BNAPEX 2018 QUEBEC 21-23 September 2018

Exhibits    Les collections

The BNAPEX 2018 Frame Limits, Exhibition Prospectus, and Exhibit Entry Form are available below. The Exhibition Prospectus and Exhibit Entry Form were mailed to members with the 2018 First Quarter issue of BNA Topics.

As of 12 May, all 160 exhibit frames were booked.

BNAPEX 2018 Exhibits


Here are the exhibits that will be displayed at BNAPEX 2018 Québec. The "Synopsis" and "Title page" columns provide links to the synopsis and title page of the exhibits. They are PDF documents that open in a new window.

Title Frames Frame # Synopsis Title page
Postage stamps
Booklet Varieties of the Admiral Issue 1 12 Synopsis Title page
The Chemistry of the War Time Admiral 1 2 Synopsis Title page
Canada's 1935 King George V Pictorial Issue 8 41-48 Synopsis Title page
The Canadian 6¢ Wilding Definitive 1 158 Synopsis Title page
1977-79 "Peace Tower" Domestic Rates Stamps 1 159 Synopsis Title page
La Nouvelle-France 3 31-33 Synopsis Title page
Jacques Cartier - Explorer - Celebrated on Canadian Stamps 1855-2000 1 110 Synopsis Title page
Les Bordures Philatéliques 1 157 Synopsis Title page
Fakes, Forgeries, and Fantasies - Some call them Album Weeds 1 109 Synopsis
Postal stationery
The Cameo Design on Postal Stationery of Canada 7 144-150 Synopsis Title page
Salesman “I Will Call” on Postal Stationery Cards 8 101-108 Synopsis Title page
International, Imperial and Commonwealth Reply Coupons of Canada and Newfoundland 5 121-125 Synopsis Title page
Postage meters
L'utilisation du compteur modèle «H» de Pitney-Bowes au Canada (1929-1957) 8 91-98 English
Title page
Newfoundland Postage Meters 1928-1949 3 88-90 Synopsis Title page
Postal history
Canadian International Airmails 1919-1941 8 21-28 Synopsis Title page
The Development of Pioneer and Semi-Official Air Mail within Canada, 1918-1934 8 13-20 Synopsis Title page
Rates, Usage and Varieties on Cover during the Cents Issue Era: 1859-1868 6 51-56 Synopsis Title page
Canada Postal History: Use of Decimal Stamps in Post-Decimal Era 1868 and Beyond 1 50 Title page
The Montreal Transcript Covers: The First Use of a Reply Envelope? 1 100 Synopsis Title page
Canada: The 8 Cents Small Queen Issue used in Combination with Other Values 1 156 Synopsis Title page
Canada: 1985 - 50¢ Parliament Booklet Low Value Usages 1 160 Synopsis Title page
The 1988-2002 Masterpieces of Canadian Art Stamps 7 111-117 Synopsis Title page
Postal history - Cancels
Squared Circle Cancellations and the Quebec Tercentenary Issue of 1908 1 34 Synopsis Title page
Les oblitérations de type cercle encadré du Québec 5 35-39 Synopsis Title page
The Squared Circle Postmarks of New Brunswick 1 136 Synopsis Title page
Montreal Carrier Handstamps 3 151-153 Synopsis Title page
Canadian Dead Letter Office Re-Organization Handstamps 1 49 Synopsis Title page
Newfoundland Registered Mail in the Pictorial Period 2 29-30 Synopsis
Postal history - Railway Post Office
Les oblitérations de l’ambulant postal du chemin de fer Lévis à Kennebec et Québec Central (1879-1971) 1 154 Synopsis Title page
"By Grand Trunk Railway" 1853-67 3 118-120 Synopsis Title page
The Railway Post Office on the Short Line 1 155 Synopsis Title page
Postal history - Routes and regions
Postal usages in the Province of Quebec and Lower Canada until 1831 5 131-135 Synopsis Title page
Le courrier transfrontalier par la route commerciale du lac Champlain avant 1867 6 61-66 Synopsis Title page
The Ship Mail of Quebec City (1763 - 1914) 5 126-130 Synopsis Title page
The Steamboat Mail of Quebec City 1 40 Synopsis Title page
The Early Postal History of Northwestern Ontario 4 67-70 Synopsis Title page
The Postal History of the Township of Teck 4 57-60 Title page
Canada Gateway to Saint-Pierre's Mail: Canadian Postal Markings on Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon Mail 1858-1961 3 141-143 Synopsis Title page
Postal history - Military mail
Military Toronto - 1793 through the 1940s 4 137-140 Synopsis Title page
Le Dominion du Canada et la Première Guerre Mondiale par la Franchise Postale 1 1 Synopsis Title page
The Great War Internment Camps of Canada 8 3-10 Synopsis Title page
Correspondance de guerre d'Émile Martin (1914-1916) 1 11 English
Title page
Canadian Merchant Navy, July 1943 to Sept. 1945 1 99 Synopsis Title page
Revenue stamps and usage
Fundraising for WWI through the Post Office 4 71-74 Synopsis Title page
Les timbres de loi et d’enregistrement de la province de Québec 6 75-80 Synopsis Title page
Newfoundland Early Legal Documental History via Stampless Precursor and 1898 Queen Victoria First Revenue types 7 81-87 Synopsis Title page

