What's New in BNAPS


26 Dec 2023

The December issue of The Pilot's Log (Vol. 16, No. 1), the newsletter of the Air Mail Study Group, is available.

The newsletter provides details about the upcoming Zoom meeting on Sunday, 4 February. The meeting is being held jointly with the Canadian Aerophilatelic Society (CAS). The newsletter reviews the Study Group meeting at BNAPEX 2023 Halifax in September and the Annual CAS/BNAPS AMSG Day of Aerophilately meeting held in November. Looking forward, it previews the BNAPEX 2024 Court of Honour exhibit on the philatelic history of Kingston, the city where the convention will be held.

View the newsletter

21 Dec 2023

The December issue (Vol. 44, No. 6) of The Roundup Annex, the newsletter of the Squared Circle Study Group, is available.

Brian Copeland provides updates to the listing of squared circle hammers on Jubilee postcards in the February 2022 and August 2023 issues of the newsletter.

Rick Friesen writes about 1898 drop letter covers in cities with carrier service franked with the 2¢ Map stamp and cancelled with squared circle hammers.

David Robinson illustrates a cover sent from Kingston to Belleville, ON, redirected to Ottawa. The cover has a Kingston and two Belleville squared circle postmarks, the latter with different time marks.

The newsletter also has another generous helping of squared circle reports of indicia varieties and early and late strikes on different stamps including items from the Soughton collection sold by Longley Auctions in September.

View the newsletter.

21 Dec 2023

I am pleased to announce the appointment of Richard H. Judge as Chairperson of the BNAPS Publications Committee. Richard has been a member of BNAPS since 2010 and has served on the Board of Directors since 2016. In 2022, he was elected by the directors as Chairperson of the Board of Directors.

I also wish to thank Robert Lemire for his many years of service to BNAPS as Chairperson of the Publications Committee since January 2005.

David McLaughlin, President

15 Dec 2023

The December issue of The BNA Perforator (No. 169), the newsletter of the Perfin Study Group, is available.

Michael Behm contributed a wealth of data on early and late dates of use of the Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada perfin. He also updated the count of the Robert Simpson Company Limited perfins found on different stamps and perfin positions.

Jim Graham illustrates another "mismatched perfin cover"; that is, a cover where the perfin does not correspond to the organization on the corner card. In this case, a Canadian Allis Chambers cover has a Canadian General Electric perfin.

The Study Group is asking for information on the Montreal Rolling Mills perfin found on the 1¢ King George VI 1937 Mufti issue to update its handbook, Canadian Stamps with Perforated Initials.

Russell D. Sampson reports finding the earliest reported use of the S10, Steel Company of Canada, perfin. Can someone produce an even earlier date?

Plate 4 of the Admiral 2¢ carmine stamp is noted for its many hairline cracks. The Study Group is looking for information on the perfins that exist of this stamp to update the next edition of its handbook.

View the newsletter.

15 Dec 2023

The December issue (Vol. 12, No. 4) of the Pence-Cents Era Study Group newsletter is posted.

Jim McCormick discusses the shades, perforations, paper, dates, and plate flaws associated with the 10 Cent Consort printing orders.

In part 3 of his article on printed matter rates and destinations during the Decimal period, Ron Majors explores cross-border mail to the United States.

With an image provided by Earl Noss, Jim Jung describes the “Fly on Hat” flaw on the Decimal Issue 17¢ Cartier. Jim Jung discusses several other flaws on the same stamp, using images of blocks including one from Gilles Morel.

Jim Jung also has a short article on the 1854 Broad Street cholera outbreak in London, England.

View the newsletter.

15 Dec 2023

The December issue of the British Columbia Postal History Study Group newsletter, No. 128, features articles covering aspects of BC postal history between 1900 and 2017. And that's not including the Gillies Bay post office on Texada Island which is set to close at the end of this year.

Brian Copeland tries to pinpoint the location of the first of two post offices named Arbutus on Vancouver Island.

Morris Beattie describes two covers from Nelson, one of them the colourful cover illustrated in the "Favourite Cover" feature on the first page.

Tracy Cooper discusses the Williams Head Chinese Repatriation Camp set up at the end of the World War I.

James Corbet uses covers from 1947 to 2017 to explore Nootka Sound, on the west coast of Vancouver Island, and its ties to Captain James Cook.

View the newsletter.

30 Nov 2023

The Northeastern Regional Group held a virtual meeting via Zoom on Sunday, 15 October. Two presentations were given:

1) 1928 Golden Jubilee Airmail - Charles Livermore
To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Canadian National Exhibition (CNE) in 1928, special airmail flights from Quebec City and from Windsor to the CNE in Toronto took place on 24 August 1928. Flights in the reverse direction took place on 29 August.

2) Canada/British North America (BNA) – Confederate Postal Correspondence during the U.S. Civil War (1861-1865) - Ron Majors
About 51,000 Canadians went to the U.S. to fight in the Civil War, which lasted from 1861 to 1865. Many cross-border covers exist during this period as a result of Canada’s involvement. Covers from Canada to the U.S. are mostly franked with stamps from the 1859-1868 Decimal Issue.

View the video of the two presentations.

26 Nov 2023

A new video by Chris Ellis has been posted: Postal Stationery Cards of the James Smart Manufacturing Company.

Chris tells the history of the James Smart Manufacturing Company and its use of postal stationery advertising cards during the Victorian, Edwardian, and later periods. He also describes the eventful history of the company's founder, James Smart.

Chris has produced several other videos about the history and use of advertising postcards since their introduction by the Post Office Dept. in 1898.

The video is accessible to BNAPS members only. You must log in to view it.

View the list of videos

22 Nov 2023

The Lower Canada / Bas Canada Regional Group held a breakfast meeting at the Quebec City Old Paper Show on Sunday, 29 October. Around twenty BNAPS members attended.

Besides breakfast, compliments of the Regional Group, there were three presentations and a Show & Tell session.

The meeting report is posted.

View the report

16 Nov 2023

The November news bulletin of the Newfoundland Study Group features two contributions.

Gareth Williams illustrates a postcard sent from Shoal Harbour in 1933 that he believes was from one of the Balbo crew, and asks whether anyone can provide more information.

Leopold Beaudet notes that J-Claude Michaud's exhibit, Newfoundland Royal Family 1897-1901, was posted in the Online Resources & Exhibits area of the BNAPS website. The five-frame exhibit won Gold at BNAPEX 2023 Halifax.

