The BNAPS Webmaster and family wish everyone the happiest of whichever holiday you celebrate. Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Ramadan (a little late), Kwanzaa, Ta Chiu; then Happy Boxing Day, and Happy New Year to all.
Greig Hutton will speak to the Golden Horseshoe Regional Group on January 29th. For details, click HERE.
David Handelman has provided the Table of Contents and cover for the 2005 4th issue of Topics. Check out the Christmas theme.
The Society is pleased to announce that Bob Dyer has accepted the role of Youth Coordinator for BNAPS. A press release and application form can be found at this page. Please support this worthwhile effort.
Information has been received from Hugo Deshaye regarding POSTALIA 2006 - Quebec City, Quebec.
La Société Philatélique de Québec annual show and bourse will be held at the St-Rodrigue Church, 4760 1st avenue, Quebec City on March 25 & 26 2006 9:00am-6:00pm. Featuring 30 dealers: (postal history, stamps, coins, old papers and postcards), judged exhibits, youth table, club circuit books, stamp pull, refreshment area, other surprises, free admission and free parking.
Bob Dyer has provided the final awards (Chicagopex) and the annual summary of 2005 awards. Check it out!
The Golden Horseshoe Regional Group held a successful meeting recently. To learn more, and to see their upcoming meeting information, click here.
Yet another exhibit has been added to the Online Resources and Exhibits. This one is from Bob Dyer.
A new exhibit has been added to the Online Resources and Exhibits
Bob Dyer has sent a list of 46 recent awards including those from STAMPEX 2005 (Toronto), which is a national show on a trial basis, and VANPEX 2005 (Richmond). 22 of the STAMPEX awards are for literature.
There is a general announcement that the BNAPS Internet Study Group has been "born-again". Some interesting projects are in the thinking stages. All members having an interest are invited to join this FREE study group. Please email the webmaster.
The BNAPS Golden Horseshoe Regional Group meets approximately every two months from September through May. Meetings are usually held in Ancaster, ON, but will in future be held in other locations from time to time. For much more information, please click HERE.
David Piercey has provided the 2005-2006 schedule of meetings for the Edmonton Regional group. All BNAPSers and guests are welcome.
The George VI Study Group has announced the opening of their splendid website, found at Please visit and consider joining this dynamic group.
The website, owned by BNAPS, is now being used to display small exhibits of BNA material by BNAPS members. PLEASE consider sending in your one or two framers - PLEASE! At present, we have a couple of examples and some tips on how to prepare them for the web. We also have links to other interesting cover presentations by members. How about you STAMP COLLECTORS ??
For the many Circuits users who will have noticed that this feature is temporarily closed, get yourselves braced for a complete re-posting of material within a few weeks. Hundreds of new scans are being prepared and uploaded even now, while you sit there drooling!!
John Burnett sends this photo from the recent meeting of the Pacific Northwest Regional Group at Oak Harbor.
The BNAPS Post Card Study Group has sent its latest newsletter "Post Card Matters". Nice job!!
Secretary Pete Jacobi has provided the 2005 AGM Minutes.
A new section has been added that will describe permanent exhibits of BNA material. This has a starting item and members are urged to submit items for this page.
The Pacific Northwest Regional Group will hold its fall meeting the weekend of October 14/15, 2005 at the Coachman Inn at Oak Harbor Washington. Special hotel rates are available for BNAPS members.
There will be a full day of philatelic presentations on Saturday, including speakers on Postal Stationery, The Centennial of Saskatchewan, Canadian Covers to Exotic Destinations, and The Small Queens. The group will also hear a report on their ongoing attempt to create an "exhibit synopsis", the group will also be asked to address the matter of how we can help the family of a deceased member handle their philatelic inheritance.
There will be a dinner Saturday night with a most interesting speaker who is a recognized expert on the history of the Pacific Northwest.
For information contact John Burnett.
Mike Street has also provided the latest version of the BNAPS Book Release Notes.
Mike Street has provided information about the latest inductee to the Order of the Beaver, Bill Pawluk. Congratulations, Bill.
The St. Lawrence Seaway Regional Group has provided the schedule for its November meeting.
