2016 Exhibit awards won by BNAPS members

To acknowledge the efforts of BNAPS members and the success they have achieved in exhibiting BNA material, we present information about BNAPS exhibit winners at National exhibitions in Canada and the United States and FIP-sponsored International exhibitions.

Awards are for BNA exhibits and BNA literature. If you think we've missed any, let us know.
Contact Adri Veenstra (email: a.veenstra@chello.nl).

The exhibits are listed in four parts, each covering a three-month period. Adri Veenstra compiled the listings.

2016 Overview

Summary of exhibit awards won by BNAPS members in 2016

  Nationals - U.S. and Canada International - FIP BNAPS Totals
Award Level Single
Lit. Single
Lit. Single
Large Gold         2       2
Gold 5 19   2 3   3 11 43
Large Vermeil       2 2       4
Vermeil 9 20 1 2   3 7 42
Large Silver       1 1     2
Silver 4 15       4 3 26
Silver-Bronze 3 2         1 4 10
Bronze 1 1         1 1 4
Totals 22 57 5 10 1 12 26 133

Not included above are Prix d'Honneur and Court of Honour exhibits by David Hobden (shown at the APS StampShow, Portland, OR, and Royal * 2016 * Royale, Waterloo, ON), Bob Vogel (shown at Royal * 2016 * Royale, Waterloo, ON), and Chris Hargreaves (shown at ORAPEX 2016, Ottawa, ON).

At International FIP shows, single frame exhibits are given numeric scores, but are not awarded medals. For the table above, the exhibit's numeric score was equated to a medal using the scoring for multi-frame exhibits as a guide.

BNAPS members are to be commended for the quality and quantity of BNA exhibits. The total number of awards was 133, a 30% jump over last year and the largest number since 2006. The exhibition highlight of the year was undoubtedly NY2016, the International show held in New York from 28 May to 4 June 2016. With 14 entries all winning a Large Silver or better, this International saw the largest number and highest quality ever of BNA exhibits by BNAPS members. Also contributing to the increased numbers were a new Canadian National show, CANPEX 2016 in London, ON, and NOVAPEX 2016 in Halifax, NS, which was a National level show, as it is every second year.

The numbers do not include non-BNA exhibits by BNAPS members or BNA exhibits by non-members, of which there were several. Some exhibits may figure more than once in the awards tabulation because they were displayed at more than one show.

There were 68 exhibitors in 2016. They deserve our thanks for displaying an interesting spectrum of BNA material and promoting BNA philately to a wide audience. Members who exhibit at local and regional shows, which are not listed on this page, also deserve our thanks.

2016 Exhibit Awards, Part IV - Oct.-Dec.

FLOREX 2016, Orlando, FL, 2-3 December 2016

Single Frame
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Gold, AAPE Creativity in Philatelic Exhibiting Jill & Tom Hare Admirals and Old Lace, Lathework of the Canadian Admiral Era

Philatelic Fiesta 2016, San Jose, CA, 12-13 November 2016

Single Frame
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Vermeil Norris (Bob) Dyer Shenanigans at the Newfoundland General Post Office 1899-1900

PhilaTaipei 2016 World Stamp Championship Exhibition, Taipei, Taiwan, 21-26 October 2016

Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Gold Yuichi Tada Nova Scotia Pence & Cents Issues 1851-1867
Single Frame
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
86 points John McEntyre 1930 Canada: The Electricity and Gas Revenue Issue

