2021 awards won by BNAPS members

To acknowledge the philatelic endeavours of BNAPS members and their success in exhibiting BNA material, we list the awards they have won.

The listing covers exhibit awards for BNA exhibits and BNA literature at National exhibitions in Canada and the United States and FIP-sponsored International exhibitions. It also covers non-exhibit awards that recognize the philatelic achievements of members.

Many exhibitions use a points-based system to evaluate exhibits. A number after a medal is the number of points the exhibit was awarded.

If you think we've missed any, let us know. Contact Adri Veenstra (email: a.veenstra@chello.nl) who compiled the listings.

2021 Overview

Summary of exhibit awards won by BNAPS members in 2021

  Nationals - U.S. and Canada International - FIP BNAPS Totals
Award Level Single
Lit. Single
Lit. Single
Large Gold 8 3             11
Gold 10     1 1   2 8 22
Large Vermeil 6 1   1 1       9
Vermeil 1           5 6 12
Large Silver 4     1         5
Silver             6 3 9
Silver-Bronze             4 1 5
Bronze             1 2 3
Totals 29 4   3 2   18 20 76

Not included in the table are Court of Honour exhibits, APS StampShow World Series of Philately Prix d'Honneur exhibits, and non-competitive exhibits.

There were 76 competitive exhibits in 2021, about half the number seen in 2019. The reason for the decline was the subject of most news stories during the past two years: COVID-19. Because of the pandemic, almost all National and International shows were cancelled in 2021. But, on a positive note, 2021 was much better than 2020. Stamp organizations stepped up by switching from in-person to virtual exhibitions. Of the ten competitive exhibitions listed on this page, almost two-thirds were virtual. Among them were BNAPEX and the RPSC's Royal - 2021 - Royale. More encouraging news: 2022 promises to be better still with more in-person exhibitions planned.

44 BNAPS members exhibited competitively in 2021. Probably in anticipation of the single-frame-only CAPEX 22, two-thirds of the exhibits in 2021 were single frame. We thank the exhibitors for the time and energy they devote to exhibiting their collections.

The quality of the exhibits was impressively high. Half of them were awarded a Large Gold, Gold, or Large Vermeil. Note that the number of Large Gold, Large Vermeil, and Large Silver medals is understated because several shows, BNAPEX among them, do not distinguish between these medals and Gold, Vermeil, and Silver ones.

BNAPS sponsors several special BNA exhibit awards at National and Regional shows in Canada and the U.S. The awards include: Best BNA exhibit, Best BNA One Frame, Best Researched BNA, Best BNA 2 to 4 Frame, and the John D. Arn White Queen Award for best BNA Elizabethan exhibit. For more information on these awards, contact David Freeman, BNAPS Awards Coordinator, at dfreeman@latitude.ca. The RPSC, PHSC, PSSC, and other specialist societies also sponsor special awards. And shows have their own special awards to recognize best-in-class exhibits.

This compilation does not include non-BNA exhibits by BNAPS members or BNA exhibits by non-members. Some exhibits may figure more than once in the awards tabulation because they were displayed at more than one show.

2021 BNAPS member awards, Part III - Oct.-Dec.

BANGABANDHU 2021 Virtual International Stamp Exposition, 10-30 December 2021

Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Gold/93 David McLaughlin The Maple Leaf Issue of Canada 1897-1898
Large Vermeil/88 Ian McMahon Post Bands and Wrappers of Canada
Single Frame
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
90 points (Gold) David McLaughlin Canada: The 1933 UPU Preparatory Commission Meeting
88 points (Large Vermeil) John G. McEntyre Canada 1930: The Weights and Measures Revenue Issue
77 points (Large Silver) John G. McEntyre Study of 20th Century Post Card Rates: Canada to the U.K.

NAPEX 2021, McLean, VA, 22-24 October 2021

Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Large Gold/92, Postal History Society award Ronald E. Majors Canada/British No. America (BNA)-Union & Confederate Postal Correspondence in the U.S. Civil War Era (1859-1867)

Virtual Royal - 2021 - Royale, 14-17 October 2021

Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Large Gold, BNAPS Best Researched BNA Exhibit, PHSC Best BNA Postal History Exhibit Louis Fiset The Uprooting of British Columbia’s Japanese Canadians, 1942-1949
Large Vermeil Ian McMahon Guelph - The Royal City
Single Frame
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Large Gold, Reserve Grand, BNAPS Best BNA Exhibit, BNAPS Best BNA One-Frame Exhibit Gary Steele Canadian Dead Letter Office Re-Organization Handstamps
Large Gold, APS Postal History Medal Gary Steele Dead Letter Office Handstamps 1872 to 1898 Decentralization
Large Gold John G. McEntyre 1855-59 10 Pence: Canada's First Trans-Atlantic Rate Stamp
Gold David Bartlet British Columbia Hospitals Aid 1933
Gold Gordon Turnbull Cartier on Canadian Stamps 1855-1934
Gold Patrick Durbano Department of Finance 5-Hole OHMS Perfins (1923-1942)
Gold Tom Watkins Earliest and Latest Commercial Usages of Canada's Semi-Official Airmails
Large Vermeil Chris Hargreaves Winnipeg's Airmail: From Fantasy to Buenos Aires
Large Vermeil, John D. Arn White Queen Award Douglas Irwin The $1 Centennial Definitive of Canada: The Stamp and its Usages
2021 BNAPS member awards, Part II - July-Sept.