View the November news bulletin (scroll down to "Study Group News" near the bottom of the page)

15 Nov 2023

The Treasurer is sending renewal notifications to those members whose membership ends at the end of this year. The notifications are sent by email to members who have provided their email address to BNAPS and by postal mail to members without an email address.

If you don't remember when your membership expires, you can find out by logging on the website and viewing your membership profile. To do so, click on the "Membership renewal" link below.

If your membership expires at the end of this year and you haven't received a renewal notification email in the next two or three days, please check your spam folder.

You can pay the membership dues by cheque or PayPal. There is no extra fee for using PayPal. Canadian members also have the option of paying by Interac e-Transfer. Note that the three-year membership fee includes a 10% discount.

Please renew your membership promptly to minimize the Treasurer's workload.

Membership renewal

15 Nov 2023

The reports of BNAPS officers and officials, tabled at the Board of Directors (BOD) meeting at BNAPEX 2023 Halifax, were posted on the website on 28 September.

The Treasurer's Report, which is for Fiscal Year 2022, was posted without the Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Statement, pending review by BNAPS's accounting firm. That review has now taken place, and the two financial statements have been appended to the Treasurer's Report.

Access to the reports is restricted to BNAPS members. You must log in to view them.

Reports of BNAPS officers and officials

27 Oct 2023

There were two National level exhibitions, one International, and BNAPEX 2023 Halifax between July and September.

Adri Veenstra has compiled the BNA exhibits by members that won awards at the four shows that took place during the third quarter.

View the 2023 awards.

24 Oct 2023

J-Claude Michaud's exhibit, Newfoundland Royal Family 1897-1901, is displayed in the Online Resources & Exhibits area.

The Royal Family Issue of 1897-1901 consisted of eight stamps, including two colour changes. This five-frame exhibit shows the evolution of the stamps and their usage. It is organized in six sections: 1) die proofs, 2) plate proofs, 3) specimen overprints, 4) issued stamps including single usages, 5) multiple/mixed usages, and 6) E. R. Krippner Patriotic covers.

The exhibit won Gold at BNAPEX 2023 Halifax.

View the list of new ORE postings.

23 Oct 2023

The November 2023 issue (No. 32) of Dots and Scratches, the newsletter of the Re-entries and Constant Plate Varieties Study Group, is online.

Scott Robinson stepped down as editor of Dots and Scratches with the publication of the May issue. He has ably edited the newsletter since 2020. During that time, the newsletter published important new research and discoveries on a variety of stamp issues.

Stepping into his shoes with the November issue is Jim Jung, who will be familiar to many since he has been editing the newsletter of the Pence and Cents Era Study Group for several years, and continues to do so.

The November issue features four articles by Jim Jung:
1) A collection of non-constant but sometimes visually arresting "thread" varieties.
2) Illustrations of a few of the many plate flaws on the 1930 Arch and 1937 Mufti issues listed by Hans Reiche in Canada Constant Plate Varieties published in the Billig’s Specialized Catalogues.
3) Aided by images and information provided by Earl Noss and Andrew Hussey, several re-entries found on the Newfoundland 3¢ 1928 Publicity Issue (also written about in recent Newfoundland Study Group newsletters).
4) Errors, freaks, and oddities (EFOs) in the collection of the late Ed Sheryer.

Michael D. Smith rounds out the issue with a major re-entry on the 2¢ Newfoundland 1897 Discovery of Newfoundland stamp.

View the November issue of Dots and Scratches.

20 Oct 2023

Up to now, the Postal Stationery Study Group imposed a five-year delay between publication of its newsletter and posting it on the BNAPS website. At its meeting at BNAPEX 2023 Halifax, the Study Group decided to reduce the delay from five to two years. Accordingly, all the issues published in 2018, 2019, and 2020, a total of 13 issues, have been posted on the website.

View the newsletters.

20 Oct 2023

The October issue (Vol. 44, No. 5) of The Roundup Annex, the newsletter of the Squared Circle Study Group, is available.

Aaron Gulliver illustrates his latest findings on the Kaslo, BC, squared circle, and Rick Friesen provides additional commentary.

Rick Friesen presents squared circle cancels on the Jubilee Issue from the collection of Bill Radcliffe. This listing continues from the previous issue.

David Robinson reports on the Beaverton, ONT, hammer.

Bill Pawluk illustrates a registered cover with a plethora of postmarks including strikes of the Wolseley, ASSA, hammer 2, squared circle.

The issue also features squared circle strikes not previously seen on specific stamps and updates to existing reports.

View the newsletter.

18 Oct 2023

The October news bulletin of the Newfoundland Study Group is on the website. In this issue, you will find:

â–º  A memorial to well-known exhibitor, author, and Newfoundland collector David Piercey who passed away on 8 October.
â–º  Photos of BNAPEX 2023 Halifax award winners, courtesy Charles Livermore.
â–º  A transcript of a 1902 letter addressed to Mr. John Trapnell, Keeper HM Gaol, acquired by Malcolm Back at BNAPEX 2023.
â–º  A lower right corner block of 8 of the 3¢ 1928 Publicity Issue with three re-entries submitted by Andrew Hussey accompanied by comments from Earl Noss.
â–º  Several covers, including FDCs, with the 6¢ 1932 Princess Elizabeth stamp submitted by John M. Walsh and Andrew Hussey in response to a query from Eric Skoglund.

View the October news bulletin (scroll down to "Study Group News" near the bottom of the page)

9 Oct 2023

At the Admiral Study Group meeting at BNAPEX 2023 Halifax, Leopold Beaudet gave a presentation on Admiral era discoveries and curiosities reported by study group members and non-members during the past year.

Included is a major lathework discovery, the existence of 2¢ green stamps with type B lathework. The presentation also discusses lathework doubling varieties, hand-engraved guide arrows that appear on stamps, coils with marginal markings in the tab, plate flaws, etc.

Contributors include Davis Bartlet, William G. Burden, Glen Lundeen, Robert Philmus, Yohann Tanguay, Simon Taylor-Young, Randall W. Van Someren, and Philip Wolf.

View the "Admiral Study Group presentation at BNAPEX 2023 Halifax".

9 Oct 2023

Christopher D. Ryan's article, "BABN Co. and the Small Queens Moved from Ottawa to Montréal in October 1871" is posted in the ORE.

The article refutes the commonly held belief that the British American Bank Note Co. moved to Montréal in 1873.

View the article.

