What's New in BNAPS


30 Dec 2006

The Golden Horseshoe Regional Group will revert to its original meeting date of January 28th due to the U.S. football conference championships which are to be held on the 21st. Have fun!!

28 Dec 2006

Bob Dyer has completed another year of hard work summarizing the competition awards won by BNAPSers during 2006. Thanks, Bob!

20 Dec 2006

Mike Salmon has submitted the third of his remarkable four frame PEI exhibit. Check it out!

16 Dec 2006

Both of the Alberta Regional Groups held recent meetings. A report from the Edmonton Group is found here; a report from Calgary is found here.

9 Dec 2006

Among many powerful exhibits shown at BNAPEX 2001 in Ottawa were two that covered quite different aspects of the philately of Newfoundland, one by Colin Lewis and one by John Walsh. Both have since been modified and re-exhibited, going on to win higher awards. Because there is almost no overlap in subject matter it was decided to reproduce them simultaneously as part of the BNAPS Exhibit Series.

BNAPS is pleased to announce that Colin Lewis' Newfoundland Postal History 1857 - 1899 becomes the 42nd volume in the series and John Walsh's Newfoundland 1897 Royal Family, Dead Letter Seal and Map Stamps is the 43rd.

Release Notes are now posted.

5 Dec 2006

The Golden Horseshoe Regional Group has a new logo!! See it with the report of their November meeting.

29 Nov 2006

The BNAPS Book Department is pleased to announce the release of Plating Studies on Prince Edward Island Stamps I. The Two Pence Issue - Scott #1 and #5, 2006 by Kenneth A. Kershaw.

Release Notes are now posted.

22 Nov 2006

New information about BNAPEX2007, in Calgary, is now available.

22 Nov 2006

The Atlantic Provinces Regional Group met recently, with a guest who was sitting four time zones away! To see how that happened, visit the Group's new web page.

22 Nov 2006

Stephen Prest sends a brief note to advise BNAPS members that George VI Study Group member Gary Dickinson has published a monograph entitled First Day Covers of the 1948 Canada Royal Wedding Commemorative Issue which has been posted on the Research page of the George VI Study Group website. This is the first of what Gary hopes might be a series of monographs that will lead to the identification of all known First Day Cover cachets of the 1948 Royal Wedding and other commemorative stamp issues of the George VI period.

Gary is hopeful that Study Group and other BNAPS members might be able to identify further examples of FDC cachets to those presented in this first edition of his 1948 Royal Wedding FDC cachet monograph. Members are encouraged to contact Gary directly (his email address is listed in the monograph) with further examples or alternately, these can be sent to Stephen and he will relay them to Gary.

20 Nov 2006

We have a reminder that The Golden Horseshoe Regional Group meeting is upcoming. Also, some photos from the STAMPEX meeting.

18 Nov 2006

The Golden West Regional Group has provided an update on the upcoming meeting at PENPEX.

11 Nov 2006, Remembrance Day

Finally, time was found to post photos from the Pacific Northwest Regional Group meeting in October. Thanks to the photographers!

6 Nov 2006

The Golden West Regional Group has new information about meetings. Please check HERE.

5 Nov 2006

We are pleased to open for your viewing the BNAPS promotional slide show. This is intended for both online viewing and viewing at shows, meetings, etc. with a CD version. The main page has also been altered a bit and will undergo further renovations.

4 Nov 2006

The 2nd Edition of the KGVI Bibliography has been posted in the Member's area of the George VI Study Group website. Thanks goes out to Study Group members Gary Dickinson and Larry Goldberg who contributed philatelic references that have been incorporated into the KG VI Bibliography.

1 Nov 2006

Frame 2 of Mike Salmon's remarkable PEI exhibit is now available on the "exhibits" website. Two more frames to come.

28 Oct 2006

Do Small Queens make you drool? Check out Andy Ellwood's newest Circuits!.

