Press release

Publicity Officer - Jerome C. Jarnick

For immediate release
March 2007

After 80 impressive years, the Wayne Stamp Society ceased operation earlier this year. Founded in Detroit in 1926, the Society had a long record of meetings and annual exhibitions in Detroit and later in Grosse Pointe Woods, Michigan. The first exhibition was held the year after the club was organized, the last in 2002.

According to the club historian, Tom De Boever, membership numbered about 300 in 1970 and did not seriously wane until 1995. However, at the time of dissolution, only six active members remained. The oldest active member, Christine Shurtleff, will celebrate her 100th birthday in June. Other notable members over the years included Al Butzen, a prominent Detroit stamp dealer from the 1930s, the prominent philatelic auctioneers, Robert E. Lippert and Roger Koerber, and George W. Holschauer, now the proprietor of the Los Angeles based Colonial Stamp Company, who had been introduced to the club by his father.

The surviving members wanted the treasury to be used to encourage stamp collecting among the young. Based on a Linn's Stamp News editorial by Michael Schreiber, they selected the British North America Philatelic Society (BNAPS) to channel the funds into the BNAPS Youth Program. BNAPS has an existing, aggressive program where monetary grants are made to stamp clubs, schools, and other organizations for specific purposes which introduce young people to stamp collecting.

More information about the BNAPS Youth Program can be obtained from Norris (Bob) Dyer by email.

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