BNAPS Pence-Cents Era Study Group

Pence-Cents Era Study Group Newsletter

Newsletter Editors

From To Editor
2012 2015 Ron Majors
2015 2018 James Jung & Richard P. Thompson
2019 James Jung

Viewing the newsletters

The issues are in PDF format. File sizes vary from 1.4 to 8.6 MB. When you click on an issue number, it will be displayed in a new window. Closing the window returns you to this page.

How to search the newsletters

You can search the newsletters using Google. To restrict the search results to just the newsletters, paste the text: in the Google search box followed by the phrase you wish to search for. In the image reproduced below, the search phrase is "major re-entry". Note that if the phase "major re-entry" is not enclosed in quotes, the search results will include all instances of "major" and "re-entry". Also note that the search is case-insensitive. "Major Re-entry" and "major re-entry" will return the same results.

Example of newsletter search using Google

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This page was last modified on 2025-02-19