BNAPS Golden West Regional Group Meeting Reports

The Golden West Regional Group meets on a regular basis to discuss a wide variety of topics dealing with BNA philately. The meetings are typically held in conjunction with philatelic exhibitions in the region, and regularly attract 8 to 12 members and guests.

Here are reports of previous meetings.

Saturday, 30 April 2016 Meeting at WESTPEX

The Golden West Regional Group met as scheduled during the WESTPEX 2016 Stamp Show at the San Francisco Airport Marriott Waterfront Hotel. Nine people, including two guests, gathered at 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, April 30th. Attendance was up compared to the five who met in 2015. One attendee was a new BNAPS member from the San Diego area who made the trip to attend his first WESTPEX show and Regional Group meeting. One of the guests requested a membership application, which has been mailed to him.

This year, Joe Schlitt presented a program on Canada's 3-cent surcharge, cat. No.191 (Die II) and 191a (Die I). The presentation is a work-in-progress that is intended to become an exhibit. The presentation covered the plates that were surcharged, the varieties that occur with each die, and the on-cover usage of the stamps. The presentation included the first public announcement of a new earliest recorded date (ERD) of usage for the Die I stamp, which was not released until after the Die II stamp on June 21, 1932. Unitrade lists the Die I ERD as Nov. 18, 1932, while the new discovery is a cover dated Nov. 2, 1932. Once the cover receives a certificate, the full story of the find will be written up for BNA Topics.

In addition to the program, several members brought items for Show n' Tell. Unlike the past few years, there were no BNA exhibits entered in this year's show.

Joe Schlitt, email
Golden West Regional Group Contact

Saturday, 25 April 2015 Meeting at WESTPEX

The Golden West Regional Group met as scheduled during the WESTPEX 2015 Stamp Show at the San Francisco Airport Marriott Waterfront Hotel. Five members gathered at 12:30 on Saturday, April 25, 2015. Attendance was down slightly from 2014. However, one attendee was a new BNAPS member who was participating in his first regional group meeting. Several "regulars" sent regrets for missing the meeting.

There was no formal program this year. However, because the webmaster had just updated the Golden West's pages, the group used a computer and projector to display the BNAPS website on the screen in the meeting room. The Golden West website pages were reviewed and informally approved without change by those present. The remainder of the meeting was spent "cruising" the BNAPS website, as most attendees were not familiar with the website content. Several were able to find exhibits and/or references covering their own particular collecting interests.

In addition to the formal meeting, the attendees were able to view three nice BNA exhibits at the show. These were as follows:

  • British Columbia and Vancouver Island Postal History to 1871 (Bob Forster with a multi-frame Gold award, along with the BNAPS Best BNA award)
  • The Electricity and Gas Inspection Revenue Issue of Canada (John G. McEntyre with a single frame Gold award).
  • Rise and Fall: The New Westminster Post Office 1898-1981 (Arlene Sullivan with a multi-frame Silver award)

Joe Schlitt, email
Golden West Regional Group Contact

Saturday, 26 April 2014 Meeting at WESTPEX

The Golden West Regional Group met at WESTPEX on 26 April from 1:00 to 2:30. This year I tried having a speaker address a more general subject with a wider audience appeal than a specific BNA topic, like we've had in the past. As speakers and their topics are publicized on the WESTPEX website and in the program, I was hoping we would attract some non-members as well. Unfortunately, this didn't work.

We had six BNAPS attendees, plus the speaker, Randy Shoemaker. Randy spoke about building and using a reference collection and how this plays an important role in expertizing and grading stamps. He gave a great presentation that was well-received, and was followed with questions and discussion. He is certainly qualified to speak on this subject, as back in 1987 he developed the stamp grading system now in use. He is also the president of PSAG (Philatelic Stamp Authentication and Grading, Inc.), the expertizing and grading service. The group includes a large group of experts, including a number with deep knowledge of BNA material.

