GHRG Meeting Reports 2006 – 2008
GHRG logo

The GHRG holds meetings every two months except during the summer. The season begins in September and ends in May. Unless otherwise noted, meetings are held at the Brewers Blackbird Kitchen & Brewery in Ancaster.

Members start to gather around 10:00 am to discuss philately over a cup of coffee. We invite BNA dealers in the region to show their stock. Lunch is served around noon, after which the formal part of the meeting begins with announcements and an auction of donated material. The highlight of the meeting is a talk by an invited speaker. A Show and Tell session at the end of the meeting usually turns up surprising and intriguing items.

Meeting reports

2007 – 2008 Season

Meetings and speakers

Sunday, 25 May 2008
Bob and Judith Viney from Wales – “Newfoundland”

Sunday, 30 March 2008
David Hobden – “Early Canadian Military Mail” (Part 2, 1815 to 1885)

Sunday, 27 January 2008
David Hobden – “Early Canadian Military Mail” (Part 1, 1629 to 1815)

Sunday, 25 November 2007
Bill Longley – “Postal History of the Postcard” and “Charge Box Mail 1830s – 1880s”

Saturday, 13 October 2007
Jim Watt – “Varieties on Modern Booklets”

Sunday, 25 May 2008 meeting

Judith Edwards Viney and her Newfoundland exhibit

Judith Edwards Viney and her Newfoundland exhibit

Judith Edwards Viney and her Newfoundland exhibit

Judith Edwards Viney discusses an item in her exhibit


An attentive audience

We had precious few sunny warm days in our region during May, but Sunday the 25th just happened to be one of them. Maybe it was the gardening bug or just the need to be out in the warm sunshine that kept some people away from our last gathering before summer break. We want all those who were not there to know you were missed. Nonetheless, we had another great day at our usual haunt, the Rousseau House Restaurant in historic downtown Ancaster.

Conversation over coffee while browsing through the dealers’ stocks prior to lunch kept people busy, and the morning was gone before we knew it. Lunch was delicious and Kathy, our favourite hostess, was in fine form and as efficient as always in seeing that we were all fed on time and with a smile. In all, twenty-four members and five guests were present.

The afternoon session got underway with announcements. On a sad note, we announced the passing of John Hillmer. John’s philatelic specialty was the Canadian issues of 1972-1977, better known as the Caricature and Landscape issues. He had won high exhibit awards and co-authored at least one article on the subject. Our sympathies to the family.

Two new BNAPS books have been released. For further information, please visit the website of Ian Kimmerly, from whom all BNAPS books are available.

The GHRG schedule for 2008-2009 was announced. September 28, 2008, will be the first gathering, with Larry Cherns speaking on “Social History of the 19th Century in Covers and Postcards of Canada, Part II”. On November 30 our speaker will be Leigh Hogg, subject to be announced. In 2009, Jim Watt will bring us up to date on “Varieties on Modern Coils” on January 25, Peter McCarthy will tell “Stories Behind My Covers” on March 29, and on May 31 Ken Kershaw will be “Plating the Three Penny Beaver”. The dates given are firm. Should there be a change of speaker members will be notified in advance.

On this day we were very privileged to have as our special guests Bob and Judith Viney from Wales. Judith presented some of her extensive and beautifully mounted Newfoundland material in three 48-page segments. After each segment, members had the opportunity to view the material close-up and ask questions. Between sessions, while Judith and Bob were exchanging pages, the auction and show and tell took place. In total, 144 pages of beautiful Newfoundland material was shown and explained. We were honoured in that this was the first showing of this material outside the United Kingdom. Thank you Judith and Bob for an entertaining afternoon.

The 2007-2008 Golden Horseshoe Regional Group season was great and you, the members, made it so by being there. Our sincere thanks to all who participated in any way. Have a great summer! See you in September.