28 Oct 2006

A report on the recent meeting of the Golden Horseshoe Regional Group is available. Also, there is a change to the future meetings schedule.

28 Oct 2006

Stephen Prest advises us that Issue 9 of the Post & Mail has been posted on the King George VI Study Group website. Study Group members may download their copies of Issue 9 from the website by following the P & M Archive link in the Members area of the website.

28 Oct 2006

Charles Livermore tells us that the Northeastern Regional Group will meet in the New York area on Saturday November 11 at the Collectors Club in Manhattan - 22 E35th Street. This is located a few blocks south of Grand Central and between Madison and Park Avenues. Charles will show highlights of his Advanced Posting Service exhibit and there will be a show and tell for members to discuss new additions to their own collections.

The meeting will begin at 2pm and will probably run about 2 1/2 to 4 hours depending on how talky people are.

27 Oct 2006

William C. Walton, Chairman of BNAPS' Order of the Beaver, is pleased to announce the selection of N.J.A. (John) Hillson as the newest recipient of an OTB Lifetime Achievement Award. Please see OTB Lifetime Achievements.

22 Oct 2006

The Webmaster will return October 27th. Please hold items until then. In an emergency, please send the item to either Greg Spring or Jeff. Thanks.

22 Oct 2006

A report of the very successful October meeting of the Pacific Northwest Regional Group is available. Photos will be posted when the Webmaster returns (see above).

20 Oct 2006

There is a current update of material on the Youth Program pages. The 2007 program details have been announced. If you have an interest in the BNAPS support of youth projects, please take a look.

19 Oct 2006

A second hard cover binding of A Canadian Postal History 1897-1911: The Maple Leaf, Numeral, and King Edward Era, by George B. Arfken and William S. Pawluk will be possible if several new orders are received.

If you are interested in obtaining a hard cover edition of this book please contact Ian Kimmerly Stamps AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. A credit card order will be taken but not processed until the book is mailed. Details: Stock # B4h021.11HB (colour, hardbound) $225.00 retail.


19 Oct 2006

Just a reminder that the next BNAPS Golden Horseshoe Regional Group meeting will take place at the Rousseau House Restaurant in Ancaster on Sunday, November 26. Guest speaker Doug Irwin will show us some the results of his long study of the Centennial issue.

18 Oct 2006

Jean Walton and Cimon Morin have reported the recent passing of Lola Caron, who turned 95 this past January. An obituary has been posted.

16 Oct 2006

Edmonton area BNAPSers take note: now that the CFL Eskimos are eliminated, look more closely at BNAPS meeting dates - there is a change!

5 Oct 2006

Awards are now posted for the recent shows: NOVAPEX and the ROYAL. Congratulations to all!

4 Oct 2006

Look what we have!! Freshly updated Circuits sheets! Thanks, Andy.

2 Oct 2006

The Royal Philatelic Society of Canada and the Calgary Philatelic Society presented a first class show in Calgary this past weekend. The BNAPS breakfast was very well attended and featured a presentation by Charles Verge on how he selected the items from the Royal Philatelic Collection that were exhibited at the show. More, later.

2 Oct 2006

The BNAPS Golden Horseshoe Regional Group would like to remind all BNAPSers that their next meeting will take place at 1:00PM on SATURDAY, October 14, 2006 at the CSDA/STAMPEX show, which will be held at the Queen Elizabeth Building of the Canadian National Exhibition (CNE) site in Toronto October 13 - 15. See the GHRG section of the Regional Groups page for more details.

2 Oct 2006

The Education department has posted a really good article by John Hotchner titled "Getting Started in Philatelic Exhibiting" under the exhibitors icon. John H. was gracious enough to let us use this article for the good of the hobby and as an officer of BNAPS, John Burnett thanks him for it.

