BNAPS Map Stamp Study Group
The Map Stamp Study Group was founded by Whitney Bradley at BNAPEX 1982 Virginia Beach. The first issue of the newsletter, dated Nov.-Dec. 1982, listed 18 members. In August 1989, BNAPS published Whitney's Map book, The Canadian Map Stamp of 1898 - A Plating Study. At the end of 1990, Whitney retired as newsletter editor, and the Group went dormant.
The Group was re-established at BNAPEX 1999 in Vernon, BC, by Doug Lingard (then Vice-President Study Groups), Francis Au, and Bill Pekonen. Fred Fawn was Chairman, Roger Boisclair Secretary/Treasurer, and Bill Pekonen newsletter editor. The first issue of the newsletter, The 1898 Christmas Stamp Newsletter, published in Jan. 2000, listed 20 members.
Bill Pekonen retired as Editor at the end of 2000. The editorial reins were taken up by John T. Anders in 2001, and Roger Boisclair took on the role of Assistant Editor in addition to being Secretary and Treasurer. The newsletter was renamed The 1898 Christmas Map Stamp Newsletter. Roger Boisclair retired from his three roles towards in the latter part of 2002, and John Anders became Secretary and Treasurer while continuing as Editor.
Orville F. Osborne assumed the roles of Secretary, Treasurer, and Editor in the spring of 2005. Orville's last issue was No. 26, Spring/Fall 2008. He went on to develop a Map Stamp website for the Study Group. It went live in January 2010 and saw a major upgrade in November 2014. The website was taken down in January 2021.
In March 2021, Rick Friesen volunteered to reinvigorate the Study Group. He contacted several Map Stamp enthusiasts to becomes Study Group members, and invites any BNAPS member with an interest in the Map Stamp to join. For more information, you can email Rick at
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