7 Oct 2023

The Oct.-Dec. issue (No. 193) of the Newfoundland Study Group newsletter is available.

Richard Judge, John M. Walsh, and Klaus Wehlt comment on BNAPEX 2023 Halifax held on 15-17 Sept.

In response to an article by Earl Noss in the August news bulletin, Barry Senior illustrates the re-entries he has of the 1928 Publicity Issue 3¢.

Eric Skoglund is searching for 1932-1937 6¢ definitive showing Princess Elizabeth on cover. The earlier the postmark, the better!

John M. Walsh continues his discussion of the printing of the 1932 First Resources Issue by Perkins Bacon and the Second Resources Issue by Waterlow & Sons.

Klaus Wehlt writes a well illustrated article on transatlantic mail to and from Newfoundland until 1870.

View the newsletter

3 Oct 2023

Raymond J. Dubeau's exhibit, Canada: Three Cent Small Queen, Printing Classes - The First Ottawa Period - 1870 To 1873 is posted in the Online Resources & Exhibits area.

This three-frame exhibit examines the shades, paper, and perforations found on the First Ottawa printing of the 3¢ Small Queen.

The exhibit was displayed at BNAPEX 2015 Niagara Falls, ON, where it won Gold.

View the list of new ORE postings

30 Sep 2023

The September issue (Vol. 12, No. 3) of the Pence-Cents Era Study Group newsletter is posted.

Gilles Morel describes a cover franked with the First Cents Issue 17¢ mailed from Montreal to Drem, Scotland, dated AU 17 63.

Jim Jung discusses how his quest for varieties on the Pence Issue 3d Beaver expanded as his knowledge of this stamp grew. In a second article, he explores the experimental perfs on this stamp.

Jim Watt illustrates two covers with pairs of the First Cents Issue 5¢ Beaver, and describes plate flaws on the stamps.

View the newsletters of the Pence-Cents Era Study Group

29 Sep 2023

The September newsletter of the Fancy Cancel & Miscellaneous Markings Study Group, No. 95, is posted.

The contributors include Guy Jefferies, Roger Squires, Jim Jung, Mike Halhed, Ron Smith, and Vince Chermishnok.

Fancy cancel place names featured in the newsletter include Ottawa, Toronto, and Montreal. Editor Dave Lacelle provides interesting background information about fancy cancel use in Toronto.

View the Study Group newsletters

29 Sep 2023

The September issue of The BNA Perforator (No. 168), the newsletter of the Perfin Study Group, is available online.

Jon Johnson and Gary Tomasson have edited the perfin handbook, Canadian Stamps with Perforated Initials, since the fourth edition released in 1985. The sixth edition, updated to 1 August 2023, is available in the Online Resources & Exhibits area of the website. Jon and Gary are stepping down, and have passed the baton to Jim Graham, newsletter editor, and Russel Sampson, Treasurer.

With help from Patrick Durbano, Russell D. Sampson uses perfins to prove that the Department of Munitions & Supply worked with Canadian National Railway (CNR) during WW II.

In a second article, Russell illustrates a stamp with no less than four perfin strikes from two different positions, and challenges readers to come up with an even more complicated perfin stamp.

Jim Graham breaks down the earliest and latest known dates of use of the Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada perfin (S22) by the 19 cities in which it was used.

In his third outing, Russell, with help from Michael Behm, Patrick Durbano, Jim Graham and Ron Pazdzierski, provides an exhaustive analysis of the Evans, Colman & Evans Limited perfin (E6) and whether it was produced by a single-die or multi-die machine.

The newsletter also has a list of updates to the perfin handbook.

View the Perfin Study Group newsletters

29 Sep 2023

The September issue of the British Columbia Postal History Study Group newsletter, No. 127, visits several small post offices.

â–º  In the latest installment of the “My Favourite Cover” series, Glenna Metchette describes a cover mailed from Cranbrook that passed through Dead Letter Offices in Canada and the U.S.

â–º  Greg Nesteroff asks the question “Who was the first woman to be a postmaster in BC?” His quest for an answer takes him to Grand Forks, West Grand Forks, Midway, Port Haney (downtown Maple Ridge), Elko, Soda Creek, Quesnel (formerly Quesnelle), and Lytton.

â–º  Morris Beattie highlights the insights provided by the Marcus Smith correspondence about the survey and construction of the Canadian Pacific Railway. Marcus Smith was Chief Assistant to Sir Sandford Fleming during the survey.

â–º  Tracy Cooper writes about a cover mailed to a resident of Niagara, BC. The town sprouted from a construction camp for the Columbia and Western Railway. It almost got a post office before railway construction moved on.

â–º  Tim Woodland researches the Tofino MPO 1122 post office. It opened in August 1944 and closed a year later.

â–º  Morris Beattie continues his exploration of the postal history of the Powell River region with a look at the MOON, MOTO and POCON type cancels from the Van Anda (aka Vananda) post office on Texada Island.

â–º  Morris Beattie’s third contribution is inspired by covers addressed to Thunder Hill and Canal Flats. The Thunder Hill post office was opened in 1893. It was renamed Canal Flats in 1913.

View the newsletter.

29 Sep 2023

The BNAPEX 2023 Halifax souvenir Picture Postageâ„¢ stamps depicting folk art mailboxes found in Nova Scotia are still available, but quantities are limited.

You can buy the set of ten stamps unused or on cacheted covers. You can also buy individual booklets of 12 stamps. Prices and ordering instructions are on the BNAPEX 2023 News page.

View the BNAPEX 2023 News page

28 Sep 2023

Every year, BNAPS officers and officials prepare reports that describe their activities during the past year. These reports are tabled at the Board of Directors (BOD) meeting, which this year was held on Thursday, 14 September, at the BNAPS convention in Halifax/Dartmouth.

The reports are reviewed at the BOD meeting and the Society's Annual General Meeting. BNAPS members can now view all the reports on the website. The approved minutes of the Board of Directors meeting at CPS 2022 BNAPEX Calgary and the 2022 Annual General Meeting are also posted (click on the "2022" buttons).

The 2023 Treasurer's Report is for fiscal year 2022. The Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Statement will be appended to the report once they have been reviewed by the accounting firm, which is expected to be by mid-November.

Access to the reports and minutes is restricted to BNAPS members. You must log in to view them.

Reports of BNAPS officers and officials

22 Sep 2023

The Palmares for BNAPEX 2023 Halifax is now available.

