Cumulative Index to The Admiral’s Log, Nos. 1 to 19

Subject Index

(PDF file)

1¢ green

colour changeling   14-18,   16-45
corner folds   12-29,   13-59 ff
design types, original die   12-12 ff
design types, retouched die   13-18 ff,   further comment   14-11
die   12-11
dropped transfer roll   18-74
EKU   12-25,   further comment   13-13,   13-16, 18-71, 18-73
Type R6   18-69 ff
faked imperforate   5-1
greyish paper   4-4,   7-6
guide lines & guide dots   13-36 ff,   17-25
inverted entry   19-6 ff
lathework type B   6-9
lathework type C   6-9
misperf   17-27
original die, straight edges   14-11 ff
plate 163-164, no inscriptions on   14-16,   further comment   15-9
plate flaws   17-25
pricing guide   6-3
proof   6-9
5UR50   15-27
7LL3   15-28
7LL5   15-29
7LL43   15-30
7LL53   15-31
8LL11   15-32
9LR83   15-47
10UL1   15-33
10LL91   14-13 ff,   15-12
12UR40   15-34
12LR35   2-2,   13-7,   15-11,   16-15 ff,   17-27 ff
census of   18-57 ff
14UL4   15-35
141LL67   15-42
17LL91   15-36
24UR6   19-6 ff
49UR46   15-37
56UR91   15-38
72UL18   15-39
87UL30   15-40
94UL4   15-41
158UR2   15-43
164LR36   15-44
1UR20   15-45
2UR8   15-46
9LR83   15-47
61UL64   15-48
123UL26   15-49
pl. 123 - (pos. unknown)   15-50 ff
shilling mark variety   18-70
thin paper   6-9
1¢ green booklet pane of 6   10-13
EKU   11-18
essay   19-20 ff
horizontal / vertical wove paper   13-54
plate layout   13-57
squat printings   10-13,   17-143
type BR4   12-8 ff
types   11-18
1¢ green endwise coil
experimental Toronto coil   6-10,   further comment   7-4
relief break, type ERR3   18-72 ff
shilling mark variety   17-26
1¢ green sidewise coil
paste-up   17-31 ff
re-entry - 12LR35   15-23,   17-30

1¢ yellow

chrome yellow   14-19 ff,   16-45
corner folds   12-30
dies   12-11
EKU   12-25
lathework - type B   19-4
lathework - type D   14-22,   17-18 ff
lathework - type D1   15-14,   17-17,   17-18 ff, 18-75
plate 169, retouched frame line   14-9
plate scratch   19-20
1¢ yellow imperforate
die II   12-27
lathework   15-54 ff
plate 11 imprints   1-7
plate 179,   piece straddling UL & UR panes   18-23 ff
plates   15-54ff
1¢ yellow booklet pane of 4   10-15
plate layout - type Z   16-78
pyramid guide lines   16-78 ff,   17-100 ff,   19-22
1¢ yellow booklet pane of 6   10-13
EKU   11-18
types   11-18
1¢ yellow sidewise coil
EKU   14-47

2¢ carmine

accent over C of CENTS flaw   16-20
colour changeling   16-45
colour study   18-11
corner folds   12-31 ff,   13-61
EKU   12-25 ff,   further comment   13-13
Type R15   18-77
engraver’s slip   17-34
experimental die   15-71 ff
fluorescent ink   16-5
horizontal wove paper   4-4,   13-56
lathework - type C - plates 145-46   15-16,   17-33
misperf   17-35
mystery marks   18-88 ff
original die - crescent flaws   15-16
plate 4   10-3 ff,   further comment   11-3,   12-5
plate 4 - census   15-58 ff,   continued   16-90 ff
plate 4 EKU   18-76
plate 57   18-76 ff
plates 87, 88, & 90   14-9,   15-71 ff
vertical line in UL flaw   18-78
2¢ carmine booklet pane of 6   10-14
cover variety   17-102 ff
EKU   11-21 ff
miscut   16-20 ff,   17-34
plate layout   13-57
squat printings   10-14
types   11-22
plate inscriptions   5-5
2¢ carmine provisional coils   18-79 ff
2¢ carmine sidewise coil
EKU   3-12