1 Oct 2006

Bob Dyer has announced the 2007 Youth Activity Program. See BNAPS Youth Program for information and an application. This new program issued individual grants of $140-400 this year to 15 school stamp clubs, junior stamp clubs and youth activity tables at stamp shows. Thousands of stamps were also distributed. If you know of an opportunity to support a new or expanded 2007 program related to youth philately , you may submit an application or give one to an interested party. Applications will be accepted through March 10, 2007.

26 Sep 2006

The St. Lawrence Seaway Regional Group will meet at 10:00 am, October 21, in Perth, Ontario, at the McMartin House, corner of Gore and Harvey streets.

25 Sep 2006

The Minutes of the 2006 BNAPS Annual General Meeting are now available from Secretary Pete Jacobi.

24 Sep 2006

The Pacific Northwest Regional Group has sent info about their famous October meeting.

23 Sep 2006

A new article on "Sailing Tables for the Pacific", by Gray Scrimgeour, is found at our Exhibits pages.

23 Sep 2006

The rejuvenated Golden West Regional Group has had another very successful meeting. Congratulations to you all !

20 Sep 2006

The cumulative Table of Contents of The Admiral's Log, the newsletter of the Admirals Study Group, has been updated - thanks to Leopold Beaudet.

18 Sep 2006

Bob Dyer has provided the latest list of award winners, including VANPEX, BNAPEX, the non-jury awards from BNAPEX and others.

18 Sep 2006

Tim Bartshe and the American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors (AAPE) have generously permitted reproduction of a seminar about front pages and synopsis writing. This is found at our exhibits website.

18 Sep 2006

The Edmonton Regional Group has provided meeting dates for the coming year (2006-7).

14 Sep 2006

The Atlantic Provinces Regional Group is planning to meet at NOVAPEX, September 14th. Please get in touch with Jack Forbes at this email.

14 Sep 2006

Information from BNAPEX in Sudbury is now coming in to the website.

First, check out the updated lists of Officers, and Study Groups, and Regional Groups.

Next, President Bill Pawluk is pleased to announce that Jerry Jarnick has been appointed Publicity Officer. To reach Jerry, please see the listing under Officers.

26 Aug 2006

Appointment of BNA Topics editor.

I am very pleased to announce the appointment of Doug Sayles as the editor of of BNA Topics. Doug has been in touch with the Publications Committee and is expected to start immediately on the preparation of the 2006 4th quarter issue.

Many of you already know Doug as the Chair and Treasurer of the Military Mail Study Group. Others will have read the announcement of his most recent publication, The BNAPS Catalogue of Canadian Military Mail Markings, Volume 3 - From Victory in 1945 to Afghanistan.

I hope you will welcome Doug by submitting articles that will keep him busy as they keep the rest of us informed and entertained.

P. Charles Livermore

26 Aug 2006

The BNAPS Book Department is pleased to announce the release of: Canadians in Russia: the Last Contingent of World War I by Hendrik (Henk) Burgers.

Release Notes are now posted.

25 Aug 2006

The BNAPS Book Department is pleased to announce the release of its newest publication: The BNAPS Catalogue of Canadian Military Mail Markings, Volume 3 - From Victory in 1945 to Afghanistan by C. Douglas Sayles (Editor).

Release Notes are now posted.

23 Aug 2006

The Webmaster will be unavailable until September 13th. Urgent items can be sent to Greg Spring or Jeff Wallace.

23 Aug 2006

The remaining frames of Vic Willson's postcard exhibit are now on display. This might be the first online exhibition of an 8-frame exhibit. Members are encouraged to consider sending their exhibits for online display.

19 Aug 2006

A review by Gray Scrimgeour of the BNAPS book A Canadian Postal History 1897-1911. The Maple Leaf, Numeral, and King Edward Era by George B. Arfken and William S. Pawluk, is now posted. This review will appear in the September PHSC Journal. Thanks go to Gray and the PHSC for permission to post the review here.

