BNAPEX 2016 Fredericton 30 Sept - 2 Oct. 2016


Thursday, 29 September 2016
0900 - 1600 BNAPS Board of Directors Meeting
1200 - 2130 Registration
1530 - 2130 Exhibits and Bourse set-up
1800 - 2300 Hospitality Room open

Friday, 30 September 2016
0800 - 0945 Final Exhibits and Bourse preparation
0930 Study Group meetings and seminars
Click here for schedule
0945 Official opening of BNAPEX 2016 Fredericton
1000 Exhibition and Bourse open
1000 Tour 1 (5.5 hr) - Scenic bus ride along the Saint John River to view the fall colours. Lunch at Riverside Resort.
1230 Tour 2 (2 hr) - Guided tour of Government House, residence of the Lieutenant-Governor of New Brunswick, built in 1826-1828.
1800 Exhibition and Bourse close
2130 - 2300 Hospitality Room open

Saturday, 1 October 2016
0700 - 0930 Order of the Beaver breakfast and meeting (closed meeting)
0930 Study Group meetings and seminars
Click here for schedule
1000 Exhibition and Bourse open
1000 Tour 3 (4.5 hr) - Visit to Beaverbrook Art Gallery, lunch at Isaac's Way, and walk about downtown Fredericton to visit its unique shops.
1700 Exhibition and Bourse close
1730 Guided walk about Kings Landing Historical Settlement followed by dinner (included in registration package)
2100 - 2300 Hospitality Room open

Sunday, 2 October 2016
0800 - 0900 BNAPS Annual General Meeting
0900 - 1030 Judges' Critique
1000 Exhibition and Bourse open
1030 Study Group meetings and seminars
Click here for schedule
1315 Tour 4 (2.5 hr) - Boat cruise along the Saint John River.
1500 Exhibition and Bourse close
1500 - 1600 Exhibits take down
1830 Past Presidents' Reception
1930 Awards Banquet

A visit to the New Brunswick Provincial Archives is also being arranged. The details for this tour are not yet finalized.

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This page was last modified on 2017-08-01