What's New in BNAPS


December 19, 2003

The annual summary of awards, submitted earlier by Bob Dyer, are finally posted - sorry for the delay. A very impressive showing!

December 19, 2003

Two new messages in the Commentary Page. Remember, all members are invited to send comments!

November 18, 2003

Pete has also kicked off a new feature: Stories and Jokes. Enjoy, and send in your own.

November 18, 2003

Secretary Pete Jacobi has provided the Minutes of the 2003 Annual General Meeting.

November 16, 2003

Norm Wagner has tossed in his first entry to the Cover Challenge. Who is next?

November 6, 2003

Bob Dyer has provided the awards lists for the Peach State exhibition, and also for VANPEX, held just last week. Fast work, Bob!

October 30, 2003

Enjoy the new feature - BNA Cover Challenge.

October 28, 2003

Pete Jacobi has provided updated "lists" of Officers, regional group contacts, and study group contacts.

October 27, 2003

Mike Street's information about this year's Order of the Beaver awards is now a main page feature.

October 18, 2003

Bob Dyer has provided the latest international award summary.

October 14, 2003

Dean Mario has provided an item about this year's BNAPS E .R. "Ritch" Toop Military Literature Award.

October 11, 2003

Some photos from BNAPEX 2003 are available. Let me know if any captions need correcting.

October 11, 2003

Robert Lemire has provided the latest newsletter for the St. Lawrence Seaway Regional Group.

October 10, 2003

Viewers will have noticed a new main page. Additional changes are planned - if anyone finds a bad link due to these changes, please let the Webmaster know.

Also, please check out Bob Dyer's reference to an extraordinary Canadian cover.

October 7, 2003

Bob Dyer has provided award listings for several recent shows, including AIRPEX XXVIII, APS (Columbus), Minnesota Stamp EXPO, MILCOPEX 2003 and, of course, BNAPEX 2003.

October 5, 2003

The newest addition to specialized philately comes courtesy of the Perfins Study Group. Thanks, Michael Behm.

October 4, 2003

The Webmaster has just returned from BNAPEX 2003 - a wonderful and highly successful convention! Huge congratulations to Peter McCarthy, Mike Street and their many hard working volunteers. Watch for much more information in the next few days.

September 11, 2003

Edmonton is the latest Regional Group to add a web page. Check it out! Thank you David Piercey.

September 8, 2003

Publicist Dean Mario has released a statement regarding the BNAPS 60th anniversary.

August 30, 2003

David Handelman has produced the latest issue of BNA Topics. Click here for the Table of Contents. Non-members should check this out to see one of the benefits of joining BNAPS.

August 26, 2003

The Schedule of Events for BNAPEX 2003 in London is available in more detail.

August 26, 2003

Secretary Pete Jacobi is moving back to the Winter Palace by end of week. Members and potential members can reach him there.

August 24, 2003

Ed Harris has provided a revised schedule of the Calgary Regional Group meetings.

July 25, 2003

Ed Harris, on behalf of the Calgary Regional Group, has provided three more cover exhibits. Thanks, Ed.

July 21, 2003

Bob Dyer provides this note:

"One BNAPS member recently won FOUR GOLD AWARDS at one recent APS show! That must be a record. Two other members have also won recent Golds". See AWARDS.

July 21, 2003

Doug Lingard has provided the current status of the annual Study Group seminars for BNAPEX 2003 in London.

July 1, 2003

Happy Canada Day, Canadians; and Happy 4th of July, Americans!!

June 20, 2003

Bob Dyer has provided the latest list of awards to BNAPS members exhibiting BNA material, including the Royal.

June 16, 2003

Robin Harris has just provided a photo of members and guests of the Manitoba and Northwestern Ontario Regional Group meeting in Winnipeg, taken this May by Don Fraser. Thanks to both.

June 12, 2003

Congratulations to Dean Mario, for winning the prestigious "Pratt Award". And thanks again to Bob Dyer for the feed.

June 11, 2003

A new Webmaster's Newsletter is now posted - click the above link.

June 9, 2003

Ed Harris has provided the latest in the Calgary cover series. Maybe other regional groups see a similar opportunity?

June 3, 2003

Secretary Pete Jacobi is off for his annual stay at the Summer Residence: 146 Lakeview Road, Libby, MT, 59923 USA; email beaver@libby.org. He plans to return on or about the end of August.

May 29, 2003

Chris Ryan has provided three new images for the marvellous "Introduction to Canadian Revenue Stamps". Can you find the three new ones? I hope the other Study Groups are paying attention!.

May 28, 2003

The obituary for William Bailey has now been posted.

May 28, 2003

Go HERE to see the latest "cover of the month"; this one from Chris Ryan. Then, run to your collections and dig out something just as intriguing for us!

May 14, 2003

Bob Dyer has provided a tonne of new award information. Check it out!.

May 14, 2003

Ed Harris has provided another in the series of Calgary Regional Group covers.

May 13, 2003

The Society notes with sorrow the passing of Bill Bailey on Thursday, May 1, 2003. Bill was the chairman of the Military Mail Study Group. An obituary is in preparation, and will be posted soon on the new obituaries page.

April 26, 2003

It was recently announced that the Order of the Beaver of the British North America Philatelic Society will be making a rare "Lifetime Achievement" award to Mr. Lionel F. Gillam, F.C.P.S., in England this June.

April 24, 2003

Bless his heart, Bob Dyer has contributed to the Cover of the Month - c'mon folks, jump in!!

April 18, 2003

The Table of Contents for the first 2003 issue of BNA Topics is now available. Good work, David!

April 17, 2003

BNAPS breakfast photos from the recent Edmonton Spring National Show are now posted. Send any caption corrections to me.

April 15, 2003

President Bob Lee has provided an obituary for Harry W. Lussey, a Past-President of BNAPS, who passed away earlier this month.

April 15, 2003

Ed Harris has updated information re the Calgary Group meetings.

March 31, 2003

The Edmonton Stamp Club Annual Spring National Show was very successful and featured a BNAPS breakfast with Norm Wagner and Donald Thompson as guest speakers, speaking about their new book Emerging Saskatchewan. President Bob Lee welcomed the many BNAPSers attending.

March 31, 2003

Bob Dyer has posted the first list of 2003 BNAPS member award winners. Check it out!

March 31, 2003

Check out what the Golden West Regional Group folks are up to!!!!

March 22, 2003

Mike Street has provided much new and important information regarding the London BNAPEX 2003 Convention.

February 13, 2003

Several BNAPS executives have warned about a scam involving the offering for sale of BNA material by email. Evidently, the material is taken from copying images on this website. The Webmaster also received one such offer, apparently from Switzerland. Evidently, the source has a changing email address. Be on your guard!

February 8, 2003

The Calgary Regional Group has updated its program page. Thanks, Ed.

January 24, 2003

Thanks to Ed Harris, the Calgary Regional Group now has a regular feature on covers from Calgary.

January 1, 2003

A New Year's Message From The President

Fellow BNAPS members and guests, on behalf of the Board of Directors and Officers may I take this opportunity to wish you all the very best for 2003, good health, good friends and may you find that philatelic treasure you have been seeking.

For those visiting who are not members, I urge you to consider joining. As you tour this website you will see the many advantages of becoming a member, the BNAPS Journal, numerous study group newsletters, yearly conventions to mention only a few.

Have a question about BNAPS? Feel free to email me, if I can't help you I will steer you in the right direction.

Bob Lee

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This page was last modified on 2022-03-01

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