BNAPEX 2023 Halifax exhibits page

3 Sep 2023

The Canadian Philatelic Bibliography, compiled by Cimon Morin, is available on the BNAPS website. This online bibliography includes more than 12,600 references on stamps, postal stationery, postal history and postal markings of Canada and British North America. It contains references to documents such as monographs, brochures, specialized catalogues, auction catalogues, as well as articles published in periodicals, exhibition programs and more general works. Both English and French documents are indexed. The bibliography indexes documents published between 1864 and 2006.

La Bibliographie philatélique canadienne, compilé par Cimon Morin, est disponible sur le site web de BNAPS. Cette bibliographie en ligne réunit plus de 12 600 références bibliographiques sur les timbres, les entiers postaux, l'histoire postale et les marques postales du Canada et de l'Amérique du Nord britannique. On y retrouve des références aux documents tels que des monographies, brochures, catalogues spécialisés et catalogues de vente aux enchères, ainsi que des articles parus dans les périodiques, les catalogues d'expositions et les ouvrages plus généraux. Les documents de langue français et anglais sont répertoriés. Cette bibliographie indexe les documents publiés entre 1864 et 2006.

Canadian Philatelic Bibliography / Bibliographie philatélique canadienne

30 Aug 2023

The August issue (Vol. 44, No. 4) of The Roundup Annex, the newsletter of the Squared Circle Study Group, is available.

Rick Friesen presents a wealth of squared circle discoveries from the collection of Bill Radcliffe. This listing continues from the previous issue.

In his study of time marks of Winnipeg squared circle cancels, David Robinson reports on a few more discoveries, and he asks for help with his strike census.

The issue also features an updated list of squared circles on Jubilee postcards.

View the newsletter.

20 Aug 2023

The August news bulletin of the Newfoundland Study Group is on the website. Articles in this issue:

â–º  C. A. Stillions provides insight on Blair Ashford's registered "Special Delivery" cover from Newfoundland to New York.
â–º  Earl Noss illustrates two major re-entries on the 1928 Publicity Issue 3¢ value, and wonders if anyone knows their position.
â–º  Chris Ryan raises a flag about replicas of rare Newfoundland stamps being offered on eBay.
â–º  Klaus Wehlt presents an 1854 circular issued by the Danish Post Office announcing a reduction in postal rates for correspondence from Denmark to the British Colonies New Scotland, New Brunswick, and Newfoundland. Klaus would like to see matching letters from Denmark to Newfoundland from that period.

View the August news bulletin (scroll down to "Study Group News" near the bottom of the page)

19 Aug 2023

Seven more exhibits have been posted on the BNAPEX 2023 Exhibits page, bringing the total to 45.

In addition, the synopsis and/or title page of two exhibits have been updated

To view the synopses and title pages, click on "View exhibits list" on the Exhibits page.

3 Aug 2023

The number of hotel rooms available at the special BNAPEX convention rate of CA$199 per night is almost exhausted. Upon request from the BNAPEX convention committee, the hotel set aside a few more at the convention rate.

Book your room as soon as possible to ensure you benefit from this special rate.

Go to the Accommodation page for booking information.

2 Aug 2023

Many new updates have been made to the Perfin Handbook. Please review the handbook and if needed it can be downloaded from the Handbook pages.

Visit the Perfin Handbook

28 Jul 2023

The synopsis and title page of six more BNAPEX 2023 exhibits have been posted. As of the end of July, 36 exhibits occupying 113 frames have been entered.

To view the synopsis and title page, go to the Exhibits page, and click on "View exhibits list".

View the Exhibits page

24 Jul 2023

There were three National level exhibitions and one International between April and June.

Adri Veenstra has compiled a list of BNA exhibits by members that won awards at the four shows that took place during the second quarter.

View the 2023 awards

16 Jul 2023

The synopsis and title page of six newly entered BNAPEX 2023 exhibits have been posted. As of mid July, 29 exhibits occupying 88 frames have been entered. To view the synopsis and title page, go to the Exhibits page, and click on "View exhibits list".

There is still frame space available, but the clock is ticking. The last day of the subsequent acceptance period for requesting exhibit frames is 25 July.

View the Exhibits page

16 Jul 2023

BNAPS published three new books in June. Two of them are in its Exhibits series.

â–º  Catalogue of Privately Produced First Day Covers of Canada, 1927-1989, second edition - Gary Dickinson
The second edition lists 12,500 FDCs. It extends the listing in the first edition by twelve years, from 1978 to 1989, and lists stamp issues not covered in the first edition such as special delivery, official and semi-postal stamps, and the stamps of Newfoundland.

â–º  Quebec 1864-1964 Un siècle de timbres de loi et d’enregistrement / One Century Of Law And Registration Stamps - Jean-Pierre Forest (Exhibit series No. 115)
The exhibit covers different documents (last will, marriage contract, donation, deeds, Court judgment...) of well known people living before the advent of the first 1864 stamps in Lower Canada, and then later. Text in French and English.

â–º  1950 King George VI Definitive Issue of Canada – Original Design - Douglas Irwin (Exhibit series No. 118)
The exhibit examines the King George VI defintives with “Postes” and “Postage” omitted. The stamps were issued on 19 January 1950.

View the latest BNAPS books

14 Jul 2023

The July news bulletin of the Newfoundland Study Group is available. Featured in this issue:

â–º  John Walsh responds to Klaus Wehlt's rate analysis of a registered airmail letter sent from Torbay (C.A.P.O. No. 5) in the June issue of the news bulletin.
â–º  Blair Ashford illustrates a registered cover from Newfoundland to New York with the annotation "Special Delivery". He wonders when the special delivery service was introduced.
â–º  Allard F. Brophey was a well-known collector of the 1930s-1940s. Peter McCarthy is searching for information about his son, John, and his navy career.
â–º  Gary Douglas asks about Newfoundland stamps with Ayre perfins and typewritten characters. Andrew Hussey and Barry Senior respond.

View the July news bulletin (scroll down to "Study Group News" near the bottom of the page)

14 Jul 2023

Earle L. Covert has compiled a detailed list of non-prepaid Priority Courier and Xpresspost envelopes. The list also includes Purolator envelopes that mention Canada Post.

The list has been added to the Online Resources & Exhibits (ORE) area of the website.

Prepaid Priority Courier and Xpresspost envelopes are also listed in the ORE. They are included in the Addenda to Webb's Postal Stationery Catalogue of Canada & Newfoundland, 8th Edition, 2019 - Canada Premium Products. This publication is in the ORE's Books and Handbooks section.