2¢ green

corner folds   13-61
design type R(2)5, identification   16-72
EKU   12-26
horizontal wove paper   13-56, 18-102
lathework   1-7
type D   14-21, 18-98, 18-99 ff
type D1   17-18,   18-99 ff
type D1 inverted   18-101,   19-14
line at bottom   17-36,   continued 18-103 ff
line in N of CENTS   16-68 ff
msc repeating plate flaws   16-68 ff,   17-39
mystery marks   16-68 ff, 18-88 ff
part imperforate   17-38 ff
plate 167, thin paper   17-36
plate 187   17-37
plate 211, thin paper   16-93,   17-37
plate flaws   16-26
161LL69   16-22
228UR49   16-22
type RE1 - (pos. unknown)   16-23
2¢ green imperforate
horiz. & vert. lines in margin   15-14
plate 188,   piece straddling UL & UR panes   18-23 ff
2¢ green booklet pane of 4   10-15
plate layout - type Z   16-78
pyramid guide lines   16-78 ff,   17-100 ff,   19-22
2¢ green booklet pane of 6   10-14
EKU   11-22,   12-25
types   11-22
2¢ green endwise coil
identification of   5-10
2¢ green sidewise coil
early use   2-2
mystery marks   18-88 ff

3¢ brown

23UR4   14-29
23UR5   14-30
blob flaw 120UL77   18-11
colour changeling   14-19 ff,   16-45
corner folds   12-32,   13-62
cracked plate   17-54 ff,   17-58,   17-59, 18-119 ff, 18-121 ff
diagonal lines flaws   16-62 ff
dry printings   14-18
file marks in frame line   16-60,   17-40 ff,   18-107 ff,   18-111 ff
flaw behind king's head   16-27
gouge flaw 120UL76   18-11
lathework - type E   14-21,   15-19
line of dots flaw   15-18
misplaced entry
113 LL78   17-70 ff
113UL99   17-70 ff
position unknown   17-70 ff
msc repeating plate flaws   16-62 ff,   17-62 ff,   17-69
msc varieties   17-78
mystery marks   16-60 ff, 17-62
plate 23 - retouches   8-3,   12-18 ff,   continued   13-38,   14-25 ff
plate 23 - UR imprint   14-25 ff
plate 77   4-3
plate 92   14-18
plate flaws   14-19,   16-30 ff,   17-75 ff
plate material survey   11-7 ff,   continued 12-15 ff,   further comment   13-12
plate scratches   17-69
23LL100   13-38 ff
(pos. unknown)   15-17 ff,   16-29
relief break   16-27 ff,   continued 17-66; 17-63,   17-64,   17-65 ff,   17-66, 18-122 ff
23UR1   14-26
23UR2   14-27
23UR3   14-28
spur into oval variety   17-67 ff
string of dashes variety   16-60 ff,   17-60,   17-61, 18-122
3¢ brown booklet pane of 4   10-15,   17-103 ff
EKU   11-27
pyramid guide lines   19-22
3¢ brown endwise coil   4-8
3¢ brown sidewise coil
engraver’s slip   17-79
perf. 12 (?)   14-20
2UR27   17-80 ff
8UR34   17-82 ff,   17-84, 18-123
position unknown   16-31 ff

3¢ carmine

corner folds   12-33,   13-63
diagonal lines flaws   16-64 ff
double paper   15-2, further comment   16-34
EKU   12-27
msc repeating plate flaws   16-64 ff,   17-87 ff
mystery marks   16-64 ff, 17-87
part imperforate   17-87
plate layout - type D   4-11
plate material survey   11-9 ff,   continued   12-15 ff,   further comment   13-12
re-entries   6-2, 18-124
R-GAUGE inscription   16-35
3¢ carmine imperforate
plate material survey   11-12 ff
plates 129-131   16-95 ff, 18-125 ff
3¢ carmine booklet pane of 4   10-15
3¢ carmine coils
part perforate coils   5-2
plate material survey   11-17 ff
3¢ carmine perf. 12 x 8
early cancel   18-139
plate material survey   11-16 ff
3¢ carmine 1-line overprint
essays   16-34, 17-85 ff
forged overprints   18-137 ff
plate material survey   11-14 ff
3¢ carmine 2-line overprint
inking variety   16-36
plate material survey   11-15 ff

4¢ olive bistre

corner folds   12-33,   13-64

5¢ blue

doubled design   14-31 ff
misperforated variety   15-21,   further comment 16-37
plate flaws   16-36
plate material survey   13-46 ff
plates used   13-45 ff
8UL5   16-99 ff,   17-89 ff
8UR55   16-99 ff
9LR35/36   16-100 ff,   further comment   17-90 ff
position unknown   17-88
3 UR22   16-36,   further comment   17-90,   17-91 ff

5¢ violet

corner folds   12-34,   13-45 ff,   13-64
horizontal wove paper   13-56
misperforated   16-37
plates used   13-45 ff

7¢ yellow ochre

die proofs   18-140
guide lines & guide dots   14-4
printing order number   14-34 ff

7¢ red brown

line in N of CENTS   16-47 ff
line in N of SEVEN   16-47 ff
line in V of SEVEN   16-47 ff
msc repeating plate flaws   16-47 ff
mystery marks   16-47 ff,   19-16
plate inscriptions   5-9
proof   5-9
7LL34   16-38
thin paper   5-9,   6-2
thread variety   14-10

