The BNAPEX Frame Limits, Exhibition Prospectus, and Entry Form are posted below. The Exhibition Prospectus and Exhibit Entry Form were mailed to members with the 2016 First Quarter issue of BNA Topics.
Questions should be directed to the Exhibits Coordinator, Rob Lunn, by email to:
Guidelines for synopsis preparation and information on judging at BNAPEX exhibitions are available below.
As a specialist society, BNAPS has developed its own Judging Guidelines for BNAPEX exhibits. However, the following references offer useful suggestions and guides for the preparation of exhibits.
The Royal Philatelic Society of Canada (RPSC) has published an informative series articles covering various aspects of exhibiting by David Piercey in its journal, The Canadian Philatelist. These articles are available online at the RPSC website. To date, the articles have explored such topics as designing the title page, producing an effective exhibit synopsis, preparing that first exhibit, and the importance of planning, telling a story, presentation, and research.
The American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors (AAPE) website has articles about creating an exhibit, preparing the synopsis and title page, and judging criteria (but note that the AAPE rules apply to AAPE awards). The website also offers examples of successful exhibits.
The Online Resources and Exhibits (ORE) area of the BNAPS website has several examples of award-winning exhibits, many of them shown at previous BNAPEX conventions.
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This page was last modified on 2022-01-22