2016 Election Results

Positions that were acclaimed

President Eldon Godfrey
First Vice-President Ken Lemke
Vice-President Study Groups Bill Radcliffe
Vice-President Regional Groups Dave Bartlet
Secretary Andy Ellwood
Treasurer Jean-Claude Michaud
Directors: United States
Barry Casanova
Ron Majors

Positions that were voted in

Directors: Canada
Robert Lemire
Peter R. MacDonald
Gary Steele

The Officers serve for a two-year term. The Directors serve for a four-year term.

Except for the Treasurer, the term begins at the close of the Annual Meeting of the members of the Society. This year, the AGM takes place on Sunday, 2 October, at BNAPEX 2016 Fredericton. The Treasurer's term begins at the start of the next fiscal year following his election.

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This page was last modified on 2022-08-10