Sunday, 30 March 2008 meeting

Winter just didn’t seem to want to loosen her grip, but the warm atmosphere created by the forty-five members and guests who attended the March 30th gathering of the Golden Horseshoe Regional Group at the Rousseau House Restaurant in Ancaster more than made up for the gusty March winds outside.

The informal gathering began at 10:00 AM with good philatelic conversation, browsing through dealer stocks and re-acquaintance over coffee. Six dealers were on hand to quench our philatelic thirst. As usual, at noon we broke to enjoy a great lunch from the restaurant’s excellent cuisine. The staff of this fine establishment looks after us very well.

Bill Coates

Bill Coates – early in the day

Group photo

An interesting point

The more formal afternoon began with announcements and a very good fun auction. Thanks to all who donated items. It was all good quality material, and the dollars made go a long way to looking after expenses. Show and tell was devoted entirely to Jim Watt’s presentation on the ten cent Prince Consort black and brown stamps of 1859. Many major varieties were shown.

Jim Watt and David Hobden introduced a very special mystery guest, Marnie Infanti. We then played “What’s My Line”. It turns out that Marnie is the great-great-grand-niece of Sir Rowland Hill, the designer of the world’s first postage stamp, who was also credited with originating the basic concepts of modern postal service. We had fun guessing that one, but guess it we did. Marnie, her husband Steve and their family live in Vineland, Ontario.

Marnie Infanti

Marnie Infanti

Steve and Marnie Infanti

Steve and Marnie Infanti

Our speaker for the afternoon was David Hobden, who presented the second part of his “Early Canadian Military Mail”. This segment covered the period from 1815 to 1885, that being the year of the Riel Rebellion and the last military conflict fought on Canadian soil. Although the presentation ran a little longer than normal, it was wonderfully put together with some great postal and military history facts explained. Hopefully this work will be published in book form some day. Thanks David for a most informative afternoon. Thanks again also to Simon and Victoria Claughton for supplying their computer and projector. It more than makes a difference to the presentations

Our next gathering will be Sunday, May 25th, when we will have a special guest speaker from Wales – Judith Edwards will be speaking to us on, and show examples from, her superb Newfoundland collection. Mark the date on your calendar, and be sure and come early to take advantage of the dealers’ offerings. If there is anything special you would like to have them bring, let us know and we’ll pass the information on. We also accept donations for the auction. If you have any ideas on how we can improve these gatherings, send us your suggestions; after all, this is your group.

Have a good early spring and we’ll see you in May.

Sunday, 27 January 2008 meeting

New Year’s greetings were offered around the room as thirty-three members of the GHRG gathered at the Rousseau House Restaurant for the first meeting of the New Year. We were very happy to welcome several first timers. Activities began at 10:00 AM with coffee, conversation, browsing through dealers’ stock and trading. The gang seemed to be a little quieter than usual, and we’ll put that down to Kathy, our hostess, passing out the menu early. The anticipation of what was to come from this fine establishment’s cuisine was enough to dull senses. Allow me to elaborate with just one example: Breakfast Quesadilla, consisting of two fried eggs, sliced onion, tomato, four year old cheddar with bacon added between floured tortillas served with sour cream and garden greens. Isn’t that enough to make you want to get out of your easy chairs for the next get-together?

Seated: Victoria and Simon Claughton.  Standing behind them: Bill Longley and Dave Hobden

Seated: Victoria and Simon Claughton.
Standing behind them: Bill Longley talking to Dave Hobden.

Standing by the window: Bill Longley and Bill Coates

Standing by the window: Bill Longley and Bill Coates

Simon Claughton and Mike Street

Simon Claughton and Mike Street

Ken Kershaw in the centre

Ken Kershaw in the centre

After lunch, in a very relaxed atmosphere, things got underway again with BNAPS announcements by Mike Street. It was also brought to the members’ attention that BNAPS sponsorship provided to the Brantford Stamp Club’s youth program helped result in fourteen youngsters between the ages of six and thirteen exhibiting for the first time in that club’s show in early January. Congratulations to George Speers, a BNAPS and GHRG member, and his team at the Brantford Stamp Club for the great work they have done with the children of the area.