CANPEX 2016, London, ON, 15-16 October 2016

Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Gold, BNAPS Best BNA 2 to 4 Frame Neil Hunter Air Mail to Canada's Gold Fields 1924-26
Gold, BNAPS Best BNA Exhibit, PHSC Best BNA Postal History, PSSC Canada Research Award John Sheffield The Two Ring Numeral Cancels of Canada
Gold Derek Smith Advertising Mail of St. John, NB, Businesses and Institutions - Victorian Period, 1857-1903
Vermeil, AAPE Novice Award Joe Trauzzi The 1939 Royal Train Post Office
Vermeil George Alexander Canadian Centennial Definitives
Vermeil, APS Medal of Excellence (1900-1940) Ken Lemke Grand Trunk Railway System
Silver Peter McCarthy Flying With Pride
Silver-Bronze Matthew Gaiser The NHL All-Stars
Single Frame
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Gold, CAS Grand Award for Best Aerophilatelic Exhibit Neil Hunter Eastern Canada's Air Mail Routes 1927-28
Vermeil, APS 1940-1980 Medal of Excellence Ted Nixon Canada 1951 One Dollar Fisheries Issue
Silver Matthew Gaiser 1982 Canadian Philatelic Youth Issue
2016 Exhibit Awards, Part III - July-Sept.

BNAPEX 2016, Fredericton, NB, 30 September - 2 October 2016

Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Gold Jeffrey S. Arndt The Canadian Low Value Wilding Issues
Gold, Allan Steinhart Reserve Grand, Meyerson Award John Cooper Way Mails of New Brunswick
Gold, John D. Arn White Queen Award Earle Covert Canadian Postal Stationery using the Wilding Portrait of Queen Elizabeth II
Gold Earle Covert Registered Mail of the Elizabethan Era in Canada and to and from the USA
Gold, Wilmer Rockett Revenue Award John Hall Canadian Fiscal War Tax Stamps of WWI
Gold Robin Moore Newfoundland Metered Mail
Gold Robin Moore Newfoundland 1840-1949 St. John’s Postal Markings
Gold, Ed and Mickey Richardson Award Gary Steele Ottawa Dead Letter Office Handstamps 1872 to 1950
Gold, Horace Harrison Grand Award Grégoire Teyssier Québec 1763-1867: Un Siècle d’Histoire Postale et de Marcophilie
Gold Richard Thompson The Development of the First Decimal Issue of Canada 1859-1868
Gold John M. Walsh Newfoundland Legal Documents: Stampless Precursor and 1898 Queen Victoria First Revenue
Vermeil (with Felicitations of the Jury), Order of the Beaver Novice Award Reg Beck Canada Queen Victoria Postal Stationery Envelopes and their uses, 1860-1905
Vermeil Brainard Fitzgerald The Royal Visit - Their Inspired Philatelic First Day Covers
Vermeil John Hall Canadian Postal Rates of the War Tax Era 1915-26
Vermeil Luc Legault L’Introduction du Premier Modèle du Compteur Postal au Canada: le modèle “M”
Vermeil Grégoire Teyssier Ville de Québec 1867-1914, Histoire Postale et Marcophilie
Vermeil Derek Smith Advertising Mail of St. John, NB, Businesses & Institutions Victorian Period - 1857-1903
Vermeil (with Felicitations of the Jury) Ron Smith Letters, Initials, and Place Name Cancels on Small Queens
Silver Ken Lemke Grand Trunk Railway System Pictorial Postcards Queen Victoria & Edward VII Eras
Silver Ijaz A. Qureshi Canada Steamship Mail to & from India 1878-1914 (Atlantic and Pacific Routes)
Silver Derek Smith RMS Empress of Ireland 1906-1914
Silver-Bronze Dave Bartlet 1913 Winnipeg Stampede
Silver-Bronze Guy Jeffery Toronto & Montreal Street and Neighbourhood Cancels in the Small Queen Era
Silver-Bronze Leon Matthys The Great Halifax Explosion 1917
Silver-Bronze Peter McCarthy Flying With Pride
Bronze Doreen Fitzgerald Postals – Through the Lens of Paul Yates
Single Frame
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Gold George Dresser Canada’s Queen Victoria Special Delivery Issue
Gold, Herb McNaught One-Frame Award Jean-Claude Michaud Newfoundland Postage Due Usages
Gold Victor Willson Fifteen Cent Large Queen Stamp of Canada
Vermeil Alexander Globe Toronto 2-Ring Stamp Obliterators, 1869-1888: Their Precursors & Legacy
Vermeil Robert Lemire Postal Stationery Issues Printed by the Canadian Bank Note Company 1935-38
Vermeil Ron Smith Not all fancy cancels are created equal: Identifying fakes, forgeries and spurious cancels on stamps and covers of the Small Queen period
Silver (with Felicitations of the Jury) Keith MacKay The “Streets” of Halifax: Gottingen & Morris Street Post Offices 1894-1903
Silver Jeff Parks Illustrated Business Mail of Clayton & Sons Halifax NS 1882-1951
Silver Garfield Portch The Expansion of the Post Office in Toronto 1880-1899
Silver Richard Thompson Development of the 1¢ Small Queen
Silver-Bronze Carl Munden Cape Breton In Lieu of Nova Scotia
Bronze Keith MacKay Halifax Buildings Illustrated on Victoria & Edward Advertising Covers
Non-exhibit awards
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Vincent G. Greene Award Larry Margetish Researching the Caricature and Landscape issues at Library and Archives Canada
E. R. (Ritch) Toop Memorial Award Brian Plain, Gray Scrimgeour and Robert Toombs Lt. Col. Roland H. Webb, A Guide to Canadian Military Postal History, 1636-1970
John S. Siverts Award (best Study Group newsletter of 2015) Michael D. Smith Dots and Scratches, Re-entries and Constant Plate Varieties Study Group
John S. Siverts Award (best Study Group newsletter of 2014) Glenn Archer Confederation, Large and Small Queens Study Group
Jack Levine Fellowship Award Peter Fralick Pacific Northwest Regional Group
Induction into the Order of the Beaver Jean-Claude Michaud