Philatelic Show, Boxborough, MA, 24-26 September 2021

Single Frame
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Gold/86 Richard S. Wilson Queen Victoria's Federal Law Stamps of Canada

Virtual SEAPEX 2021, Seattle, WA, 24-26 September 2021

Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Large Gold/92, Postal History Society Certificate, APS Award of Excellence 1940-1980 Louis Fiset The Uprooting of British Columbia’s Japanese Canadians, 1942-1949

Canadian Philatelic Society of Great Britain (CPSGB) convention, virtual, 20-23 September 2021

Non-exhibit Awards
Award BNAPS member Notes
Elected as a Fellow of the CPSGB John M. Wright
Founder's Trophy John M. Walsh & Robin Moore Awarded for the articles "Newfoundland: Discoveries in the Design Sizes of the 1932 First Resources; 1933 Gilbert; 1937 Long Coronation and 1938 Royal Family Issues", Maple Leaves, Vol. 37, No. 1, Jan. 2021, and "Newfoundland: Discovery Design Sizes Found on the 5 Cent, 2 Cent Die II, 4 Cent Rose Lake and 8 Cents Values of the 1932 Perkins Bacon & Co Issue. (Further Proof of their Different Printing Press Uses and Capabilities)", Maple Leaves, Vol. 37, No. 3, July 2021.

BALPEX, Baltimore, MD, 3-5 September 2021

Single Frame
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Large Silver, WE Sterling Achievement Award Clarence A. Stillions Canada’s Embossed Stamps, 1974-1981

BNAPEX 2021 Virtual, 2-6 September 2021

Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Gold Laurent Belisle Les oblitérations de type cercle encadré du Québec
Gold, Lola Caron Award Laurent Belisle Montreal Carrier Handstamps
Gold, Canadian Military Mail Study Group Award Sam Chiu Canada's C-Force in Hong Kong & its Forerunner: From a Social Philately Approach
Gold, John D. Arn White Queen Award Robert J. Elias Usage of Canadian Karsh Definitive Stamps
Gold, Ed and Mickey Richardson Award John A. Hall The Canadian National Parks Stamps
Gold, Horace W. Harrison Grand Award, OTB Novice Award, Meyerson Award Robert G. Leigh The Western District of Upper Canada: The Development of Postal Communications and Postal Markings, 1800-1850
Gold, Allan Steinhart Reserve Grand Award "Dylan Staecker" Canadian Permit Postage on Bulk Mail 1903 – 1938
Gold Jean Wang The Toronto Hospital for Sick Children’s Christmas Appeals to 1926
Vermeil Gary D. Arnold Squared Circle Postmarks of Canada in the Admiral Period
Vermeil Christopher J. Ellis Canada’s One Cent Victoria Leaf Issue Official Stationery Postal Cards
Vermeil Steven A. Friedenthal Canada Postage Meters at War: (Canada World War II Patriotic Postage Meter Slogans 1939 - 1946)
Vermeil, Canadian Aerophilatelic Society Best Aerophilatelic Exhibit Award Ian McMahon Air Letters and Aerogrammes of Canada
Vermeil Richard P. Thompson The First Decimal Issue of Canada
Vermeil Raymond Villeneuve Special Delivery Service between Canada and the U.S.: 1899-1946
Silver Richard Baxter Canadian Post Cards of the Edwardian Era and Quebec Tercentenary
Silver Raymond J. Dubeau Canada: Three Cent Small Queen, Printing Classes - The Montreal Period - 1873 To 1888
Silver John G. McEntyre A Study of Complimentary Canadian First Day Covers
Silver-Bronze Peter J. McCarthy Philately On The Rails
Bronze Vince Chermishnok Paper & Steel: Canada’s Locomotive Series 1983-1986
Bronze Earle L. Covert Foreign Mail with added Canadian Forms and Labels
Single Frame
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Gold Patrick Durbano Department of Finance 5-Hole OHMS Perfins (1923-1939)
Gold, Herbert L. McNaught One-frame Exhibit Award Ronald E. Majors Mail between Canada/BNA and Confederate States During U.S. Civil War
Vermeil, Wilmer Rockett Revenue Award David W. Bartlet British Columbia Hospital Aid 1933
Vermeil Glen Lundeen 3 cent Small Queen Stamp
Vermeil John G. McEntyre 1855-59 10 pence: Canada's First Trans-Atlantic Rate Stamp
Vermeil David McLaughlin Canada: 1933 UPU Preparatory Commission Meeting
Vermeil Richard S. Wilson Queen Victoria's Federal Law Stamps of Canada
Silver Colin Geoffrey Banfield The 1895 Squared Circle Postmark of Gore Bay, Manitoulin Island, Ontario
Silver Steve B. Davis Canada Jet Plane Stamps of 1964: Rates & Usages
Silver Chris Hargreaves Winnipeg's Airmail: From Fantasy to Buenos Aires
Silver Ronald E. Majors Turned Covers of the Classic Period of BNA Philately
Silver Peter J. McCarthy Railway Post Office Postmarks used on the Northern Railway System
Silver Richard P. Thompson One Cent Small Queen 1870-1892
Silver-Bronze Laurent Belisle Les tarifs et frais durant l'époque de la série banderolle (1928-1930)
Silver-Bronze Michel Guilbault Les Bordures Philatéliques
Silver-Bronze Peter J. McCarthy The Small Boats
Silver-Bronze Clarence A. Stillions Canada's Embossed Stamps, 1974 - 1981
Bronze J. Fred Pritchard History's Mailbag: Rural Post in Western Quebec (1875-1925)
Non-exhibit Awards
Award BNAPS member Notes
Vincent G. Greene Award Jon Johnson “WWII Ocean-going Canadian Merchant Navy Postal History” – Part 2, in BNA Topics, Vol. 77, No. 1, Jan.-Mar. 2020
John S. Siverts Award Jim Jung Pence-Cents Era Study Group Newsletter, newsletter of the Pence-Cents Era Study Group
Jack Levine Fellowship Award John (Jeff) Furlong Prairie Beaver Regional Group
E.R. "Ritch" Toop Memorial Award A. David Hanes R.C.A.F. Christmas Cards 1939-1980
Order of the Beaver Lifetime Achievement Award Kevin O’Reilly
Hall of Fame Award David W. Bartlet
Hall of Fame Award Hank Narbonne

