2022 awards won by BNAPS members

To acknowledge the philatelic endeavours of BNAPS members and their success in exhibiting BNA material, we list the awards they have won.

The listing covers exhibit awards for BNA exhibits and BNA literature at National exhibitions in Canada and the United States and FIP-sponsored International exhibitions. It also covers non-exhibit awards that recognize the philatelic achievements of members.

Many exhibitions use a points-based system to evaluate exhibits. A number after a medal is the number of points the exhibit was awarded.

In some exhibitions, notably International ones, single frame exhibits are given numeric scores, but are not awarded medals. In the listings below, a "medal equivalent" is specified in addition to the numeric score. The "medal equivalent" is determined using the medals and scores awarded to multi-frame exhibits as a guide.

If you think we've missed any awards, let us know. Contact Adri Veenstra (email: a.veenstra@chello.nl) who compiled the listings.

2022 Overview

Summary of exhibit awards won by BNAPS members in 2022

  Nationals - U.S. and Canada International - FIP BNAPS Totals
Award Level Single
Lit. Single
Lit. Single
Large Gold 10 10   1 4       25
Gold 15 11 1 18 1 1 4 12 63
Large Vermeil 10 6   28 4 7     55
Vermeil 1 4   13   17 4 1 40
Large Silver 1 1   8 1 14     25
Silver 4 2   4 2 5 4 1 22
Silver-Bronze   1         1   2
Totals 41 35 1 72 12 44 13 14 232

Not included in the table are Court of Honour exhibits, and non-competitive exhibits, and non-exhibit awards.

The numbers are phenomenal! 232 competitive exhibits washes away the previous high, 157 in 2018. What propelled this record is the International level with 128 exhibits (previous high was 16 in 2016), including 72 single frame exhibits and 44 literature entries. This record marks an amazing resurgence after the COVID-19 pandemic shut down in-person exhibitions in 2020 and much of 2021.

Why the phenomenal numbers? Easy. CAPEX 22, the International one-frame exhibition held in Toronto from 9 to 12 June. Besides being the largest one-frame exhibition ever held, CAPEX 22 featured a literature competition, encompassing both print and digital media. Congratulations to the organizers for staging an outstanding, ground-breaking show. Also helping the International numbers was London 2022, originally scheduled for 2020 before COVID-19 shut it down. Participation by BNAPS exhibitors was high and included several literature exhibits.

Another record: 2022 saw 100 BNAPS members exhibiting. The exhibitors are to be commended for their efforts.

More than a third of the exhibits were awarded a Large Gold or Gold, a testament to their quality. Note that the number of Large Gold, Large Vermeil, and Large Silver medals is understated because some shows, BNAPEX among them, do not distinguish between these medals and Gold, Vermeil, and Silver ones. Most Nationals and Internationals judge exhibits using a points system. For multi-frame exhibits, the medal awarded to the exhibit is based on the point count. Single frame exhibits are not awarded medals; however, to compile the summary table above, a medal level was determined using the multi-frame point count. Another complication: the mapping from point count to medal level is different for International and National exhibitions. For example, an International exhibit must earn 95 to 100 points to get a Large Gold, whereas a National exhibit earning 90 to 100 points gets the same medal.

BNAPS sponsors several special BNA exhibit awards at National and Regional shows in Canada and the U.S. The awards include: Best BNA exhibit, Best BNA One Frame, Best Researched BNA, Best BNA 2 to 4 Frame, and the John D. Arn White Queen Award for best BNA Elizabethan exhibit. For more information on these awards, contact the BNAPS Awards Coordinator, whose email address is given under "Appointed Officials". The RPSC, PHSC, PSSC, and other specialist societies also sponsor special awards. And shows have their own special awards to recognize best-in-class exhibits.

This compilation does not include non-BNA exhibits by BNAPS members or BNA exhibits by non-members. Some exhibits may figure more than once in the awards tabulation because they were displayed at more than one show.

2022 BNAPS member awards, Part IV - Oct.-Dec.

CHICAGOPEX 2022, Itasca, IL, 18-20 November 2022

Single Frame
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Large Vermeil/81 Jane Sodero Milford House - A Rustic Resort in Southwestern Nova Scotia
Large Silver/74 John McEntyre Canadian Singular First Day Covers

Cape Town International Stamp Exhibition, Cape Town, South Africa, 8-12 November 2022

Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Large Silver/77 Michael Croy The History of Canadian Aviation and Pioneer Air Mail
Single Frame
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Large Vermeil/86 David McLaughlin Canada: The 1933 UPU Preparatory Commission Meeting
Large Vermeil/85 John McEntyre Canada 1876: First Weights and Measures Revenue Issues
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Vermeil/83 Bill Burden, Webmaster Canada Small Queens Constant Plate Varieties 1870 - 1897
Vermeil/83 Bill Burden, Webmaster Finding Images for Marler .... and Beyond

