2008 Exhibit awards won by BNAPS members

To acknowledge the efforts of BNAPS members and the success they have achieved in exhibiting BNA material, we present information about BNAPS exhibit winners at National exhibitions in Canada and the United States and FIP-sponsored International exhibitions.

Awards are for BNA exhibits and BNA literature. If you think we've missed any, let us know.
Contact Adri Veenstra (email: a.veenstra@chello.nl).

The information on this page was provided by Norris (Bob) Dyer.

2008 Overview

Summary of exhibit awards won by BNAPS members in 2008

  Nationals - U.S. and Canada International - FIP BNAPS Total
Award Level Single
Lit. Single
Lit. Single
Large Gold         1       1
Gold 13 22   6     7 20 68
Large Vermeil         3       3
Vermeil 8 10   3     2 9 32
Large Silver                  
Silver 1 12         2 2 17
Silver-Bronze   2         1   3
Total 22 46   9 4   12 31 124

The total number of awards in 2008 is considerably higher than in 2007 because of the large number of BNAPEX exhibits this year. Single frame awards were 35% of the total.

The number of large gold and gold exhibits was 56% of the total, compared with only 36% last year. Either our exhibitors are doing a much better job or it is becoming easier to get the highest awards.

I know there are many of our members who exhibit at the local or regional level, or even in other countries at non-FIP shows. In every instance this helps to promote BNA philately, and recruit new members. All exhibitors and those who write on BNA philately should be congratulated. It takes research and a lot of work.

2008 Exhibit Awards

SESCAL/AMERICAS 08, Los Angeles, CA, 10-12 October 2008

This was both an international (FIAF/FIP) and national APS show. Some exhibitors opted for awards based upon both international and national scoring; thus, some exhibits are listed twice. International exhibits have additional award levels and numeric scores are also given.


Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Large Vermeil (87) Doug Irwin Postal Beginnings at Niagara Falls, Ontario
Large Vermeil (85) John Wynns Canada Confederation Issue of 1927
Single Frame
Grand, Gold (93) John McEntyre Canada – the 10 Pence, 1855-1859


Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Gold Doug Irwin Postal Beginnings at Niagara Falls, Ontario
Gold John Wynns Canada Confederation Issue of 1927
Single Frame
Gold John McEntyre Canada – the 10 Pence, 1855-1859

Southeastern Stamp Show, Marietta, GA, 26-28 September 2008

Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Silver Jane Sodero Milford House Postcards 1905 to Present “A Rustic Resort over a Century”
Single Frame
Vermeil Jane Sodero Guysborough, Nova Scotia Post Office 1838-1937

PRAGO 08 (FIP), Prague, Czech Republic, 12-14 September 2008

Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Large Vermeil (88) Guillaume Vadeboncoeur Canada – the Small Queens of 1870-1897
Single Frame
Gold (92) John McEntyre 1855-1859: 10 Pence – Canada’s First Trans-Atlantic Rate Stamp
Gold (92) Herbert McNaught Canada: The Half Cent Small Queen Issue of 1882-1897
Gold (92) Fred Fawn The Dominion of Canada: The 15 Cent Large Queen 1868
Vermeil (81) Steve Johnson Yukon Airways and Exploration Company Limited

