The BNAPEX 2024 Frame Limits and Exhibition Prospectus are available below.
You can enter your exhibit electronically using the online form. You can also submit your synopsis and title page electronically using the online form or by email to the Exhibits Committee address: This is the preferred submission method.
If you enter your exhibit electronically, you can update your synopsis, title page, or exhibit files up to 23 June. Entries made prior to 10 April are not presently loaded here, but will be loaded in the coming weeks. For updates to those exhibits send the updates to the Exhibits Chair. Click the online form button. You will be prompted to log in if you aren't already.
You can also enter your exhibit by mail by downloading and filling out the PDF form. If you send your completed exhibit entry form by mail, you must also send five copies of the synopsis and title page to the Exhibits Committee by regular mail, not by email (see Prospectus). The mailing address is: BNAPEX 2024 Kingston Exhibits Committee, c/o Dave Bartlet, 1955 9 Ave NW, CALGARY AB T2N 4N3.
Questions should be directed to the Exhibits Chairman, Dave Bartlet, by email to:
The frame fee is $25 per frame for both single- and multi-frame exhibits. There is no fee for Court of Honour and Youth exhibits.
You can pay the frame fee using one of the following methods:
No fee is charged for payment by Interac e-Transfer or cheque. We regret that PayPal is not accepted.
Guidelines for synopsis preparation and information on judging at BNAPEX exhibitions are available below.
As a specialist society, BNAPS has developed its own Judging Guidelines for BNAPEX exhibits. However, the following references offer useful suggestions and guides for the preparation of exhibits.
The American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors (AAPE) website has articles about creating an exhibit, preparing the synopsis and title page, and judging criteria (but note that the AAPE rules apply to AAPE awards). The website also offers examples of successful exhibits.
The Online Resources and Exhibits (ORE) area of the BNAPS website has several examples of award-winning exhibits, many of them shown at BNAPEX conventions.
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This page was last modified on 2024-09-15