View the list of non-prepaid Priority Courier and Xpresspost envelopes

7 Jul 2023

BNAPEX 2023 offers two tours:

â–º  Guided tour of the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic (Fri., 1:00 PM)
â–º  Charter tour to Peggy’s Cove (Sun., 10:00 AM)

Details on the Events page.

BNAPEX 2023 offers a lobster feast on Friday and the awards banquet on Sunday. You can choose to go to both suppers or either one.

The registration form has been updated to include registration for the tours and to allow registration for either supper or both. Go to the Registration page.

Three more dealers will be attending the bourse. See the Dealers page for complete listing.

Four special cancels will be applied to cachet covers affixed with Picture Postageâ„¢ stamps depicting folk art mailboxes found in Nova Scotia. The cancels are illustrated on the Souvenirs page.

View the latest BNAPEX 2023 news

6 Jul 2023

The July-Sept. issue (No. 192) of the Newfoundland Study Group newsletter ranges from stamps to postal history to airmail.

Dave Bartlet presents several first flight covers including some from flights that didn't happen.

Brian Stalker updates Carl Munden's listing of Carbonear postmarks.

Klaus Wehlt provides a tour of covers from Newfoundland to Scandinavian countries.

John M. Walsh discusses the printing of the First Resources Issue by Perkins Bacon and the Second Resources Issue by Waterlow & Sons.

View the newsletter

6 Jul 2023

The Map Stamp Study Group recently published the June issue (Vol. 3, No. 1) of its newsletter, Xmas 1898 Map Stamp Report.

Scott Robinson describes how to restore Map stamps, mint as well as used, that show the "muddy waters" colour changeling.

Rick Friesen illustrates a post card sent to Germany franked with a Map stamp with the major re-entry 5B91.

Scott Robinson presents several intriguing perforation varieties, one of which was contributed by Earl Noss.

The Map stamp round-up features a Map stamp on piece with a date-of-issue postmark reported by Jim McCormick and a unique cover from Rick Friesen that will delight both stamp and postal history collectors.

View the newsletter

27 Jun 2023

As of the end of June, 23 exhibits have been entered in the BNAPEX 2023 competitive exhibition. The synopsis and title page of each exhibit is online. There is still frame space available, but the clock is ticking. You have about a month to submit your entry.

14 study groups will meet at the BNAPEX convention. The Philatelic Specialists Society of Canada is also sponsoring a talk. Full details on the Seminars page.

View the convention news page

26 Jun 2023

The June issue (Vol. 44, No. 3) of The Roundup Annex, the newsletter of the Squared Circle Study Group, is available.

Gary Arnold analyses the use of numerical time marks of the Port Arthur, ON, squared circle.

Rick Friesen presents many squared circle discoveries from the collection of Bill Radcliffe.

David Robinson provides updates on several time marks for Winnipeg hammers 2 and 3, including an extraordinary usage.

The issue also features a round-up of new reports and updates of squared circle postmarks.

View the newsletter

16 Jun 2023

The Prairie Beaver Regional Group held a day-long get-together on Saturday, 27 May. Twelve members attended.

The day included the preparation of a one-frame exhibit by competing teams, presentations by Ralph Poore and Jeff Switt, a clothesline exhibit, and book reviews.

Read the meeting report

16 Jun 2023

The June news bulletin of the Newfoundland Study Group is available. Here is what you will find:

â–º  Bruce Robinson writes about a stamp marketplace in an unusual location in London, England
â–º  Brian Damien reproduces a newspaper clipping from the St. John's Evening Telegram with a possibly politically motivated, scathing review of the Newfoundland 1923 Pictorial Issue
â–º  Klaus Wehlt illustrates a registered airmail letter sent from Torbay (C.A.P.O. No. 5), and works out a possible explanation for the 61¢ franking

View the June news bulletin (scroll down to "Study Group News" near the bottom of the page)

16 Jun 2023

A memorial has been posted for Jerry Jarnick OTB. He passed away on 28 February.

Jerry was a former BNAPS Secretary and Publicity Officer. He served several terms as Director and was Chairman of the Board in 1998. That same year, he was inducted into the Order of the Beaver.

Jerry was also a long-standing member of the Royal Philatelic Society of Canada and the Canadian Philatelic Society of Great Britain.

View Jerry's memorial

13 Jun 2023

The British Columbia Postal History Study Group recently published the June issue of its newsletter, No. 126. Bundled with the newsletter is monograph #7, Mails of the Canadian Pacific Navigation Company (Limited) by Morris Beattie.

Among the newsletter features:
â–º  Tracy Cooper concludes his account of the first ten years after British Columbia joined Confederation with a look at the expansion that happened in 1880-1881. He looks at post offices that opened during this period: Burgoyne Bay, Kootenay, Plumper Pass, Metchosin, Riverside, Savonas Ferry, Alkali Lake, Big Bar Creek, Colwood, and Mud Bay.
â–º  Morris Beattie continues his exploration of the postal history of the Powell River region with a look at the Van Anda (aka Vananda) post office on Texada Island.
â–º  Bruce Pollock writes about several QSL cards from British Columbia.
â–º  What do a rooster, a V for Victory label, a radio station, and Billy Browne have in common? They are all tied to Morris Beattie's favourite cover illustrated in this issue.

The monograph by Morris Beattie, Mails of the Canadian Pacific Navigation Company (Limited), summarizes the background to the development of north coast mail services and the formation of the CPN.

View the June newsletter and monograph #7

6 Jun 2023

Illustrations of the Horace W. Harrison Grand and Allan Steinhart Reserve Grand awards given for the best and second best exhibits are posted.

Link to the awards on the Exhibits page

29 May 2023

The May issue (Vol. 12, No. 2) of the Pence-Cents Era Study Group newsletter is posted.

Jim Jung contributes two articles on plate flaws:
► A misplaced entry on the Pence Issue 7½d. Besides describing the flaw, Jim Jung makes an important point about the financial value of such flaws.
► A compendium of flaws on the First Cents Issue 5¢ Beaver with illustrations drawn from stamps in his collection and that of Michael D. Smith.

Vic Willson describes new discoveries on Berri duplex postmarks.

Ron Majors continues his exploration of printed matter rates and destinations during the First Cents Issue period. In this part, he focuses on interprovincial mail.

View the newsletters of the Pence-Cents Era Study Group

29 May 2023

The May 2023 issue (No. 31) of Dots and Scratches, the newsletter of the Re-entries and Constant Plate Varieties Study Group, is online.