8¢ blue

plate flaws   17-93

10¢ plum

broken G variety   14-37
corner folds   12-35
guide dots & guide lines   14-37
7UR19   18-145
9UL2   18-141
11UR12   18-141
retouch   18-142,   18-143
shades   18-144
type 1
characteristics   18-143
possible causes of   14-37 ff

10¢ blue

colour changeling   16-46
horizontal wove paper   4-4,   13-54 ff
identification of   13-50 ff
horizontal line flaw (16LR35)   19-17
lathework type D   17-20
precancels - horizontal wove paper   13-55

10¢ bistre brown

corner folds   12-35,   13-65
lathework - type D - census   15-78 ff,   continued   16-104 ff
precancelled   6-3
“smoking" Admiral   19-18

20¢ olive green

colour changeling   15-88
corner folds   12-35
1R4   17-93

50¢ black brown

corner folds   12-36,   13-65
cracked plate   17-97
defective transfer   17-96
horizontal wove paper   4-4,   13-56
plate flaws, pl. 1   17-94 ff
re-engraved die   16-38
revenue usage   12-41 ff

$1.00 orange

corner folds   12-36
R-GAUGE inscription   19-19

War Tax Stamps

1¢ green War Tax
design types   12-21 ff
die proofs   16-107 ff
hairlines   11-27
16LR91   13-7,   16-40,   17-98
2¢ carmine War Tax
design types   15-90 ff
die proofs   16-107 ff
perf 12 x 12 coil stamps in sheet format   18-146 ff
2¢ + 1¢ carmine War Tax
shades   18-16
2¢ + 1¢ carmine War Tax coil hairlines   11-27
perf 12 x 12 coil stamps in sheet format   18-146 ff
spacing   18-148
2¢ + 1¢ carmine perf. 12 x 8 War Tax corner folds   13-66
2¢ + 1¢ brown War Tax corner folds   12-37
EKU   12-27
hairlines   11-27
imperforated pairs   19-15
imperforate with punched hole   17-99,   19-16
part perforated pairs   19-15   
(pos. unknown)   4-12,   16-41

Special Delivery Stamps

10¢ blue-green special delivery
corner folds   13-66
20¢ orange special delivery
corner folds   13-67


Admiral Centennial Activities   18-3, 18-17 ff
Admiral Guidebook (Morris)   10-1, 10-3
new edition needed   14-5,   continued 15-4
The Admiral Issue of Canada (Marler), quick index to   12-10
Admiral postal history, parameters of   9-6 ff,   further comment   11-32 ff
Admiral, Saskatchewan   16-39,   17-136 ff,   further comment 18-12
Admiral study groups   11-3,   further comment 12-3,   13-11
Admirals, - centennial activities   17-6 ff
Advertising covers   1-1,   2-2,   4-9,   6-7,   7-7,   8-6,   11-24-25,   12-17,   12-50,   14-61,   14-84
Advertising postcards   12-47,   12-52,   14-72,   14-76
Airmail postal history   16-9 ff
Album pages   18-12
Areas of specialization   16-9 ff,   16-42 ff
Atwater, H. E.   2-4
Auction results   10-16,   11-3,   12-5,   13-8 ff,   14-6 ff,   15-7 ff,   16-7,   16-11
Awards   see Exhibits


Bahamas special delivery stamps   3-8
Barraclough, Reg   3-2
Bartlet, Dave   17-9 ff
Bayes, Robert (death notice)   8-1
Beaubien, Ed (obituary)   14-3
Belkhode, Madhukare   15-6,   17-11
Bignel, H.   13-7
Bileski, Kasimar   14-24
Bisects (on cover)   7-4,   8-8,   15-89,   16-109 ff, 18-149, 18-150
Blank "Admiral" stamps   14-24
BNA Topics (online)   16-11
2001 Ottawa   10-1
2002 Spokane   11-2
2003 London   12-1,   12-3,   13-1,   13-3 ff
2004 Baltimore   13-5,   14-4
2005 Edmonton   15-4
2006 Sudbury   16-5
2007 Calgary   16-5
Admiral Study Group meeting at   16-12
2008 Halifax16-5
Admiral Study Group meeting at   17-14   
2009 Kingston, Admiral Study Group meeting at   18-9
2010 Victoria, Admiral Study Group meeting at   18-10
2011 North Bay, Admiral Study Group meeting at   18-15 ff
2018 Quebec, Admiral Study Group meeting at   19-4
BNAPortraitS   11-2
BNAPS circuit, changes in   13-2,   13-3
BNAPS publishing ventures   14-4
BNAPS study groups, links between Admirals and   12-2 ff,   further comment 13-4
BNAPS web site, posting newsletters on   13-3 ff,   16-13 ff
Book reviews
The Admiral Issue of Canada (Morris)   18-8
The Canadian Admiral Stamps: A Complete Annotated Reference Guide (Reiche)   12-4
Canadian Perfins used on Cover (Traquair)   12-4
Canadian Re-entries 1852-1953 (Voss)   12-4
Canadian Special Delivery Exhibits (Wald)   13-8
Color Guides for the Admiral Issue of Canada (Morris)   8-4
The Colours and Shades of Canada’s Admiral Stamps (Van Someren)   19-3
A Detailed Study of the Western Canada Postal History Proof Book Cancel Fakes (Pugh)   13-8
King Edward VII Issue 1902-1912 (Selby)   16-11
The Post Office in Canada (Hillman)   13-7
Postage Due Stamps of Canada 1906-1928 (Drury/Lum)   16-11
Booklet panes
formats   10-7 ff
guide dots   10-9 ff
gum   10-12
hairlines   10-10
horizontal / vertical wove paper   10-12,   13-54
miscut   16-20 ff
plate layouts   10-7 ff
pyramid guide lines   16-78 ff,   17-100 ff,   19-22
squat printings   10-12 ff
types   10-12 ff
see also booklet panes listed under individual denominations above.
Booklet stamps, EKU   11-17 ff,   12-27
Booklets, formats   10-7 ff
Brigham, Ron   14-6,   16-10
Brown, Barry   16-5
Burden, Bill   19-4