Thanks to all those who contributed items for the auction. All items sold, and we always have a pretty good laugh while bringing in a few cents to help out with expanses.

Dave Hobden was the speaker for the afternoon and his topic was “Early Canadian Military Mail” (Part I, 1629-1815). Dave started out by showing publicly for the first time a 1667 letter; the writer was closely involved in the events surrounding the first surrender of Quebec in 1629, so it went with all the other material shown. Other highlights were a 1746 letter resulting for the capture of Louisbourg in Cape Breton, one relating to the capture of a Fort on Lake Champlain during the American Revolution and several covers from the War of 1812. What a fantastic presentation! The research that went into it was exceptional. If Doug Sayles hasn’t already been in touch with Dave to publish his works, I’m sure he will be. Thank you, Dave, for a most interesting afternoon. We are certainly looking forward to Part II on March 30. I would encourage all the membership from southern Ontario to be present.

Once again a big thanks to Simon and Victoria Claughton for providing the technological assistance.

The afternoon ended with show and tell. It’s amazing what comes out of this phase of the program and the varied interests within the group.

This is a very enthusiastic group, so much so that we now have speakers tentatively lined up for all meetings until May 2009. Please take note of the following planned program for future gatherings.

  • March 30, 2008 – Dave Hobden with Part II of Early Canadian Military Mail
  • May 25, 2008 Judith Edwards – The Stamps of Newfoundland
  • September 28, 2008 Leigh Hogg – subject to be announced
  • November 30, 2008 – Larry Cherns - Social aspects of Canadian Postal History Part II
  • January 25, 2009 Jim Watt – The Flower Coils

Sunday, 25 November 2007 meeting

Nick Poppenk

Nick Poppenk enjoying a cup of coffee

Don Slaughter

Don Slaughter quenching his thirst

George Speers, Tannis and Bob Anderson, Laura

George Speers, Tannis and Bob Anderson, Laura

Robert Haslewood, Bill Coates

Robert Haslewood at Bill Coates's table

Geoff Hill and John Beddows

Geoff Hill and John Beddows pondering

Observation and conversation

Observation and conversation

November 25, 2007 was a great day at the Rousseau House Restaurant in Ancaster as thirty-seven of us, including four spouses and three visitors, gathered for interesting philately. It was wonderful to see quite a number of BNAPSers who came for the first time. We certainly hope it won’t be the last. Some of our regular attendees were missing and we hope it was nothing more than the Grey Cup that kept them away.

It was good to be back at our old haunt once again. It was relaxing and certainly different from holding a meeting in conjunction with a major philatelic event such as the ROYAL in a huge exhibition hall. One day, we will go fully into the history of our meeting place but let me tell you a little bit about it. Rousseau House is a beautiful two story stone structure built in 1836 that has been completely restored almost to its original state. It was once the residence of the Ancaster postmaster (how fitting!), and is now a very fine restaurant.

The day started about ten o’clock with coffee, browsing through dealers’ stocks and a good deal of philatelic conversation. In fact, there were really only two quiet times – in the middle of lunch, where the food served by our very pleasant and efficient hostess Laura was far too good to waste on conversation, and during Bill Longley’s presentation.

The slightly more orderly afternoon session got under way with announcements followed by the auction. Thanks to all who donated items. It was probably the best auction yet. We even had a 1989 Letter Carrier’s bag. If there is anyone out there who collects such memorabilia, we just might be able to pry it away from the successful bidder, for a price of course.

Bill Longley’s two short presentations, “Postal History of the Postcard” and “Charge Box Mail 1830s – 1880s”, were very interesting, especially the Charge Box Mail section. Who says philately is boring? One learns something new every day. Thanks Bill. It was much appreciated.

A special thanks once again to Simon and Victoria Claughton for supplying the needed electronics that help make our presentations so enjoyable.