Bob Ingraham reminds us of the upcoming VANPEX, on the weekend of November 11-13, put on by the British Columbia Philatelic Society. For details check
Marc Eisenberg tells us that the Mid-West Regional Group will meet at Chicagopex 2005 on Sunday Nov 20 at 11 am at the Sheraton Chicago, Northwest Arlington Heights Il 60005. Mark Isaacs will be speaking on Canadian blackout cancels. For further information, email Marc.
Charles Livermore has posted a considerable number of BNAPEX 2005 photos.
Members should be aware that Secretary Pete Jacobi will be leaving Montana September 21st, to return to the Winter Palace in B.C.
The webmaster will be unavailable until the end of September.
Bob Dyer just received a Palmares from the FIP show held in Sydney, Australia in April of this year. There were eight awards to BNAPS members. All deserve our congratulations, especially Fred Fawn for his international Gold!!
Bob Dyer has provided the awards from BNAPEX and STAMPSHOW 2005 - thanks, Bob.
The AWARDS page has been revised to include the BNAPS Judging Criteria - thanks to Bill (Jean!) Walton.
The potential value of the Q and A page can be shown by a current correspondence started by member Jeffrey Wallace. Check it out.
Mike Street has provided information about Publications awards.
The George VI Study Group has provided a Special Edition of the Post & Mail to be released at BNAPEX 2005.
The Table of Contents for the latest issue of BNA Topics is now available.
A report has been received about the recent passing in Comox, BC, of Wally Silvestri, a long time BNA collector.
A NEW section has been added to BNA Philately, concerning the subject of Rarity Factors. All study groups are encouraged to contribute.
Mike Street has provided a list of members of the Order of the Beaver and a list of Presidents of the Society.
An obituary for John Powell has now been posted.
Ken Ellison has informed us that Sidney F Bedwell of Salmon Arm, B.C. passed away on 1 August 2005. Sid was a long time member of BNAPS. An obituary is being prepared.
Steve Friedenthal informs us that Canada Post has arranged three special cancels for BNAPEX; related to both Alberta and Saskatchewan.
Gray Scrimgeour has kindly provided two covers for the "Cover" page, in honour of the Alberta and Saskatchewan Centennials.
The latest draft of the BNAPEX seminars is now available. Several study groups have yet to confirm their need.
The Admirals Study Group has provided a Table of Contents of all issues of their newsletter: The Admiral's Log - thanks, Leopold Beaudet.
We have the sad news that BNAPSer John Powell passed away this past Thursday in Edmonton. An obituary is expected soon.
Bob Dyer has provided a preview of what he will show us at BNAPEX re the VIMY Project. Here is one of the covers carried.
Mike Street has updated his "BNAPS Books publishing notes". Check it out!
Michael Peach has provided an obituary for the late Dr. J. J. MacDonald.
The sad news that Dr. J. J. MacDonald passed away in Halifax on July 7th has been received.
This weekend saw the successful flight of the replica Vickers Vimy bi-plane, re-enacting the Alcock-Brown flight from Newfoundland. Bob Dyer provided the following just before take-off:
The May/June 2005 issue of The Newfie Newsletter features an interesting article on the new flight of the Vickers Vimy WWI aircraft that Steve Fossett and Mark Rebholz plan to use to recreate the 1919 flight of Capt. Alcock and Lt. Brown. Members of the St. John's Philatelic Society and BNAPS' Newfoundland Study Group are coordinating the carrying of a special mail of 500 cacheted envelopes. The Vimy is in St. John's, awaiting favorable weather for a crossing of the Atlantic to Clifden, Ireland.
Bob Dyer and Colin Lewis plan to present the Vimy mail project at the Newfoundland Study Group's workshop at BNAPEX 2005, Friday, September 2nd at 4:00 P.M., open to all BNAPS members, of course".
Another batch of awards is posted, thanks to Bob Dyer.
Jim Hansen has provided the draft BNAPEX2005 seminars schedule. Any additions or changes should be directed to Jim.
Steve Prest has provided the latest KGVI newsletter in PDF format. Always a very neat and professionally done bit of work - congratulations to the Study Group.