The issue begins with a mystery on an attractive plate block of the 1898 Numeral 2¢ purple presented by Peter Spenser.

John Breukelaar continues his discussion of plate flaws on the Nova Scotia 8½ Cent Queen Victoria.

The transfer roll crack on the 1851 3d Beaver is well known, but the N-flaws were relatively obscure until Michael D. Smith's exhaustive article in 2022. Do these two flaws have anything in common besides the fact that they occur on several positions of the plate? Yes they do, as convincing argued by Scott Robinson.

Scott Robinson also features several album pages showing how he illustrates and documents plate flaws.

The newsletter also has a potpourri of plate flaws from several contributors: Earl Noss has flaws on the 1¢ and 2¢ First Cents issue; Arnie Janson illustrates a pair of the 1898 Numeral 1¢, both with prominent re-entries; and Jim McCormick shows plate flaws on several 5¢ Beaver stamps.

View the May issue of Dots and Scratches.

28 May 2023

The initial seminar schedule for BNAPEX 2023 Halifax has been posted. To date, nine study groups will be meeting at the convention.

View the seminar schedule

28 May 2023

The May news bulletin of the Newfoundland Study Group has been posted.

The news bulletin features:
â–º  Feedback from Blair Ashford and Tony Thompson regarding the 5¢ Caribou Blitz stamp
â–º  Comments by John Walsh about the cancellation on a Grands Falls cover
â–º  A travelogue by Tony Thompson describing an open-air stamp and coin bourse at the Central Market of Valencia
â–º  Questions from Klaus Wehlt about a 1¢ U.S. postal stationery postcard from Garfield, New Jersey
â–º  The discovery by Blair Ashford of a "POSTAGE PAID" label purchased at ORAPEX
â–º  Flaws found by Earl Noss on the 1910 John Guy issue 2¢ coat-of-arms stamp. Are they constant?

View the May news bulletin (scroll down to "Study Group News" near the bottom of the page)

28 May 2023

As of mid-May, 16 exhibits have been entered in BNAPEX 2023 Halifax. The list of exhibits is posted along with their synopsis and title page.

Go to the Exhibits page and click on "View exhibits list".

16 May 2023

In March, BNAPS published The BNAPS Catalogue of Canadian Military Mail Markings Volume 1 – Early Forts to pre-World War 2. The book was compiled and edited by G. Wayne Schnarr.

This new book joins Volumes 2 and 3, which were compiled and edited by the late C. Douglas Sayles, to complete the catalogue of Canadian military mail markings. It covers early markings to 1909, militia camp and other military post offices in Canada 1909 – 1941, the WWI Canadian Expeditionary Forces in the United Kingdom, on the European continent in France, Belgium and Germany, and also in Siberia. The final chapter covers WW 1 internment operations in Canada.

View information on new BNAPS books

1 May 2023

The May issue of Beaver Chatter (Vol. 48, No. 1), the newsletter of the Prairie Beaver Regional Group, is posted.

The Group is holding an in-person day-long meeting on Saturday, 27 May. The meeting agenda includes three presentations. Details in the newsletter.

Vic Willson comments on the 17 March Eastern Auctions sale of the first part of the Ron Brigham Pence and Cents collection. He also discusses mail from the Klondike to overseas destinations. Denise Stotts writes about the "Baby Sisters" trial printings by British American Bank Note Co. on its then newly installed Goebel press in 1967.

View the Beaver Chatter newsletters

30 Apr 2023

Exhibit and non-exhibit awards won by BNAPS members between January and March 2023 are posted.

The exhibit awards are for BNA exhibits at National exhibitions in Canada and the U.S. and at International exhibitions. The non-exhibit awards recognize the philatelic achievements of members.

Thanks to Adri Veenstra for compiling the listing.

View the 2023 awards

22 Apr 2023

The April newsletter of the Fancy Cancel & Miscellaneous Markings Study Group, No. 94, is posted.

The contributors include Guy Jefferies, Gregoire Teyssier, Randy Evans, Richard Creighton, Richard Hautala, Brian Hargreaves, Martin Schofield, and Mike Halhed.

Fancy cancel place names featured in the newsletter include:
â–º  From Ontario: Baillieboro, Black Creek, Cornwall, Gravenhurst, Kingston, Newton, Ottawa, Port Carling
â–º  From Quebec: Drummondville East, Montreal
â–º  From New Brunswick: Chatham, Miramichi

In addition, Dave Lacelle lists his criteria for listing a fancy cancel, and comments on early (like, Small Queens early) OHMS overprints.

View the Study Group newsletters

22 Apr 2023

The Perfin Study Group has published the April issue of its newsletter, The BNA Perforator (No. 167).

Jim Graham leads off with an article describing three WW II OHMS covers showing the evolution of the War Supply Board to the Department of Munitions and Supply.

Russell Sampson explores the different positions of the Canadian General Electric C15 perfin with the help of a "mirror block" on cover.

In his second article, Jim Graham traces the evolution of missing pins on the Canadian National Railways C29 perfin with the help of postmarked copies showing the date.

View the Perfin Study Group newsletters

20 Apr 2023

The BNAPEX registration form has been posted. There are two versions of the form: computer-fillable and manual.

The convention souvenirs consist of ten attractive Picture Postageâ„¢ stamps and cachet covers highlighting folk art mailboxes in Nova Scotia. Images of the stamps and covers are posted.

The list of dealers attending the bourse has been updated.

View the BNAPEX convention news

7 Apr 2023

The April issue (Vol. 44, No. 2) of The Roundup Annex, the newsletter of the Squared Circle Study Group, is available.

The issue features an article by Brian Copeland about the unique use of the number "37" in the squared circle time mark slot by the postmaster of Morden, MB, during 1897. The issue includes a round-up of new reports and updates of squared circle postmarks.

View the newsletters

3 Apr 2023

Robert Lemire of the Postal Stationery Study Group has updated the addendum to the listing of the postage-prepaid Postcard Factory® Cards in Webb’s Postal Stationery Catalogue of Canada and Newfoundland 2019.

The addendum contains corrections and additions to the listing of Postcard Factory® cards, primarily for cards prepared using dies IIIc and IIId (pages 238-259 of the catalogue). The updated addendum was compiled on 16 Jan. 2023.

Robert welcomes reports of new or modified cards, and will include them in future editions of the addendum. His contact information is given in the addendum.