BNAPEX 2008, Halifax, NS, 29-31 August 2008

Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Gold, Horace Harrison Grand Award Gary Steele Dead Letter Office Handstamps 1874 to 1954
Gold, Allan Steinhart Reserve Grand Award, Sam Nickle Award, PHSC Award David Hobden In Defense of the Border – Canadian Military Mails 1667 – 1885
Gold, Allan Steinhart Reserve Grand Award, BNAPS Novice Award Jack Forbes Colours, Shades and perforations as seen in Blocks of Canada’s Small Queen Era, with Cancellation Commentary
Gold, Allan Steinhart Reserve Grand Award, PHSC Award Derek Smith TransAtlantic Stampless Mail to and from N.B., N.S., P.E.I. – 1757-1859
Gold with Felicitations of the Jury Fred Fawn The Dominion of Canada: The Large Queens 1868-1896
Gold with Felicitations of the Jury John Cooper The 1928-29 Scroll Issue
Gold with Felicitations of the Jury Hugh Rathbun Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia: Communications Of the 1700’s and Postal Markings of the 1800’s
Gold with Felicitations of the Jury W. Terry Averbeck The Small Queen Era: “A Study of the Rates, Regulations & Usages”
Gold, Meyerson Award Peter Motson Newfoundland Airmail Stamps and Airmail Flights: 1919 – 1948
Gold, Ed and Mickey Richardson Award Brian T. Stalker Newfoundland’s South Coast Traveling Post offices: Routes, Postmarks, Steamships and Mail Clerks: 1888 – 1968
Gold Herb McNaught Canada – The 1908 Quebec Tercentenary Issue
Gold Colin G. Banfield The Queen Victoria Diamond Jubilee Issue and the Squared Circle Postmarks
Gold Peter McCarthy All Aboard
Gold John Eldridge The Halifax Square Circle Cancel Exhibit
Gold O.F. Osborne Canada Imperial Penny Post 1898
Gold Hugh D. Westgate 1898 Canadian Imperial Penny Post Issue: Concept to Completion
Gold Sandy Clark Nova Scotia Way Offices
Gold Marc Eisenberg Canadian Dead Letter Office Envelopes
Gold Martyn Cusworth Prince Edward Island Transportation Markings 1875 - 1966
Gold John M. Walsh Newfoundland: 1898 Queen Victoria Issue First Revenue Series Used on Documents
Vermeil, Wilmer Rockett Revenue Award Earle L. Covert Tobacco Duty Paids – The Last 35 years
Vermeil with Felicitations of the Jury Colin G. Banfield Canada Postal Stationery Cards of the Victorian Period
Vermeil Paul H. Grimm Squared Circle Postmarks of Nova Scotia
Vermeil Glen Playter A Postal History of Newmarket to 1922 (Ontario)
Vermeil John Wynns Canada Confederation Issue of 1927
Vermeil Bill Radcliffe Four Ring Cancels of Canada
Vermeil Bill Radcliffe Two Ring Cancels of Canada
Vermeil Dave Schurman The Supreme Court Revenue Stamps of Canada
Vermeil George Lafontaine The Halifax Mails – The First 200 Years
Silver Stephen Sacks 1917 and 1927 Canada Confederation Stamps and Covers
Silver Terry Harris Newfoundland Stamp Dealers
Single Frame
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Gold with Felicitations of the Jury Martyn Cusworth Prince Edward Island Fancy Cancels 1873 – 1910
Gold Bob Lane Early Manitoba Railway Post Offices Routes, comprised of the single frame exhibits:
►  RPO Usage on the Manitoba and North Western Railway
►  19th Century Mail by Rail in the Red River Valley
►  RPOs on the Mysterious Estevan Line
Gold David Bartlet Booklets of Newfoundland
Gold Earle L. Covert Canadian Pacific Railway First Issue (Green) Postal Stationery Cards
Gold Garfield Portch Canada: The Half-Cent Small Queen
Gold Jon Johnson Canadian Military Hospitals at Sea
Gold Colin Lewis Newfoundland Postal History – The Pence Period 1 January 1857 – 6 April 1865
Vermeil with Felicitations of the Jury Jeffrey S. Arndt The Canadian Five Cent Blue Wilding Queen
Vermeil Robert Lunn 1898 Imperial Penny Postage Stamp, A Rate Change Study
Silver Robert J. Elias The Canadian 6 Cent Wilding Definitive
Silver Carl Munden Handstruck Postmark Types of Pre-Confederation Newfoundland
Silver-Bronze Jeff Parks Finding Halifax: The Halifax Bicentenary Issue, June 21, 1949
Non-Exhibit Awards
Award Recipient Exhibit
Vincent G. Greene Award Norris (Bob) Dyer for "The Man from Sandy Point"
Ritch Toop Award Doug Sayles for The BNAPS Catalogue of Canadian Military Mail Markings Volume 3 – From Victory in 1945 to Afghanistan
John S. Siverts Award Stephen Prest for the KG VI Study Group Newsletter
Hall of Fame Award Norris (Bob) Dyer for duties as BNAPS Youth Coordinator
Order of the Beaver inductee Norris (Bob) Dyer  
OTB Lifetime Achievement Award Robin Harris  

