31 Dec 2014
The British North America Philatelic Society (BNAPS) is pleased to announce the release of four new books, including the 80th, 81st and 82nd volumes of the Exhibit Series and a new subject in First Day Covers.
24 Dec 2014
On November 18 BNAPS released 4 new books. Seasons of the Maple on First Day Covers by Gary Dickinson, The Larry Paige Collection of Canadian Flag Cancellations (1896-1996) and Early Machine Cancellations (1896-1902) by Larry R. Paige, Rennie's Seeds by Richard Lamb, and Victorian Montreal: Economic Hub of the Dominion (Illustrated Mail, 1844-1903) by Robert Pinet.
21 Dec 2014
A report for the Nov 29 meeting of the Golden Horseshoe Regional Group can be found on the GHRG Regional web pages.
1 Dec 2014
La BNAPS annonce le lancement de la version française du Manuel des perfins 5e édition.
1 Dec 2014
BNAPS announces the release of a French version of the Perfin Handbook 5th Edition.
22 Nov 2014
New pages have been added to the Circuits exchange which are dated NOV14. Take a look to see if there is something for you
5 Nov 2014
The Map Stamp study group has done major updates to their website. Please visit it to see the wealth of information on this issue.
30 Oct 2014
Visit the BNAPEX Archives and view the photos from the 2014 Baltimore convention. The pages for viewing the historical BNAPEX information has been updated for recent BNAPEX conventions.
10 Oct 2014
The BNAPS Book Dept. has published three new books, including two in the Exhibit Series.
First Day Covers of Canada's 1976 Olympic Games Issues by Gary Dickinson
1937-1938 Canadian Definitive Issue by Gary W. Steele. BNAPS Exhibit Series No. 76.
The Maple Leaf Issue of Canada 1897-1898 by David McLaughlin. BNAPS Exhibit Series No. 77.
9 Oct 2014
Ian Kimmerly Stamps of Ottawa has been the BNAPS books distributor since 2004. In October 2014, Ian Kimmerly moved to Victoria, BC, closing his stamp shop which had served the philatelic community in Ottawa for almost 35 years and relinquishing the distribution of BNAPS books. BNAPS would like to express its heartfelt thanks to Ian for a most successful and rewarding business relationship.
BNAPS is pleased to announce that Sparks Auctions of Ottawa is the new distributor of BNAPS books as of 1 October 2014.
Sparks Auctions
1550 Carling Avenue, Suite 202
Ottawa, ON K1Z 8S8
Tel: 613-567-3336
FAX: 613-567-2972
29 Sep 2014
The initial BNAPEX 2015 web pages have been posted. BNAPEX 2015 will be held in Niagara Falls, ON, on 11-13 Sept., the weekend after Labour Day.
29 Sep 2014
A report for the Sept 27 meeting of the Golden Horseshoe Regional Group can be found on the GHRG Regional web pages.
27 Sep 2014
The Revised October 1, 2014 release of Canadian Stamps with Perforated Initials - Fifth Edition is now available
10 Sep 2014
The awards for BNAPEX/BALPEX 2014 are now posted on this site.
17 Aug 2014
View the updates in the BNAPEX webpages for Seminars.
16 Aug 2014
The National exhibition awards for BNAPS members in the second quarter of 2014 are now posted.
6 Aug 2014
The Re-entries and Constant Plate Varieties Study Group has been re-started by Michael D Smith, and he has completed his first newsletter "Dots and Scratches". The object of the Study Group and Newsletter will be to allow collectors to share and discuss constant plate varieties found on engraved stamps. A meeting is planned at BNAPEX 2014 in Baltimore.
6 Aug 2014
The Squared Circles Study Group has a new editor Gary Arnold for its newsletter the ROUNDUP and a new Chairman Joe Smith. The latest is Volume 35 Number 1/120 and contains lists of new updates by issue plus other information. Gary won a vermeil and a novice award at the World Series of Philately in Plymouth, Michigan two years ago.
4 Aug 2014
View the updates in the BNAPEX webpages for Events, Seminars, and Attractions.
