2007 Exhibit awards won by BNAPS members

To acknowledge the efforts of BNAPS members and the success they have achieved in exhibiting BNA material, we present information about BNAPS exhibit winners at National exhibitions in Canada and the United States and FIP-sponsored International exhibitions.

Awards are for BNA exhibits and BNA literature. If you think we've missed any, let us know.
Contact Adri Veenstra (email: a.veenstra@chello.nl).

The information on this page was provided by Norris (Bob) Dyer.

2007 Overview

Summary of exhibit awards won by BNAPS members in 2007

  Nationals - U.S. and Canada International - FIP BNAPS Total
Award Level Single
Lit. Single
Lit. Single
Gold 8 20 2       2 7 39
Vermeil 9 19         1 5 34
Silver 9 13 1       2 5 30
Silver-Bronze 1 2           2 5
Bronze 1               1
Total 28 54 3       5 19 109

The total of awards in 2007 was considerably less than in 2006 (144). There were fewer BNAPS exhibits (31 in 2006) and no international (FIP) awards that I could find, compared to 15 FIP awards in 2006. The official website for St. Petersburg 2007 is mostly in Russian and the website for Hunfila in Budapest in Hungarian. The latter did have a Palmares but I could find no BNA exhibits.

Only 19% of the awards for national shows were in APS venues, compared to 15% in 2006. Single frame exhibits won 31% of all awards, compared to 23% last year. We must be doing a better job at the top since Gold awards were 36% of all awards this year and only 28% last year.

Not listed are awards given at local or regional exhibitions or awards for shows in venues outside Canada and the U.S. BNAPS members should continue to exhibit locally as this can attract new members.

All BNAPS exhibitors should be congratulated for exhibits at all levels entail a lot of research and time.

2007 Exhibit Awards

CHICAGOPEX, Arlington Heights, IL, 16-18 November 2007

Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Gold Charles G. Firby, Editor The Warren S. Wilkinson F.I.P. Exhibition Gold Medal Collection of Canadian Postal Rates 1851-1859 (June 14, 2007)
Gold Joseph Monteiro, Author Definitive Postage Stamps of Canada (1953-2005), An Analytic Approach (5 volumes)

The Royal *2007* Royale, Toronto, ON, 12-14 October 2007

Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Gold, Grand John L. Robertson Stampless Cross-Border Mail Between U.S. & Canada
Gold, BNAPS Award Herb McNaught Canada - 1897 Diamond Jubilees
Gold Richard M. Morris The Admiral Issue of Canada
Gold, PHSC Award Kevin O’Reilly Postal History of Labrador Before Confederation
Gold Guillaume Vadeboncoeur Canada: The Small Queens of 1870-1897
Gold John Sheffield Two Ring Numeral Cancels
Gold Derek M. Smith Transatlantic Stampless Mails to and from the Maritimes 1757 - 1859
Vermeil Stuart Reddington Canada Three Cent Small Queen
Vermeil R. Blackburn Early Post Offices on the Huron Road
Vermeil Peter J. McCarthy “All Aboard”
Silver Colin Pomfret Soldier Letters and Related Items from the First Contingent C.E.F.
Silver Ian McMahon Guelph: The Royal City
Silver David Whiteley Airmail Covers to Overseas Destinations, Except North American & Mexico, 1927-1942
Silver A. David Hanes Canadian Airmail Labels and Markings
Single Frame
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Gold Herb McNaught The Half-Cent Small Queen Issue of 1882-1897
Gold Steve Johnson Yukon Airways & Exploration Company Limited
Vermeil Garfield Portch Canada: The Half-Cent Queen
Vermeil Jane Sodero Guysborough Nova Scotia Post Office 1838-1937
Silver Orville Osborne Canada: Colour Changes in the Imperial Post Two-Cent Map Stamp
Silver Charles Verge Annie Howells & Achille Frechette: A Cross-Border Relationship
Silver Steve Johnson Semi-Official Stamps and Mail used at Red Lake, Ontario
Silver Robert Pinet Montreal’s Golden Age: Victorian Era Advertising Covers and Post Cards
Silver Garfield Portch Jacques Cartier Quadricentenary Issue
Silver L. Rasmussen Henry Hechler - Postcards
Silver-Bronze Steve Johnson Overseas Airmail Franked with the 50¢ Munitions Stamp
Bronze J. Janthur Cancellations on 3¢ Small Queen Stamps & Covers

OMAHA 2007, Omaha, NE, 7-9 September 2007

Single Frame
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Gold Jerome V.V. Kasper SCADTA Postal Stationery