APS StampShow 2008, Hartford, CT, 14-17 August 2008

Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Silver John M. Walsh Newfoundland: 1898 Queen Victoria Issue First Revenue Series Used on Documents
Single Frame
Gold Charles J.G. Verge The 15¢ Gannet Definitive of 1954

EFIRO 2008, a Romanian Philatelic Exhibition and World Philatelic Exhibition (FIP),
Bucharest, Romania, 20-27 June 2008

Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Large Gold (95) Daniel Cantor Province of Canada 1851-1867
Single Frame
Gold (94) John McEntyre 1855 Canada: The 10 Pence High Value
Gold (90) Herbert L. McNaught Canada: The Half-Cent Small Queen Issue 1882-1891
Vermeil (85) Jon Johnson Canadian Military Hospitals ay Sea
Vermeil (81) Robert Lane The West of Winnipeg RPO

NAPEX, McLean, VA, 6-8 June 2008

Single Frame
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Gold Charles J.G. Verge Canada: The Gannet

Competition awards PIPEX 2008, Seattle, WA, 31 May - 1 June 2008

Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Gold Neil Donan Production and Use of the 1933 3¢ Silver Jubilee Stamp
Gold John D. Arn Cameo Definitive Issue
Silver-Bronze J. Alex Hadden Canada Celebrates the Scouts and Guides
Silver-Bronze David Oldfield Presenting Canada’s National Wildlife Week
Single Frame
Gold Jon Johnson Canadian Military Hospitals at Sea

Rocky Mountain Stamp Show, Denver, CO, 16-18 May 2008

Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Gold John Wynns Canada Confederation Issue of 1927

ROPEX, Rochester, NY, 16-18 May 2008

Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Vermeil J. Alex Hadden Canada Celebrates the Scouts and Guides

ROYALE*2007*ROYALE, Quebec, QC, 16-18 May 2008

Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Gold, Grand, BNAPS Best BNA Exhibit David G. Hobden Military Mail 1667-1887
Gold, 3rd Grand John Cooper 1928-1929 Scroll Issues
Gold Herbert McNaught Canada 1908 Quebec Tercentenary
Vermeil David G. Brown The Red Lake Story of Gold Research
Vermeil Robert Pinet Illustrated Commemorative Covers
Silver Chris Hargreaves Aerial Mail to and from Kingston
Silver Gordon Mallet “Hale” to the Postal Superintendent
Silver Richard McIntosh Winnipeg – Pembina Airmail 1931
Silver J.-Pierre Forest Revenu Québec 1864-1964
Single Frame
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Gold, Best 1-Page Exhibit Hugo Deshaye Le Double Cercle Brisé "Quebec Can" de 1852
Gold, BNAPS Best BNA One Frame Exhibit Gary W. Steele Ottawa DLO Handstamps 1874 to July 1, 1898 Decentralization
Vermeil Steve Johnson Jack V. Elliot Air Service
Vermeil Richard McIntosh Canadian Post Office Envelope 1928
Vermeil Jack Forbes Shades of Canada 8¢ Small Queen
Silver Garfield J. Portch Jacques Cartier Quadicentenary Issue

