What's New in BNAPS


30 Dec 2007

Bob Dyer has provided the 2007 summary of BNA awards by BNAPSers, as well as some recent awards. Thanks also to Jeffrey Wallace for his nice style of presentation on this web page.

23 Dec 2007

Just a brief note to advise that, following BNAPS' initiative to make back issues of Study Group newsletters available on the BNAPS website, issues 1 to 7 of the George VI Study Group newsletter, King George VI Post & Mail, can be accessed from the Horace W. Harrison Online Library on the BNAPS website or via the "Post & Mail" link on the King George VI Study Group website (www.kgvi.ca).

13 Dec 2007

The BNAPS Map Stamp Study Group has a new web site.

13 Dec 2007

Please see the IMPORTANT announcement regarding hotel reservations for BNAPEX 2008.

9 Dec 2007

Notes are available for the newest BNAPS Book Release - King Edward VII Issue 1902-1912 by Alan Selby.

4 Dec 2007

The Golden Horseshoe Regional Group describes its latest great meeting, with photos!

2 Dec 2007

The Edmonton Regional Group held its first meeting of the 2007-2008 season.

27 Oct 2007

The Awards page has been updated with awards from Royal 2007 and Omaha 2007. Have a look!!

22 Oct 2007

We have the report of the Golden Horseshoe Regional Group meeting at the Royal in Toronto. Also - photos!

20 Oct 2007

The Midwest BNAPS fall meeting is scheduled for 18 Nov 2007 at 11 am at Chicagopex, which is held at the Sheraton Chicago Northwest 300 Euclid Arlington Heights Il. The speaker will be Basil Burrell talking about his Canadian semi-official airmails. Please bring items to show that would be of interest to other members. For further info, contact Marc Eisenberg.

19 Oct 2007

BNAPS provided Robert Martin a Youth Activity grant this year, enough to financially support two new school clubs. As you will see by Martin's story (under Youth Programs, scroll down) a dedicated adult mentor can do wonders getting school children interested in stamps. This California philatelist expects to form school clubs for over 500 children this year, and is offering to help others start clubs in the U.S.

17 Oct 2007

Issue 11 of King George VI Post & Mail has been posted on the King George VI Study Group website. Study Group members can download their copies of Issue 11 from the website by following the P & M Archive link in the Members area of the website. BNAPS members who are not members of the King George VI Study Group but who are interested in learning more about the activities of the Study Group are encouraged to contact the Study Group Webmaster via the link on the Study Group website.

17 Oct 2007

Just a brief note to advise BNAPS members that Gary Dickinson has now completed seven monographs in his series on First Day Covers of the George VI period. Recent monographs cover the 1937 Coronation and 1947 Alexander Graham Bell issues. All seven of Gary's monographs are available via the Research page in the public area of the King George VI Study Group website.

9 Oct 2007

A notice for the October meeting of the St. Lawrence Seaway Regional Group is found on the Regional Groups page.

9 Oct 2007

The details of the 2008 Youth grant program are available HERE .

9 Dec 2007

The Prairie Beaver Regional Group has sent news of the passing of Sanford (Sandy) Riesenfeld of Houston.

2 Oct 2007

Vic Willson has provided an interesting message regarding Edith M. Faulstich and her work on military postal history.

1 Oct 2007

The latest issue of Beaver Chatter from the Prairie Beaver Regional Group is now available. On a sad note, Sandy Reisenfeld passed away. His obituary is in the Chatter.

28 Sep 2007

The Atlantic Provinces Regional Group met at the recent NOVAPEX show. Read all about it.

28 Sep 2007

The 20 October meeting of the Prairie Beaver Regional Group will be at St. Mary's Catholic Center, 603 Church Avenue, Room 207. Parking is available in the large parking lot across Nagle Street (east) from the Center. Church Avenue is the next street north and parallel to University Avenue; turn north (away from the campus) off University Avenue at the Shell Station, corner of Nagle and University. If you are not sure where University Drive is (the main street on the north side of Texas A&M), suggest you consult Map Quest in advance.

27 Sep 2007

A reminder about the next Golden Horseshoe Regional Group meeting is found HERE.

23 Sep 2007

The Tables of Contents for BNA Topics are now up to date.

20 Sep 2007

The latest exhibit awards won by BNAPS members are now listed, including those at BNAPEX in Calgary.

