CPS 2022 BNAPEX - Calgary 2 - 4 September 2022

Exhibits    Les collections

The CPS 2022 BNAPEX Frame Limits and Exhibition Prospectus are available below.

Questions should be directed to the Exhibits Coordinator, Dave Russum, by email to: bnapexexhibits@bnaps.org.


Payment for exhibit frames

Exhibit entry is now closed. Updates to Title Page, Synopsis and Exhibit pages can be made through the end of July for Title page and Synopsis and mid August for the exhibit pages.

CPS 2022 BNAPEX is a National level exhibition sanctioned by the RPSC. BNAPS members have the opportunity to exhibit their BNA exhibits in both the BNAPEX frames, judged by BNAPS judges, and the National exhibition, judged by a National judging panel. BNAPS members can also enter any non-BNA exhibits they may have in the National part of the show.

BNAPS members, you can enter your BNA exhibits in both parts of the show for $30 per frame compared to $20 for just the BNAPEX portion. The show winners of the National level exhibits qualify for the American Philatelic Society Champion of Champions exhibition and the Great American Stamp Shows (GASS).

The frame fee schedule is as follows:

  • Single- or multi-frame BNAPEX exhibits judged solely by BNAPS judges are $20 per frame
  • Single- or multi-frame BNAPEX exhibits judged by both BNAPS and National show judges are $30 per frame - National Exhibits fully subscribed - waitlist Only
  • Single-frame National level exhibits are $25 - National Exhibits fully subscribed - waitlist Only
  • Multi-frame National level exhibits are $20 per frame - National Exhibits fully subscribed - waitlist Only
  • Regional/Club 1 to 4 page mini-exhibits are free (subject to space availability)

You can pay the frame fee by Interac e-Transfer, credit card (on the entry form), or cheque. Full details are given on the Exhibit Entry Form. Preferred payments are by Interac e-Transfer or credit card directly on the submission. Due to the fees charged on credit card payments, there is an additional charge of 2.9% + 30ยข to cover the credit card fee. No fees are charged for e-Transfer or cheques. All payments are in Canadian funds.

We prefer that you fill in the electronic form for your exhibit entry; however, if you are unable to fill in the online form, you can print the form and send it via mail. In that case, you must send five copies each of the Exhibit Title/Plan page and the Synopsis to the Exhibits Committee by regular mail, not by email (see Prospectus).

Viewing the submitted exhibits is accessed from the link below. The link will direct you to the Calgary Philatelic Society website, where the form is housed, in a new browser tab:

Click HERE for CPS 2022 BNAPEX Exhibit Display page

The online Exhibit File Upload Form is accessed from the link below. The link will direct you to the Calgary Philatelic Society website, where the form is housed, in a new browser tab:

Click HERE for CPS 2022 BNAPEX Exhibit File Upload page

To provide updates to your Title Page, Synopsis or your Exhibit file, use the Exhibit Entry link above and at the bottom of that page you are able to upload those 3 documents at any time.

Exhibit Synopsis and Judging

Guidelines for synopsis preparation and information on judging at BNAPEX exhibitions are available below.

As a specialist society, BNAPS has developed its own Judging Guidelines for BNAPEX exhibits. However, the following references offer useful suggestions and guides for the preparation of exhibits.

The American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors (AAPE) website has articles about creating an exhibit, preparing the synopsis and title page, and judging criteria (but note that the AAPE rules apply to AAPE awards). The website also offers examples of successful exhibits.

The Online Resources and Exhibits (ORE) area of the BNAPS website has several examples of award-winning exhibits, many of them shown at previous BNAPEX conventions.

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The documents on this website are for informational and non-commercial or personal use only.
Documents on this website shall not be used on other websites or for commercial purposes without permission.

This page was last modified on 2022-09-25