ORAPEX 2008, Ottawa, ON, 3-4 May 2008

Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Gold, Grand, BNAPS Best BNA Exhibit John Cooper Canada 1928-1929 Scroll Issue
Gold, Reserve Grand Douglas Irwin Postal Beginnings of Niagara Falls Canada 1801-1904
Gold, BNAPS Best Researched BNA Exhibit, PHSC Award David Handelman Mail Between BNA and UK, 1766-1875
Gold Victor Willson Canada Post Cards 1871-1928
Gold Steven A. Friedenthal Slogan Postal Markings of Western Canada
Gold David Hobden In Defense of the Border: Canadian Military Mail 1746-1885
Vermeil, BNAPS Best BNA 2 to 4 Frame Exhibit J. Michael Powell Notes Through Barbed Wire
Vermeil R.F. Narbonne The Bathurst District of Upper Canada
Silver John Munro-Cape One Cent of the Canadian War issue
Silver Ray Dubeau Canada: Three Cent Small Queen 1870-1897
Single Frame
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Gold, BNAPS Best BNA One Frame Exhibit John McEntyre 1855-1859 Ten Pence: Canada’s First Trans-Atlantic Rate Stamp
Gold Steve Johnson Jack V. Elliot Air Service
Gold Dave Bartlett Booklets of Newfoundland

Garfield-Perry March Party, Cleveland, OH, 28-30 March 2008

Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Gold, Grand John L. Robertson Stampless Cross Border Mail Between United States and Canada

Edmonton Spring National, Edmonton, AB, 28-30 March 2008

Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Gold, Grand, BNAPS Best BNA Exhibit Earle Covert Canadian Postal Stationery using the Karsh Photograph of Queen Elizabeth II
Gold, BNAPS Best Researched BNA Exhibit, PHSC Award Kevin O’Reilly A Postal History of Labrador
Gold, BNAPS Best BNA 2 to 4 Frame Exhibit Earle Covert Certified Mail of Canada
Gold Peter J. McCarthy All Aboard
Gold Bill Topping Yukon Airways and Exploration Company
Gold John Cooper The 1928-1929 Scroll Issue of Canada
Vermeil Andrew Winter Newfoundland Postal Cards: “A New System of Correspondence”
Vermeil Earle Covert 1897 Tobacco Stamps of Canada
Vermeil Herb McNaught The 1908 Quebec Tercentenary Issue of Canada
Vermeil Tom Watkins The Postal History of Canada’s Semi-Official Airmail
Vermeil John Keenleyside Philip Timms – Images of Suburban Vancouver 1900-1910
Silver Bob McGillivray The Yukon
Silver David H. Whiteley Canadian Airmail to Overseas Destinations 1925-1946
Silver Jane M.F. Sodero Milford House Postcards 1905 to Present “A Rustic Resort for over a Century"
Silver David H. Whiteley The Canadian Post Office as an Agent of the Foreign Exchange Control Board
Single Frame
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Gold, Best One-Frame, BNAPS Best BNA One-Frame Exhibit David Bartlet Booklets of Newfoundland
Gold, Reserve One-Frame Fred Fawn Canada - The Large Queens 1868: Postal Rates
Vermeil Earle Covert Canadian Pacific Railway - First Issue (Green) Postal Stationery Cards
Vermeil Jane M.F. Sodero Guysborough, Nova Scotia: Post Office 1838-1937

Sarasota National Stamp Exhibition, Sarasota, FL, 1-3 February 2008

Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Gold Ray Simrak The S.C.A.D.T.A. System, Canada to Colombia, South America

SANDICAL 2008, San Diego, CA, 25-27 January 2008

Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Vermeil Art Bunce Canada: Quebec Tercentenary Issue of 1908

AMERISTAMP EXPO 2008, Charlotte, NC, 11-13 January 2008

Single Frame
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Gold Norris (Bob) Dyer Edward and Alexandra, Newfoundland's Homage to the Prince and Princess of Wales
Gold Charles J.G. Verge Canada, The Gannet
Vermeil Charles J.G. Verge The Windsor Hotel, Montreal

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This page was last modified on 2021-02-20