18 Aug 2006

The BNAPS Book Department is pleased to announce the release of the newest BNAPS handbook, The Post Office in Canada: A Chronology of Facts, Feats, and Firsts from the French Regime to 1981, second edition, by Thomas A. Hillman and E. R. Toop.

Release Notes are now posted.

10 Aug 2006

The BNAPS Book Department is pleased to announce the release of the newest BNAPS handbook, The Dead Letter Office in Canada 1830-2002, An illustrated postal history, second edition, by Brian C. Plain.

Release Notes are now posted.

1 Aug 2006

The judges have determined the hits on August 1st to be 108,288. The winner of the $150 book prize was "Sportster" who predicted 107,755 hits. Congratulations to "Sportster", whose name will be revealed at the Sudbury Convention.

31 Jul 2006

The Table of Contents for the third quarter BNA Topics is now available.

29 Jul 2006

The BNAPS Book Department is pleased to announce that it has acquired the copyrights to and remaining stock of all four volumes of The Canadian Christmas Map Stamp of 1898, a Definitive Plating Study by Kenneth A. Kershaw and Roger Boisclair. Details will soon be posted.

29 Jul 2006

We are advised that there is a price increase on three of eight BNAPS books recently reprinted.

27 Jul 2006

BNAPS is pleased to announce the publication of the fortieth book in its exhibit series, J.J. MacDonald's One Hundred Years Over the Waters, Mail by Ship in and around Nova Scotia from Mid-18th to Mid-19th Century.

Release Notes are now posted.

22 Jul 2006

The Table of Contents of the latest issue of BNA Topics is available for viewing by non-members who might wish to join the Society.

22 Jul 2006

The first frame of Vic Willson's BNAPS Grand Award exhibit on Canadian postcard postal history is now posted on the exhibits website.

19 Jul 2006

John Frith has provided an update on information re BNAPEX at Sudbury. Go there now!!

12 Jul 2006

BNAPS is pleased to welcome two additional winners of the Youth Scholarship Program. These are the two final nominees for 2006 and both come from the Calgary Regional Group. Chloe Giroux and Orin Esau both have been nominated by BNAPS sponsors and are granted 3-year memberships, with all privileges.

12 Jul 2006

The BNAPS Book Department is pleased to announce the release of the newest BNAPS handbook, A Canadian Postal History 1897-1911: The Maple Leaf, Numeral, and King Edward Era by George B. Arfken and William S. Pawluk.

Release notes are found here.

11 Jul 2006

The Webmaster is pleased to announce that two members, Jeff Wallace and Greg Spring, will begin handling some of the web work. Jeff will handle publications and youth work; Jeff (who is Webmaster for the ISG site) will also handle education programs and work with Greg on the youth program. Both will be working with the Webmaster to update the technical capabilities of all BNAPS sites.

9 Jul 2006

Today, there was a re-enactment of the first air mail delivery in western Canada. Check it out. You will enjoy it!!

30 Jun 2006

The latest BNA PortraitS has information about the upcoming election of BNAPS officers. Please note that the ballots should reach Don Ure by latest July 31st.

29 Jun 2006

Brandon University, in a cooperative project with BNAPS, has launched a website showing the Gordon Jory collection of Manitoba covers. Thanks go to the Manitoba and Northern Ontario Regional Group for its involvement.

24 Jun 2006

The Society regrets to inform that one of its most supportive members, Ed Whiting, passed away on June 22nd. An obituary is found HERE.

23 Jun 2006

Peter McCarthy has provided details of the very interesting meeting held recently by the Golden Horseshoe Regional Group. For this, and information about the planned fall meeting, click HERE.

22 Jun 2006

A new category is about to be added to the Circuits by Andy Ellwood. Collections, Accumulations, Exhibits, and just plain Bulky lots of stamps or covers will be listed under the code 'LL' . Watch for new material, and be sure to make contact with Andy if you have material to add.

19 Jun 2006

An advance notice of the hard copy edition of A Canadian Postal History, 1897 - 1911, by George Arfken and Bill Pawluk is found HERE.