20 Sep 2007

BNAPS members will have a Society promotion table at STAMPEX/ROYAL 2007 in the Queen Elizabeth Building on the CNE Grounds Oct. 12-13-14. They are looking for Golden Horseshoe Regional Group members to staff the table while the show is open. Show hours will be: Friday, 10 to 6; Saturday 10 to 5; and Sunday 10 to 4. Please make contact with Peter McCarthy.

19 Sep 2007

Notes are now available for a new BNAPS book: Postage Due Stamps of Canada 1906 - 1928 by Stan Lum & Elsie Drury.

18 Sep 2007

Some photos from BNAPEX 2007 are now available.

18 Sep 2007

John Burnett has provided two more articles in the Online Resources and Exhibits area. You can view them at:

24 Aug 2007

The next meeting of the Prairie Beaver Regional Group will be in College Station on Saturday, 20 October 2007, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Put this date on your calendar now. The meeting will NOT be at the College Station Conference as it is completely booked on that day so stay tuned for an announcement about the meeting location.

23 Aug 2007

The British North America Philatelic Society Ltd. is pleased to announce the publication of: Canada 1897 Diamond Jubilees, by Herbert McNaught. Review notes can be found HERE.

15 Aug 2007

New Circuits have been added. Check out CL576 !!

14 Aug 2007

Release notes are now available for Just Perfect: The Patents and Postal Markings of Machines Invented by Joseph O. Lamoureux and Omer Francois Lefebvre 1912-1980 by Reg Morris and Robert J. Payne.

14 Aug 2007

The offer below regarding books at BNAPEX has expired. Pre-ordered books have now been shipped. Come to the BNAPEX books table in Calgary and shop your brains out!!

1 Aug 2007

BNAPS members attending BNAPEX 2007 from 31 August to 2 September can obtain free delivery in Calgary of any books requested from Ian Kimmerly Stamps if ordered no later than 11 August. Information about new books and rates for BNAPS members, will be found HERE.

1 Aug 2007

New release notes are available for the book: Fancy Cancels on Canadian Stamps 1855 to 1950, second edition, by D.M. (Dave) Lacelle.

28 Jul 2007

Charles Livermore has provided photos from the Sudbury convention - found HERE.

19 Jul 2007

Hugo Deshaye and Michael Rixon have initiated a new regional group - in Quebec - called the Lower Canada Regional Group / Groupe Regional du Bas Canada. Congratulations and bienvenue !!

15 Jul 2007

A report of the May meeting of the St. Lawrence Seaway Regional Group is found HERE.

11 Jul 2007

Some new information is available re hotels for BNAPEX 2008 in Halifax.

30 Jun 2007

New competitive exhibit awards won by BNAPS members are now listed.

20 Jun 2007

The Secretary, Pete Jacobi, is now using his summer email address.

20 Jun 2007

The Golden Horseshoe Regional Group recently finished its pre-summer meetings. Photos included!

16 Jun 2007

The Pacific Northwest Regional Group had a great time at VANPEX 2007 - see photos also!

16 Jun 2007

The British North America Philatelic Society Ltd. is pleased to announce the release of three new books, all on the subject of plating classic BNA and Canadian stamps. Release Notes are now posted.

4 Jun 2007

The Prairie Beaver Regional Group has provided its June 2007 newsletter.

4 Jun 2007

Four new articles have been posted on the Online Resources and Exhibits web pages. One is by Cecil Coutts on slogan cancels and the other three are by John Burnett on the 1943 War Issue, 1946 Peace Issue, and the Olympic issue of 1976.

2 Jun 2007

Secretary Pete Jacobi and his entourage will delay slightly the move to the summer palace in Montana this year. This year, he will be there between June 15th and August 30th. The address is on the Officers Page.

31 May 2007

On 9 June, the semi-annual meeting of the Pacific Northwest Regional Group will be held in the Richmond Curling Club. This meeting is being held in conjunction with VANPEX 2007. Members of the PNWRG are providing all the speakers for VANPEX on that day. We plan on five one-hour talks.

There will be a no-host dinner on the Friday evening, 8 June, and the Group will have its dinner at the awards banquet. Everyone is welcome. For more details, please check with John Burnett.

30 May 2007

Reminder: Just a reminder of the BNAPS Golden Horseshoe Regional Group meeting THIS Sunday, 3 June, at the Rousseau House Restaurant in Ancaster. So far four dealers have confirmed that they will attend. For more information about the Golden Horseshoe Regional Group, please visit HERE.

