Below in chronological order (most recent is first) are descriptions of instances of thefts of philatelic material referred to BNAPS. Unfortunately, given the world-wide nature of the hobby, we cannot include all cases. Our policy is to give first consideration to thefts from BNAPS members, thefts of BNA material anywhere, then to thefts of any philatelic material in North America.
If you have experienced a significant theft, you can submit relevant information to the BNAPS Webmaster, including your membership number (if a member) and a statement that the case has been reported to police. We ask that you subsequently inform us if recovery is made. After 6 months, the item will be removed.
If you are a viewer of this website and have information you feel would be useful to the recovery of stolen material, please make contact directly with any contact person noted, or report it to the police. PLEASE, do not send such information to the Webmaster.
This is a service provided by BNAPS. BNAPS and the Webmaster will take no responsibility for any actions or damages that result from posting this information.
On Sunday evening, 17 February 2008, thieves broke into the truck of Tom Kinberg, Stamp Art, of Lincoln City, Oregon. He and traveling buddy dealer Gary Hoecker were on their way home after attending Sno-King Stamp Show in Everett, Washington. They had stopped at Northgate Mall in north Seattle, Washington, for dinner. The thieves popped the locks on the truck and stole both gentlemen's briefcases, Tom's suitcase and over $15,000.00 worth of stock. There was nothing of value in Gary's stolen briefcase. Lost from Tom's briefcase were $600.00 to $700.00 in checks, Visa sales slips and Tom's checkbook. He also had $4,000.00 to $5,000.00 worth of stock in his briefcase. This consisted of higher price Canada in dealer stock cards, Hungary souvenir sheets in dealer stock pages, and Swedish stamps on Scott Specialty pages.
The thieves also took a box that contained 11 white boxes of #2 cards holding stamps that were priced and ready to be sorted into his show stock; estimated value is minimum $11,000.00.
If you suspect anyone of trying to sell these items at local stamp shows, to your club members or on Craigslist or eBay, please contact your local police. Seattle police Case Number is 08-063182. You can also contact Tom Kinberg directly at 503-910-9552.
All earlier items have expired.
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This page was last modified on 2021-12-20