NOVAPEX 2016 National Stamp Exhibition, Halifax, NS, 16-18 September 2016

Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Gold, AAPE Gold Pin, BNAPS Best BNA 2 to 4 Frame Doreen Fitzgerald World War I - Messages Home in Silk
Gold, PSSC Specialization Medal Michael Mather London Cancels Development during the Victorian Period
Gold, AAPE Plans and Headings Award, APS Medal of Excellence (1900-1940), BNAPS Best BNA, BNAPS Best Researched BNA, PHSC Best BNA Postal History Gary Steele Canadian Dead Letter Office Handstamps
Gold Sean Weatherup The Railway Post Office Halifax to Yarmouth
Vermeil, AAPE Gold Pin Brainard Fitzgerald Exhibiting Choices for the 1939 Royal Visit
Vermeil Jean-Claude Michaud Newfoundland Postage Due Usages
Vermeil Carl Munden Cape Breton in Lieu of Nova Scotia
Vermeil Elizabeth Sodero A Survey of “Blue” Admiral Usage
Silver Matthew Gaiser The NHL All-Stars
Silver John Hall War Tax and the Post Office
Silver Guy Jeffery Toronto Fancy Cancels in the Small Queen Era
Silver Guy Jeffery Montreal Street Cancels in the Small Queen Era
Silver Jeff Parks Illustrated Business Mail - Clayton & Sons, Halifax, NS 1882-1951
Silver Sean Weatherup The Short Line and The Railway Post Office

