BNAPS Perfin Study Group
From | To | Editor |
1980 | 1982 | Gary D. Tomasson |
1982 | 1988 | Jim Catterick |
1988 | 1990 | Michael Behm |
1990 | 1994 | Floyd McNey |
1994 | 1999 | Patrick Durbano |
2000 | 2001 | Gary Douglas |
2001 | 2004 | Barry Senior, Mark Fennell |
2005 | 2010 | Barry Senior |
2010 | Jim Graham |
The issues are in PDF format. File sizes vary from 0.7 to 35 MB.
When you click on an issue number, it will be displayed in a new window. Closing the
window returns you to this page.
The History of Canada’s OHMS Official Perforated Postage Stamps 1939-1949
(18.6 MB)
J. D. Graham
Provides a detailed account of the adoption of stamps perforated OHMS by Federal Government departments beginning in 1939, their use over a ten-year period, the regulations surrounding their use, and their eventual replacement by stamps overprinted OHMS. Illustrations include OHMS perfins on and off cover during their period of use and a Cummins Model 53 perforating machine such as the one used to create the OHMS perfins. This fascinating history draws on primary reference sources, the files from the Post Office Department Financial Branch held by Library and Archives Canada.
BNA Perforator & BNA Perfins Index (0.5 MB)
Editor: Russell D. Sampson
This index covers all the issues of the Perfin Study Group's newsletter, The BNA Perforator, up to the end of 2023. It also covers perfin articles published in several other periodicals. The index has two sections, a subject index and an author & contributor index.
Canadian Stamps with Perforated Initials
Prepared by the BNAPS Perfin Study Group.
Editors: Jon Johnson and Gary Tomasson up to mid 2023; Jim Graham and Russell D. Sampson since then.
The Perfin Handbook lists and illustrates all known perfin types on Canadian stamps, lists the stamps they occur on, identifies the perfin user, and provides a rarity factor.
Timbres canadiens avec des initiales perforées
Préparé par le BNAPS Perfin Study Group.
Éditeurs : Jon Johnson et Gary Tomasson jusqu'à mi-2023; Jim Graham et Russell D. Sampson
depuis lors.
Traduction : Jean-Guy Dalpé.
Le Manuel de timbres perforés répertorie et illustre tous les types d'initiales perforées connus sur les timbres canadiens, répertorie les timbres sur lesquels ils apparaissent, identifie l'utilisateur de la perforation et fournit un facteur de rareté.
Perforated Initials & Insignia on Stamps of Newfoundland
Barry Senior
This eight-frame exhibit shows the use of perforated initials and insignia (perfins) by companies based in Newfoundland and perfins on Newfoundland stamps by companies from outside Newfoundland. It includes many discovery items. The exhibit also examines the use of perforation devices to cancel Newfoundland revenue stamps and the use of SPECIMEN perfins by stamp printing companies. It won Gold at NOVAPEX 2012, a National level exhibit in Halifax, NS.
The exhibit is displayed in the Online Resources & Exhibits (ORE) area of the BNAPS website. To view it, go to the ORE Exhibits section, and scroll down to the "Newfoundland ● Stamps ● Perfins" heading.
Canadian Perfins Used on Cover
Robert Traquair
BNAPS Books, Exhibit Series No. 25, June 2002.
The exhibit consists of 300 covers showing perfins on issues ranging from the 3¢ Small Queen to the 1962-1963 QE II Cameo definitives. It covers most of the perfins used in Canada, including OHMS perfins, and shows, among other things, usage by different offices of the same company and unusual but legitimate usage of one company’s perfin by another company. The 3¢ Small Queen cover shows a W. J. Gage Co. Ltd. perfin postmarked 8 October 1889, the earliest recorded at the time the collection was assembled. The collection was auctioned by Robert A. Lee Philatelist Ltd. in Sales 106, 18-19 October 2002, and 107, 16-17 May 2003.
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This page was last modified on 2024-09-28