BALPEX, Baltimore, MD, 31 August - 2 September 2007

Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Vermeil Robert Shoemaker Canada’s Embossed Cheques 1915-1953

BNAPEX 2007, Calgary, AB, 31 August - 2 September 2007

Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Gold, Horace Harrison Grand Award Victor Willson Canada 19th Century Non-letter Mail
Gold, Alan Steinhart Reserve Grand, Daniel Myerson Award, PHSC Award Kevin O’Reilly A Postal History of Labrador Before Confederation
Gold, Wilmer Rockett Award John Walsh Newfoundland: Revenue Documents of 1898 Queen Victoria Revenue Issue
Gold, Ed and Mickey Richardson Award Peter Jacobi The Historic Kootenays
Gold Steven Friedenthal Slogan Postal Markings of Western Canada 1901-1919
Gold Ian Mowat Yukon Revenues
Gold Herbert McNaught Canada 1897 Diamond Jubilees
Vermeil W.G. Robinson Royal Flying Corps and Royal Air Force in Canada 1917-1919
Vermeil Richard Thompson The First Decimal Issue of Canada 1859-1868
Vermeil Harry Voss Canadian Re-entries 1852-1853
Vermeil John P. Wynns Canada 1927 Confederation Anniversary Issue
Silver, White Queen Award John D. Arn Canada Environmental Definitive Series
Silver, Novice Award Joel Weiner The Centennial Booklets of Canada 1967-1973
Silver with Felicitations of the Jury Earle Covert Certified Mail - Regular, Contract, Special Order & Contract Certified, Certified Xpresspost
Silver Alex Price CPR Telegraphs
Silver with Felicitations of the Jury Dr. Donald W. Thompson Letters to and from the 1870 and 1885 Riel Rebellion, Northwest Canada
Silver-Bronze K. David Oldfield Canada’s National Wildlife Week
Silver-Bronze Alex Price Robert James Geddis – CPR Engineer
Single Frame
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Gold, Sam Nickle Award W.G. Robinson Canadian Military Presence in Siberia 1918-1920
Gold Brian Stalker Conception Bay Railroad, Newfoundland 1898-1949
Vermeil Colin Lewis Trans-Atlantic Mail 1810-1862, Newfoundland to Portugal and France
Silver W. G. Robinson Southwestern Ontario Railway Post Offices to 1867
Silver Colin Pomfret Some Canadian Military Mail 1865-1922
Non-Exhibit Awards
Award Recipient  
Vincent G. Greene Award Charles Livermore  
E. R. (Ritch) Toop Award Charles Livermore  
John S. Siverts Award Robin Harris  
Jack Levine Fellowship Award Peter McCarthy  
BNAPS Youth Scholarship Awards Amber O'Reilly
Alex Faulkner
Order of the Beaver Inductees Robert K. Lane
Peter Jacobi

APS StampShow 2007, Portland, OR, 9-12 August 2007

Multi-Frame World Series Champion of Champions
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Prix d’Honneur Douglas Irwin Postal Beginnings at Niagara Falls, Canada 1801-1904
Multi-Frame Open Competition
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Gold and BNAPS Award John P. Wynns Canada, 1927 Confederation Anniversary Issue
Vermeil Marc Eisenberg Canadian Dead Letters Office Envelopes
Vermeil Louis O. Fiset Japanese Canadians in WWII
Silver Neil Donen The Canada 3-cent 1935 Silver Jubilee Stamp: Production + Usage
Single Frame
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Silver Ray Simrak The S.C.A.D.T.A. System, Canada to Columbia

INDYPEX, Indianapolis, IN, 27-29 June 2007

Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Vermeil W.T. Averbeck Modern Canadian Errors and their Causes

ROPEX, Henrietta, NY, 18-20 June 2007

Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Gold; BNAPS Award Herb McNaught Canada - 1897 Diamond Jubilees
Vermeil Clinton Many A Rate Study of the Admiral Stamps of Canada 1912-1928