WESTPEX 2014 Meeting

Photo: Dale Eggen - WESTPEX Committee

Left to right, clockwise around the table: Bob Turkowski, Arno Kolster, Joe Schlitt (standing), Randy Shoemaker (speaker - standing), Bob Dyer and Bill Barlow

WESTPEX included one BNA exhibit, a 6-frame one entitled "Japanese Canadians in WWII" prepared by Louis Fiset. It dealt with the Canadian government's exile of the Japanese from BC. It was awarded a Vermeil.

Joe Schlitt, email
Golden West Regional Group Contact

Saturday, 27 April 2013 Meeting at WESTPEX

The meeting was held at WESTPEX in San Francisco on Saturday 27 April. We had six in attendance, all BNAPS members. One came down from Sacramento, about a 2-hr. drive with normal traffic. The lack of a formal program did not seem to deter a lively discussion. We were able to consume our allotted hour.

Bob Dyer brought us up to date on BNAPS activities including the current and future annual meetings. He also showed us some new additions to his material on Rev. Butler, the stamp-dealing parson from Sandy Point, Newfoundland.

Several other people also brought "show & tell/ask" items. These included some rare and unlisted Eastern Arctic Mail items from the summer resupply voyages in the 1930s. Another was a block of Newfoundland 237 (1937 10¢ Coronation), with the question, "Was the variety 237a really a double impression, or just some slippage of an over-inked plate that caused the blurring of the design?" One final Newfoundland item was a set of the last definitive issue showing the progression in color, design and printing/ink quality in the successive printing orders for each value.

The lone Canadian item was an interesting block of the 4-cent Karsh with "G" overprint, which was misperforated horizontally (O36 var). As a result, the block appeared to be imperforate horizontally. Only 100 of this variety are thought to exist.

In addition to the formal meeting, we all had a chance to view an outstanding BNA exhibit by Charles Jacobson entitled "'The Maple Leaf Issue Forever' A Study of Canada's 1897-98 Maple Leaf Issue". It included very rare and unique items including initial design sketches, progressive proofs, color approval proofs and proofs of unissued values. It concluded with examples of all values used on cover. The exhibit won a Vermeil and the American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors Award of Honor.

Joe Schlitt, email
Golden West Regional Group Contact

Saturday, 18 August 2012 Meeting

The Golden West Regional Group held a meeting as part of the APS National Stamp Show that just closed in Sacramento, California. This is the first time the Regional Group has met outside the immediate area around San Francisco.

There were 12 people in attendance on Saturday afternoon (Aug. 18th), including one of the recipients of Bob Dyer's youth group donations. She was there to thank BNAPS for the support and tell us about the youth group contest winner. We also had two BNAPS members from outside our region and one regional member who had never attended one of our meetings before.

After introductions all around, Bob Dyer gave an update on the upcoming BNAPEX in Calgary and happenings at the national level. Then BNAPS member Bob Turkowski gave a nice PowerPoint presentation on quickly finding "fly speck" varieties when searching dealers' stock. The varieties covered included re-entries, comb vs. line perforations, normal vs. aniline ink and trial colors, mainly on Newfoundland issues, but also including examples of stamps from Canada and PEI.

Joe Schlitt, email
Golden West Regional Group Contact

Saturday, 30 April 2011 Meeting at WESTPEX

The Regional Group met at WESTPEX on April 30th from 10:00 AM until noon. The speaker was William Barlow, who presented a program on Canada's official seals.

Joe Schlitt, email
Golden West Regional Group Contact

Saturday, 24 April 2010 Meeting at WESTPEX

The 2010 regional group met at WESTPEX on April 24th from 11:00 AM until noon. There were 10 members in attendance.

The speaker was Norris (Bob) Dyer, who entertained us with a talk on "Rev. E. A. Butler, The Man from Sandy Point".

Joe Schlitt, email
Golden West Regional Group Contact

Saturday, 25 April 2009 Meeting at WESTPEX

The Golden West Regional Group met at WESTPEX on April 25th. The speaker, Bruce Wilson, presented a program on the 1857 Pence Imprint to the eight members in attendance.

Joe Schlitt, email
Golden West Regional Group Contact

August 2008 Meeting

We had six members at Gar Lohman's for our August Golden West Regional Group meeting. As usual, Gar's wife treated us with a great luncheon.