Payment for exhibit frames

The fee for competitive exhibits in classes 2 and 3 is CDN $20 per frame. There is no frame fee for Class 4 exhibits (that is, Youth exhibits where the exhibitor is 21 years or younger as of 1 January 2018).

You can pay the frame fee by cheque (full details given on the Exhibit Entry Form) or PayPal. If paying through PayPal, you can use your PayPal account if you have one or your bank account or credit card. Note that a PayPal account NOT required. If you use PayPal, please remember to submit the filled-in Exhibit Entry Form to the address given on the form. You must send five copies each of the Exhibit Title/Plan page and Synopsis to the Exhibits Committee by regular mail, not by email.

To pay using PayPal:

  1. Click the Add to Cart button for the number of frames in your exhibit (1 to 8). You are redirected to the PayPal website.
  2. On the PayPal website, click Continue shopping if you are paying for more than one exhibit. You will be redirected back to this page. Otherwise, to complete the payment:
    • If you have a PayPal account, click the PayPal check out button.
    • If you do not have a PayPal account, click the Check Out button. You will be prompted to pay using your bank account or credit card.
  3. Remember to fill in the Exhibit Entry Form and send it along with five copies of the Exhibit Title/Plan page and Synopsis to the address given on the form. You must fill in a separate form for each exhibit.


If you get a PayPal error, please notify the BNAPEX Treasurer. His email address is

Do NOT submit payment via PayPal to the email address of a BNAPEX official.

One-frame exhibit $20 All 160 exhibit
frames are booked.
Two-frame exhibit $40 All 160 exhibit
frames are booked.
Three-frame exhibit $60 All 160 exhibit
frames are booked.
Four-frame exhibit $80 All 160 exhibit
frames are booked.
Five-frame exhibit $100 All 160 exhibit
frames are booked.
Six-frame exhibit $120 All 160 exhibit
frames are booked.
Seven-frame exhibit $140 All 160 exhibit
frames are booked.
Eight-frame exhibit $160 All 160 exhibit
frames are booked.
Advertisement, want list, or greetings in show program Half page
The show program
has been published
Full page

Exhibit Synopsis and Judging

Guidelines for synopsis preparation and information on judging at BNAPEX exhibitions are available below.

As a specialist society, BNAPS has developed its own Judging Guidelines for BNAPEX exhibits. However, the following references offer useful suggestions and guides for the preparation of exhibits.

The Royal Philatelic Society of Canada (RPSC) has published an informative series articles covering various aspects of exhibiting by David Piercey in its journal, The Canadian Philatelist. These articles are available online at the RPSC website. To date, the articles have explored such topics as designing the title page, producing an effective exhibit synopsis, preparing that first exhibit, and the importance of planning, telling a story, presentation, and research.

The American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors (AAPE) website has articles about creating an exhibit, preparing the synopsis and title page, and judging criteria (but note that the AAPE rules apply to AAPE awards). The website also offers examples of successful exhibits.

The Online Resources and Exhibits (ORE) area of the BNAPS website has several examples of award-winning exhibits, many of them shown at previous BNAPEX conventions.

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The documents on this website are for informational and non-commercial or personal use only.
Documents on this website shall not be used on other websites or for commercial purposes without permission.

This page was last modified on 2022-01-21