The afternoon ended with show and tell. Amazing what people come up with. In the absence of Mike Street, who normally does the announcements of book publications, Ken Kershaw spoke to us about his new book on the plating of the Five Cent Beaver issue of 1859. Look for details in BNA Topics or BNA PortraitS. Many people lingered at the close of the meeting, seemingly not wanting it to end.

For those unable to attend, you were missed. That’s a fact. For those who have never attended one of our gatherings, you missed. So come on out on January 27, 2008, to enjoy the company of fellow philatelists, eat good food and be entertained as David Hobden talks to us about “Early Canadian Military Postal History”. Leigh Hogg is our tentative speaker for March 30, and on May 25 we are hoping that Judith Edwards from Wales will be present to speak to us about part of her Newfoundland collection. Mark your calendars.

Merry Christmas and may the new year bring you health and philatelic prosperity.

Saturday, 13 October 2007 meeting

Jim Watt at the BNAPS table at the Royal

Jim Watt at the BNAPS table at the Royal

Simon Claughton at the BNAPS table

Simon Claughton at the BNAPS table

Bill Longley strolling through the bourse<

Bill Longley strolling through the bourse

The Coates & Coates table at the bourse

The Coates & Coates table at the bourse

Mike Street presents Peter McCarthy with the Jack Levine Fellowship Award

Mike Street presents Peter McCarthy with the Jack Levine Fellowship Award, announced at BNAPEX in Calgary

Betty Lum and Mike Street with new book

Betty Lum and Mike Street with new book

Jim Watt

Jim Watt

Peter McCarthy at Show and Tell

Peter McCarthy at Show and Tell

Bob Thorne waving at Hank Narbonne's table at the bourse

Bob Thorne waving at Hank Narbonne's table at the bourse.
Bob was made a Fellow of the RPSC along with Doug Lingard.

The BNAPS Golden Horseshoe Regional Group held its first gathering of the season on Saturday, October 13, 2007, at the Royal Philatelic Society of Canada’s annual convention in the Queen Elizabeth Building at the Exhibition Grounds in Toronto. Although the meeting was somewhat abbreviated compared to what we are used to, it was nonetheless very interesting.

Mike Street opened things up by presenting Peter McCarthy with the Jack Levine Fellowship Award. This is the second year in a row the GHRG has been presented with this award. I guess we must be doing something right.

Next on the agenda was the launching of a new BNAPS book by Stan Lum and Elsie Drury titled Postage Due Stamps of Canada 1906 - 1928. Stan was ill and in hospital but was well represented by his charming wife, Betty, son Arthur and Susan So, who prepared the printing and scan files for the book. The late Elsie Drury was a long-time member who exhibited her Postage Dues at several BNAPEX shows and also served as the BNAPS Sales Circuit Manager from 1993-1996.

Jim Watt then took the floor and spoke a little about the GHRG, the great Group that it is, and the way we meet to discuss philately in an absolutely relaxed manner at a great venue. That all led into his presentation on “Varieties on Modern Booklets”. A most interesting topic, stressing most convincingly that modern material is very worthwhile studying. You may be seeing this very topic published in the philatelic press in the near future. The gathering ended with a very short version of Show and Tell.

Although the meeting was briefer than normal, the GHRG was very prominent at ROYAL 2007 ROYALE. We manned the BNAPS table at the show, which made for quite an interesting weekend. Thanks to all who manned the table during the three day event. Be sure to see the photos accompanying this report. The GHRG logo was unveiled in its full colour banner format. Simon Claughton was responsible for design and production of the banner. It certainly was nice to see so many BNAPSers, especially those from out of town. In order not to get into trouble for possibly forgetting someone, please check the Royal 2007 palmares for medal standings. Congratulations to all BNAPSers and especially Golden Horseshoers on their awards and for showing some fabulous material. You may be sure you will be called upon for presentations in the future.

Special congratulations to those who participated in the GHRG one-page club frame display sponsored by the Greater Toronto Area Philatelic Association. You rose to the challenge, and did well. Hopefully we can participate again next year.