27 May 2007

Crash cover alert - Vancouver members need to be on the lookout for covers retrieved from the Alberta river gorge incident on May 19th. Most of the mail was destined for Vancouver.

14 May 2007

BNAPS is pleased to announce the publication of 'Canadian Permit Postage Stamp Catalogue, Third Edition, 2007, by Dieter (Dick) Staecker.

Release Notes are now posted.

13 May 2007

Randall Martin, a member who collected and exhibited the Postal History of Newfoundland and the Maritime Provinces, has died.  An obituary can be read here.

13 May 2007

Bob Dyer provides another group of 23 recent exhibit awards won by BNAPS members, including a Grand for Douglas Irwin at the Philatelic Show in Boxsborough, MA. See them under exhibit award winners.

2 May 2007

We have the sad news of the passing of David Cooper. An obituary is found here. Although not a member of BNAPS, David was well known to many members, particularly in the Atlantic provinces. Very recently, David served on the jury for the Edmonton Spring National.

21 Apr 2007

A few updates and new sheets have been posted in the Circuits pages.

20 Apr 2007

The Mid-West Regional Group is proud to have Marc Eisenberg give a talk on his award-winning Canadian Victoria UPU cards Sunday May 27 at COMPEX 2007 located at the Forest View Educational Center 2121 S Goebbert, Arlington Heights, Illinois.

20 Apr 2007

The Golden Horseshoe Regional Group has issued a challenge to all members and all regional groups for a one-frame competition. See the details HERE.

19 Apr 2007

The BNAPS St. Lawrence Seaway Regional Group is holding its spring meeting in Ottawa in conjunction with ORAPEX, which is always a fine National Level show with a good bourse (free admission, free parking). Charles Livermore will give a presentation on: "Toronto's Growth and it's Sub-Post Offices, the beginnings of several projects".

13 Apr 2007

Bob Dyer provides the latest competition awards won by BNAPS members, the first for 2007. The winner of the Grand at the 2007 Edmonton Spring National, Tom Gosse, has joined BNAPS. His exhibit was "Newfoundland King George VI". Let's welcome this top exhibitor to our ranks!

9 Apr 2007

Mike Street has provided some material to help observe today's wonderful ceremony at Vimy Ridge, France.

9 Apr 2007

Gray Scrimgeour recently had the pleasure of presenting, on behalf of the Postal History Society of Canada, the Frank W. Campbell Award for 2006 to Andrew Scott. The award is "an annual award from the Postal History Society of Canada for outstanding writing outside the PHSC Journal". Mr Scott's article, "Marked for Life", in a Vancouver newspaper, was reproduced in the PHSC Journal.

5 Apr 2007

Last year, the new BNAPS Youth Activity Program issued 15 cash grants in support of youth philately. One of these grants was to Don Shorting to help pay expenses for a FDC contest in Greater Victoria schools. Don reports the contest, which started in the fall term, was a success. He had 92 entries from three elementary schools and one middle school. Each participant received a ribbon and a $1 philatelic item. The best three entrants from each school also got $10 philatelic items. This is an example of how our organization is helping generate interest in stamp collecting among our youth.

30 Mar 2007

The Pacific Northwest Regional Group has plans for VANPEX 2007. Check them out!

21 Mar 2007

The Internet Study Group "Forums" website will be down temporarily. Watch for a notice announcing its return!

21 Mar 2007

The monthly Edmonton Regional Group meeting held yesterday was attended by President Bill Pawluk. A lively show and tell followed discussions about planning for the weekend show.

19 Mar 2007

The Prairie Beaver Regional Group will meet on 31 March at the College Station Conference Center, 1300 George Bush Drive and Holik. Please email George Dresser to confirm attendance.

16 Mar 2007

This is a reminder that the next meeting of the BNAPS Golden Horseshoe Regional Group will take place in nine days, on Sunday, 25 March 2007, at the Rousseau House Restaurant, 375 Wilson St. East, Ancaster. Please note SIGNIFICANT meeting and time changes. For more info, click HERE.

14 Mar 2007

Jerry Jarnick has provided a very interesting Press Release about support for BNAPS and its Youth Program. Read all about it!

9 Mar 2007

The Table of Contents of the recent BNA Topics journal is now posted.

6 Mar 2007

Registration forms for BNAPEX 2007 are now available.

4 Mar 2007

See YOUTH section for a photo of school kids from Newfoundland using supplies provided under BNAPS' Youth Activity Program. Pleasant proof of the value of this program!

