Horace W. Harrison Grand Award - Alphabetical List

The Horace W. Harrison Grand Award is presented for the best competitive exhibit shown at a BNAPEX convention. The award is a piece of artwork selected by the BNAPEX Convention Committee. A small plaque is affixed to it.

The Grand Award has been in existence since the first BNAPEX convention held in 1949. It was renamed the Horace W. Harrison Grand Award in honour of the late Horace W. Harrison, OTB, a former president of BNAPS, a BNAPEX Grand Award winner in 1989, and a major benefactor to the Society. Horace Harrison passed away on 4 October 2002.

The award recipients are listed alphabetically below. A chronological list is also available.

John D. Arn Canada - Cameo Definitive Issues 2004 Baltimore, MD
Laurence M. Bell New Brunswick, Stampless Covers Pence, Cents 1964 Muskoka, ON
Hendrik Burgers Canadians In Russia 1918 - 1920: The Last Contingent of World War I 2011 North Bay, ON
Pat Burns The Nova Scotia Post: Early Mail and Markings 2023 Halifax, NS
Robert V. C. Carr British Columbia - Confederation and Express Covers 1996 Fort Worth, TX
Robert V. C. Carr Prince Edward Island 1993 Toronto, ON
Robert V. C. Carr British Columbia 1973 Calgary, AB
Robert V. C. Carr Nova Scotia 1971 Halifax, NS
Robert V. C. Carr New Brunswick Grid Cancels 1963 Williamsburg, VA
Walter W. Chadbourne Maritime Provinces 1950 Philadelphia, PA
Neville L. Clifford-Jones Newfoundland to 1880 1972 St. John's, NF
Graham Cooper Newfoundland Air Mails 2000 Schaumburg, IL
L. S. Crosby Prince Edward Island 1956 Toronto, ON
G. H. David Special Delivery 1992 St. Charles, IL
Charles P. deVolpi Western Canada Postal History with Items from Rupert Land, Keewatin, Assiniboia, and a Riel essay 1966 Calgary, AB
Charles P. deVolpi Adhesives on Cover 1861-68 1958 Ste. Marguerite Station, QC
Charles P. deVolpi Canadian Stampless Covers 1957 Philadelphia, PA
Martin Eichele Postal History of Nova Scotia to UPU 2015 Niagara Falls, ON
A. Graham Fairbanks New Brunswick 1953 Montreal, QC
Charles Firby Canadian Postal Rates 1859-68 Shown on Covers of 1859 Decimal Issue 1980 McAllen, TX
Gerald Firth Specialized Collection of the 15c 1868-1899 1961 Elmira, NY
Bob Forster British Columbia and Vancouver 2010 Victoria, BC
Fred Goodhelpsen 1859 10-cent Consorts 1977 Edmonton, AB
Harry Goody Newfoundland Pence Issues 1959 Atlantic City, NJ
Arthur Groten 1859 Decimals 1976 San Francisco, CA
Horace W. Harrison Canada's Registry Stamps 1989 Hamilton, ON
David Hobden In Defence of the Border - Canadian Military Mails 1667-1885 2024 Kingston, ON
Charles Jacobson The Maple Leaf Forever: 1897-98 Maple Issue 1999 Vernon, BC
Clare M. Jephcott Early B.N.A. Postal Markings 1967 Ste. Marguerite Station, QC
Clare M. Jephcott Proofs & Essays of 19th Century Canada 1962 Ste. Marguerite Station, QC
Kenneth J. Kutz Mining in Canada 1991 Vancouver, BC
William E. Lea The Cents Issue of Newfoundland 1865-1880 1997 St. John's, NF
Arthur Leggett Leaf and Numeral Issues - 1897-1902 1982 Virginia Beach, VA
Robert G. Leigh The Western District of Upper Canada: The Development of Postal Communications and Postal Markings, 1800-1850 2021 Virtual
Lewis Ludlow The Pence Issues 1986 Dearborn, MI
Harry W. Lussey Revenues of Some Eastern Provinces 1988 Virginia Beach, VA
Harry W. Lussey Registration System 1984 San Francisco, CA
Harry W. Lussey Admirals 1955 Hartford, CT
Ronald E. Majors Canadian Postal History: A Rate Study using Decimal-Franked and Stampless Covers (1859-1868) 2017 Calgary, AB
David McLaughlin The Maple Leaf Issue of Canada 1897 - 1898 2013 Charlottetown, PE
Daniel C. Meyerson Newfoundland Pence 1960 Banff, AB
William S. & Daniel Meyerson Newfoundland: Postal History; Pre 1900; After 1900; Airmails 1949 Buffalo, NY
Sam C. Nickle Province of Canada Pence Issue 1985 Calgary, AB
Sam C. Nickle Canada Pence Issue 1969 Vancouver, BC
Rosemary Nickle The Unissued MacDonald Cartier Centenary Stamps of 1914
The Grand Award was given jointly to the Nickles for their two exhibits. Several other couples had pairs of exhibits at this BNAPEX.
Edward Nixon Canada: 1870-1897 Small Queen Issue 2009 Kingston, ON
Kevin O'Reilly A Postal History of the Yukon 2014 Baltimore, MD
William S. Pawluk Canada: Postal Regulations, Rates, and Usages - Dom.& Inter. Mail, 1897-1911 1995 Edmonton, AB
William S. Pawluk Queen Victoria Leaf Issue of 1897-1898 1983 Winnipeg, MB
David Piercey Steamship Mail in the Early Decimal Period of Newfoundland 1865 to 1910 2022 Calgary, AB
Michael Powell The Great War Internment Camps of Canada 2018 Quebec, QC
Robert H. Pratt 19th Century Newfoundland 1970 Easton, MD
Robert H. Pratt Newfoundland Proofs 1937-41 1965 Chatham, MA
Edward A. Richardson 1868 Large Queens 1978 West Palm Beach, FL
Edward A. Richardson Booklet Panes 1952 Ithaca, NY
David Sessions Canada: Classical Flags and Associated Cancellations 1998 Orlando, FL
William L. Simpson Small Queens 1979 Quebec, QC
James D. Smart 1868 Issue Large Queens 1954 Niagara Falls, ON
Julian C. Smith Classic Canada Unused 1981 Ottawa, ON
Gary W. Steele 1937-1938 Definitive Issue 2012 Calgary, AB
Gary W. Steele Dead Letter Office Handstamps - 1867-1954 2008 Halifax, NS
Allan Steinhart Prestamp and Stampless Mails 1685 - 1865 1990 Galveston, TX
Grégoire Teyssier Quebec 1763-1867: Un Siècle d’Histoire Postale et de Marcophilie 2016 Fredericton, NB
Guillaume Vadeboncoeur Canada – The Small Queens of 1870-1897 2019 Ottawa, ON
Tom Watkins The Postal History of Canada's Semi-Official Airmail 2006 Sudbury, ON
Gerald E. Wellburn British Columbia 1951 Toronto, ON
Warren S. Wilkinson British Columbia and Vancouver Island Postal History: 1850-1871 2003 London, ON
Warren S. Wilkinson Postal Rates of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia 2002 Spokane, WA
Warren S. Wilkinson Postal Rates of Canada 1851-1859 2001 Ottawa, ON
Victor Willson Canada 19th Century Non-Letter Mail 2007 Calgary, AB
Victor Willson Postal History and Usages of Post Card 1871-1928 2005 Edmonton, AB
Victor Willson Rates and Routes to North American Destinations, 1859-1914 1994 Burlington, VT
John Young Early Postal Markings 1974 Williamsburg, VA

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This page was last modified on 2024-08-31

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