Our next gathering will be held at the friendly and laid-back confines of the Rousseau House Restaurant in downtown Ancaster on Sunday, November 25, beginning at 10:00 AM where you will once again have the opportunity of browsing through some of the dealers’ stocks and enjoying each other’s company. The speaker will be Bill Longley. If you have any philatelic material for show and tell or to donate to the Group for the auction, please bring it along. We look forward to seeing you. Bring a friend.

2006 – 2007 Season

Meetings and speakers

Sunday, 3 June 2007
Larry Cherns – “Social History of the 19th Century in Covers and Postcards of Canada”

Sunday, 25 March 2007
Derek Smith – “Transatlantic mails to Nova Scotia and New Brunswick”

Sunday, 28 January 2007
Steve Baker – “Plating the 1865 Two Cent Green Newfoundland Codfish”

Sunday, November 2006
Doug Irwin – “The 1967-1973 Centennial Issue”

Saturday, 14 October 2006
David McLaughlin – “Canadian Postal Rates and Regulations 1897 – 1906”

Sunday, 3 June 2007 meeting

Dave McLaughlin, Hugh Laurence, Greig Hutton

Dave McLaughlin (by the window), Hugh Laurence, Greig Hutton

Larry Cherns

Larry Cherns giving his talk on “Social History of the 19th Century in Covers and Postcards of Canada”

Rick Day (facing camera), Bill Longley, Derek Smith

Clockwise around the table: Rick Day (facing camera), Bill Longley, Derek Smith

George Speers, Garfield Portch, Don Slaughter

George Speers (left) and Garfield Portch (facing camera) at Don Slaughter’s table (back to camera)

The Golden Horseshoe Regional Group gathered for the last time before the summer break; what a great ending to the season! Thirty-two members including five dealers and four guests enjoyed a great day of philately, good conversation and of course scrumptious food from the kitchen of our favourite gathering place, the Rousseau House Restaurant. Each gathering brings out new members; if everyone who has attended any of our meetings came to the same one, it would be quite a large gathering.

Things got rolling about ten o’clock as dealers and members got together over coffee. Some serious stock browsing took place until the lunch hour when we were well looked after by one of our favourite hostesses, Kathy.

After lunch, Garfield Portch invited us to ROYAL 2007 ROYALE, which will be held October 12-14 in the Queen Elizabeth Building on the Canadian National Exhibition site in Toronto. BNAPS will have a table there, operated by the Golden Horseshoe Regional Group members. In addition, the GHRG will present a seminar and hold our first meeting of the fall season.

Garfield also talked about one-page exhibits. The GHRG plans to exhibit in this fun class and we are asking all to consider sending in a page. Interested parties please email a scan of your page to Peter McCarthy at The requirements for a one-page exhibit are: a title with a story or intent and at least three elements, i.e.: a stamp, coil, souvenir sheet, cover, plate block, etc. We need to know your intentions by July 15th at the latest so we can get our application in. This is a fun thing and a chance for the group to work as a team. Remember, it is a one-page exhibit, and we need fifteen individual pages to fill a frame. (See the one-page exhibit page on this website - HERE.

Mike Street reminded us of the BNAPS convention taking place in Calgary on Labour Day weekend, and announced the publication of four new books which you can read about in BNA Topics or on the BNAPS website. Then came the donation auction. Our members have been very generous with items for our regular auctions, and this meeting was no different. It was a robust auction with a few laughs thrown in. All the lots were good.

Larry Cherns was our speaker on this day. His topic was “Social History of the 19th Century in Covers and Postcards of Canada”. The contents of the cards and letters were quite interesting, and we thank Larry for a job well done. We have some excellent philatelists in our area and the caliber of presentations bears this out.

Show and tell rounded out the day with more interesting philately. Everyone went home seemingly very happy. Have a great summer people, and we look forward to seeing you all at the ROYAL in October. Remember, everyone is welcome at a GHRG gathering. On October 13, our speaker will be Jim Watt, whose topic will be “Varieties on Modern Coils”. Rest assured it will be interesting.