26 Feb 2007

BNAPS is pleased to announce the publication of new editions of two books in the Exhibit series, Steven Luciuk's Internment Mail in Canada 1914-1919 & 1939-1946 and Kevin O'Reilly's A Postal History Of Labrador Before Confederation.

Release Notes are now posted.

22 Feb 2007

Attention BNAPS members outside the Americas and Australia!

Volume 64 No. 1 of BNA Topics was mailed last week. Because of an error on my part, an incorrect mailing list was used for copies mailed to addresses outside the Americas and Australia. The addresses used were correct, but the names of the actual addressees were scrambled. Thanks are due to John Hillson and Peter Feuser who quickly reported the problem.

It is suspected that a fair portion of the copies will be delivered to the correct addresses, regardless. However, copies may not reach some members.

Eventually, a follow-up letter will be sent to try to ensure that all overseas members receive copies. Please let me know by email when (if ?) you receive a copy of BNA Topics, Vol. 64, No. 1 (regardless of the person to whom it is apparently addressed).

I deeply regret this error, which is mine alone, and does not result from any actions of the BNAPS Secretary, BNA Topics editor, or St. Joseph Printing.

  • Robert Lemire (rlemire000@sympatico.ca), Publications Chairperson, British North America Philatelic Society

20 Feb 2007

Vic Willson and David D'Alessandris have each added one-frame exhibits to our Online Resources and Exhibits. This makes four new exhibits in just a few weeks.

19 Feb 2007

The Golden West Regional Group has an update on its planned activities at WESTPEX! Check it out!

8 Feb 2007

Linn's Stamp News has published a nice article on the BNAPS 2007 Youth Activity Program.

6 Feb 2007

The Atlantic Provinces Regional Group will meet Saturday, 10 Feb., at 2:30 in the afternoon at: The Sackville Public Library, 636 Sackville Drive, Lower Sackville.

5 Feb 2007

Check out the Circuits pages! Some significant re-pricing of better quality items. Please see NF489 and 492 as well as CL 478, 481, 482, 483, and 486.

Also a new grouping has been created for sheets containing a mixture of stamps from different groups. Please see this new group which has been called MIXED (MX).

2 Feb 2007

Two new one-frame RPO exhibits have been added to the Online Resources and Exhibits area.

30 Jan 2007

The meeting report from the Golden Horseshoe Regional Group is now posted.

27 Jan 2007

The Calgary Regional Group will meet on Valentine's Day, Wednesday, 14 February. For details, click HERE.

24 Jan 2007

A new article on "The Admiral Stamps of Canada: A guide for the Beginning & Intermediate Collector" by Randall W. Van Someren is now available in the Online Resources and Exhibits area.

15 Jan 2007

The next meeting of the Golden Horseshoe Regional Group will take place NEXT Sunday, 28 January 2007, at the Rousseau House Restaurant, 375 Wilson St. East, Ancaster. Please note SIGNIFICANT meeting and time changes.

13 Jan 2007

Andy Ellwood has made numerous replacements of Circuits pages, to show where items have sold. There are some price reductions - check the Precancel section!

7 Jan 2007

Jack Gordon reports that Aaron Gulliver has created a website with important information on Squared Circle cancels. They are in the process of fine tuning the numbers. You can see this at this location.

7 Jan 2007

Jon Johnson has sent a link and other information for booking hotel rooms for BNAPEX 2007.

6 Jan 2007

Mike Salmon's remarkable PEI exhibit is now complete, in four frames. Click HERE.

6 Jan 2007

Issue 10 of King George VI Post & Mail has been posted on the King George VI Study Group website. Study Group members can download their copies of Issue 10 from the website by following the P & M Archive link in the Members area of the website. BNAPS members who are not members of the King George VI Study Group but who are interested in learning more about the activities of the Group are encouraged to contact the Study Group Webmaster via the link on the Study Group website.

Also, a brief note to advise BNAPS members that Gary Dickinson has completed two further monographs in his series on First Day Covers of the George VI period. Monograph No. 2 reviews the FDCs issued in conjunction with the issue of the 1949 Halifax Bicentenary commemorative while Monograph No. 3 reviews the 1947 Citizenship issue. Monograph No. 1, covering the 1948 Royal Wedding Issue, was issued in November.

All three monographs can be accessed through the "Research" page on the public side of the Study Group website.

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This page was last modified on 2022-03-01

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