22 Dec 2016
An updated Canadian Revenue Study Group newsletter index is available. It covers the second series of newsletters, issues 1 to 90 - August 1993 to September 2016.
17 Dec 2016
The article "Canada's Inland Revenue and Postal War Tax Stamps did not Finance its War Expenditures during the First World War" by Christopher D. Ryan has been posted in the Online Resources and Exhibits area.
In the article, Christopher D. Ryan discusses what the "War Tax" collected through Admiral War Tax stamps was actually used for.
12 Dec 2016
New pages have been added to the Exchange Circuit and are dated Dec16.
10 Dec 2016
BNAPS published three new books in December:
► Travelling Post Office Postmarks of Newfoundland & Labrador - A Study of the Postmark Hammers, 2nd edition - Brian Stalker, compiler; Ross Gray, editor
This second edition includes over 300 updates, a completely new numbering system, and a new format.
► Travelling Post Office Postmarks of Newfoundland & Labrador Compendium of Related Information - Brian Stalker, compiler; Ross Gray, editor
Tells the story behind the Railway and Travelling Post Office postmarks of Newfoundland and Labrador.
► International Rapid Cancelling Machines Volume 2 - Ontario - Cecil Coutts
This is the second of three volumes detailing the use of International Machines to cancel Canadian mail, with many contemporary examples.
6 Dec 2016
The St. Lawrence Seaway Regional Group meeting in Perth, ON, on 15 October 2016 featured lively discussions on a dozen topics. The meeting report has been posted.
5 Dec 2016
The December 2016 issue of Precancels Canada, the newsletter of the Precancel Study Group, is available.
The issue features articles on the Admiral 2¢ green Fredericton precancel, a scarce example of KE VII precancels used to mail a package, two precancelled items with multiple franking, and an interesting "Precancel Show & Tell" column.
3 Dec 2016
The Dec. 2016 issue of Beaver Chatter contains the schedule of activities for the upcoming 17 December meeting of the Prairie Beaver Regional Group. It also includes commentary on BNAPEX 2016 Fredericton and the exhibits by George Dresser and Vic Willson.
17 Oct 2016
Charles Livermore has updated the indexes to BNA Topics, Maple Leaves, and PHSC Journal in the Horace W. Harrison Online Library. The indexes now cover all issues up to those currently available.
Charles Livermore has indexed all the issues of all three journals.
15 Oct 2016
BNAPEX 2016 souvenir covers are available by mail order for a limited time. The covers come with either a label depicting the unissued New Brunswick Charles Connell stamp or especially overprinted 1973 1¢ Macdonald Caricature definitives. The label or stamps are cancelled with a BNAPEX 2016 commemorative postmark.
8 Oct 2016
The BNAPEX 2016 Fredericton award winners have been added to the BNAPS Awards pages.
7 Oct 2016
The latest newsletter of the Dead Letter Office Study Group features an article on the Victoria, BC, DLO, and three articles on previously unreported DLO postmarks. Do you have one of them? If so, the DLO newsletter editor, Gary Steele, would appreciate learning about it.
7 Oct 2016
"Perkins Bacon & Company Their Trade Samples and Other Mysteries" by Clarence A. Stillions, based on a slide program prepared by Robert H. Pratt, is available in the Online Resources & Exhibits area. The original Pratt slides are owned by the Collectors Club of Chicago.
The presentation explores the Pratt collection of trade samples produced by Perkins Bacon from 1902 to about 1930 with particular emphasis on those that reproduce Newfoundland stamp designs.
6 Oct 2016
The palmares for BNAPEX 2016 Fredericton has been posted.
26 Sep 2016
The meeting report for the Golden Horseshoe Regional Group from 17 September has been posted.
22 Sep 2016
BNAPEX 2016 Fredericton will feature 43 exhibits occupying 158 frames. The list is available on the Exhibits page.
22 Sep 2016
The Reference Librarian of the Vincent Graves Greene Philatelic Research Foundation recently provided a copy of the Flag Cancel Bulletin that was missing from the BNAPS website. The missing issue is Vol. 4, No. 3, published in 1981.
The Flag Cancel Bulletin was the first newsletter published by the Flag Cancels Study Group.
20 Sep 2016
BNAPS has published Postal History of the Great War Internment Camps in Canada by J. Michael Powell, an extensive study of Canadian internment mail and the 25 camps established in Canada during World War I.
16 Sep 2016
Three new BNAPS books were released in September, two of them in the Exhibit Series. The three books are:
► International Rapid Cancelling Machines Volume 1 - Western Canada, Cecil Coutts
► Newfoundland Airmail Stamps and Airmail Flights: 1918-1948, Peter Motson, BNAPS Exhibit Series # 54
► The Stories of the Riel Uprising at Fort Garry and the Northwest Rebellion in Saskatchewan, Donald W. Thompson, BNAPS Exhibit Series # 92
Peter Motson's book combines his original exhibit shown in 2008 (published by BNAPS in 2009) plus material added for the London 2010 International Stamp Exhibition (published by BNAPS as a Supplement in 2011).
14 Sep 2016
The results of the 2016 election of BNAPS Officers and Directors has been posted.