VANPEX 2007, Richmond, BC, 8-10 June 2007

Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Gold, Grand, BNAPS Best BNA Exhibit Ian Mowat British Columbia: Yukon Revenues - 1899-1962
Gold, PHSC Award Bill Topping Union Steamships
Gold, BNAPS Best BNA 2 to 4 Frame Exhibit Louis Fiset Japanese-Canadians in WW II
Gold David Piercey Newfoundland: The Postal Issues 1865-1908
Vermeil John Burnett Canada - The Small Queens 1870-1897: The Stamps and Their Use
Vermeil John Eldridge Halifax during the Squared Circle Period
Vermeil Peter Jacobi The Historical Kootenays
Vermeil Gray Scrimgeour Some Postal History of the Numeral-Issue Period
Vermeil David H. Whitely Air Mail Covers to Overseas Destinations Except North America and Mexico (1927-1945)
Silver-Bronze Jim Carde Shades of Canadian Postal Stationery Post Cards - 1871-1929
Silver-Bronze Alex Hadden Canada Celebrates the Scouts and Guides
Single-Frame Exhibit
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Gold, One-Frame Award Robert K. Lane RPO's on the Mysterious Estevan Line
Gold, BNAPS Best Researched BNA Exhibit Robert J. Elias Paper Texture of Canadian Wilding Definitives
Vermeil Robert K. Lane RPO Usage on the Manitoba & North Western Railway
Silver David A. Cooper, Sr. My Ship sank! When can I come home?

ORAPEX 2007, Ottawa, ON, 5-6 May 2007

Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Vermeil John Cooper The 1928-29 Scroll Issue
Vermeil John Cooper Varieties & Errors of the QE II Booklets and Panes
Vermeil John Munro-Cape The One Cent of the Canadian War Issue
Vermeil Dick Malott Canadian Forces Air Letters
Silver Bob Anderson Brantford Advertising Through the Mail
Silver John Fretwell Coils of Canada - Edward VII - Elizabeth II
Silver David Schurman The Canadian Federal Bill Stamp
Silver David Hanes Canadian Air Mail Labels and Markings
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Gold, BNAPS Best BNA Exhibit Steve Johnson Yukon Airways and Exploration Company Limited
Gold Jon Johnson Military Hospitals at Sea
Vermeil Robert Lane RPO's on the Mysterious Estevan Line
Vermeil Robert Lane RPO Usage on the Manitoba & North Western Railway
Vermeil Stéphane Cloutier The Bickerdike Machine Cancellations of Hamilton, Canada
Vermeil John McEntyre The Parliament Stamps of Canada - King George VI
Silver Herb McNaught Canada - The 1908 Quebec Tercentenary Issue Production

WESTPEX, San Francisco, CA, 27-29 April 2007

Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Gold, Grand, PHS Medal Douglas Irwin Postal Beginnings at Niagara Falls, Canada, 1801 - 1904
Vermeil John P. Wynns Canada, 1927 Confederation Anniversary Issue

TEXPEX 2007, Dalles, TX, 17-19 April 2007

Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Gold, Reserve Grand Victor L. Wilson Canada 19th Century Nonletter Mail


Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Gold, Grand, PHS Medal Douglas Irwin Postal Beginnings at Niagara Falls, Canada, 1801 - 1904

Garfield Peary March Party, Cleveland, OH, 23-25 March 2007

Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Vermeil W. Terry Averbeck Modern Canadian Errors and their Causes - 1959-2005

Edmonton Spring National, Edmonton, AB, 23-25 March 2007

Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Gold, Grand, Best BNA Exhibit Tom Gosse Newfoundland King George VI
Gold, Reserve Grand, BNAPS Best Researched BNA Exhibit, PHSC Award Kevin O'Reilly A Postal History of Labrador before Confederation
Gold Herb McNaught Canada, 1897 Diamond Jubilees
Silver Steven Friedenthal Slogan Postal Markings of Western Canada 1901-1919
Silver, BNAPS Best BNA 2 to 4 Frame Exhibit Jon Johnson Canadian Pacific Railway Perfins
Silver Robert McGuiness Curious and Curiouser
Silver Kelly Liuz Christmas in Canada
Single Frame
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Vermeil Orville Osborne Colour Changes in the Imperial Penny Two Cent
Silver Herb McNaught The 1908 Quebec Tercentenary Issue

COLOPEX, Columbus, OH, 7-9 March 2007

Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Silver Dale Speirs Calgary Philatelist (#76-81)

ARIPEX, Tucson, AZ, 19-21 February 2007

Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Gold, Best BNA Exhibit John P. Wynns Canada, 1927 Confederation Anniversary Issue

APS StampShow EXPO 2007, Riverside, CA, 9-11 February 2007

Single Frame National Championship
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Prix d'Honneur Jonathan L. Johnson Canadian Military Hospitals at Sea
Prix d'Honneur Jerome V.V. Kasper SCADTA Postal Stationery
Single Frame Open
Vermeil Herb McNaught 1908 Quebec Issue - Production

SANDICAL, San Diego, CA, 25-27 January 2007

Single Frame
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Gold Jerome V.V. Kasper SCADTA Postal Stationery

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This page was last modified on 2021-02-20