16 Jun 2006

Hugh Delaney sends a summary of the Calgary Regional Group's last meeting of the year.

15 Jun 2006

Bob Dyer reports on the very successful Washington 2006 International show where BNAPS members won 15 awards for exhibits or literature. See AWARDS.

6 Jun 2006

The Secretary, Pete Jacobi, is now at his Summer Palace in Montana. Details are found HERE.

6 Jun 2006

The Table of Contents of the latest issue of BNA Topics is now up.

6 Jun 2006

Andy Ellwood has provided some revised Small Queens pages and a new Newfie page in Circuits.

5 Jun 2006

Postal historians are in for a treat when they see Andrew Scott's article, "Marked for Life", reproduced with his permission from Vancouver Magazine. Check it out as an inspiration for collectors!

1 Jun 2006

Check out the new web page for the Manitoba and Northwestern Ontario Regional Group.

31 May 2006

Release notes for Ken Kershaw's new handbook are now available.

30 May 2006

May 30, 2006

The Golden Horseshoe Group wishes to remind all members that their next meeting is THIS Sunday, June 4. Guest Speaker is Jorge Peral, Vice-President and Portrait Engraver for the Canadian Bank Note Company, Ottawa. See the Golden Horseshoe Regional Group page for more information.

30 May 2006

Release notes for Pete Jacobi's book update are now available.

25 May 2006

The Pacific Northwest Regional Group has offered a template for exhibitors preparing a synopsis for their exhibits. Check it out.

25 May 2006

Begin to tremble in your boots!! BNAPEX 2006 has announced the judges for the exhibition: Chair of the jury is Vic Willson along with Gar Lohman and Bill Walton. Bill Longley is the apprentice.

25 May 2006

Bob Dyer has brought us up to date with recent exhibition awards (ORAPEX, PIPEX, and Boxborough).

25 May 2006

On May 6 at ORAPEX in Ottawa, the Postal History Society of Canada (PHSC) announced the following awards to BNAPS members:

Special Citation to Robert K. (Bob) Lane for the excellence of his presentation of the BNAPS website, and for his RPO and postal history exhibits on that website.

Frank W. Campbell Award for major contributions to the study of BNA postal history in other publications to David Handelman (Ottawa, ON) for his 'Stampless Corner' series in BNA Topics

Stan Shantz Award presented annually to the author of the article deemed most worthy in the PHSC Journal for 2005 - Richard (Rick) Parama (Houston, TX) for his article, "A Remarkable Cover from Fishburn, Alberta", which appeared in the June 2005 issue, #122, pp. 8-23.

25 May 2006

Mike Street advises as follows: "Just a note to advise that BNA Topics 2006Q1 was taken to the post office in Ottawa this morning and should reach members next week. Work has already started on BNA Topics 2006Q2, and we hope to have it in the mail in four weeks or a bit less. BNA Topics 2006Q3 will be on time, approx August 1".

Robert Lemire and Mike Street - Interim Co-editors.

25 May 2006

Check out the new website for the Fundy Stamp Collectors Club in Moncton, NB.

24 May 2006

Web pages about the postal history of Brandon, Manitoba, have been developed to help celebrate Brandon's 125th year as a city, in 2007.

24 May 2006

Check out this nice article about Bob Dyer's Washington Show connection.

23 May 2006

Is garbage your bag? Check out Chris Ryan's new examples in the Revenue Section.

23 May 2006

The Collectors Club of Chicago is pleased to announce this year's "Pratt Award" winner is Sammy Whaley for his book Newfoundland: 1865-1879 The New York Printings A Cover Study.

More at the Awards page.

19 May 2006

Release notes are now available for Ken Ellison's latest book, Japanese Internment in Canada 1941 - 1946 - a Postal History, published by BNAPS. Check it out!