Royal * 2016 * Royale, Waterloo, ON, 19-21 August 2016

Court of Honour
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Non-competitive David Hobden In Defence of the Border - Canadian Military Mails 1867-1885
Non-competitive Bob Vogel Berlin to Kitchener
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Gold, BNAPS Best BNA Stuart Reddington Canada Small Queens
Gold, BNAPS Best Researched BNA Luc Legault L'Introduction du Premier Modèle de Compteur Postal au Canada: Le Modèle "M"
Gold, BNAPS Best BNA 2 to 4 Frame, CAS Best Aerophilatelic Exhibit Neil Hunter Air Mail to Canada's Gold Fields 1924 - 1926
Gold, APS Medal of Excellence 1940-1980, PHSC Best BNA Postal History David Oberholtzer Canada's Barrel Handstamps
Gold, American Topical Association - Best Topical Award 1st Brainard Fitzgerald The Apple, The Blossom, The People, The Story
Gold, John D. Arn White Queen Award Robert J. Elias Canadian Postal Rates and Fees: Early Elizabethan II Era, 1952 - 1966
Vermeil, PHSC Ritch Toop Memorial Award, Best Military Exhibit Doreen Fitzgerald World War I - Messages Home in Silk
Silver David Bartlet 1913 Winnipeg Stampede
Silver Ian McMahon Guelph: The Royal City
Silver George E. Alexander Canadian Centennial Definitives
Silver Matthew Gaiser The NHL All-stars
Silver Bronze Tony Shaman Letters from Santa
Single Frame
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Gold, One-Frame Grand Award, BNAPS Best BNA One-Frame exhibit Robert Lunn The Canadian 1898 Imperial Penny Postage Stamp. A Rate Change Study
Vermeil Alexander Globe Precursors and Manufacture of Canada's Multiple 2-ring Obliterators
Vermeil Neil Hunter Eastern Canada's Air Mail Routes 1927 - 1928
Silver Garfield Portch Expansion of the Post Office in Toronto 1880-1899
Silver Bronze John G. McEntyre Canada: Different Costs for the 85 cent Mail Rate

APS StampShow 2016, Portland, OR, 4-7 August 2016

Award Exhibitor Exhibit
World Series of Philately Prix d'Honneur David Hobden In Defence of the Border - Canadian Military Mails. 1628-1885
Vermeil Tom & Jill Hare The Canadian Admiral Era: A Rate Study 1912-1931
Single Frame
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Vermeil, AAPE Award of Honor Jonathan Johnson Canadian Military Hospitals at Sea
2016 Exhibit Awards, Part II - Apr.-June

OKPEX 2016, Midwest City, OK, 17-18 June 2016

Single Frame
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Vermeil Norris R. Dyer Shenanigans at the Newfoundland General Post Office 1889-1900

World Stamp Show-NY 2016, New York, NY, 28 May - 4 June 2016

Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Large Gold Robert D. Forster British Columbia & Vancouver Island- 1858-1871
Large Gold David. L Hobden In Defense of the Border - Canadian Military Mails 1667-1885
Gold David McLaughlin The Maple Leaf Issue of Canada 1897-1898
Gold Guillaume Vadeboncoeur Canada – The Small Queens of 1870-1897
Large Vermeil Ian McMahon Envelopes and Postcards of Canada
Large Vermeil Gregoire Teyssier Marcophilie de La Ville de Quebec 1763-1851
Vermeil Kevin O’Reilly A Postal History of the Yukon (1893-1939)
Vermeil John M. Walsh Newfoundland Legal Documents: Stampless Precursor and 1898 Queen Victoria First Revenue Types
Large Silver James Taylor Mail From The French Shore of Newfoundland
Single Frame
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
94 points David D’Alessandris Mail Carried by the Cunard Line Between Halifax and the United States
92 points Raymond Simrak Canadian Pioneer Airmails 1918-1922
86 points Jon Johnson Canadian Military Hospitals at Sea
84 points John McEntyre 1908 Canada: The 1¢ Quebec Tercentenary Stamp
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Large Silver Jon Johnson Canadian Stamps With Perforated Initials, Fifth Edition (Electronic Handbook on Memory Sticks)