31 Aug 2016
The latest newsletter of the Pence-Cents Era Study Group, Vol. 5. No. 2, August 2016, is available.
This very interesting issue features articles on the printings of the 12 1/2 cent by Richard Thompson, an analysis of a cover to Scotland by Ron Majors, constant plate varieties on cover by Jim Jung, and perf problems on the 10 cent brownish black by Jim McCormick.
26 Aug 2016
A presentation on the 1917 3 ¢ Confederation commemorative by Leopold Beaudet has been posted to the Online Resources and Exhibits (ORE) area.
This presentation is based on a study made by Richard M. Morris. It was given at the Admiral Study Group meeting at BNAPEX 2008 Halifax.
25 Aug 2016
"The Goebel Press Era of Canadian Stamps" by Ken Sargent has been posted in the Online Resources and Exhibits (ORE) area.
This article describes the acquisition of the web-fed Goebel press by the British American Bank Note Co., the manufacture of the intaglio and photogravure printing cylinders, the stamp printing process, and the people at BABN who were instrumental in making the endeavour a success. Ken Sargent, the author, was Vice-President and General Manager at the time the press was acquired by BABN.
19 Aug 2016
A new article, "Errors, Freaks and Oddities on Canada Post Official First Day Covers" by noted FDC specialist and cataloger Andrew Chung has been posted to the Online Resources and Exhibits.
12 Aug 2016
The Electronic French Perfin handbook has been revised as of August 2016. Take a look to see the new discoveries.
10 Aug 2016
The Fredericton and District Stamp Club is holding a separate, Regional Exhibition in conjunction with BNAPEX 2016. Exhibits will be judged by RPSC regional standards, not by BNAPS standards. 60 frames are available for the Regional exhibit. Entry forms must be received no later than Friday, 2 September 2016.
10 Aug 2016
The latest Precancel Study Group newsletter, Issue 4, Summer 2016, has been posted. Among other things, the newsletter discusses the important distinction between "precancels" and a "precancelled stamp".
8 Aug 2016
The Electronic Perfin handbook has been revised as of August 2016. Take a look to see the new discoveries. The French update will be posted shortly.
22 Jul 2016
Memorials have been posted for Ken Ellison who passed away on 21 June 2016 and Audrey Covert who passed away on 12 July 2016.
19 Jul 2016
New pages have been added to the Circuits exchange which are dated Jul16.
15 Jul 2016
The three latest newsletters of the Pence-Cents Era Study Group have been posted online.
13 Jul 2016
The schedule for the BNAPEX 2016 Fredericton Study Group meetings & seminars has been posted.
10 Jul 2016
The list of dealers at the BNAPEX 2016 Fredericton bourse has been updated.
9 Jul 2016
Three new BNAPS books were released in July, two of them in the Exhibit Series. The three books are:
► Philatelic Views of the Peace Tower, Gary Dickinson
► The Development of Canadian Armed Forces and Civilian Air Letters 1942 to 1996, Earle L. Covert, BNAPS Exhibit Series # 90
► History and Postal History of Nova Scotia, Martin Eichele, BNAPS Exhibit Series # 91
6 Jul 2016
Four recently published newsletters of the Re-entries and Constant Plate Varieties Study Group have been posted online.
6 Jul 2016
The newsletters of the Illustrated Mail Study Group, formed in 2013, have been posted online.
4 Jul 2016
Recent newletters for Golden West 30 April Meeting at Westpex, Pacific Northwest meeting at Chilliwack 30 April -1 May, and Golden Horseshoe meetings from January 29, March 26 and May 28 are posted to the website.
29 Jun 2016
Issues 31 and 39 had been missing from the newsletters of the Transatlantic Mail Study Group available online. Thanks to Malcolm Montgomery who provided copies.
6 Jun 2016
The April 2016 newsletter of the Fancy Cancel & Miscellaneous Markings Study Group has been posted.
Fancy Cancel & Miscellaneous Markings Study Group newsletters
28 May 2016
Exhibit frames are still available for BNAPEX 2016 Fredericton. Subject to an 8-frame per exhibit limit, any member, including those who have already had an exhibit accepted, can apply for these frames.
28 May 2016
Payment for Registration and Exhibit entries can now be made via PayPal. Instructions for PayPal payments are included at the end of the updated Registration form. Note that the updated form can be filled in electronically.
10 May 2016
New pages have been added to the Circuits exchange which are dated Apr16 and May16. Pages are for a variety of areas but many in Precancels.
20 Apr 2016
The two most recent newsletters of the Fancy Cancel & Miscellaneous Markings Study Group have been posted. Also posted is a supplement asking for confirmation that some previous reported fancy cancels do in fact exist. This will aid in compiling the known cancels for the forthcoming third edition of the Fancy Cancel handbook.
Fancy Cancel & Miscellaneous Markings Study Group newsletters
13 Apr 2016
The Railway Post Office (RPO) Study Group posted all the newsletters published in 2011 plus the Jan.-Feb. 2012 issue on the website. In addition, the Study Group provided two previously missing issues: Vol. 37, No. 1 (Sept.-Oct. 2008) and Vol. 37, No. 2 (Nov.-Dec. 2008).
