fell to 46 in 2011, and only 30 last year. I believe many national shows are begging for exhibits (of any kind) and a few have basically given up. Is exhibiting a declining interest among philatelists?

Member exhibits help to promote BNA philately. It is too bad we are seeing fewer at the national level. I have scant data on local/regional shows and perhaps activity is more stable there.

2012 Exhibit Awards

Competition Awards at BNAPEX 2012 CALTAPEX, Calgary, AB, 31 August - 1-2 September 2012

Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Gold, Horace W. Harrison Grand Award Gary W. Steele 1937-1938 Definitive Issue
Gold, Allan Steinhart Reserve Grand Award, Wilmer Rockett Revenue Award, and Meyerson Award Richard Fleet The Law Stamps of British Columbia – The Early Printings
Gold, Ed and Mickey Richardson Award, and John D. Arn White Queen Award Robert J. Elias Canadian Wilding and Associated High-Value Definitives
Gold, Sam Nickle Award Hendrik Burgers Canadians in World War I: The First Contingent
Gold John Cooper King Edward VII Era Destinations
Gold P. Charles Livermore Thanks for the Smokes and Other Gifts. World War I and II
Gold Joseph M. Smith The Jubilee Postcard Postal History
Gold Richard P. Thompson The First Decimal Issue of Canada 1959-68
Vermeil Jeffrey Arndt Wilding Low-Value Definitives
Vermeil David Piercey Newfoundland: The Postal Issues 1865-1908
Vermeil W.E. Topping Japanese Relocation Mail – 1941-1945
Vermeil Joel Weiner The Centennial Booklets of Canada 1967-1974
Silver, Order of the Beaver Novice Award Iain Stevenson Vancouver Island: Explorations in Social Philately
Silver, Felicitations of the Jury Earle L. Covert Not all the Mail Gets Through Uneventfully - 1940 to Present
Bronze Jack Wallace To Vancouver by Air Sometime
Single Frame
Gold, Herb McNaught Memorial Award Victor Willson Canada Postal History to France 1859-1901
Gold David Bartlet New Brunswick Tobacco Stamps
Gold Earle L. Covert Canadian Pacific Railway First Issue (Green) Postal Stationery Cards
Gold Ronald E. Majors Mail between Canada/BNA and Confederate States During U.S. Civil War
Gold Joseph M. Smith The Jubilee Postcard
Vermeil Jon Johnson Director of Records, Requested Service Postage, 1921-1951
Vermeil Steve Johnson Yukon Airways and Exploration Company Limited
Vermeil Brian Plain The Victoria Post Office and Undeliverable Mail: 1874-1925
Silver Richard P. Thompson Two Cents Large & Small Queens: 1868-97
Silver-Bronze H. Peter Jacobi The Smelters of British Columbia
Bronze, Felicitations of the Jury Matthew Gaiser The 1982 Philatelic Youth Issue
Non-Exhibit Awards
Vincent G. Greene Award for the best article in BNA Topics in 2011 Christopher D. Ryan Semi-official Distribution of Federal Revenue Stamps in the 1890s, BNA Topics, Vol. 68, No.4, October-December 2011
John Siverts Award for the best Study Group newsletter Norris (Bob) Dyer Newfie Newsletter
Hall of Fame Award Jerome C. Jarnick
Earle L. Covert
H. Michael Street
Induction into the Order of the Beaver George B. Dresser
John I. Jamieson

Competition Awards at COLOPEX 2012, Columbus, OH, 8-10 June 2012

Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Gold W. Terry Averbeck Canadian Errors and their Causes

Competition Awards at Royale 2012 Royal, Edmonton, AB, 1-3 June 2012

Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Gold, Grand, BNAPS Best BNA Exhibit, BNAPS Best Researched BNA Exhibit Kevin O'Reilly A Postal History of Labrador before Confederation
Vermeil Joseph Smith The Jubilee Postcard
Vermeil Earle Covert 1897 Tobacco Stamps of Canada
Vermeil John Cooper King Edward VII Era Destinations
Silver Earle Covert Not All the Mail in Canada Gets Through Uneventfully
Silver Tony Shaman Squared Circles on 3-cent Jubilees
Single Frame
Vermeil, BNAPS Best BNA Single Frame E Fred Fawn Nova Scotia 1851-1863: The Preliminaries
Vermeil Jack Forbes Selected Decimal Blocks from Pre-Confederation Eastern Canadian Colonies
Vermeil David Bartlet New Brunswick Tobacco Tax Stamps
Vermeil, John D. Arn White Queen Award Earle Covert RCMP – The Postcard Factory® Cards
Vermeil John McEntyre 1876-1887: First Canadian Weights and Measure Revenue Issues

Competition Awards at ROPEX 2012, Rochester, NY, 18-20 May 2012

Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Gold, BNAPS Award Best Exhibit Orville F. Osborne Canada Imperial Post 1898

Competition Awards at ORAPEX 2012, Ottawa, ON, 5-6 May 2012

Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Gold, Grand, BNAPS Best BNA Exhibit, Herbert L. McNaught Memorial Award David McLaughlin The Maple Leaf Issue, 1897-98
Gold, Reserve Grand Gary Steele The 1937-38 Definitive Issue
Gold Neil Hunter Building the Trans-Canada Airmail Routes, 1918-43
Gold, BNAPS Best Researched BNA Exhibit, John D. Arn White Queen Award Robert Elias Canadian Wilding and Associated High-Value Definitives: Paper Texture, Printings and Period of Use
Vermeil Steve Mulvey North Atlantic Steamship Mail, 1840-1908
Vermeil, BNAPS RPO Study Group – William G. Robinson Award Peter McCarthy Canadian Railroad Post Office Cancellations, 1853-1923
Silver Alex Hadden Canadian Scout and Guide Cancellations
Single Frame
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Gold, BNAPS Best BNA One-Frame Exhibit David Bartlet New Brunswick Tobacco Tax Stamps
Gold Neil Hunter Pan American Airways Atlantic Routes, 1942
Silver John Anders Collingwood Fancy Cancels
Silver-Bronze John Anders A Town Called Fish

Competition Awards at Plymouth 2012, Westland, MI, 28-29 April 2012

Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Vermeil Gary Arnold Squared Circle Cancels of Canada – Admiral Period 1912-1928

Competition Awards at Philadelphia National Stamp Exhibition, Philadelphia, PA, 29-31 March 2012

Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Vermeil Ronald E. Majors United States Civil War Patriotic Covers Sent to and from Canada (1860-1868)

Competition Awards at APS StampShow 2012, Atlanta, GA, 27-29 January 2012

Single Frame
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Gold, BNAPS Award Norris (Bob) Dyer Newfoundland 1897 Postal Shortage

Competition Awards at Sandical, San Diego, CA, 20-22 January 2012

Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Gold Art Bunce Canada-the Quebec Tercentenary Issue of 1908
Vermeil Art Bunce Canada – 15¢ Large Queen of 1868
Single Frame
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Vermeil John McEntyre 1876-1897 First Canadian Weights and Measures Revenue Issues
Silver Charles J. G. Verge Canada: The 1954 Gannet

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This page was last modified on 2021-02-20