Royal Philatelic Society London (RPSL) Council, London, U.K., 19 October 2022

Non-exhibit Awards
Award Member Notes
Elected as a Fellow of the RPSL John McEntyre

CANPEX 2022, London, ON, 15-16 October 2022

Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Large Gold/95, RPSC Award for Excellence - Treatment, APS 1940-1980 Medal of Excellence and Ribbon Doug Irwin 1951 Colour Changes to the Revised King George VI Definitive Issue of Canada
Large Gold/92, BNAPS Best BNA 2 to 4 Frame Exhibit, UPSS Markus White Award Chris Ellis Canada’s One Cent Green Victoria Maple Leaf Issue Postal Stationery Cards
Gold/88 Peter McCarthy Railway Post Office Markings Used on the Grand Trunk Railway 1854-1923
Gold/87, APS 1900-1940 Medal of Excellence and Ribbon, PHSC BNA Postal History Award Gary Arnold Squared Circle Postmarks of Canada in the Admiral Period 1912-1927
Gold/85, BNAPS Best BNA Research Award, PHSC Ritch Toop Best Military Exhibit Award Peter McCarthy Identifiable Mail To and From Canadian Naval Personnel During World War II 1939-1945
Vermeil/77 Peter MacDonald Canada's 1969 Christmas Issue
Silver/69 Peter McCarthy Flying with Pride
Single Frame
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Large Gold/91, Single Frame Grand Award, BNAPS Best BNA One Frame Exhibit, PSSC Research Award Patrick Durbano Canada Federal Department of Finance 5-Hole OHMS Mail: 1923 to 1939
Large Gold/90, AAPE Award of Excellence/Treatment, Canadian Aerophilatelic Society Award Doug Irwin Canada’s Last Airmail Stamp
Gold/86 John McEntyre 1876-1897 First Canadian Weights and Measures Revenue Issues
Large Vermeil/81 Derek Smith Postal Markings of St. John, New Brunswick, Produced by J.H. Venning, 1860-1875
Large Vermeil/80 John McEntyre 1934 Canada First Day Covers of the Jacques Cartier Stamps

INDYPEX 2022, Noblesville, IN, 7-9 October 2022

Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Large Vermeil/81 Richard S. Wilson Newfoundland's Royal Family Issue 1897-1901
2022 BNAPS member awards, Part III - July-Sept.

SEAPEX 2022, Tukwila, WA, 9-11 September 2022

Single Frame
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Gold/88, APS Pre-1900 Medal of Excellence John McEntyre 1855-1859 10 Pence: Canada's First Trans-Atlantic Rate Stamp
Silver/68 John McEntyre Study of 20th Century Postcard Rates: Canada to UK

CPS 2022 BNAPEX, Calgary, AB, 2-4 September 2022 (BNAPEX awards)

CPS 2022 BNAPEX held both a BNAPEX and a National exhibition. Listed below are the awards for BNAPEX. Some exhibitors entered their exhibits in both exhibitions.

Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Gold, Horace Harrison Grand Award, Meyerson Award David Piercey Steamship Mail in the Early Decimal Period of Newfoundland 1865 to 1910
Gold, Allan Steinhart Reserve Grand Award Earle Covert 1897 Tobacco Stamps of Canada
Gold, Ed and Mickey Richardson Award Leopold Beaudet The Philatelic Scene during the Admiral Era
Gold, John D. Arn White Queen Award Robert Elias Use of Canadian Wilding Definitive Stamps, 1954 to 1963
Gold, Canadian Military Mail Study Group Award Sam Chiu Canada’s C-Force in Hong Kong
Gold Paul Grimm Squared Circle Postmarks of New Brunswick
Gold John Hall Canadian Postal Rates of the War Tax Era 1915 to 1926
Gold Ronald E. Majors Canadian Postal History: Overseas Rate and Route Study using Decimal (Cents) Franked and Stampless Covers
Gold Peter McCarthy Identifiable Mail to and from Canadian Naval Personnel 1939 to 1945
Gold Gregoire Teyssier Ontario House of Assembly Postmarks, 1867 to 1981
Gold Richard Thompson The First Decimal Issue of Canada 1859 to 1868
Gold Raymond Villeneuve Special Delivery Service in Canada: Forms and Labels 1933 to 1993
Vermeil, Order of the Beaver Novice Award David A. Biltek Variations in the Key of “G”
Silver David Bartlet Cancelled by COVID-19 in Canada
Single Frame
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Gold, Herbert L. McNaught One Frame Award, Wilmer Rockett Revenue Award Mark Berner Fiscal History of the Third Bill Stamp Era in Nova Scotia (1868 to 1882)
Gold, UPSS Single Frame Postal Stationery Award Earle Covert The Postcard Factory® Cards of the RCMP
Gold Darcy J. Hickson Sewell Camp Field Post Office 1915
Gold J. Michael Powell The Jacques Cartier Commemorative Issue of 1934
Vermeil Richard Judge A Spectroscopic Look at Three Canadian Issues Described as “Aniline Ink”
Vermeil Ken Pugh The BNA Forgeries of Giovanni Patroni
Vermeil Ken Pugh Canada Postal and Philatelic Counterfeits: 39c Coil Definitive (1990)
Vermeil Jane Sodero The Postal Markings of Guysborough, Nova Scotia, 1838 to 1937
Silver Murray Bialek Canadian Stamp Errors: Misperforations
Silver Richard Thompson Three Cents Small Queen 1870 to 1897
Silver David Bartlet Centenary of Trans-Canada Air Flight 7-17 October 1920
Silver Jon Johnson Excise Tax Payments on Documents Using CPR Perfins
Silver-Bronze Eldon Godfrey Usage of King George VI 1c Mufti: Transmission of 3rd Class Matter, April 1, 1937 to June 30, 1942
Non-exhibit Awards
Award BNAPS member Notes
Vincent G. Greene Award Anthony B. Thompson “Newfoundland’s Moiré Patterned Bookend Paper 1937–1940” in BNA Topics, Vol. 78, No. 1, Jan.–Mar. 2021
John S. Siverts Award Ross Gray Editor of The Newsletter of the Canadian R.P.O. Study Group
Jack Levine Fellowship Award Nick Poppenk Vice Chairman, Golden Horseshoe Regional Group
Hall of Fame Award William J.F. Wilson
Induction into the Order of the Beaver J. A. (Jack) Forbes
OTB Lifetime Achievement Award Cecil C. Coutts
OTB Lifetime Achievement Award Clayton Rubec
OTB Lifetime Achievement Award Christopher D. Ryan

CPS 2022 BNAPEX, Calgary, AB, 2-4 September 2022 (National exhibition awards)

CPS 2022 BNAPEX held both a BNAPEX and a National exhibition. Listed below are the awards for the National exhibition. Some exhibitors entered their exhibits in both exhibitions.

Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Large Gold/93, PHSC Ritch Toop Best Military Postal History Exhibit J. Michael Powell The Great War Internment Camps of Canada
Large Gold/91, APS Medal of Excellence 1940 - 1980 material Sam Chiu Canada’s C-Force in Hong Kong
Large Gold/90, PSSC Award Raymond Villeneuve Special Delivery Service in Canada: Forms and Labels 1933 to 1993
Gold/86 John Hall Canadian Postal Rates of the War Tax Era – 1915-1926
Large Vermeil/80 Paul Grimm Squared Circle Postmarks of New Brunswick
Vermeil/78 Leopold Beaudet The Philatelic Scene during the Admiral Era
Silver/68, Northwest Federation Thunderbird Award David A. Biltek Variations in the Key “G”
Single Frame
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Large Gold/91, APS Medal of Excellence Pre 1900 material, PHSC Best BNA Postal History Exhibit, RPSC Excellence Title/Synopsis Gary Steele Ottawa Dead Letter Office Handstamps 1872 to 1898 Decentralization
Large Gold/90 J. Michael Powell The Jacques Cartier Commemorative Issue of 1934
Gold/88 Darcy J. Hickson Sewell Camp Field Post Office 1915
Gold/87 Mark Berner Fiscal History of the Third Bill Stamp Era in Nova Scotia (1868 – 1882)
Gold/86 Richard Judge A Spectroscopic Look at Three Canadian Issues Described as ‘Aniline Ink’
Large Vermeil/84, AAPE Gold Pin Darcy J. Hickson International Stamp Cancelling Machines used in Brandon, Manitoba 1907 to 1919
Silver/68 Murray Bialek Canadian Stamp Errors – Misperforations
Silver/67 David Bartlet First Post Office Airmail by Brian Peck June 1918

BALPEX 2022, Hunt Valley, MD, 2-4 September 2022

Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Large Gold Richard S. Wilson Dominion of Canada Law Stamps

Great American Stamp Show, Sacramento, CA, 25-28 August 2022

Single Frame
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Gold, Philatelic Foundation Best Research Award Richard Judge A Spectroscopic Study of Three Canadian 'Aniline' Stamps