C7NPLE   15-2
Canada Post Guide, monthly supplement to   18-9
Canadian Philatelic Society of Great Britain   11-3,   further comment 12-3,   13-11,   14-3
convention 2005   15-4
The Canadian Philatelist (online)   16-10
Canadian Philately: Bibliography and Index (Morin)   16-11
errors in   17-135
fiscal   17-107 ff
Censored mail - Ireland   4-12
Charkow, Abe (obituary)   17-13
Chrome yellow (pigment)   16-45
Chung, Andrew   13-7,   14-6,   15-6,   16-3,   16-7,   17-9
faked - 2¢ green endwise coil   5-10
faked - 2¢ experimental Toronto coil   6-10,   further comment 7-4
part perf by favour items   18-48 ff
start & end strips   8-5
see also the various 1¢, 2¢, and 3¢ coil denominations above.
Color Guide for the Admiral Issue of Canada (Morris)   14-4
Color Guides for the Large/Small Queens (Morris)   15-5
Colour   9-8
Colour changelings   14-18,   14-19 ff,   15-88,   16-44 ff
Colour shades   4-4,   15-22 ff
analysis of   18-14 ff
Colour, photographic reproduction of   8-4
The Colours and Shades of Canada’s Admiral Stamps (Van Someren)   19-3
Compulsory registration to Great Britain   3-10 ff
Connolly, Lawrence   8-1
Cooper, John   5-1,   10-2,   11-2,   12-3,   13-6,   14-1,   14-5,   15-4,   16-3,   16-8,   17-10,   19-20
Corner folds   12-28 ff,   continued   13-59 ff,   further comment   14-8,   13-45 ff,   further comments 14-8
see also corner folds listed under individual denominations above.
Covert, Earle, L.   14-6
Curtis, Wayne (obituary)   19-4


Dates of issue   4-3,   16-5
Dead Letter Office   2-1,   2-6,   5-7,   7-4,   12-53,   14-54,   14-55
Deville, Stanley   1-2
Dicketts, Michael (obituary)   18-7
Die proofs   15-8
7¢   18-140
1¢ war tax   16-107 ff
2¢ war tax   16-107 ff
Die   see Master die
Douglass, Peter   17-7
Dues notice   1-8,   4-3,   4-5,   5-2,   6-2,   10-3,   14-2,   15-2,   16-3, 18-6