Bruce Wilson led a lively discussion on early Canadian politics and how this led to the first (short-lived) RPO. Various covers with St. Lawrence/Atlantic RR markings plus those of the successor Grand Trunk RR got passed around.

Bob Turkowski brought a large group of Newfoundland varieties (mint) for show and tell, and I brought some forged official overprints on used Canadian stamps, the first I've seen.

Joe Schlitt, email
Golden West Regional Group Contact

26 April 2008 Meeting at WESTPEX

The Golden West Regional Group met on April 26th at the WESTPEX APS show held in San Francisco. Gar Lohman was the acting chairman. There were 11 attendees.

William Barlow, President of the Collectors Club of San Francisco and expert on stamp printing, gave a presentation "Watermarking the Newfoundland Official Seal". Bill now has 15 examples of the stamp with partial watermarks (there are none with complete marks) and has expanded upon the pioneer work of John Walsh. Bill is now able to state, with a high level of assurance, that the first of the two lines of the watermark is:


While he has fewer samples from the second line, he (as well as John Walsh) believes it to be:


William Barlow's presentation was well received. He is always looking for more copies with watermarks. Contact him through me:
Norris R. Dyer,

Sunday, 29 April 2007 Meeting at WESTPEX

Just a reminder - The particulars for our BNAPS meeting at WESTPEX are as follows:

11:00 AM to 1:00 PM in Room 6096 on Sunday, 29 April 2007. WESTPEX will be held at the San Francisco Airport Marriott.

There are two items of good news with regard to WESTPEX:

  • First, we now have an outside speaker for our meeting. Mr. Wayne Menuz will discuss the postal stationery of BNA. Wayne is a former member of BNAPS and was a long-time member of our Postal Stationary Study Group. Thus, it should be a good match.
  • Second, BNAPS has begun sponsoring an award at WESTPEX. This will be the first year it is presented. Obviously, it will be given for the best BNA exhibit in the show. Entries for exhibits have already closed for this year, but this could be a real incentive for our own members to get possible exhibits into good shape for next year.

Hope to see many of you at WESTPEX.

Joe Schlitt, email.

Saturday, 2 December 2006 Meeting at PENPEX

Just a reminder - our next regional meeting will be at PENPEX from 2:00 to 4:00 PM on Saturday, December 2, 2006. Interested non-members are welcome, so bring a friend!

The PENPEX show will be held in the Community Activities Building located at 1400 Roosevelt Ave., Redwood City, CA. PENPEX expects to have 19 dealers, 56 exhibit frames, a show cachet and cancel, a large silent auction, and multiple raffle items. Admission is free and there will be a snack bar. Further information is available at

The agenda for our meeting will start with self-introductions and a sign-in, then include a program, a short business meeting, show and tell (or ask), and other activities (time permitting).

PENPEX Program

The program will have two parts. With any luck, these will be done as PowerPoint presentations. Having had no volunteers step forward, I will try to "lead by example" and do a presentation. The title/topic will be as follows:

  • The Double-Printed Stamps of Newfoundland: Double Impressions and Double Surcharges

The second part of the program will be the viewing of a new BNAPS promotional CD. While intended mainly as a membership recruiting tool, the BNAPS slide show is well done. It is worth seeing as a reminder of our Society's many activities and services.

Business Meeting

Topics will include a brief update on the Group's finances, discussion of a possible Golden West meeting prior to our April gathering at WESTPEX, future presentations by Group members, and an update on our application for membership in the Council of Northern California Philatelic Societies.

Joe Schlitt, email.

16 September 2006 Meeting

Gar Lohman hosted the September meeting on 16 September, with seven members in attendance. In addition to things philatelic, members had a chance to see the Lohman's century-old home, now in the final stage of restoration. We also enjoyed a lovely buffet luncheon prepared by Gar's wife, Jan.

Following a round of self-introductions, the Group conducted a brief business meeting. There were three items of importance.