The newsletter editor, Ross Gray, provided higher quality reproductions of all the issues published between 2001 and 2010 except for the July-Aug. 2001 issue which was unavailable. They are all accessible from the RPO Study Group newsletters page.
13 Apr 2016
The pages of the Railway Post Office Study Group have been redesigned and updated. These pages provide information about RPO collecting and RPO references and resources.
9 Apr 2016
The April issue of the Precancel Study Group newsletter features an article on the Type J Bar precancel, illustrates some interesting precancel usages on cover, and presents several precancel puzzles.
Can you solve the puzzles or provide your own?
2 Apr 2016
BNAPS published five books in March, three of them in its BNAPS Exhibits series:
► Canadian Permit Postage Stamp Catalogue, fourth edition, by Dieter (Dick) Staecker
► Arthur Klass' Christmas Seal Ads on Canadian Post Cards, second edition, edited by Robert Vogel
► The Development of the Stamps of the First Decimal Issue of Canada 1859-68 by Richard P. Thompson
► Postal Beginnings at Niagara Falls, Canada 1801 - 1904 by Douglas Irwin
► Lower St. Lawrence and Gaspé Peninsula Postal History by Christiane Faucher and Jacques Poitras
2 Apr 2016
The Oct.-Dec. 2015 and Jan.-Mar. 2016 issues of the First Day Cover Study Group newsletter were added to the redesigned FDC Study Group newsletters page.
The newsletters are also available on the FDC Study Group website.
27 Mar 2016
New pages have been added to the Circuits exchange which are dated Mar 16. Pages are for Precancels.
20 Mar 2016
The book Catalogue des marques postales du Québec 1763-1867 by Cimon Morin and Jacques Poitras has been published. The catalogue lists and illustrates all the hand cancels used by post offices in the province of Quebec from the beginnings of the postal service in Canada to Confederation in 1867. Over 1,200 postmarks are listed.
20 Mar 2016
The two-volume book, Newfoundland Air Mails by Jean-Claude Vasseur, has been published. Volume I consists of a 128-page exhibit shown at Europhilex 2015 (London, UK) covering the period from 1919 to 1939. Volume II presents a 129-page study of Newfoundland air mails.
15 Mar 2016
The March 2016 issue of Beaver Chatter, the newsletter of the Prairie Beaver Regional Group, has been published.
3 Mar 2016
New pages have been added to the Circuits exchange which are dated Feb 16. Take a look to see if there is something for you
3 Mar 2016
The Calgary Convention Organizing Committee, a cooperative partnership of the BNAPS Calgary Regional Group and the Calgary Philatelic Society, is pleased to announce that:
will be held from 1-3 September 2017 (Labour Day weekend) at the Hyatt Regency Calgary Hotel on Centre Street in the heart of downtown Calgary.
BNAPEX 2017 CALTAPEX will be co-chaired by Hugh Delaney for the BNAPS Calgary Regional Group and Murray Bialek for the Calgary Philatelic Society. Most of the members of both groups who in 2012 helped make BNAPEX 2012 CALTAPEX a resounding success will again serve on the organizing committee in 2017.
18 Feb 2016
The exhibit entry form for BNAPEX can now be printed off the website. You should also have received a copy in BNA Topics mailed for the 1st quarter.
9 Feb 2016
Several BNAPS members have received an email saying that they have files in Dropbox purporting to come from bnaps.org.
Please delete this email without opening it.
BNAPS will NEVER distribute files to its members by email or through a file sharing and distribution service such as Dropbox.
6 Feb 2016
A draft of the minutes of the Board of Directors meeting held in Niagara Falls. ON, on 10 September 2015 is posted on the Officers' Reports page. Access is restricted to BNAPS members only.
5 Feb 2016
The 2010 newsletters from the following study groups have been posted:
1. Large and Small Queens
2. Newfoundland
3. Perfin
4. Revenue
In addition, Christopher D. Ryan, the editor of the Revenue Study Group newsletter, provided the following issues of the first series, which had been missing from the BNAPS website: 135, 159, 160, 165, and 175.
14 Jan 2016
The problem with the password email experienced on 13 January has been resolved. You can now request a new password.
14 Jan 2016
We are currently experiencing problems with the new password and password recovery email. We will post a "What's New" note when the problem is fixed.
14 Jan 2016
Minutes of the 2015 BNAPS Annual General Meeting have been posted. The meeting took place on 13 September at BNAPEX 2015 in Niagara Falls. The minutes are restricted to BNAPS members.
8 Jan 2016
Kyle Taylor has reviewed the 7th edition of The Standard Canada Precancel Catalogue by David Marasco and Bruce Field. The catalogue was released in September 2015.
8 Jan 2016
The second newsletter of the rejuvenated Precancel Study Group has been posted. It consists of 12 pages and features new columns on "Precancel Puzzles" and "Show & Tell".
1 Jan 2016
The Electronic Perfin handbook has been revised as of January 1, 2016. Take a look to see the new discoveries.
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The documents on this website are for informational and non-commercial or personal use only.
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This page was last modified on 2024-12-17.