NOVAPEX 2022, Dartmouth, NS, 19-21 August 2022

Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Large Gold/96, PHSC Best BNA Postal History Exhibit, Auxiliary Markings Club Award of Merit, BNAPS Best BNA Exhibit, BNAPS Best BNA Research Award Gary Steele Ottawa Dead Letter Office Handstamps
Large Gold/90, Ken C. MacDonald Postal History Award John Cooper The Way Mails of New Brunswick 1800-1880
Gold/87 John Hall Canadian Postal Rates of the War Tax Era 1915-1926
Gold/86, APS Medal of Excellence 1940 – 1980, John D. Arn White Queen Award Brainard Fitzgerald Art on Envelopes - Woodman's Elusive Cachets
Gold/86 Sean Weatherup The Colony of Newfoundland: The Gilbert Issue of 1933
Large Vermeil/83, BNAPS Best BNA 2 to 4 Frame Exhibit Jane Sodero Canada’s 1955 Kayak Hunter
Large Vermeil/81 Paul Grimm Squared Circle Postmarks of New Brunswick
Silver/68, Women Exhibitors Sterling Achievement Award Sean Weatherup The Canadian 1967 Centennial Logo
Single Frame
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Large Gold/90, Single Frame Reserve Grand, BNAPS Best BNA One Frame Award Jean Wang The Toronto Hospital for Sick Children's Christmas Appeals to 1926: The Sweetest of All Charities
Large Gold/90, APS Medal of Excellence 1900-1940 John McEntyre 1930 Canada Weights and Measures Revenue Issue
Large Gold/90, AAPE Novice Award, RPSC Novice Award, J. Doug Allen Novice Award Patrick Burns Nova Scotia Ship Letter Markings 1787-1877
Gold/88, RPSC Award for Excellence - Title Page/Synopsis Jane Sodero Milford House - A Rustic Resort in Southwestern Nova Scotia
Gold/87 Ron Smith Postal Markings used in Fredericton during the Stampless Era
Gold/85 John McEntyre 1934 Canada First Day Covers of the Jacques Cartier Stamp
Large Vermeil/83, AAPE Gold Award of Honor Jane Sodero The Postal Markings of Guysborough, Nova Scotia, 1838-1937
Large Vermeil/82 Elizabeth Sodero Blue Admiral Usage 1912-1928
Large Vermeil/80 Jeff Parks Business Mail of Clayton & Sons, Halifax, NS - 1882-1951
Vermeil/78, Canadian Aerophilatelic Society Best Airmail Exhibit John McEntyre CANADA: The Development of Official International Airmail Routes 1928-42

Indonesia 2022 World Stamp Championship Exhibition, Jakarta, Indonesia, 4-9 August 2022

World Stamp Championship
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Prix d’honneur David McLaughlin The Maple Leaf Issue of Canada 1897-1898
Single Frame
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Large Vermeil/88 John G. McEntyre 1855-59 10 Pence: Canada’s First Trans-Atlantic Rate Stamp
Vermeil/82 John G. McEntyre Study of 20th Century Postcard Rates Canada to the UK
2022 BNAPS member awards, Part II - Apr.-June

CAPEX 22 International One-Frame Championship Exhibition, Toronto, ON, 9-12 June 2022

