The GHRG holds meetings every two months except during the summer. The season begins in September and ends in May. Unless otherwise noted, meetings are held at the Brewers Blackbird Kitchen & Brewery in Ancaster.
Members start to gather around 10:00 am to discuss philately over a cup of coffee. We invite BNA dealers in the region to show their stock. Lunch is served around noon, after which the formal part of the meeting begins with announcements and an auction of donated material. The highlight of the meeting is a talk by an invited speaker. A Show and Tell session at the end of the meeting usually turns up surprising and intriguing items.
Saturday, 28 May 2016
Derek Smith - “The Hunt for a Lady Killer - Obliterators used at St. John, NB, from 1851-1880”
Saturday, 26 March 2016
Doug Irwin - “Postal history of Niagara Falls”
Saturday, 30 January 2016
Nick Poppenk - “The Canadian Postal Code System”
Saturday, 28 November 2015
Chris Ellis - “Great Canadian Postal Stationery Cards Advertising Series”
Saturday, 26 September 2015
Bob Vogel and Andrew Chung - “Oddities, Freaks and Errors on First Day Covers”
Shorts and sandals were the order of the day as temperatures soared to the low thirties Celsius. That may have been enough to keep some people away and busy in their gardens, but eighteen hearty souls gathered at the Rousseau House Restaurant in downtown Ancaster for the final meeting of the season.
With three dealers present, there was enough to keep people busy while also discussing things philatelic and sipping coffee. Everyone looked forward to lunch, which was served around noon.
After lunch the more formal portion of the day got underway with announcements. Mike Street reported on BNAPEX 2016 FREDERICTON, which runs in New Brunswick’s capital from September 30 to October 2. Exhibit frames are filling up fast so if you intend on exhibiting, check with the committee first. Several BNAPS publications, both exhibit books and handbooks, will be coming out within the next few months. There is a relatively new form of permit mail that companies and organizations have been taking advantage of called “Illustrated Permit Postage”. Canada Post refers to this as “Customized Postal Indicia”. Instead of just words and numbers inside the permit indicia, users are trying to make their mail more attractive by inserting logos, photos and other graphics. Several people other than postal stationery collectors have shown interest in this form of advertising, including yours truly. Earle Covert has taken on the task of cataloguing these illustrated permits so, if you happen to have any please either send them directly to him or send scans. Earle’s address is Box 1190, Raymond, AB T0K 2S0 or
Jim Watt, our president, always has some interesting things to show and this meeting was no different. He showed us proof sheets of the Queen Victoria and the Prince Consort Pence issues, along with a proof of a destroyed plate and a first day cover of the 6¢ Pence issue. Jim certainly has some fantastic material.
The auction is always a fun time. While it helps to defray costs it also provides a little humour. Thanks to those who donated and to the successful bidders.
The speaker for the afternoon was Derek Smith, whose subject was “The Hunt for a Lady Killer - Obliterators used at St. John, NB, from 1851-1880”. Derek took us through the various cancels used during that period - grids, corks and duplexes - and the companies that made them. Those present enjoyed an excellent presentation.
To allow GHRG members time to get to the BNAPS convention in Fredericton, our next Golden Horseshoe get-together will be a week early - on September 17. The speaker will be collector and philatelic judge Sam Chiu, whose subject will be Chinese Labour Camps in Canada. Hope to see you both in Ancaster and in Fredericton in September. Have a good summer.
The weather on March 26 provided a welcome sunny break after an ice storm two days earlier hit Ancaster and the Greater Toronto Region, though not much of the Niagara Peninsula. Twenty-three BNAPSers and guests met at the Rousseau House Restaurant for the second gathering of 2016. Some of the trees just outside the windows were still coated with ice, but that was offset by the philatelic warmth in the meeting room.