1 Aug 2014
We have a person looking for a roomie. Contact bnapexroomie@bnaps.org if you want a roomie.
If you are going to BNAPEX/BALPEX this August and want to share the cost with someone send an email to bnapexroomie@bnaps.org. Please include the dates you are looking for, your email contact address, and any special roomie requests. We will be maintaining a list of those who are looking to share and send the list of available roomies to you.
14 Jul 2014
Please check out these new newsletters from 2013 for this revived Study Group.
10 Jul 2014
Memorial for Derek Hayter
5 Jul 2014
The Philatelic Links page has been revised extensively with new links that may be of interest to many collectors.
28 Jun 2014
New pages have been added to the Circuits exchange which are dated MAY14. Take a look to see if there is something for you
22 Jun 2014
The Pacific Northwest Regional Group has released the Summer 2014 issue of its newsletter, West Coast Express.
16 Jun 2014
A report for the May 24 meeting of the Golden Horseshoe Regional Group can be found on the GHRG Regional web pages.
12 Jun 2014
The Atlantic Regional Group met at the Royal Convention held in Halifax on 30 May.
8 Jun 2014
The 2014 BNAPEX Registration form can now be printed off the website.
23 May 2014
Hugh Rathbun is organizing a breakfast get-together for any BNAPS members who would like to attend. The current proposed date is May 31st and we will send out another note to confirm the time and pricing. We hope to see a sizeable representation of Atlantic BNAPSers at this gathering. Since the NSSC won't be staging the usual Fall NOVAPEX for 2014, this will be the only opportunity for a meeting this year.
23 May 2014
The Golden West Regional Group met at Westpex on Saturday 26 May, 2014. The report can be seen by following the link.
24 Apr 2014
The National exhibition awards for BNAPS members in the first quarter of 2014 are now posted.
29 Mar 2014
A report for the March 22 meeting of the Golden Horseshoe Regional Group can be found on the GHRG Regional web pages.
16 Mar 2014
New pages have been added to the Circuits exchange. Take a look to see if there is something for you
23 Feb 2014
The webpages for ORE have been updated so the look and feel match the new overall website design. Please take a look at them.
11 Feb 2014
New pages have been added to the Circuits exchange. Take a look to see if there is something for you.
9 Feb 2014
A report for the January 26 meeting of the Golden Horseshoe Regional Group can be found on the GHRG Regional web pages.
7 Feb 2014
Two updates to ORE area - 1) update to Alberta Hunting Stamps - Clayton Rubec and Dale Stover ; and 2) update to Canada's National Parks Motor Vehicle Licences - Clayton Rubec
5 Feb 2014
The Revised February 1, 2014 release of Canadian Stamps with Perforated Initials - Fifth Edition is now available
3 Feb 2014
The British North America Philatelic Society (BNAPS) is pleased to announce the release of three new books, including the 75th volume of the Exhibit Series.
Canadian Wilding and Associated High-Value Definitives: Paper Texture, Printings, Periods of Use by Robert J Elias
First Day Covers of Canada's 1937 Coronation Issue by Gary Dickinson
The defining criteria of the 2c Small Queen - the Re-entries & Varieties by Kenneth A. Kershaw.
28 Jan 2014
A report for the November 24 meeting of the Golden Horseshoe Regional Group can be found on the GHRG Regional web pages.
27 Jan 2014
Updates have been added for two BNAPS publications. Hunting and Fishing Stamps of Canada Updates January 2014 and Canadian and Newfoundland Wartime Ration Books and Coupons. Updates January 2014.
14 Jan 2014
The 2013 website updates have been summarized in a report by David Jones, the project manager for the update of the website. Please log in and visit the Members Area to view the report.
5 Jan 2014
Summary of the awards won in 2013.
1 Jan 2014
The fourth quarter was not an active one for members, however there are awards at BRASILIANA an FIP show.
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The documents on this website are for informational and non-commercial or personal use only.
Documents on this website shall not be used on other websites or for
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This page was last modified on 2024-04-14.