Editorial   1-3,   3-1,   4-1
Edward VII stamps   16-10
EKU of Admirals   12-25, ff,   further comment   13-13
see also EKU listed under individual denominations above.
Ellwood, Andy   13-2,   14-1,   16-7,   17-8
ERD   see EKU
Errata notice   11-4
Essays - 3¢ carmine 1-line overprint   16-34
Essays, decal   1-1
Admiral Study Group - The Admiral Issue   18-17 ff
Admiral Study Group - The Admirals after Marler   18-17 ff
Dave Bartlet - Booklet Varieties of the Admiral Era   18-20
Dave Bartlet - Booklets of Newfoundland   17-9
Dave Bartlet - Christmas Stick’n’ Tick Labels of 1983-1984   17-10
Dave Bartlet - Fundraising for the WWI through the Post Office   18-20
Dave Bartlet - Ration Booklets of Newfoundland   17-9
Dave Bartlet - Savings Booklets, Certificates, and Stamps of Newfoundland   17-10
Madhukar Belkhode - The Admiral Issue of Canada 1911-1931   15-6,   17-11
Ron Brigham - The Dominion of Canada: Edward VII, 1903-1911   16-10
Ron Brigham - The Unissued MacDonald-Cartier Centennial Stamps of 1914   14-6
Bill Burden - Admiral Re-entries   18-20
Andrew Chung - The National Christmas Seals of Canada 1927 - 2008   17-9
Andrew Chung - Postal Rates of the Elizabethan Era, Vol. 2   17-9
Andrew Chung - The Specialized Catalogue of Canada Post Official First Day Covers   17-9
John Cooper - The 1928-29 Scroll Issue   16-8,   17-10
John Cooper - Booklets Under Four Reigns   13-6
John Cooper - Canadian Booklets Under Four Reigns   14-5
John Cooper - New Brunswick Way Offices   12-3
John Cooper - Newfoundland Booklets   11-2,   12-3
John Cooper - Study of the Admiral Booklet Panes   5-1,   10-2,   11-2
John Cooper - Varieties & Errors of the QE II Booklets and Panes   16-8
Earle L. Covert - C.O.D. in Canada   14-6
John Fretwell - Canada's Registration System   16-8
John Fretwell - Coils of Canada - Edward VII to Elizabeth II   16-8
Steven Friedenthal - Slogan Postal Markings of Western Canada 1901-1919   16-10
Jill Hare - Admirals and Old Lace: King George V - Admiral Lathework - Canada   15-6
Robin Harris - John S. Siverts Award   13-6,   16-8
N. H. Hunter - Evolution of Air Mail - Toronto, Canada from Biplane to Jet   16-9
Jerome V. V. Kasper - SCADTA Postal Stationery   16-10
Ian Kimmerly - New Georgia Tok-tok   16-7
John Jamieson - The 1610-1910 Newfoundland Tercentenary Issue   17-8
John Jamieson - Canadian and Newfoundland “Invert" Errors   17-8
John Jamieson - Newfoundland John Guy Tercentenary 1910 - 1911 Issue   14-5
John Jamieson - Queen Elizabeth II Golden Jubilee Medal   12-3
Jon Johnson - Canadian Military Hospitals at Sea   14-6   further comment 15-7
Doug Lingard - The 1939 Royal Train Postal Markings and Their Majesties   16-7
Doug Lingard - Canadian Philatelic Disaster Covers   14-5
Glen Lundeen - War Tax Stamps of Canada   11-2
Sandy Mackie - Admiral Cup   12-3
Clinton Many - A Rate Study of the "Admiral" Stamps of Canada 1912-1928   16-9
John McEntyre - The Parliament Stamps of Canada during the Reign of King George V   16-10
Richard Morris - The Admiral Issue of Canada   15-5,   16-6
Richard Morris - The Admiral Issue of Canada, 1912-1931   11-2
Richard Morris - Color Guide for the Admiral Issue of Canada   11-2
Colin Pomfret - Canadian Airmen in the Great War   16-9
Colin Pomfret - Soldiers' Letters and Related Items from the First Contingent Canadian
Expeditionary Force   16-9
William G. Robinson - Canada - Prisoners of War and Internees 1914-1920   15-7
William G. Robinson - Canadian Military Presence in Siberia 1918-1920   16-9
William G. Robinson - Royal Flying Corps and Royal Air Force in Canada 1917-1919   16-9
Ray Simrak - The S.C.A.D.T.A. System, Canada to Columbia   16-10
John Smallman - Admiral Lathework   17-11
John Smallman - Lathework Designs on the Admiral Issue   18-20
Robert Vogel - Admiral Rate Study - Kitchener Ontario 1916-1928   15-7
Kimber Wald - Canada 1927 Historical and Confederation Anniversary Issues   13-7,   
14-6,   further comment 15-7
Tom Watkins - The Postal History of Canada's Semi-Official Airmail   16-10
Vic Willson - Admirals Away: Canadian Letter Rates 1912-1928   18-20
Vic Willson - Admirals Aweigh - Canadian Foreign Rates 1912 - 1928   11-2
Vic Willson - Canada 19th Century Non-letter Mail   16-8,   17-8
Vic Willson - Canada Post Cards 1871-1928   17-8
Vic Willson - Canadian Non-letter Mail and Postcards of the 19th Century   11-2
Vic Willson - Postal History and Usage of Canada Post Card 1871-1928   15-6
John Wynns - 1927 Confederation Anniversary Issue   16-6
John Wynns - Canada 1927 Confederation Issue   15-6
John Wynns - Canada: Confederation Issue of 1927   17-10
John Wynns - Canada: One-cent Confederation Issue of 1927   17-10
Experimental Toronto coil   6-10,   further comment 7-4


