BNAPS Fancy Cancel & Miscellaneous Markings Study Group


The original Fancy Cancel Study Group was active in the 1960s and 1970s. The Group's research resulted in the production of the handbook, Canadian Fancy Cancellations of the Nineteenth Century by K. M. Day and E. A. Smythies. BNAPS published a first edition in 1962 and a second in 1973.

Dave Lacelle re-established the Study Group in 1988, published the first newsletter, and organized a Study Group meeting at BNAPEX 1988 in Virginia Beach. There were twelve members when the first newsletter was published, but this grew rapidly to 29 by the time the second newsletter appeared around March 1989.

In 2000, Clint Phillips formed the Miscellaneous Cancels and Markings Study Group. After publishing three newsletters, the Group merged with the Fancy Cancel Study Group in 2002, and the Group's name was changed to the Fancy Cancel and Miscellaneous Markings Study Group. For the past decade, the Group has had about 80 members.

In addition to the Study Group newsletter, Dave Lacelle has compiled a comprehensive listing of fancy cancellations, Fancy Cancels on Canadian Stamps 1855 to 1950. The 250-page third edition of the book was published by BNAPS in August 2018.


Newsletter Editors

From To Editor
1989 2019 Dave Lacelle
2019 Dave Lacelle, Editor; Mike Halhed, Associate Editor

Viewing the newsletters

The issues are in PDF format. File sizes vary from 0.5 to 7.7 MB. When you click on an issue number, it will be displayed in a new window. Closing the window returns you to this page.

How to search the newsletters

To search through the newsletters using Google and constrain the search results to just the newsletters, paste the text: site: in the Google search box followed by the phrase you wish to search for. In the image reproduced below, the search phrase is "cross". The search is case-insensitive. "Cross" and "cross" will return the same results.

Example of newsletter search using Google

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This page was last modified on 2025-03-14.