BNAPS Re-entries and Constant Plate Varieties Study Group

1851 half pence major re-entry - position 84 on original plate
1851 ½d Pence Issue
Major re-entry, position 84 on original plate
1912 1c Green Admiral 12LR35 re-entry
1912 1¢ Admiral
12LR35 re-entry
1943 4c War plate 31 lower left plate crack
1943 4¢ War Issue
Plate 31, cracked plate
1978 14 cent Parliament, missing brick plate flaw
1978 14¢ Parliament
Missing brick plate flaw

Virtual meeting videos

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6 Sep 2021
13 min.

A Showing of Unusual Re-entries on the 1¢ Large Queen, Map Stamp, 15¢ Large Queen, 3d Beaver, 10¢ Consort and 6¢ Large Queen
Scott Robinson

Presentation given at BNAPEX 2021 Virtual.

6 Sep 2021
11 min.

A Proof Block of the 3d Beaver Positions 31, 32, 41 and 42 from Pane A without the "Railroad Track" Scratches
Michael D. Smith

Presentation given at BNAPEX 2021 Virtual.

6 Sep 2021
13 min.

Bill Stamps of 1864-1882 Including the 1¢. 3¢, 6¢, 9¢, 10¢, 20¢
Jim McCormick

Discusses re-entries and plate flaws on the Third Bill Issue revenue stamps of 1864-1882 including the 1¢, 3¢, 6¢, 9¢, 10¢, 20¢. This issue straddles the printing periods of both the Large and Small Queens. Presentation given at BNAPEX 2021 Virtual.

6 Sep 2021
6 min.

Three Monarchs
Arnie Janson

Shown are re-entries on the stamps of three difference monarchs.  1898 1¢ Victoria Numeral, 1922 10¢ Admiral blue , 1967 1¢ Elizabeth II Centennial from booklets BK69 and BK70a and the 1898 1¢ Victoria Numeral 10¢ on 1¢ major misplaced re-entry #75vii. One requires good magnification to see the re-entry on the 1¢ Centennial booklet stamps, but it is very common, appearing on 20 - 30% of all the 1¢ booklet stamps. Presentation given at BNAPEX 2021 Virtual.

6 Sep 2021
6 min.

A Miscellany
Bill Burden

Re-entries on a wide range of stamps including the 1935 KGV 20¢ Niagara Falls, 1934 3¢ Jacques Cartier commemorative, 1930 20¢ Special Delivery, 1859 5¢ Beaver, 1852 3p Beaver, and 1859 10¢ Prince Albert. Presentation given at BNAPEX 2021 Virtual.

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This page was last modified on 2025-03-14.