Fiction, philatelic   8-7
File Marks   see 3¢ brown
Financial report   11-1, 19-2
Fiscal usage of Admirals   see Revenue usage of Admirals
Franking errors   6-6 ff,   7-4 ff
Fredericton Royal (1999)   5-1
Fretwell, John   13-7,   16-8
obituary   17-12
Friedenthal, Steven   16-10


Goldberg, Julian   4-4
Guide lines & guide dots
1¢ green   13-36 ff,   17-25
2¢ green   17-36
7¢ yellow ochre   14-4
10¢ plum   14-37
booklet panes   10-9 ff
see also Pyramid guidelines
A Guidebook to the Admiral Issue of Canada: Understanding Marler and Others . . .   see Admiral Guidebook


2¢ carmine, plate 4   10-3 ff,   further comment   11-3,   12-5
booklet panes   10-10
war tax stamps   11-27
Handelman, David   9-3
Hansen, Jim   16-5
Hare, Jill   15-6
Harris, Robin   13-3,   13-6,   14-5,   15-5,   16-8,   17-9
Haslewood, Robert   16-5
Hogg, Leigh   15-7
Hunter, N. H.   16-9


By favour items   18-40 ff
faked   5-1
pairs with vertical guide arrows   19-5
see also imperforates listed under individual denominations above.
Imprints   seePlate inscriptions
The Admiral’s Log   18-5
BNA Topics   15-7
Canadian Philatelist   15-7
Ink, fluorescent red   16-5
Inscriptions, plate   see Plate Inscriptions


Jamieson, John   12-3,   14-5,   17-8
Jephcott, Clare M.   18-37 ff
Johnson, Jon   14-6
Judge, Richard   19-4
Judging, philosophy of   6-1


Kasper, Jerome V. V.   16-10
Kimmerly, Ian   16-7


Lane, Bob   13-3
Lathework   4-4,   13-15
1¢ yellow   15-54 ff
2¢ green   1-7
3¢ - survey   11-6 ff
10¢ bistre brown   15-78 ff,   continued   16-104 ff
doubling of   14-16 ff
on cover   7-7
other stamps with   17-15
scarce & unusual   14-21 ff
type A over plate inscription   14-21
type B, 1¢ green   6-9
type B, 1¢ yellow   19-4
type C, 1¢ green   6-9
type C, 2¢ carmine,   plates 145-46   15-16,   17-33
type D, 1¢ yellow   14-22,   17-18 ff
type D1, 1¢ yellow   15-14,   17-17,   17-18 ff, 18-75
type D, 2¢ green   14-21 18-98, 18-99 ff
type D1, 2¢ green   17-18, 18-99 ff
type D1 inverted, 2¢ green   18-101,   19-14
type D, 10¢ blue   17-20
type E, 3¢ brown   14-21,   15-19
see also lathework listed under individual denominations above.
Legault, Mr.   4-3
Lemaire, E. J.   4-8
Lemire, Robert   14-6
Lemke, Ken   17-8
Lingard, Doug   14-5,   15-5,   16-7,   17-11
Livermore, Charles   13-3
Lum, Stan   13-7,   15-6,   16-9
obituary   17-11 ff
Lundeen, Glen   11-2,   16-9


Machine cancels, letters & numbers in   8-5
Machum, Harry   14-6,   15-6,   16-7
Mackie, Sandy   12-3,   15-4,   16-3, 17-7
obituary   17-12,   17-13
Many, Clinton   16-9
Marler, George C.   4-3
Master die, three dots on   16-23 ff
McCann, Bill   19-20
McEntyre, John   16-10
McNey, Floyd (obituary)   17-12
Membership list
1995   1-8
1999   4-5
2000   7-8
2002   11-5
Membership report   8-2,   10-3,   12-1,   13-1,   14-1,   15-2,   16-3,   17-5, 18-5, 19-3 ff
Miersch, Norbert (death notice)   18-7
Military postal history   16-9
see also Rates – military
Morin, Cimon   17-8
Morris, Richard   11-2,   14-6,   15-5,   16-6,   17-7
Mourning cover   12-55
Mystery Marks   16-47 ff, 18-88 ff
see also mystery marks listed under individual denominations above.