Great American Stamp Show, Rosemont, IL, 12-15 August 2021

Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Prix d'honneur David McLaughlin The Maple Leaf Issue of Canada 1897-1898
Single Frame
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Vermeil, AAPE Award of Honor, American Revenue Association One Frame Award Richard S. Wilson Queen Victoria's Federal Law Stamps of Canada
2021 BNAPS member awards, Part I - Jan.-June

RPSC Annual General Meeting (Virtual), 14 June 2021

Non-exhibit Awards
Award BNAPS member Notes
Geldert Medal Robin Harris Best article in The Canadian Philatelist in 2020: "Becoming the Understudy: Canada's Repeating 'Canada' Underprint" in Vol. 71, No. 2, Mar.-Apr. 2020.

PIPEX 2021 virtual show, APS World Series of Philately event, 7-9 May 2021

Single Frame
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Large Gold/93, BNAPS Best BNA Exhibit, BNAPS Research Award Luc Freve From Sail to Rail - California Mail to/from British North America

CANPEX National Virtual One Frame Philatelic Exhibit, 7-30 April 2021

Single Frame
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Large Gold/92, PHSC Best BNA Postal History Exhibit Cimon Morin Cantons de l'Est - Les premiers bureaux et marques postales
Large Gold/91 Yan Turmine Lake Champlain postal route to/from Canada before 1799
Large Gold/90, RPSC Award for Excellence - Title Page/Synopsis Darcy Hickson International Stamp Cancelling Machines at Brandon, Manitoba 1907-1919
Large Gold/90 Richard S. Wilson Queen Victoria's Federal Law Stamps of Canada
Gold/89 Jean Wang The Toronto Hospital for Sick Children's Christmas Appeals to 1926: The Sweetest of All Charities
Gold/89 Bill Longley Canada's Changeling Postmarks: A Failed Experiment
Gold/88 Colin Geoffrey Banfield The Split Ring Station Postmarks of Prince Edward Island
Gold/87 Robert G. Leigh Allegory of Progress
Gold/85 Robert Lunn Internal Mails and Postage Rates of Pre Confederation Prince Edward Island
Large Vermeil/84 Mark Berner Use of the Third Bill Stamp in Nova Scotia
Large Vermeil/83 Christopher J. Ellis The Evolution of Canada's First Official Advertising Stationery Cards
Large Vermeil/83 Kevin O'Reilly A Friendly Invasion: United States Forces at Churchill
Large Vermeil/80 Robert J. Elias The Canadian 6 Cent UPU Letter Rate
Large Silver/74 Peter J. McCarthy Mountain Sheep
Large Silver/73 Peter J. McCarthy Railway Post Office Markings Used on the Grand Trunk Railway between Montreal and Toronto 1854 - 1923
Large Silver/71 Peter J. McCarthy Small Boats

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This page was last modified on 2022-02-13