Single Frame
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Large Gold/95, Grand Prix - National David Hobden Canadian Mails and Dispatches of the War of 1812
Gold/94 Robert Forster Bisects and Quadrisects of Colonial Nova Scotia
Gold/94 Raymond Simrak Canadian Pioneer Airmails 1918 - 1922
Gold/93 Robert Forster Vancouver Island’s Two Colonial Stamps
Gold/93 Yan Turmine Lake Champlain postal route to/from Canada before 1799
Gold/93 Raymond Simrak The SCADTA System from Canada to Colombia, South America
Gold/93 David McLaughlin Canada: World’s Grain Exhibition and Conference, Regina, 1933
Gold/92 David D’Alessandris Mail Carried by the Cunard Line between Halifax and the United States
Gold/91 Colin Lewis Newfoundland - A Study of the Rates Post Decimal Conversion 1865-1872
Gold/91 Grégoire Teyssier The Steamboat Mail of Quebec City to 1859
Gold/91 Jean Wang The Toronto Hospital for Sick Children’s Christmas Appeals Through the Mails to 1926: The Sweetest of All Charities
Gold/90 Douglas Irwin The $1 Centennial Definitive of Canada - The Stamp and Its Use
Gold/90 Garfield Portch The Half-Cent Small Queen of Canada and Its Usage
Gold/90 Cimon Morin Cantons de l’Est - Les premiers bureaux et marques postales
Gold/90 Alexander Globe Jack V. Elliot’s Contribution to Canadian Semi-Official Air Mail in 1926
Gold/90 Bryan Dunne Gregory Prosser, Engraver; Legitimate and Illegitimate Legacy
Gold/90 Ronald Majors Mail between Canada/British North America (BNA) & Confederate States During U.S. Civil War
Large Vermeil/89 Luc Frève From Sail to Rail - California Mail to/from British North America
Large Vermeil/88 Brian Draves Canada’s Dead Letter Office Markings - Victorian Era
Large Vermeil/88 Bryan Dunne Oneglia’s BNA Forgeries
Large Vermeil/88 Robert Leigh Allegory of Progress
Large Vermeil/88 John McEntyre 1930 Canada: The Electricity and Gas Revenue Issue
Large Vermeil/88 Sylvia Ficken Dogs of Newfoundland - Newfoundland postal and revenue material 1887 - 1944
Large Vermeil/88 Richard Judge The Chemistry of the War Time Admiral
Large Vermeil/87 Colin Banfield The Split Ring Station Postmarks of Prince Edward Island
Large Vermeil/87 David Bartlet The Baby Sisters
Large Vermeil/87 John McEntyre 1855-1859 10 Pence: Canada’s First Trans-Atlantic Rate Stamp
Large Vermeil/87 Robert Lunn Internal Mails and Postage Rates of Pre-Confederation Prince Edward Island
Large Vermeil/87 Kimmo Salonen Town of York U.C. 1797 - 1834
Large Vermeil/87 Richard S.Wilson Canada: 1876 and 1897 Queen Victoria Federal Law Stamps
Large Vermeil/86 Robert Anderson Canada’s Non-denominated “A” Stamp
Large Vermeil/86 Colin Banfield Canadian Squared Circle Postmarks and the Quebec Tercentenary Issue of 1908
Large Vermeil/86 Gary Steele Canadian Dead Letter Office Re-Organization Handstamps
Large Vermeil/86 David Bartlet British Columbia Hospitals Aid Stamps 1933
Large Vermeil/85 David McLaughlin Canada: The 1933 UPU Preparatory Commission Meeting
Large Vermeil/85 Guillaume Vadeboncoeur Canada - the 10c Small Queen of 1874-1897
Large Vermeil/85 Patrick Durbano Canadian Department of Finance 5-Hole “OHMS” Perfins
Large Vermeil/85 Alexander Globe The Contribution of Patricia Airways and Exploration, Limited, to Canadian Semi-Official Air Mail in 1926-1927
Vermeil/84 Guillaume Vadeboncoeur Canada’s Small Queen Era Postal History with Foreign Stamps
Vermeil/83 David Bartlet Booklet Varieties of the Admiral Issue
Vermeil/83 Alexander Globe Analytical Study of Canada’s 2-Ring Stamp Obliterators of 1869 and Their Spinoffs
Vermeil/83 Gary Steele Ottawa Dead Letter Office Handstamps 1872 to 1898 Decentralization
Vermeil/83 Brian Murphy Mail Between - and Via - Canada and Japan, 1873-1898
Vermeil/82 J. Michael Powell The Jacques Cartier Commemorative Issue of 1934
Vermeil/82 Darcy Hickson Sewell Camp Field Post Office 1915
Vermeil/82 Ingo Nessel CANADA: 1985 – 50c Parliament Booklet Usages
Vermeil/82 Jane Sodero The Postal Markings of Guysborough, Nova Scotia, 1839-1937
Vermeil/82 Mark Berner Fiscal History of the Third Bill Stamp Era in Nova Scotia (1868–1882)
Vermeil/81 Tom Watkins The Earliest and Latest Recorded Examples of Canada’s Commercial Semi-Official Airmail
Vermeil/80 William Longley “Ruggles” Town Cancels of Canada West
Large Silver/79 Darcy Hickson International Stamp Cancelling Machines at Brandon, Manitoba 1907-1919
Large Silver/79 Kevin O'Reilly A Friendly Invasion: United States Forces at Churchill