Sunday, 25 March 2007 meeting

Derek Smith

Derek Smith presenting “Transatlantic mails to Nova Scotia and New Brunswick”

Larry Churns, Leigh Hogg, David McLaughlin, Hugh Laurence

Larry Churns, Leigh Hogg, David McLaughlin, Hugh Laurence

Bob Anderson and Jim Carde

Bob Anderson and Jim Carde

Jim Carde and Bill McCann

Jim Carde and Bill McCann

Jim Watt, Eric Cogswell, Don Slaughter

Jim Watt, Eric Cogswell, Don Slaughter

In the centre: Derek Smith, Simon Claughton, Bill Longley

The BNAPS Golden Horseshoe Regional Group had another fabulous day at the Rousseau House Restaurant in Ancaster (a place we have now come to consider as home) on March 25, 2007. The gathering started at 10:00 AM with members greeting one another over coffee and preparing to spend time going through dealers’ stock, trading and generally enjoying good philatelic conversation. It was very encouraging to see new faces added to the gathering. Judging by the smiles, some pretty good treasures were found and deals made.

The Rousseau House makes up a special brunch/lunch menu for the group. Come noon, it wasn’t difficult to have the dealers put their wares away. More than thirty of us enjoyed a scrumptious meal from a fine cuisine.

After lunch, the meeting got under way with announcements of two new BNAPS books (see the reviews on page nine of the April-June edition of BNA PortraitS) and information on this year’s BNAPEX convention in Calgary. Several philatelic items were auctioned off, adding a few more dollars to the kitty.

The floor was then handed over to Derek Smith who gave us a fine and interesting presentation on Transatlantic mails to Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. Derek is following in the footsteps of Dr. Jack Arnell, and his knowledge of the subject is quite extensive. Judging by the questions he fielded during his talk, Derek’s presentation was well received. Again we must thank Simon and Victoria Claughton for making the hi-tech projection equipment available.

The day came to a close with show and tell. The variety of items passed around was varied and interesting. We sure do have some great philatelists in the area.

Our next gathering on June 3, the last before the summer break, will again be held at the Rousseau House Restaurant. Our speaker, Larry Cherns, will speak on the “Social History of the 19th Century in the Covers and Postcards of Canada”. That should be quite interesting.

To date, we have had some really good presentations, but the list of speakers for the next year is a long way from being filled. We would like members to step forward and offer their time and knowledge. The November 2007 meeting is covered, but we are looking for someone to start the new season in October when our meeting will be held at ROYAL 2007 in Toronto. Speakers are needed for January, March and June 2008. If you would like to help, please contact Peter McCarthy.

Volunteers from the Golden Horseshoe Regional Group will look after the BNAPS table at ROYAL 2007 ROYALE, which is being held at the Queen Elizabeth building of Exhibition Place in Toronto on October 12-14. In addition to the regional group meeting, we plan to present a seminar of interest to all collectors of BNA. Details should be settled and in place by our June meeting, so stay tuned. Any BNAPSers coming in from out of town for this show should be sure to look for us and join in our activities.

Mark your calendars for June 3 and we’ll see you in Ancaster.

Sunday, 28 January 2007 meeting

The BNAPS Golden Horseshoe Regional Group held its first gathering of the new year on January 28 at our usual spot, the warm and friendly Rousseau Restaurant in picturesque downtown Ancaster. Thirty-three members enjoyed a full day of philatelic camaraderie. We tried something new for the group – five member dealers were asked to bring a small amount of stock (because of space) for a 10:00AM meeting start. We also encouraged other members to bring items to either trade or sell. Dealing and trading went on until lunch was served. This proved to be so successful that it will no doubt be an ongoing feature of our meetings. The lunch menu was absolutely scrumptious as usual. Our hostesses, Kathy and Ashley, saw to it that we were well looked after by keeping coffee cups and water glasses filled on request and lunch served on time.