18 May 2006

The deadline has passed for participating in the hit counter contest. Only five predictions were received and one of those five will receive a prize of $150 worth of books, as per the details. In view of the substantial lack of interest, there will be no more "fun" contests on this website.

17 May 2006

Mike Street has provided a summary of the OTB Lifetime Achievement Awards that were presented recently at ORAPEX. Congratulations to all.

4 May 2006

Bob Dyer has posted 15 additional exhibit awards to BNAPS members at WESTPEX, AMERISTAMP EXPO and the Garfield-Perry March Party.

30 Apr 2006

Joe Schlitt has sent the great news that the Golden West Regional Group has been re-formed. This was accomplished by the hard work of several California, Arizona and Nevada members and a meeting at WESTPEX. A report will be posted soon. Joe can be reached at this email address. Congratulations!

25 Apr 2006

The BNAPS Internet Study Group server is now online and available. Drop by, login and visit the forums.

25 Apr 2006

Bob Dyer, our Youth Coordinator, has sent several helpful documents created by George Speers of the Brantford Junior Stamp Club. They should be of interest to anyone involved in activity planning for groups of young collectors - a set of goals and a detailed outline for six months of meetings. Please see the Youth Program area for more details.

21 Apr 2006

Greg Spring, the Internet Study Group Coordinator today posted this notice:
"At 4 o'clock this afternoon (UK time) I was informed that the office where the BNAPS ISG server is located would suffer from several power cuts over the weekend as a result of some reconstruction work that is going on in the University. It was therefore safest to switch the server off for the weekend to avoid any damage to the server and its security devices. The Internet Study Group forum will therefore be unavailable from now until Monday morning. I will turn the server back on at start of business Monday morning, and I apologise for smothering any burning philatelic issues that any of you may have wanted to air during your weekend!"

21 Apr 2006

Mike Street has provided release notes for the latest books in the BNAPS Book Department:

  • The Wearing of the Green: Plates and States of the Canada 1898 One Cent Numeral Issue by Peter Spencer
  • Canada Inkjet (Jet Spray) Cancels 1992-2005 (3rd Edition) by Joel Weiner

Congratulations to the authors!

20 Apr 2006

Andy Ellwood has changed a few Circuits pages and added some Revenues.

20 Apr 2006

The recent Golden Horseshoe Regional Group meeting is described here.

15 Apr 2006

John Burnett has provided a summary of the recent meeting of the Pacific Northwest Regional Group in Kelowna.

14 Apr 2006

Hugh Delaney reports on the recent meeting of the Calgary Regional Group.

14 Apr 2006

Jon Johnson has announced "that BNAPEX 2007 will be held in conjunction with CALTAPEX'07 (Calgary Philatelic Society show) August 31 - September 2, 2007, at the Westin Hotel, Calgary, Alberta. We will endeavour to provide some real western hospitality to all who attend. Until the organizing committee is announced, inquiries may be made to Jon Johnson.

14 Apr 2006

Robert Lemire reminds us of the revised procedures pertaining to the awarding of the Vincent G. Greene Award for the 'Best Article or Series in BNA Topics' during the previous calendar year.

14 Apr 2006

April 14, 2006

Robert Lemire has provided a notice of the forthcoming meeting of the St. Lawrence Seaway Regional Group. The meeting will be in Ottawa in conjunction with ORAPEX, which is always a fine National level show with a good bourse. Dick Malott will give a presentation on "Canadian Crash Covers".

WHEN: Saturday May 6, 2006, 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
WHERE: at the RA Centre, 2451 Riverside Dr., Ottawa.

12 Apr 2006

President Charles Livermore has issued this note:

"For reasons of health, Henk Burgers is not able to continue with his duties as editor of BNA Topics. He had started to work on the next issue when he was confronted with a health issue which made it impossible for him to continue.

I know we all wish the best for Henk and hope for a speedy recovery. From what I knew of him and what I subsequently learned as a result of the search for editor, it is unfortunate that he is not able to apply his considerable talents to our flagship publication. We will be the poorer for it.