Large Silver/78 J.A. (Jack) Forbes Colours, Shades & Perforations of Canada’s 8 Cent Small Queen
Large Silver/78 Jeffrey Parks Business Mail of Clayton & Sons, Halifax, NS 1882-1951
Large Silver/76 Don Hedger A Soldiers Postcards Mail from The Somme & Flanders WWI
Large Silver/76 Jane Sodero Milford House – A Rustic Resort in Southwestern Nova Scotia
Large Silver/75 Gordon Turnbull Jacques Cartier - Celebrated on Cdn Stamps
Large Silver/75 John McEntyre A Study of Connected Canadian First Day Covers
Silver/74 Eric Cogswell Canada’s Leaf and Numeral Issue Single Franked Usages
Silver/74 Tom Watkins Canada’s 1956 25¢ Chemical Stamp Industry Postal Usages By Country
Silver/73 Sean Weatherup The Railway Post Office on The Short Line
Silver/71 Luc Legault Correspondance de guerre d’Émile Martin (1914-1916)
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Gold/90 Robin Harris Environment Definitive Series 1977-1987, Second Edition (book published by Adminware Corp.)
Large Vermeil/88 Cimon Morin La poste coloniale au Québec 1763-1851 – Vol. 1: le sud de Montréal et la rivière des Outaouais (book published by the Société d’histoire postale du Québec)
Large Vermeil/88 Robin Harris, Webmaster Royal Philatelic Society of Canada website
Large Vermeil/88 Louis Fiset Japanese Canadians in World War II (book published by the British North America Philatelic Society)
Large Vermeil/86 Jon Johnson & Gary Tomasson, editors Canadian Stamps with Perforated Initials, Sixth Edition (book published by the British North America Philatelic Society)
Large Vermeil/85 Robin Harris, editor The Canadian Philatelist (journal published by The Royal Philatelic Society of Canada)
Large Vermeil/85 Leopold Beaudet, Webmaster British North America Philatelic Society website
Vermeil/83 Andrew Chung Canada Post Office Replacement and Publicity First Day Covers (book published by the British North America Philatelic Society)
Vermeil/83 Cimon Morin, André Rondeau & Michael Rixon, editors Bulletin d’histoire postale et de marcophilie (journal published by La Société d'histoire postale du Québec)
Vermeil/83 Thomas Malicki, editor PhilaJournal (journal published by the Greater Toronto Area Philatelic Alliance (GTAPA))
Vermeil/81 William Burden, Webmaster Finding Images for Marler ...and Beyond website
Vermeil/80 Andrew Chung The Collection of Postage Due in Canada (1906-2005) (book published by the British North America Philatelic Society)
Vermeil/80 Christiane Faucher & Jacques Poitras A Special Study on Canadian Confederation (book published by the Société d'histoire postale du Québec)
Vermeil/80 Wayne Smith Canada – Pence Issue 1851 – 1859 Cover Census (book published by the British North America Philatelic Society)
Vermeil/80 Chris Hargreaves, editor The Canadian Aerophilatelist (journal published by the Canadian Aerophilatelic Society)
Vermeil/80 Jane Sodero, editor The Nova Scotia Post (journal published by the Nova Scotia Stamp Club)
Vermeil/80 Cliff A. Beattie, Andrew Chung & Robert D. Vogel The National Christmas Seals of Canada (1927-2018) (book published by the British North America Philatelic Society)
Vermeil/80, William G. Robinson Award Ross Gray, editor Catalogue of Canadian Railway Cancellations (book published by the British North America Philatelic Society)
Large Silver/79 Jean-Pierre Forest Les timbres de loi et autres timbres de revenu de la province de Québec
Large Silver/79 Earle L. Covert (Canada) Illustrated Permits (book published by the British North America Philatelic Society)
Large Silver/79 Graham Searle, editor Maple Leaves (journal published by the Canadian Philatelic Society of Great Britain)
Large Silver/78 James Robert Taylor Foreign destinations of pre-UPU mail from St. Pierre & Miquelon, use of Nova Scotia and Canada Postage Stamps (article published in London Philatelist, No. 1478, September, p. 322-330)
Large Silver/78 David Piercey, editor Philatelic Specialists Look at Local Postal History (anthology published by the Philatelic Specialists Society of Canada)
Large Silver/78 Ralph Trimble, Webmaster Re-entries.com website
Large Silver/78 William Burden, Webmaster Canada Small Queens Issue Constant Plate Varieties 1870-1897 website
Large Silver/76 Robert D. Vogel The Caneco Connection (book published by the British North America Philatelic Society)
Large Silver/75 Thomas Malicki New website of the Greater Toronto Area Philatelic Alliance (GTAPA)