Because it was Easter Saturday, things moved quickly after the morning get-together. The excellent Rousseau House cuisine was followed by announcements about this year’s BNAPEX 2016 FREDERICTON convention starting on September 30, and that BNAPEX 2017 will be hosted by the Calgary Philatelic Society and BNAPS Calgary Regional Group. The GHRG will have a table at the Royal 2016 Royale in Kitchener-Waterloo from August 19-21, and the new CANPEX 2016 show in London from October 15-16. Member Andrew (Andy) Chung told the group about his and Hank Narbonne’s new book, the 4th Edition of The New Specialized Catalogue of Canada Post Official First Day Covers. The auction, conducted by Mike Street in the absence of Master Auctioneer Peter McCarthy, was brief but fun.
The speaker on this day was Doug Irwin, whose subject was the fascinating postal history of Niagara Falls. While we mainly think of Niagara Falls as Canada’s biggest tourist attraction, Doug showed us how the Niagara River was actually the main driver for settlement and early businesses, many of which were mills powered by the flow of the water. Thank you Doug, and also thanks to Simon Claughton for supplying the electronic equipment.
Our next gathering will be on Saturday, May 28. Guest speaker Derek Smith will show us how the corner cards of St. John, New Brunswick describe the development of that major city on the Bay of Fundy.
Ivan Killins (left), Bob Frailey
Paul Sneyd (left), Barbara Kee
John Irvine (left), Bob Anderson, Bob Vogel (standing), Nick Poppenk
Rob Taylor (left), Ken Lemke
Technical maestro Simon Claughton
Guest Speaker Doug Irwin (left), Jim Watt, Eric Cogswell
Andrew Chung tells members about his new book.
Bob Vogel (left) and Derek
Smith listen in the background.
The Group during speaker Doug Irwin’s presentation
January 30 was an absolutely gorgeous day, with temperatures far above the zero Celsius mark, as thirty-three BNAPSers and guests met at the Rousseau House Restaurant for the first gathering of 2016. The room was quite vibrant with philatelic talk and browsing through dealers’ stocks. It was certainly nice to see so many new faces and get re-acquainted with some we haven’t seen for a while. Among the attendees was BNAPS Vice-President Regional Groups Dave Bartlet.
Usually things quiet down with the arrival of lunch, but not so this day. Philately was certainly at the forefront. After lunch, the more formal portion of the meeting got underway with announcements. A show of hands indicated that not enough people are attending the New York show at the end of May to warrant changing our regular meeting date, so it will remain May 28th as previously announced. The Secretary gave his annual financial report and noted that we lost six members in 2015. The Secretary’s position was offered but no one seemed anxious to take over. Although he is known by many, Dave Bartlet was formally introduced to the gathering. The guests were also welcomed, and we do hope to see them again. With the CSDA getting out of the show business, we are now no longer sure of what kind of promotions we will be able to carry out.
The auction is always a fun time and the bidding on the philatelic articles was brisk. Thanks to both the successful bidders and the material donors. The funds help in the promotion of BNAPS and the hobby in general.
The speaker on this day was Nick Poppenk, whose subject was the Canadian Postal Code System. Nick, along with Bob Thorne, has been researching the workings of the system for some time. They have toured Canada Post’s Stoney Creek sorting plant, resulting in a most interesting technical presentation. Thank you Nick, and also thanks to Simon Claughton for supplying the electronic equipment.
Our next gathering will be March 26th. Guest speaker Doug Irwin will show and tell us about the Postal History of Niagara Falls. Doug’s exhibit won the Reserve Grand Award at BNAPEX 2015 NIAGARA FALLS last September and is about to be published as a BNAPS Exhibit Series book.
May I remind you that we do need speakers. If you haven’t been to a GHRG meeting in the past, try and make it to one of the next two before the summer break. We know you will enjoy yourselves. Remember also BNAPEX 2016 FREDERICTON, which is being held from September 30th to October 2nd.
