BNAPEX 2018 Quebec is now history. We've received many plaudits about this 70th BNAPS convention, and we believe it was enjoyed by all. We owe its success to a great many people, and would like to acknowledge and thank them.
Thank you all! See you next time!
The co-chairs / Les coprésidents:
Grégoire Teyssier, Jacques Poitras
“An excellent organization of BNAPEX 2018 – Un comité extraordinaire – Magnifique!!”
“We just want to say MERCI BEAUCOUP MILLE FOIS !!!!!!! for all the work you and your Committee did to create such a terrific convention”
“BNAPEX 2018 was great. You and your team put on a wonderful show that will not be forgotten for a long, long while. Thank you, merci."
“BNAPEX 2018 was very well run. A great job well done. Now if the next conventions will be as well done, we all will be happy.”
“Great job on a stellar weekend. Best show I've been to.”
“Thanks to the organizers of BNAPEX and all the helpers, (Hugo, Grégoire, Jacques, Christiane, Yan, Lise, Réjean, etc.). A superb event.”
“Superb three days in one of my favourite cities. Super organized and planned events. Felicitations mes amis!”
“The convention was a great success. Thank you for all of your hard work.”
“Great job by the Quebec City organizing committee.”
“Thank you to Grégoire, Hugo and your whole team for arranging and presenting such a beautiful weekend. It greatly exceeded our expectations. The hotel was excellent. The events were very well chosen. Of course the food was superb. It will be very tough to surpass this show. I know everyone I have spoken to feels it is probably the best BNAPEX they can remember.”
“The BNAPEX Convention was great. Please convey our thanks for a superbly run event.”
“Hugo, I want to thank you again for all the work you put into the BNAPEX show to make it a success and for all you did to insure that I had a great time in QC.”
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This page was last modified on 2022-01-22