ORAPEX 2016, Ottawa, ON, 30 April - 1 May 2016

Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Gold, Court of Honour Chris Hargreaves Winnipeg's Air Mail: 1910-1939
Gold, PHSC Best Postal History (BNA), BNAPS Best BNA, AQEP Best Original Research Luc Legault L'Introduction du Premier Modèle de Compteur Postal au Canada: Le Modèle M
Gold, PHSC E.R. Toop Best Military Postal History, APS Medal of Excellence (1940-80), BNAPS Best BNA 2 to 4 Frame Earle Covert Armed Forces Air Letter Sheets
Gold, Most Innovative & Interesting Thematic / Display, AAPE Best Creativity Brainard Fitzgerald Exhibiting Choices for the 1939 Royal Visit
Vermeil John Hall Canadian Fiscal War Tax Stamps of World War I
Vermeil, BNAPS Best Researched BNA, CAS Best Airmail Michael Croy The History of Canadian Aviation and Pioneer Airmail 1906 - 1934
Vermeil Neil Hunter Air Mail to Canada's Gold Fields 1924-1926
Vermeil Anthony Fulmes Into the Heart of Darkness - Postal History of Canadian Military Operations in Africa
Vermeil A. David Hanes Camp Borden 1916-2016
Vermeil Richard McIntosh Early Air Mail Flights Between Moncton and the Magdalen Islands, Charlottetown and Summerside
Silver, John D. Arn White Queen Award Robert Lemire Postal Stationery Printed to Private Order for Use by the Ontario Hydro-Electric Power Commission
Silver Dave Bartlet 1913 Winnipeg Stampede
Single Frame
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Vermeil, BNAPS Best BNA One-Frame Darcy Hickson Sewell Camp – “The White City” – 1915
Silver-Bronze Alexander Globe Toronto's 2-ring 2 Obliterators of 1869 and Their Legacy
Silver-Bronze John McEntyre Canada: Different Values for the 85c Mail Rate
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Silver, OPS Youth Grand Award Matthew Gaiser The NHL All Stars Series

Plymouth 2016, Westland, MI, 16-17 April 2016

Single Frame
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Vermeil Norris R. Dyer Shenanigans at the Newfoundland General Post Office 1889-1900

Edmonton National Spring Show 2016, Edmonton, AB, 2-3 April 2016

Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Gold, Grand Award, APS Medal of Excellence (Pre-1900), BNAPS Best BNA Exhibit, PHSC Best BNA Postal History David Piercey Moving the Mails: Postal Routes in the Early Decimal Period of Newfoundland 1865-1910
Gold, Reserve Grand Award, APS Medal of Excellence (1900-1940), BNAPS Best Researched BNA Kevin O'Reilly A Postal History of the Yukon
Vermeil, BNAPS Best BNA 2 to 4 Frame, PSSC Award Hal Kellett Territory of Saskatchewan
Vermeil, PHSC Ritch Troop Best Military Mike Powell Postal History of the Great War Internment Camps in Canada
Vermeil, AAPE Silver Pin Earle Covert Registered Mail of the Elizabethan Era in Canada and to and from the USA
Vermeil, John D. Arn White Queen Award Earle Covert Canadian Postal Stationery using the Wilding Portrait
Vermeil, AAPE Novice Award Anthony Fulmes Into the Heart of Darkness: Postal History of Canadian Military Operations in Africa
Single Frame
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Gold, BNAPS Best BNA One-Frame John McEntyre 1930 Canadian Electricity and Gas Revenue Stamps
Vermeil, AAPE Gold Pin Darcy Hickson Sewell Camp – “The White City” – 1915
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Silver, AAPE Youth Award Matthew Gaiser The NHL All Stars Series
Silver Matthew Gaiser 1982 Canadian Philatelic Youth Issue
2016 Exhibit Awards, Part I - Jan.-Mar.

TEXPEX 2016, Grapevine, TX, 26-28 February 2016

Single Frame
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Silver Allison W. Cusick Solo Usages of Canada's One Cent Small Queen Stamp: 1870-1897

ARIPEX 2016, Mesa, AZ, 19-21 February 2016

Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Bronze Thomas Reyman Isle Madame, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia: A Commercial Center of the Maritime Provinces

Sarasota National Stamp Exhibition 2016, Sarasota, FL, 5-7 February 2016

Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Gold Stuart Reddington Canada Small Queens 1870-1897
Single Frame
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Gold, American Revenue Association Gold John McEntyre 1876-1887 First Canadian Weights and Measures Revenue Issues

Sandical 2016, San Diego, CA, 22-24 January 2016

Single Frame
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Bronze Jay A. Shoemaker The Printing of Canadian 3c Small Queen

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This page was last modified on 2021-02-20