The weather we have been experiencing this fall has been absolutely unbelievable, and it looks like it may continue through until Christmas. Above seasonal temperatures make one want to garden rather than bother with philately. This and the fact there were several philatelic events going on in Southwestern Ontario probably attributed to the low attendance of the November 30th gathering at the Rousseau House Restaurant. Despite this, sixteen BNAPSers gathered and had a splendid time.
The day began as usual with members enjoying coffee and, with no dealers present, enjoying each other’s company talking about recent acquisitions, club matters and actual transactions taking place. It turned out to be a great morning, and we will continue to encourage any member attending future gatherings to bring material to either sell or trade.
Following lunch, the regular program got underway with announcements. Two new books in the BNAPS Exhibit series, one of them our own Peter McCarthy’s Canadian Mail by Rail 1853-1923, are being printed and will soon be listed on the BNAPS Book Department web page and described in the next BNA Topics. The auction followed, and some excellent pieces of literature found new homes.
The speaker for the day was Chris Ellis, whose subject was Great Canadian Postal Stationery Cards Advertising Series. Chris is a professor of Anthropology and Archaeology at Western University in London. It was an interesting topic and enjoyed by all. Thanks Chris. With that our day was ended.
At our next get-together on Saturday, January 30, 2016, speaker Nick Poppenk will explain the origins and development of Canada’s Postal Code System. We encourage all BNAPS members to attend. If you are visiting from another area we extend a warm welcome. No one is a stranger.
With that, we of the Golden Horseshoe Regional Group wish all of you a very Happy and Prosperous New Year.
Saturday, September 26, was a lovely day. If it is any indication, autumn should be long and warm. It was a nice enough day for twenty-six BNAPSERS and guests to gather at the Rousseau House Restaurant for the first get-together of the season. It was nice to see people there for the first time, and we hope it won’t be the last.
Much of the talk around the coffee urn centered on BNAPEX 2015 and its pros and cons, but the general consensus was a good time was had by all.
Lunch, always a treat at the Rousseau House and thoroughly enjoyed, is followed by the slightly more formal part of the day. Starting things off was my great pleasure to present Andrew Chung with the Order of The Beaver Life Achievement Award for his contribution to BNA philately. Congratulations Andrew. It is well deserved.
The presentation on this day was by Bob Vogel and Andrew Chung with the subject being Oddities, Freaks and Errors on First Day Covers. It was a very interesting two-part presentation that generated audience participation and many questions. Thanks to Bob and Andrew and to Simon Claughton for providing the electronics.
Eric Cogswell had an interesting piece that apparently came out of a garage sale. In an old frame was a very small Alberta revenue stamp and what appeared to be a leaf tobacco revenue wrapper. There was no revenue expert to confirm it so we just assumed.
The day was terminated with the auction and coincidently there were various first day cover pieces offered. Bidding was brisk enough to cover the day’s expenses. Thank you to those who donated material and also to the successful bidders. With that everyone went home seemingly very happy.
The CSDA show will be held November 6-8 at the International Centre where the GHRG will be manning the BNAPS booth. We need people to cover Saturday, November 7. It seems this will be the last CSDA show of its kind so come on out and support the dealers, many of which are BNAPS and GHRG members.
Our next gathering will be November 28 and the speaker will be Chris Ellis. His subject is Great Canadian Postal Stationery Card Advertising Series. We hope to see as many of you as can make it. It really is a great philatelic day.
Saturday, 30 May 2015 (meeting report not available)
Derek Smith - “The Empress of Ireland”
Saturday, 28 March 2015
David McLaughlin - “Early Life in Ross Township”
Saturday, 31 January 2015
Larry Cherns - “Overview of Correspondence from Hamilton during the Period from 1840 to 1950”
Saturday, 29 November 2014
George Vanderburgh - “Christmas Seals”
Saturday, 27 September 2014
Peter McCarthy - “The 1972 - 1977 Definitive Issue of Canada”
This was a bitter winter right across the country, and despite the fact that March came in like a lion it certainly didn’t leave like a lamb. There was a bright spot, however. March 28, the day the GHRG met at the Rousseau House Restaurant in downtown Ancaster, was beautiful and sunny and thirty-one people turned out to enjoy a great philatelic day.