A theft of Canada, BNA and USA items from All Nations Coins & Stamps in Vancouver, B.C. has been reported.
The Table of Contents for the latest issue of BNA Topics is now available.
The Secretary, Pete Jacobi, is now at his summer estate in Montana. Local rum merchants are stocking up.
Bob Dyer has supplied us with BNA awards to BNAPS members at both the Edmonton Spring National and ORAPEX. Congratulations to all, and thanks to Bob for his hard work.
Ed Harris has provided new material for the Calgary Covers pages. Thanks, Ed.
We now have five winners of the contest to solve the mystery of the "magic" puzzle in the BNAPS Stamps4kids website. Thanks to all who participated. Prizes will go out very soon.
The Jim Hennok obituary is found here.
Gray Scrimgeour passed along the sad note from Ralph Trimble that "long-time Toronto dealer and auctioneer, Jim Hennok, passed away last night. Arrangements are not yet known at this time."
The BNAPS "Kids" website has been dressed up and members are asked to help improve the content. Please send all suggestions to the webmaster. A prize of a decent cover will go to the first five members who solve the "mystery" in the Games Section.
Marc Eisenberg reports that the newly formed "MidWest Regional Group" (Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana) will hold a meeting at COMPEX, 11 am Sunday, May 29 (2115 S Goebbert Road Arlington Heights Il). Guest Speaker: Basil Burrell will speak on semi-official airmails of Canada.
Vic Willson has provided recent issues of the Beaver Chatter, the newsletter of the Texas Prairie Beavers.
Bob Dyer has provided an update on awards won by BNAPSers during 2005. The Edmonton show is still coming. Thanks, Bob.
An obituary for Don Wilson is now posted.
The 2004 inductees to the BNAPS Order of the Beaver are now posted.
Message from Mike Street: "Regret to advise the passing this morning of J. Don Wilson, OTB in St. Johns, NF."
Mike Street has provided the sad news of the passing of Maureen Toop, wife of the late Ritch Toop, OTB. An obituary is posted.
Hugh Delaney has advised us that long-time Calgary BNAPSer, Jack Benningen, has passed away. Our condolences to family and friends.
Robert Lemire advises that the St. Lawrence Seaway Regional Group will be meeting at the Ottawa RA Centre, 2451 Riverside Drive, Ottawa at 2;30 PM on Saturday, April 30, 2005.
An obituary for Jim Brown has been provided.
Members have received the sad news of the passing of Jim Brown. An obituary is in preparation.
The last PNWRG newsletter is now posted. Sorry for the delay. Members not able to view the pdf file format are asked to contact the Webmaster.
The 80th link has been added to the BNAPS LINKS page.
Gray Scrimgeour has provided an obituary for Charlie Arnold. RIP.
Andy Ellwood has a good start in re-scanning Exchange Circuits pages. Check out the Air Mail and RPO sections - more to come!.
David Piercey once again organized a great BNAPS breakfast meeting at the Edmonton Stamp Club Spring National event. Tragically, Charlie Arnold was fatally injured en route to judge at this show. An obituary will be posted.
Gray Scrimgeour has informed us that the Fred Jarrett memoirs are in press. You can get an order form from him or from Stephane Cloutier.
Viewers will have noted the new formatting for this site. Not all the internal pages are yet converted but they soon will be. Thanks to those who have made suggestions.
Bob Dyer has provided additional information about the controversial New Carlisle cover illustrated HERE. Thanks, Bob.
We have a new Krazy Kollection! Check it out and get your friends to pitch in!
The Table of Contents for the latest BNA Topics is now available.
Mike Street has provided review comments on Brian Stalker's new RPO book.
Gray Scrimgeour has provided the sad news of the passing of Paul Hughes, who edited an entire row of books on my (the Webmaster's) BNA shelves.
A brochure with details of the BNAPEX 2005 is now available. The Exhibition information will be posted soon.
Gray Scrimgeour has sent the latest word on the Pacific Northwest Regional Group spring meeting.
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The documents on this website are for informational and non-commercial or personal use only.
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This page was last modified on 2024-08-29