Narbonne, R.F. (Hank)   14-6,   15-6,   16-7
Newsletter (The Admiral’s Log)
articles needed   1-2,   2-6,   3-12
back issues   14-2,   17-6
index to   17-7
ISSN   17-4
revisions   18-5 ff
Newton, Malcolm   17-10
Norris, Frederick T.   18-25 ff, 18-27 ff
Admiral collection of,   18-27 ff


Obituaries   see under individual names.
OHMS envelope for Rural Mail Delivery   14-59
On active service   see Rates – military
fantasy   17-97
manuscript "gp"   2-4


greyish   4-4,   7-6
horizontal / vertical wove   4-4,   10-12
horizontal wove   13-54 ff,   18-102
thin   4-5,   5-9,   6-2,   6-9,   16-93
see also thin paper listed under individual denominations above.
Pelletier, Hon. Louis P.   1-2
Penko, Rick   15-5
Peral, Jorge   15-6
Perforation measurements   4-4
Philatelic literature
for sale   10-7,   11-4,   13-8
plating studies   11-3
Philip. Neil   17-9
Plate flaws   16-5,   16-47 ff
classification of   18-13 ff
see also various plate flaws listed under individual denominations above.
Plate inscriptions
1¢ yellow imperforate   1-7
2¢ carmine, plate 4   10-3 ff,   further comment   11-3,   12-5,   15-58 ff,   continued   16-90 ff
3¢ survey   11-6 ff,   continued   12-15 ff,   further comment   13-12
value of   5-2 ff
Plate layout   13-36 ff,   13-57,   19-12
Type D   4-11
Plates, flat & curved   18-52
Pomfret, Colin   16-9
Postal Rates and Fees of the Elizabethan Era in Canada 1952-2002, vol. 1 (Chung)   14-6,
Postal Rates and Fees of the Elizabethan Era in Canada 1952-2002, vol. 2 (Chung)   16-7
Postcard rates of Admiral period   14-49 ff
Precancels   12-39 ff
2¢ green Frederickton NB   18-104 ff
10¢ bistre brown   6-3
10¢ blue - horizontal wove paper   13-55
further research   14-40 ff
history of   14-39 ff
least expensive   14-41
listing of Admiral   14-42 ff
literature survey   14-39 ff
"military"   14-40
spacing of   18-104 ff
style 4,   Hamilton   15-10,   further comment   16-19
used on registered mail   14-46
Pre-printing paper crease   12-41,   17-21,   17-22 ff,   18-55 ff
Presentation booklets   3-2 ff
Preservation of philatelic material   15-3
Printing order numbers - 7¢ yellow ochre   14-34 ff
Proofs   1-5 ff
Pyramid guidelines - booklet panes   16-78 ff,   19-22


R-GAUGE inscription: See R-GAUGE under individual denominations above.
Acknowledgement of Receipt
20¢ rate   17-131 ff
AR card used from Germany   3-9
airmail   16-109
airmail - U.S.   6-5   
circular rates   17-132 ff,   17-134 ff
householder   17-131 ff, 18-151 ff
rural mail delivery   14-56, 18-152
drop letter   2-2,   7-4,   8-8,   12-49,   13-16 ff,   15-89
empire - Great Britain   11-38
empire - Great Britain (over paid)   7-2
empire - Great Britain (postage due)   6-7   further comment   7-3
empire - Hong Kong   5-9   
empire - Ireland   4-12   
empire - postcard - Great Britain ("insufficiently prepaid")   7-4
empire - postcard - Great Britain (short paid)   6-6,   further comment   7-3
empire - registration - Great Britain   9-2 ff
forward first class   12-49,   12-55 ff,   14-47,   14-61,   14-63,   14-65,   14-80 ff,   14-84
forward first class - registration   14-64,   14-68 ff,   14-83
forward first class (postage due)   16-110
free franking   14-52,   14-60,   14-82   
military   2-1,   4-10,   5-7,   7-4,   12-56,   14-53,   14-58
postage due   2-6,   16-110
postcard   12-48-49,   12-51 ff,   14-51 ff,   14-77 ff,   16-110
postcard (overpaid)   12-56
postcard (paquebot))   14-54   
postcard (postage due)   12-55,   14-50, 18-152
preferred foreign - postcard - Puerto Rico   14-53
preferred foreign - postcard - U.S.   14-54 ff
preferred foreign - forward first class - United States   14-48
printed matter   4-9,   12-47,   12-50,   14-72 ff
printed matter (postage due)   12-47
printed matter (postage due, error)   14-75
registration (forwarded)   15-46
registration (returned)   17-144
registration - Chile   11-34
registration - China   1-3
registration - forward first class   14-64,   14-68 ff,   14-83
registration - Great Britain   3-10,   9-2ff
registration - Hong Kong   5-9
registration - postcard - Roumania   4-7,   further comment 7-2
registration - third class matter   5-5
registration - U.S.   6-4,   further comment   7-2
special delivery - Bahamas   3-8
third class - empire - Great Britain   7-4
third class - registration   5-5
third class - UPU - Netherlands   7-4
UPU - Austria   11-35
UPU - Austria (shortpaid)   2-3
UPU - Brazil   11-23
UPU - census of covers   9-3 ff,   further comment   11-28,   11-32,   11-34 ff
UPU - China   1-3
UPU - China (shortpaid)   4-6 ff
UPU - Czechoslovakia   6-7,   further comment   7-3
UPU - Germany (short paid)   3-6,   11-29 ff
UPU - Norway   11-35
UPU - Philippine Islands   7-4,   7-7,   further comment 11-32
UPU - Poland   11-36 ff
UPU - postcard - China (shortpaid)   2-5
UPU - postcard - Denmark   7-4
UPU - postcard - Germany   3-12
UPU - postcard - Germany (short paid)   11-29 ff
UPU - postcard - registration - Roumania   4-7,   further comment   7-2
UPU - printed matter - France   13-14
UPU - registration - Belgium   7-2
UPU - registration - Chile   11-34
UPU - Sweden   11-36
UPU - Switzerland   6-8,   further comment   7-4
UPU - Switzerland (postage due)   3-4
UPU - Switzerland (short paid)   6-7, further comment   7-3
UPU - Turkey   6-8,   further comment   7-4
UPU - Vatican   11-37
table of   1-4
table of UPU rates 1912-1928   11-29
Re-entries   4-3
for sale   16-6
searching for   15-3,   17-16
see also re-entry listed under individual denominations above.
Reiche, Hans   1-2
obituary   8-1
Relief break
3¢ brown   16-27 ff,   16-29
10¢ plum   14-37 ff
Retouches   4-3
for sale   16-6
see also retouch listed under individual denominations above.
Revenue stamps,
George V Excise Tax issue   17-112 ff
George V War Tax issue   17-112 ff
booklet stamps   17-120 ff
coils   17-116 ff
Provisional War Tax issue   17-123 ff
Two Leaf Excise Tax issue   17-112 ff
use of as postage   6-6,   further comment 7-3,   14-54
Revenue usage of Admirals   12-41 ff,   17-106 ff
excise luxury tax   17-110 ff,   further comment 18-11
Reversed essay (3¢)   11-11,   15-19 ff,   further comment 16-33,   17-77
Robertson, Ian S.   11-3
Robinson, William G.   15-7,   16-9
Rondeau, Andre   17-8
Rosenblat, Daniel G.   12-3,   13-15
Royal 2006 Royale   16-9
Rural mail delivery   12-44,   continued   14-56 ff
Rural route parcel notice   14-67
Rural route registered mail notice   14-71