With the coffee hot and five dealers present with enough stock to satisfy everyone, it wasn`t long before all were settled in finding a few treasures, and the chatter was intense. It was good to see new attendees mingling in and enjoying themselves. The conversation ranges from personal to recent acquisitions to stamp shows and more. Things quiet down during lunch only because it is that enjoyable.
With lunch done we turned to the program part of the day, starting with announcements. Mike Street always has a new BNAPS book or two to promote. You can find the information on these in BNA Topics or by following the link to the BNAPS website. BNAPEX 2015 NIAGARA FALLS is ready to go and promises to be an excellent convention. It being right in our backyard, this is a good time to plan a second Honeymoon. If you intend to exhibit, get your applications in now. At last count one hundred and thirty frames of the one hundred and sixty available are filled. We like to keep those who are ill in mind, so if you know of a member who is not well, please let us know so we can remind them they are not forgotten.
The auction was small, but the bidding was brisk. We thank the successful bidders for their support, and especially thank those who donated the material. Show and tell was rather interesting with Peter Wood showing us what could be described as an embarrassing stamp variety.
The feature of the day, of course, is always our speaker. At this meeting, it was David McLaughlin, who again had an interesting topic. David combined postal history with “Early Life in Ross Township” [which is in Renfrew County] – the families that lived there, how mail was routed, and even some of his childhood memories. Thanks David for a most interesting presentation.
Our next and last gathering before the Summer break will be on May 30. The speaker will be Derek Smith, who will tell us about the Empress of Ireland. This is a new two frame exhibit that Derek has created, so it should be quite interesting.
BNAPS will have a table at ROYAL *2015* ROYALE being held in London. If you plan on attending, your help in manning the table and promoting our society would be very much appreciated.
We hope to see you at the end of May.
The colds and stomach flu that have been making the rounds may have contributed to the lighter than usual turn-out for this month’s gathering. However, twenty-one members, including a few first timers, were able to make it and enjoyed a good day of philately.
We start gathering around ten o’clock in the morning, with small groups at different tables enjoying philatelic talk and stories over coffee, or going through dealers’ material. This is the time when we really get to know each other - what we collect, our other interests, anecdotes - and form friendships. It all begins with our common interest.
By the time noon rolls around, we are all getting a little hungry. The Rousseau House puts out a special menu for us which is always tasty, enough so that it keeps things pretty quiet during the lunch period.
After lunch the slightly more formal portion of the gathering begins with announcements. BNAPEX 2015 NIAGARA FALLS is all set to go. Our hosts, the St. Catharines Stamp Club, are planning a great weekend and hoping you will attend. The GHRG year-end report was presented; 2014 proved to be a good year for the GHRG, with attendance holding steady at an average of twenty-five per meeting. BNAPS released four new books just before Christmas. The GHRG will again have a table at the April CSDA show in Toronto.
The auction, with items being donated by the members, is always fun. The funds raised go towards the group’s operation costs. We very much thank the donors and those who bid for the items. It is much appreciated.
Our speaker on this afternoon was Larry Cherns, who gave an interesting “Overview of Correspondence from Hamilton during the Period from 1840 to 1950”. Larry’s talk brought the afternoon to a close.
The next gathering of the GHRG will be on Saturday, March 28, at the same location. If you have show and tell material, bring it along. We expect to have a couple of new dealers present with some stock for you to browse through. If you have any special requests for what you would like to see, let us know so we can advise the dealers. If you have any ideas that you think may improve the meetings, let us know that also. It`s your group.
The speaker for the March meeting will be David McLaughlin, whose topic will be “Early Life in and Around Ross Township (Renfrew County)”, a Postal History and Social Philately presentation based on early covers from David’s collection, and research into family and other aspects of Ross Township. David`s past presentations tell us this should be a most interesting subject. His material is always of the highest quality. Spring should be well on its way and the roads should be clear, so we really look forward to seeing you on March 28.