But I have to thank Robert Lemire and Mike Street who continue to show their remarkable dedication to the Society as they have already picked up the work that Henk began and are now at work on the next two issues of Topics to get us back on track.

I hope to have an announcement soon as to the new editor of Topics. If any of you have articles for Topics almost ready for publication, I urge that you complete and send them to Mike Street. Any effort like this will make his temporary job easier.

Again please keep Henk in your thoughts and wish the best for him."

5 Apr 2006

Andy Ellwood has sent some replacement Circuits pages, including PRICE REDUCTIONS! More to come.

4 Apr 2006

The VANPEX organizers have provided a Press Release about the 2006 show.

3 Apr 2006

Bob Dyer sends the following: "The Golden West Regional Group will meet at the WESTPEX show in San Francisco on Saturday, 29 April from 11:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. in room 6096.

John Wynns, from Arizona, will give a presentation on "Stamp Centenaries". See his article in the Fourth Quarter 2005 BNA Topics. Bob Dyer will also bring an array of flown covers from the July 2005 VIMY flight to Ireland, piloted by Steve Fossett. Additionally, Bob will give a short presentation on the new BNAPS Youth Philately program.

WESTPEX will be held at the San Francisco Airport Marriott, 1800 Old Bayshore Highway. Further information can be obtained from Bob Dyer.

Let us all hope that this will lead to re-generation of the Golden West Regional Group.

1 Apr 2006

Bob Dyer has provided the first awards list for 2006, including ARIPEX and the Edmonton Spring National.

30 Mar 2006

The BNAPS Edmonton Regional Group held its annual breakfast at the Edmonton Stamp Club's annual Spring National.

13 Mar 2006

Hugh Delaney has provided details of the recent BNAPS Calgary Regional Group meeting.

12 Mar 2006

Our friends at the Postal History Society of Canada have a new website.

9 Mar 2006

New program information for the Golden Horseshoe Regional Group is now posted.

7 Mar 2006

Andy Ellwood has provided new Circuits - Revenues!

4 Mar 2006

Even more information about BNAPEX 2006 is now available.

2 Mar 2006

Information and forms are now available for BNAPEX 2006. For further information, email John Frith.

28 Feb 2006

Hotel information is now available for BNAPEX 2006. Exhibition info will be up tomorrow.

28 Feb 2006

Peter McCarthy tells us about the June speaker for the Golden Horseshoers and their own logo contest.

23 Feb 2006

The Prairie Beaver Regional Group has issued its latest newsletter. The agenda for their March meeting is found HERE.

21 Feb 2006

New RPOs in the Circuits! Yummy!

17 Feb 2006

An obituary has been provided for Harry Sutherland.

15 Feb 2006

Hugh Delaney has provided news of the February meeting of the Calgary Regional Group.

15 Feb 2006

Charles Verge has conveyed the sad news of the passing of Harry Sutherland late February 14, 2006 at the age of 75. An obituary is being prepared.

15 Feb 2006

Preliminary hotel information for BNAPEX 2006 is now available. Much more information will be posted soon.

12 Feb 2006

Enter the contest to predict the BNAPS website hit count!! Be sure to read all about it.

11 Feb 2006

George Arfken has submitted a contribution to our "rarity factors" page.

10 Feb 2006

Some additional information about our new Topics Editor, from Charles Livermore:

"About our new editor. Hendrik Burgers (Henk) was born in The Netherlands and immigrated to Canada where he served as an Engineer Officer in the Canadian Army from 1962 to 1983. Until 2001, he was the president of a major translation company at which time he decided to try being semi-retired. His editorial experience includes a term as editor of the Canadian Philatelist and then for a time as as editor of our Military Mail Study Group's newsletter.

One of the warmest welcomes you could provide is a constant supply of articles to keep him busy editing those articles for a future issue of BNA Topics."