  1. Finances: Opening balance was $30.00 (from a previous period of activity). Income was $88 ($100 Canadian), which was the Regional Group stipend from BNAPS. Expenses were $1.50 (Canadian check deposit fee) and $5.00 (stamps, copying, and envelopes for hard copy meeting notices). Final balance is $111.50.
  2. Future Meetings: Dates were set for two future meetings, which will be held in conjunction with upcoming area stamp shows. We will meet at PENPEX (Redwood City) at 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, 2 December 2006 and at WESTPEX (San Francisco Airport) at 11:00 a.m. on Sunday, 29 April 2007. The Group voted to change the WESTPEX meeting to Sunday as that is when any BNA material will come up at auction. Both times are subject to confirmation of room availability. At PENPEX, the Group will decide on any 2007 meetings prior to WESTPEX. Details later, but we expect to have a program at each meeting. For WESTPEX, we will try to get an out-of-the-area speaker. SO MARK YOUR CALENDARS!
  3. Council of Northern California Philatelic Societies: The group tentatively agreed to join the Council. Dues are minimal (apparently $10 a year) for a group our size, and membership will allow us to post meeting notices on the Council website and at area stamp shows. Details are still being worked out.

Following the business meeting, members who had attended the BNAPS convention in Sudbury, ON, provided a run-down on activities there. Next up was "show & tell (or ask)". Members brought some very interesting items, including the latest known use of the 3 pence Beaver on cover and several full sheets of 19th century Newfoundland cents issues where there are still questions about the different printings. The featured speaker was Gar Lohman, who discussed various aspects of the 5 cent Beaver issue. Several packets of mint Canadian stamps, including plate blocks, were brought for auction, with proceeds benefiting the Youth Stamp Program.


As voted at the September meeting, the Golden West Regional Group has applied for membership in the Council of Northern California Philatelic Societies. Gar Lohman has "volunteered" to be our representative on the Council, but indicated that he would be happy to turn this over to anyone else interested in serving as our representative. No personal member information was provided with our application. Assuming that our application is approved, each of us will have the option of providing information and signing up to receive the Council newsletter.

Joe Schlitt, email.

29 April 2006 Meeting at WESTPEX

On Saturday, April 29, in San Francisco at the WESTPEX Show, the Golden West Regional Group met, and had the highest attendance in years.

The ten members who attended enjoyed a full program, led off by John Wynns who came all the way from Arizona to speak at the meeting and also exhibit at the show (Vermeil for his "Canada, 1927 Confederation Anniversary Issue"). John spoke on "Stamp Centenaries During the Reign of George VI". Some of the material he covered was in his BNA Topics article (October-December 2005) but he also presented additional covers not shown there.

Later in the program, John passed around material associated with the "Wings for Norway" stamp. This Norwegian stamp was engraved and printed by the Canadian Bank Note Company in Ottawa, and issued to honor the Norwegian pilots who trained during World War II at Toronto and the Muskota BCAF air fields in Canada. The stamp was shown cancelled in Oslo in 1946 on a cover to the U.S.

Bob Dyer showed covers flown on the Steve Fossett flight, recreating the 1919 Alcock-Brown flight. Fossett and co-pilot Mark Rebholz flew from St. John's to Clifden, Ireland, in July of last year. Bob organized the carrying of 500 celebratory covers (see BNA Topics, July-September, 2005).

Bob also spoke about BNAPS' new Youth Activity Program which will provide 15 cash grants this year to school groups, junior stamp clubs, and youth activity tables at stamp shows.

Other members shared material, and we discussed ways to keep the momentum going for the Regional Group. Gar Lohman suggested a meeting at his home on September 16th. Another option mentioned was conducting a meeting in San Rafael at WINEPEX 2006, a local show in October.

Joe Schlitt has volunteered to contact BNAPS members in the area, and serve as acting chairman. We are also looking for a list of area members of the RPSC to let them know about the next meeting. All members were asked to put on thinking caps for program ideas over and above "show-and-tell". Joe Schlitt may be contacted at

Attending members were: John Wynns, Jesse Medlen, Gar Lohman, Herb Nishio, Jim Woodfall, Bob Turkowski, Joe Schlitt, Arno Kolster, Carol Edholm, and Bob Dyer.

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