New ORE contributions

3 Apr 2023

BNAPS has appointed Brad Fallon as Circulation Manager. He replaces Ken Lemke who passed away last December.

Are you curious about what the Circulation Manager does? If so, the link below describes his responsibilities and lists the previous BNAPS members who have filled the role.

BNAPS circulation manager info

30 Mar 2023

Just posted are two publications from the Newfoundland Study Group, the April newsletter (No. 191) and the March news bulletin.

The newsletter features three contributions:
â–º  Earl Noss illustrates two re-entries plus a cover from Trinity to St. John's with a Hall's Bay R.T.P.O. cancel.
â–º  John M. Walsh and Robin Moore conclude their study of wet and dry printings of the Perkins Bacon 1932 First Resources Issue.
â–º  Klaus Wehlt describes the life and travels of German stamp dealer Otto Bickel. Bickel's travels graced Newfoundland collectors with covers to several exotic locations.

As usual, the March news bulletin covers a variety of subjects:
â–º  There is a review of the 19 March Zoom meeting with presentations from Klaus Wehlt, Tony Thompson, Gregory Pope, Brian Stalker, and Dave Bartlet.
â–º  John M. Walsh and Robin Moore were given the Robert J. Pratt award for their research on the Perkins Bacon wet and dry printings.
â–º  Tony Thompson comments on the EKU of the 5 cent Caribou Blitz stamp reported by Blair Ashford.
â–º  Gregory Pope requests information about some Grand Falls covers flown to Halifax.

Newfoundland Study Group newsletter and news bulletin

25 Mar 2023

Earle L. Covert has updated the listing of illustrated indicia for permit mail. The 15 March 2023 update adds 859 new permit mail indicia and 76 new bulk mailers to the 15 February 2022 listing.

Canada Post introduced illustrated indicia for permit mail in 2006. The listing includes all those known to exist plus the "forerunners", indicia with illustrations that appeared before 2006. The total number of permits in the listing is 4,793. The total number of bulk mailers is 892.

View the list of illustrated indicia for permit mail

23 Mar 2023

BNAPS published the book Red/Carmine, 1ȼ Victoria Maple Leaf Issue Advertising Postal Stationery Cards: A Synthesis by Christopher Ellis.

The 202 page book discusses the 1¢ red Victoria Maple Leaf post cards first issued in 1898 and used until late 1903. It provides a detailed history of these cards including dates of release, ideas about their design, design changes over time, the formats in which they were released to the public, and the postal regulations regarding their use.

The hundreds of illustrated cards demonstrate their postal use and the many different products and services that they advertised. The result is a fascinating snapshot of the social and commercial aspects of the late Victorian era.

View list of new BNAPS books.

6 Mar 2023

The British Columbia Postal History Study Group recently published the March issue of its newsletter, No. 125.

Morris Beattie contributes the "Favourite Cover" feature, a postcard mailed from Nanaimo to Seattle in 1910 showing a ship at a dock. Which ship? Which dock?

Dale and Bob Forster provide a census of 1822-1849 fur-trade mail in private hands from and to the trading posts on the west side of the Rocky Mountains, now in British Columbia, and in Washington State.

Tracy Cooper explores the San Juan Island border dispute (aka "The Pig War") between Great Britain and the United States.

Morris Beattie provides examples of mail associated with the British Columbia salmon canning industry. From 1870 to 1950, 223 canneries existed along the coast at one time or another. The number of fish plants along the coast declined from the 1950s onward.

View the March newsletter

5 Mar 2023

Final notice regarding disposition of the BNAPS Exchange Circuit

All claims for material submitted to the Exchange Circuit must be received by BNAPS by end of day 30 April 2023.

3 Mar 2023

The initial web pages for BNAPEX 2023 Halifax have been posted. The convention takes place on 15-17 September.

View the BNAPEX 2023 Halifax web pages

27 Feb 2023

The February news bulletin of the Newfoundland Study Group, Study Group News, features several articles and announcements:

â–º  List of speakers for the Study Group's Zoom meeting on 18 March
â–º  Blair Ashford illustrates a cover that appears to be an EKU of the 5 cent Caribou Blitz stamp
â–º  Anthony Thompson follows up on Malcolm Back's request in the previous news bulletin for information on Prints Trysack Impresos Drukwerk, a Dutch printing firm
â–º  Malcolm Back describes a stamp with an Edwin Cleary unauthorized overprint reading "1st Atlantic Air Post, Martinsyde, Raynham, Morgan."
â–º  Information on the Québec City Old Paper Show to be held on 28-29 October 2023

View the February issue of Study Group News.

10 Feb 2023

The Perfin Study Group's February newsletter, No. 166, features two articles:

â–º Jim Graham discusses the use of Montreal Rolling Mills Company (MRMC) perfins on covers from wholesale merchants for the types of products manufactured by MRMC. The article is part of a series on perfin mismatched covers.
â–º Russell D. Sampson explores the use of complimentary CPR and CNR perfin stamps for airline passenger mail.

View the Perfin Study Group newsletters

9 Feb 2023

The February issue of The Roundup Annex (Vol. 44, No. 1), the newsletter of the Squared Circle Study Group, is online.

The issue features an article on the use of the London, ON, squared circle during the Admiral period, and illustrates some very scarce squared circle strikes from the collection of Bill Pawluk.

The newsletter also has another helping of squared circle reports.

View the Squared Circle Study Group newsletters

4 Feb 2023

BNAPS published 65 issues of BNA PortraitS between 1993 and 2009. The newsletter reported on the activities of the Society and its study and regional groups. It provides an indispensable historical record of the Society's activities during the time it was published.

All 65 issues are posted on the website. Thanks to Charles Livermore for providing electronic copies of the newsletter.

Access is restricted to BNAPS members. You must log in to view the newsletter.

View the issues of BNA PortraitS.

31 Jan 2023

The awards won by BNAPS members for BNA exhibits between October and December 2022 are posted along with a year-end summary

The number of competitive exhibits and exhibitors in 2022 set records that will be tough to beat.

Thanks to Adri Veenstra for compiling the listing.

View the 2022 BNA exhibit awards

30 Jan 2023

BNAPS released four books in September 2022. Three of them are part of its Exhibit Series.

â–º  Canadian Permit Postage 1903–1998 - Dieter Staecker
An enhanced version of the exhibit that won the Allan Steinhart Reserve Grand Award at BNAPEX 2021 Virtual, this book covers Permit Indicia up to the series of 1990.