Sam C. Nickel Collection   1-1
SCADTA consular overprints (Colombia)   16-10
Scoles, Michael (obituary)   18-6
Shades   see Colour shades
Simrak, Ray   16-10
Sissons, James N.   18-35 ff
Smallman, John   17-11
obituary   19-4
Soldiers' mail   see Rates - military
Spandrel,   catalogue terminology of   8-2
Squat printings (booklet panes)   10-12 ff,   13-54
STAMPEX 2005   15-2
Standard Canada Precancel Catalogue (5th ed.)   14-6
Steinhart, Allan (obituary)   2-6
Stitch watermark   3-5,   17-24
Straight edges, collecting   5-1
Study group
future   9-1
new chairman needed   13-2
project suggestions
compendium…   8-2
new edition of Admiral Guidebook   14-5,   continued 15-4
plate block census   13-6,   further comment   14-8
shades study   1-2
specialized admiral catalogue   6-3,   further comment   7-2,   8-2,   8-3
purpose of   1-3,   4-2,   5-2,   6-2,   7-1,   16-4
questionnaire results   17-5


Tags, parcel   1-7
Thin paper   see Paper, thin
Thread variety   14-10,   17-92
Tomlinson, John   18-38 ff
Traquair, Robert   12-4,   17-8
obituary   18-6
Trimble, Ralph E.   16-7
The Two Cent Stamp of the Small Note Issue of 1890 (Morris)   14-6


Understanding Marler   see Admiral Guidebook
The Unitrade Specialized Catalogue of Canadian Stamps, suggestions for improvement of   14-9
The Unitrade Specialized Catalogue of Canadian Stamps 2006, changes in   15-5
UPU reference stamps (Madagascar)   2-4,   4-9


Van Someren, Randall   16-6, 17-7
Veenstra, Adri   17-8
Verge, Charles   11-2
Vogel, Robert   15-7
Voss, Harry   12-4


Wald, Kimber   13-7
Walsh, John   14-4
Walton, Bill   14-6
War Tax handstamps   8-6
War Tax stamps
use as postage due   2-6
use of   6-6,   further comment   7-3
used to Switzerland   3-4
Watkins, Tom   16-10
Watt, Jim   11-2,   15-6,   16-8,   17-10
Web sites,   Admiral related   11-4,   17-6
Wet / dry printings   16-5
Willson, Vic   11-2,   13-6,   15-6,   16-8,   17-8
Wynns, John   15-6,   16-6,   17-10

Compiled by Randall W. Van Someren
August 2018

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