After lunch, we continued with announcements and a very lively auction. Fourteen articles were sold, with all proceeds going to the Group’s activity fund. Thanks to all the donors – it couldn’t have been done without you. If members have philatelic material they wish to donate, we will gladly accept and auction it off at the next meeting.

Our speaker for the afternoon was Steve Baker, whose subject was the plating of the 1865 two cent green “Newfoundland Codfish”. We were taken through the complete process from design to actual printing, and then identification of nine of the ten positions of the first column, all except position 51. Steve, we thank you very much for a most interesting presentation. Everyone went away with more knowledge than before. Thanks again to Simon and Victoria Claughton for the technical support they so graciously provide.

The afternoon came to a close with a show and tell. The amount and variety of subjects and material presented was quite amazing. It really was a great day, and the members present need to give yourselves a round of applause for making it such.

The next get-together will be March 25, 2007, at the same location. Starting time will be 10:00 AM. Derek Smith will speak on his favourite subject – Transatlantic Mail. Come on out and enjoy the relaxed atmosphere, the dealers and the pleasure of exchanging philatelic knowledge.

Geoff Hill and John Beddows

Geoff Hill and John Beddows

Mike Street and Don Slaughter

Mike Street and Don Slaughter

Bill Longley, Bill Coates, Ken Kershaw

Bill Longley, Bill Coates, Ken Kershaw

Rick Day and Jim Carde

Rick Day and Jim Carde

Bill Longley

Bill Longley

Steve Baker (featured speaker)

Steve Baker (featured speaker)

Hostesses Kathy

Hostesses Kathy ...

and Ashley

... and Ashley

Sunday, November 2006 meeting

After the Queen Elizabeth building of the C.N.E. for the October meeting, it was wonderful being back at our familiar venue, the Rousseau House Restaurant in downtown Ancaster. It felt like a comfortable old pair of slippers slipping themselves on to tired feet. You know that feeling. Ahhhhhh! Twenty-four of us gathered to enjoy a good meal, good conversation and a great presentation in a relaxed atmosphere. Here’s a thought. If you’re in the area drop in and sample the cuisine. Tell them who you are, and mention BNAPS. Better still, come to the next meeting in January. The address is 375 Wilson Ave, Ancaster. About six minutes off the 403.

First on the agenda was to unveil our new logo which will now be our masthead. The design is of the western portion of Ontario, from around Peterborough to the western border or the L, M, N and O postal codes. The stars represent the larger centres. Thanks, Simon, and a special thanks to the artist Taral Wayne who did the actual design. It really adds dimension to the group.

Mike Street introduced some new book titles that can be viewed on the publications page of the BNAPS website, on Ian Kimmerly’s website, or in an upcoming BNA Topics.

The BNAPS youth program is offering scholarships to deserving young collectors who have shown a high degree of competence in the hobby. If you know of such young stamp collectors, why not submit their names. The scholarship consists of a three year membership to BNAPS with all the privileges attached. It would be nice to see some youth from the Golden Horseshoe area nominated. For applications and further information, please contact Bob Lane.

BNAPS has produced a CD with the idea of promoting the Society at shows or club meetings. You will need a computer or television with CD player. It plays itself over and over so you don’t need to be in attendance. If any member wishes a copy, you can borrow one from yours truly, Peter McCarthy, or Mike Street, or you can request one from Jerry Jarnick.

Our guest speaker for the afternoon was Doug Irwin who gave a wonderful presentation on the 1967-1973 Centennials. Doug, as you know, wrote the book on the subject in 1984. Much has been added to the subject since by several people, but the ground work was well done. Doug’s exhibits have won many prestigious awards. Thanks for a most interesting and informative afternoon, Doug.

Once again we say thanks to Simon and Victoria Claughton for providing the technical support for the presentation.

Bob Lane reminds us it is time to start thinking of a recipient for the Jack Levine award. The award, presented annually, is given to the most deserving member of a regional group. Last year, the winner was from the Golden Horseshoe Group – Mike Street.

