BNAPS Air Mail Study Group


Recordings of virtual meetings

These meetings are held jointly by the BNAPS Air Mail Study Group and the Canadian Aerophilatelic Society.

Access to video presentations is restricted to BNAPS members.
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2 Nov 2024
80 min.

London to London 1927 Flight and Philately
Marc Castel

Marc Castel discusses the ill-fated 1927 flight from London, ON, to London, England. His presentation is divided into four parts:

Part I: the flight
Using news reports and photos of airplane and persons involved, Marc explores the motivation for the flight, the flight promoters and flight crew, flight plans, a trial flight, the aborted attempt, and events from the actual flight.

Part II: stamps
100 special flight labels were printed by lithography in sheets of four stamps. Marc discusses the printing of the labels, the proofs, his census of surviving labels, and his success in reconstructing sheets from the survivors.

Part III: the mail
Marc discusses the preparation of the 42 covers carried on the flight, the slogan cancel prepared for the event, and the postmarking of the covers.

Part IV: the surviving cover
One flight cover survives. It flew on the abortive attempt, but somehow did not get on the final flight. Marc describes the handling of the cover and traces its provenance up to its most recent sale in 2022.

The presentation was given at a joint meeting of the Air Mail Study Group and the Canadian Aerophilatelic Society (CAS) on 2 Nov. 2024. Marc wrote an article on the subject, “A Detailed Study of CLP6 and Philately of the Attempted 1927 London to London Flight” in the CAS journal, The Canadian Aerophilatelist, No. 136, Sept. 2023.

7 Nov 2021
42 min.

British Airship Posts: The Dream to Connect the Empire
Cheryl R. Ganz

4 Sep 2021
50 min.

1) Maj R. W. (Walter) Hale, MC "flying postal inspector" of the MacKenzie River District
2) Post Cards used for Air Mail

1) Gordon Mallett
2) Adri Veenstra

The video includes both presentations given at the Study Group meeting at BNAPEX 2021 Virtual.

2 May 2021
66 min.

Ferry Command Dorval WWII - The Unusual Air Mail Services
Robert Toombs

By the end of WW II, Ferry Command Dorval was responsible for flying some 10,000 aircraft to Britain, India, and Australasia in aid of the war effort. The effort began in 1940 when Lord Beaverbrook (Max Aitken of Moncton, NB) and Sir Edward Beatty, President of Canadian Pacific Railway, formed the Canadian Pacific Railway Air Services Dept. (C.P.R.A.S.) and recruited 44 civilian pilots to fly 26 bombers from Gander to Aldergrove, Ireland. Here is the story of Ferry Command Dorval.

7 Feb 2021
13 min.

Airmail to the Arctic 1929
Denny May

The presenter's father, Wilfrid "Wop" May, was a pilot who co-founded Commercial Airways Ltd. of Edmonton. Commercial Airways won the contract for airmail delivery in the Arctic in 1929. The presentation describes the air mail delivery service and "Wop" May's contributions.

1 Nov 2020
28 min.

FAM No. 2: Seattle-Victoria Recent Findings
Gray Scrimgeour

The U.S. airmail route from Seattle to Victoria was established to expedite mail between Seattle and trans-Pacific steamships arriving at and leaving from Victoria. The service was inaugurated on 15 October 1920 and ended on 26 June 1937. Recent findings are discussed.

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This page was last modified on 2025-03-14.