Royal Philatelic Society of Canada AGM at CAPEX 22, 12 June 2022

Non-exhibit Awards
Award BNAPS member Notes
RPSC Geldert medal Sam Chiu Best article in The Canadian Philatelist in 2021: "Adding New Knowledge: Canada’s C-Force in Hong Kong" (article published in Vol. 72, N. 6, Nov.-Dec. 2021, pp 254-262)

HELVETIA 2022 Specialised World Stamp Exhibition, Lugano, Switzerland, 18-22 May 2022

Single Frame
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Gold/90 Ian McMahon Envelopes and Postcards of Canada

Philatelic Show 2022, Boxborough, MS, 29 April - 1 May 2022

Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Gold/85 Richard S. Wilson The Federal Inspection Stamps of Canada

PIPEX 2022, Clackamas, OR, 28 April - 1 May 2022

Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Gold/88, APS Award of Excellence (1940-1980), BNAPS Best BNA Exhibit Louis Fiset Civilians, Merchant Seamen and Soldiers Interned in Canada during World War II (1939-1946)

ORAPEX 2022, Ottawa, ON, 23-24 April 2022

Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Large Gold/91, PHSC Best Postal History (BNA), BNAPS Best BNA Exhibit Charlie Girard British North America Transatlantic Rate Handstamps 1840 - 1875
Large Gold/91, Herbert L. McNaught Best Canadian Traditional Douglas Irwin The 1950 King George VI Definitive Issue of Canada - Original Design
Gold/87 J. Michael Powell The Great War Internment Camps of Canada
Gold/85, BNAPS Best BNA Two to Four-Frame Exhibit Grégoire Teyssier Ontario House of Assembly Postmarks, 1867 - 1980
Large Vermeil/84 Doreen Fitzgerald Camp Aldershot Nova Scotia 1904 - 1918
Large Vermeil/82 Nicholas Escott The Early Postal History of Northern Ontario
Vermeil/77 François Brisse Paquebot Postmarks on Mail from Nova Scotia (1907 - 2004)
Vermeil/75 John Hall Rates and Usages of the Canadian National Parks Stamps 1979 - 1986
Large Silver/74 Leopold Beaudet The Philatelic Scene during the Admiral Era
Single Frame
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Large Gold/90, BNAPS Best BNA One-Frame Bryan Dunne Oneglia's BNA Forgeries
Large Gold/90, APS Award of Excellence (1900-40) J. Michael Powell The Jacques Cartier Commemorative Issue of 1934
Gold/88 David McLaughlin Canada: 1933 UPU Preparatory Commission Meeting
Gold/88 Brian Murphy Mail Between, and Via, Canada and Japan, 1873 - 1898
Gold/88, BNAPS Best Researched BNA Ron Smith Fredericton Postal Markings During the Stampless Era
Gold/86, John D. Arn White Queen Award Luc Frève The 1972 Earth Sciences Issue
Gold/86, Canadian Aerophilatelic Society Best Airmail Douglas Irwin Canada's Last Airmail Stamp
Large Vermeil/83 David Bartlet Booklet Varieties of the Admiral Issue
Large Vermeil/83 John McEntyre 1908 Canada: 1 Cent Quebec Tercentenary with my Original Study of Plate Retouches
Silver/69 Raymond Villeneuve Queen's University at Kingston: A Postal Profile

HUNFILEX 2022 World Stamp Championship Exhibition, Budapest, Hungary, 31 March - 3 April 2022

Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Large Gold/96 David McLaughlin The Maple Leaf Issue of Canada 1897-1898
Single Frame
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Gold/91 David McLaughlin Canada: The 1933 UPU Preparatory Commission Meeting
Gold/91 Grégoire Teyssier The Steamboat Mail of Quebec City
Large Vermeil/88 Darcy J. Hickson International Stamp Cancelling Machines used in Brandon, Manitoba 1907-1919
2022 BNAPS member awards, Part I - Jan.-Mar.

Collectors Club of Chicago

Non-exhibit awards (Literature)
Award BNAPS member Publication
CCC Pratt Award for best English language article, series of articles, book, or electronic presentation related to Newfoundland philately 1. Anthony B. Thompson Newfoundland’s Moiré Patterned Bookend Paper 1937-1940
Article published in BNA Topics, Vol. 78, No. 1, Jan.-Mar. 2021
2. John M. Walsh and Robin J. Moore Newfoundland: Discoveries in the Design Sizes of the 1933 Gilbert; 1937 Long Coronation and 1938 Royal Family Issues
Article published in Maple Leaves, Vol. 37, N. 1, Jan. 2021
Newfoundland: Discovery Design Sizes Found on the 5 Cent, 2 Cent Die ii, 4 Cent Rose Lake and 8 Cent Values of the 1932 Perkins Bacon & Co Issue. (Further Proof of Their Different Printing Press Uses and Capabilities)
Article published in Maple Leaves, Vol. 37, N0. 3, July 2021

Garfield-Perry March Party, Strongsville, OH, 18-20 March 2022

Single Frame
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Large Vermeil/84, AAPE Gold Award of Honor Pin Richard S. Wilson Canada: 1876 and 1897 Queen Victoria Federal Law Issues