The afternoon culminated with a show and tell. Some pretty interesting pieces made their way around the room.

Our next meeting was scheduled to take place January 28, 2007, but because of the U.S. football championships being held on that day we have decided to move the meeting up one week to January 21. Please mark your calendar. In addition, we are going to gather at 10:00 AM for coffee, and we are asking dealers and members to bring a couple of boxes of material each to sell and or to trade. We also expect to auction some donated material that will add a little to the coffers. We will break for lunch somewhere around 11:30, and begin the regular meeting at 1:00 PM We think that will add a little more depth to the gathering. Our speaker will be Steve Baker who will give us a presentation on the plating of the Newfoundland Codfish. We sincerely hope you will attend.

May you all have a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!!

Photos from the November meeting

Speaker Doug Irwin

Speaker Doug Irwin

Doug Sayles, Lew Tauber, Eric Cogswell

Doug Sayles (BNA Topics editor), Lew Tauber, Eric Cogswell

Clockwise around the table: Derek Smith, Ken Kershaw, Leigh Hogg, Bill Longley

Clockwise around the table: Derek Smith, Ken Kershaw, Leigh Hogg, Bill Longley

Photos from STAMPEX

Speaker Jim Watt

Speaker Jim Watt (in blue shirt at left)

The audience

The audience

Speaker David McLaughlin

Speaker David McLaughlin (seated at table)

SPECIAL REQUEST: In order to help the Rousseau House Restaurant defray their cost of looking after us in this terrific location, it is important that as many Golden Horseshoe Regional Group members as possible purchase a meal before the meeting. Please try to come for lunch at 11:30. A special GHRG menu will be available. Your cooperation will be greatly appreciated.

Directions: From the east take Hwy. 403 to Lincoln Alexander Parkway/Rousseaux St. exit, follow Rousseaux St. to Wilson St., turn left and drive into the village. From the west take Wilson St./Hwy. 2 exit, turn left and follow Wilson St. past shopping centre area. Look for Tim Horton’s - the Rousseau House Restaurant is across the street.

Encourage friends to attend, especially BNAPS members in your area who may not be on email. There’s lots of philately in the Golden Horseshoe.

VOLUNTEERS are needed to assist with Group meetings and publicity. For more information or to offer your help, please email Peter McCarthy, Secretary, Golden Horseshoe Regional Group at:

Saturday, 14 October 2006 meeting

The Golden Horseshoe Regional Group held its first meeting after the summer break on October 14 at STAMPEX, in the Queen Elizabeth Building of the Exhibition grounds in Toronto. Because there were two shows relatively close together, some people opted for STAMPEX on Friday and went on to Guelph Saturday. However nineteen members attended the meeting, along with three out-of-region guests, and we had a good get-together. Mind you, we didn’t have the great menu available at the Rousseau House Restaurant but ...

Mike Street talked of new BNAPS publications. You can check them out in the book department section of the BNAPS website ( Congratulations were extended to Mike as the recipient of the BNAPS Jack Levine Fellowship award. As you know, the award is given to a person of a regional group who is considered to have provided inspiration for the group.

Simon Claughton unveiled a draft of the Group’s new logo that was unanimously accepted. As soon as the finished product is available you will see it on the website and we can proudly display it. We will now have an identity.

Our speaker for the afternoon was David McLaughlin whose subject was “Canadian Postal Rates and Regulations 1897 – 1906”. It was an interesting and very informative talk. Thanks for the effort, David. Much appreciated.

Show and tell gave us a sneak preview of what we can expect at the January meeting when Stephen (Steve) Baker, our newest member, introduced his subject “Plating the 1870 Newfoundland Codfish”. That should be very interesting and we hope to have good attendance if the weather cooperates.

GHRG Chairman Jim Watt noted that our speakers to date have really been excellent and the line-up for the future should prove to be as good.

GHRG Meeting Reports 2006 – 2008

Meeting reports

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