Dr. Jim Watt (seated) and Simon Claughton
Ivan Killans was buying
Derek Smith, Bill Longley, and Nick Poppenk
Saturday, November 29, 2014, wasn’t such a bad day weather-wise for the latest group get-together. It was gray and cool with a few traces of snow, but the roads were good for which we were grateful. Twenty-eight BNAPSers were present to enjoy each other’s company over coffee. There were only three dealers present, with Bill and Shirley Coates away celebrating their anniversary and Don Slaughter tending to his wife, who we wish a speedy recovery from surgery. It was a chatty crowd nevertheless.
After a delicious lunch the more formal portion of the gathering got underway with announcements. BNAPEX 2015 NIAGARA FALLS is all ready to go and is being well advertised at shows and BNAPS Regional Group meetings. On November 14-16 the GHRG was promoting BNAPS at the CSDA show at its new location at the International Centre on Airport Road in Mississauga. Thanks to those who helped out at the booth. It is always appreciated.
This day’s auction, always a fun part of the gathering, was quite brisk with some better articles up for sale. We thank all who donated and also those who purchased. The proceeds help with expenses.
Several items were presented at Show and Tell. In particular, John Irvine spoke extensively on the recent Cherrystone auction and the prices the London to London airmail stamp went for. If you remember, John purchased a box lot at a non-philatelic auction earlier this year for $200. In it was a proof of the same London to London airmail stamp, along with other related material. John is holding on to the proof against a rainy day. We’ll ask him to bring it to a future Show and Tell.
Our speaker for the afternoon was George Vanderburgh. The topic was supposed to be Canadian Special Order Postal Stationery, with an emphasis on the Centennial era. However, George couldn’t find the presentation so he gave a very interesting presentation on Christmas Seals instead. Thanks George. We’ll schedule you for the Special Order presentation soon.
Our next get-together is Saturday, January 31, 2015, with the speaker being Larry Cherns. The topic, "An Overview of Correspondence from Hamilton during the Period 1840 - 1950".
By the time you read this, Christmas will have come and gone so we will take the opportunity to wish you all a most happy, healthy and prosperous New Year.
It was an absolutely gorgeous day in southwestern Ontario on September 27th as twenty-four members and guests attended the first gathering of the season at our now very familiar haunt, the Rousseau House Restaurant in quaint downtown Ancaster. It’s hard to believe this is the beginning of our tenth season. It felt good to be among old friends and familiar faces again.
The day started off as usual with friendly chatter over coffee and going through dealer material. Much of the talk was about items acquired over the summer months and at BNAPEX. After lunch, the afternoon session began with announcements. Mike Street gave a report on BNAPEX 2014 BALTIMORE. Attendance was a bit lower than hoped, but exhibits were excellent and those who made the trip had a good time. A highlight for Mike was the dinner out at the Garret-Jacobs Mansion, a United States National Historic Site. The big announcement was next year’s BNAPEX 2015, which is to be held in Niagara Falls, Ontario. Stuart Keeley gave us an update. He and his committee have worked very hard to make sure this will be an enjoyable experience. You will hear more as time goes on, but I would suggest registering early.
The balance of Larry Paige’s philatelic library formed a large part of the auction. This wasn’t the liveliest auction we have ever had but we did well. The proceeds go towards the Group’s expenses.
The guest speaker was Peter McCarthy, whose topic was the 1972 - 1977 Definitive Issue of Canada, better known as the Caricatures and Landscapes. Again we thank Simon Claughton for supplying the electronics for the PowerPoint presentation. We would be somewhat lost without him.
The next gathering will be November 29th. Our guest speaker will be George Vanderburgh and the topic will be Canadian Special Order Postal Stationery with special emphasis on the Centennials.
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This page was last modified on 2024-12-22.