London 2022 International Stamp Exhibition, London, UK, 19-26 February 2022

Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Large Gold/97 David McLaughlin The Maple Leaf Issue of Canada 1897-1898
Large Gold/96 David Hobden In Defence of the Border - Canadian Military Mails 1828-1885
Large Vermeil/85 John Hall The Canadian Fiscal War Tax Stamps of World War One
Silver/73 Robin Moore Newfoundland: 1840-1949 Postal Markings issued to St. John's General Post Office and Sub Post Offices
Single Frame
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Large Vermeil/87 John G. McEntyre 1855-59 10 Pence: Canada's First Trans-Atlantic Rate Stamp
Large Vermeil/86 Darcy Hickson Sewell Camp Field Post Office 1915
Award Exhibitor Publication
Large Vermeil/85 Jeff Arndt & William J.F. Wilson, editors BNA Topics
Journal published by the British North America Philatelic Society
Vermeil/83 Leopold Beaudet, Webmaster British North America Philatelic Society website
Vermeil/83 Robin Harris, editor The Canadian Philatelist
Journal published by The Royal Philatelic Society of Canada
Vermeil/80 William Burden, Webmaster Finding Images for Marler … and Beyond website
Large Silver/77 William Burden, Webmaster Canada Small Queens Issue Constant Plate Varieties 1870-1897 website
Large Silver/77 Ralph Trimble, Webmaster re-entries.com website
Large Silver/75 Cliff A. Beattie, Andrew Chung & Robert D. Vogel The National Christmas Seals of Canada, 1927-2018, Second Edition
Book published by the British North America Philatelic Society
Large Silver/75 Cimon Morin, André Rondeau & Michael Rixon, editors Bulletin d'histoire postale et de marcophilatelie
Journal published by La Société d'histoire postale du Québec
Large Silver/75 Robert D. Vogel The Caneco Connection. A Study Of The First Day Covers Of The Canada Envelope Company
Book published by the British North America Philatelic Society
Silver/74 Chris Hargreaves, editor The Canadian Aerophilatelist
Journal published by Canadian Aerophilatelic Society
Silver/74 Davis Piercey, editor Philatelic Specialists Look at Local Postal History
Anthology published by the Philatelic Specialists Society of Canada
Silver/73 Gary J Lyon & Yohann Tanguay The Archives Of Patricia Airways And Exploration Limited
Auction catalogue published by Eastern Auctions Ltd.
Silver/72 David Pierce y Steamship Mail In The Early Decimal Period Of Newfoundland 1865-1910
Book published by the British North America Philatelic Society
Silver/70 Gary J Lyon & Yohann Tanguay The Highlands Collection Of British North America, Part Three
Auction catalogue published by Eastern Auctions Ltd.

ARIPEX 2022, Mesa, AZ, 18-20 February 2022

Single Frame
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Gold/87 Richard S. Wilson Canada-1876-77 Queen Victoria Federal Law Issue

Sarasota National Stamp Exhibition. Sarasota, FL, 21-23 January 2022

Single Frame
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Large Gold/93 Ronald Majors Mail Between Canada/BNA and Confederate States During the U.S. Civil War
Award Exhibitor Publication
Gold/86 Sam Chiu Adding New Knowledge: Canada's C-Force in Hong Kong
Article published in The Canadian Philatelist, Vol. 72, No. 6, Nov.-Dec. 2021

Emirates 2022 World Stamp Exhibition, Dubai, UAE, 19-23 January 2022

Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Large Gold/95 David McLaughlin The Maple Leaf Issue of Canada 1897-1898
Large Vermeil/86 John McEntyre 1876-1897 First Canadian Weights & Measures Revenue Issue
Large Vermeil/85 Michael Croy The History of Canadian Aviation & Pioneer Air Mail 1906 to 1934
Large Vermeil/85 Darcy Hickson International Stamp Cancelling Machines Used in Brandon, Manitoba 1907-1919
Large Silver/75 John Hall Rate & Usage of the Canadian National Parks Stamps
Single Frame
Award Exhibitor Exhibit
Large Vermeil/88 Robert Anderson Canada's Non-denominated 'A' Stamp
Award Exhibitor Publication
Vermeil/83 Jacques Poitras, Michael Rixon, & André Rondeau, editors Bulletin d'histoire postale et de marcophilie
Journal published by la Société d'histoire postale du Québec

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The documents on this website are for informational and non-commercial or personal use only.
Documents on this website shall not be used on other websites or for commercial purposes without permission.

This page was last modified on 2025-03-04