Webmaster's note: contact information is now available on the BNAPS Officials page.

10 Feb 2006

President Charles Livermore has made this announcement: "I am pleased to announce that Hendrik Burgers has been asked to serve as the next editor of BNA Topics, and he has accepted. Work has already begun on making the transition as seamless as possible. An announcement will soon follow as to where your articles can be sent for inclusion in the journal."

9 Feb 2006

Bill Longley has passed along the sad news of the passing of UK BNAPSer Dorothy Sanderson. An obituary has been provided by Malcolm Montgomery.

9 Feb 2006

President Charles Livermore has announced the resignation of David Handelman as Editor of the journal BNA Topics.

8 Feb 2006

BNAPS begins its newest page - Book Reviews - with a review by Gray Scrimgeour of the publication of the BNAPS Calgary Regional Group: Letters From the Far West.

6 Feb 2006

The Golden Horseshoe Regional Group has provided some entertainment in the form of photos taken at their January meeting. Thanks, Peter.

5 Feb 2006

Thanks to the work of the Internet Study Group, 38 listings have been removed from the Members' Email page. These listings had proven to be dead. Members wishing to provide up-to-date listings should contact the Webmaster.

4 Feb 2006

Greg Spring and the others in the BNAPS Internet Study Group are proud to announce the launch of its ISG website. A major feature is the many forums available for members, including a Collectors Fair. Check it out!

2 Feb 2006

After an incredible amount of work, Andy Ellwood has re-opened the BNAPS Circuits On-Line. You have to see it to believe it! Thanks, Andy.

2 Feb 2006

Mike Street has provided new release notes for BNAPS books.

31 Jan 2006

BNAPS is pleased to announce the first recipients of it youth scholarships, as offered through a regional pilot project.

Jamie Barron of Edmonton and Firmin Wyndels of Victoria have been granted 3-year memberships in BNAPS. They have been recognized as young philatelists who show great promise within the hobby. Congratulations and welcome to the Society!

The Edmonton Regional Group and the Pacific Northwest Regional Group were the sponsors.

26 Jan 2006

From President Charles Livermore:

BNAPS is pleased to announce the establishment of an Education Committee.

The role of the committee will be to create educational materials that will be used to produce pamphlets, booklets and web pages. These materials will be used to inform the novice and experienced collector of the many and varied aspects of BNA philately. One of the first challenges this committee will tackle is the revision and update of Ed Richardson's 1981 booklet - An Introduction to BNA Philately.

Additionally BNAPS is pleased to announce that John Burnett has agreed to chair this committee. John is the perfect person for this job. He has an extensive knowledge of BNA philately, has exhibited and, for many years, has written the Canadian column in Linn's Stamp News. John has generously offered to use these columns as needed in the creation of the committee's educational products.

We welcome John to this new responsibility. If there are members who would like to be involved with this committee and give John some needed assistance, please get in touch with him. He'd be delighted to hear from you. You can reach John at jb45855@aol.com. We are also fortunate that Vic Willson will serve on this committee. Vic is both an accomplished educator and a distinguished philatelist. BNAPS is indeed fortunate to have both of these gentlemen serving on its Education Committee.

22 Jan 2006

Mike Street has announced the availability of a List Server to enable folks to receive announcements from the BNAPS Book Department. Check it out!.

18 Jan 2006

BNAPS in Arizona!! A BNAPS meeting is scheduled for Feb. 11 at 11 am at ARIPEX 2006 in the Mesa Centennial Hall, Pomeroy Room. John Wynns will be chairing the meeting.

For show info visit http://www.aripex.org/. All BNAPSers and visitors are welcome.

17 Jan 2006

There is a significant movement afoot to form an Atlantic Provinces Regional Group. Members there will be hearing about this soon. Non-members in the Atlantic provinces thinking about joining BNAPS can email Jack Forbes for information.

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This page was last modified on 2022-03-01

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