â–º  The Early Postal History of Northern Ontario - Nicholas Escott
Chronicles the development of mail services in Northern Ontario from the Hudson’s Bay Company fur traders in the early 1800s to the completion of the Canadian Pacific Railway in the late 1800s.

â–º  Pioneer Mail Flights, the Semi-Official Air Post, and Canada's Air Mail Development, 1918-1934 - Alec Globe
Studies the development of air mail within Canada through pioneer mail flights and the Semi-Official Air Post from 1918 to 1934. Shows how the Post Office phased out the Semi-Official Air Post by contracting air mail from 1927 to 1934.

â–º  Byron Harmon Post Cards: Listings of Real Photoviews - Earle L Covert
American-born Byron Harmon came to the Canadian Rockies in 1903 and became the official photographer and a charter member of the Alpine Club of Canada. Today, eighty years after his death, prints and post cards of his photographs are still popular.

View book details and ordering information.

17 Jan 2023

The January issue (Vol. 12, No. 1) of the Pence-Cents Era Study Group newsletter is available.

It features three stamp articles:
â–º  Jim Jung discusses the T flaw on the Cents issue 1¢ value
â–º  Jim McCormick describes the "scratch in the neck" flaw on the Cents issue 2¢ value
â–º  With the help of Earl Noss, Michael D. Smith, and Terry Wilson, Jim Jung illustrates a gouge flaw on the Pence issue 3d Beaver.

There is also a well illustrated postal history article by Ron Majors exploring printed matter rates and destinations during the Cents issue period.

View the newsletters of the Pence-Cents Era Study Group

15 Jan 2023

The Prairie Beaver Regional Group held a day-long meeting in College Station, Texas, on Saturday, 17 December.

The meeting included a review of recent BNA philatelic literature, a clothesline exhibit, a trade-and-sell session, show-and-tell, and presentations by Vic Willson, Jay Stotts, and George Dresser. A meeting report is now posted.

View the meeting report

14 Jan 2023

The Newfoundland Study Group has published a second news bulletin in January.

In this issue of Study Group News:
â–º  Chris Hargreaves provide details of the auction of the Newfoundland Air Mail 1919-39 collection assembled by Jean-Claude Vasseur
â–º  There are notes on a new book, Mail from the French Shore of Newfoundland by James R. Taylor and Henk Slabbinck
â–º  Malcolm Back is looking for information on three covers from Prints Trysack Impresos Drukwerk, a Dutch printing firm
â–º  John Walsh announces the publication of the 2024 edition of his Newfoundland and BNA catalogues.

View the second January issue of Study Group News. Click on "Jan #2".

14 Jan 2023

The Société d’histoire postale du Québec has published Volume 2 of Cimon Morin's study of the postal system in Quebec from 1763 until the creation of the Post Office on 5 April 1851. The book title is La poste coloniale au Québec 1763-1851, vol. 2 : Les Cantons de l’Est et les environs.

Volume 2 covers the 69 post offices located in the Eastern Townships of Quebec. It has over 500 pages and includes more than 750 illustrations.

View book details and ordering information.

10 Jan 2023

17 newsletters from 5 study groups were posted recently. The year of publication, study group, and number of issues are listed below:

â–º 2017 Large and Small Queens - 1 issue
â–º 2017 Military Mail - 4 issues
â–º 2017 Postal Stationery - 4 issues
â–º 2017 Revenue - 4 issues
â–º 2018 RPO - 4 issues

These study groups have requested a delay of up to five years between publication of their newsletters and posting on the website.

The Perfin Study Group has dropped the five-years delay between publication of its newsletter and posting it on the BNAPS website. The Group's newsletters are now posted immediately upon publication. All the newsletters published between 2017 and 2022 (18 issues) are now available online.

Several other study groups have no delay period. Their newsletters were posted immediately upon publication in 2022. The study groups include:

â–º Air Mail - 5 issues
â–º British Columbia Postal History - 4 issues
â–º Fancy Cancel and Miscellaneous Markings - 4 issues
â–º Map Stamp - 3 issues
â–º Newfoundland - 4 issues (newsletter); 2 issues (news bulletin)
â–º Pence-Cents Era - 4 issues
â–º Re-entries and Constant Plate Varieties - 2 issues
â–º Squared Circle Cancels - 6 issues

The King George VI Study Group posts its newsletters on the BNAPS website immediately upon publication. Access to the newsletters published within the last two years is available to all BNAPS members, not just Study Group members. Issues older than two years are accessible to all viewers. In 2020, two issues were published. They are now accessible to all.

These newsletters are an invaluable resource, especially for those collecting the subjects covered by the Study Groups. Thanks to all the editors and contributors.

View the study group newsletters

5 Jan 2023

On 1 January, four BNAPS members became Emeritus members, having been with BNAPS for the past 40 years.

View the list of Emeritus members

4 Jan 2023

The Jan.-Mar. newsletter (No. 190) of the Newfoundland Study Group is available.

Luc Selis discovers the fascinating story of an 1825 cover that journeyed from Newfoundland to a merchant and shipowner in France.

Anthony Thompson discusses a large block of the 5¢ Caribou printed by Waterlow.

John M Walsh and Robin Moore continue their exploration of design size differences on Newfoundland stamps.

View the Newfoundland Study Group newsletters

3 Jan 2023

The Perfin Study Group published the January issue of its newsletter, No. 165. Among the articles:

â–º  Michael Behm explores the Merrick Anderson Company of Winnipeg. Perfins from this company are found on stamps from the 1911 Admiral and 1930 KG V Arch issues.
â–º  Bob Szymanski discusses the valuation and pricing of perfins.
â–º  Jim Graham provides further information on when Robert Simpson Ltd. stopped using perfins.
â–º  Russell D. Sampson makes an interesting connection between a cover with John Bayne Maclean perfin stamps and the cover's addressee.

View the Perfin Study Group newsletters

1 Jan 2023

A memorial has been posted for BNAPS past President Ken Lemke OTB. He passed away on 17 December.

Ken was President of BNAPS from 2018 to 2020. Until his passing, he was the Circulation Manager for BNA Topics and editor of the King George VI Study Group newsletter, King George VI Post & Mail.

Ken was also Vice-President of the Royal Philatelic Society of Canada, Secretary of the Postal History Society of Canada, and Director of Programming for the Philatelic Specialists Society of Canada.

A new contact for the circulation and back issues of BNA Topics will be announced in the coming weeks.

View Ken's memorial

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This page was last modified on 2024-04-14.

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