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Book cover illustration

The Admiral Issue of Canada

Richard M. Morris
Released March 2008. Exhibit series # 48.
176 pages, 8.5x11, spiral bound.
Colour C$ 35.00 [ISBN 978-1-897391-23-5 ].

Richard Morris' The Admiral Issue of Canada exhibit is aimed at both the beginner and the specialist; for the beginner to clarify terms used by Marler and to make his book less daunting; and for the specialist to take the study of the Admiral Issue beyond Marler to new discoveries. There are new re-entries, new earliest dates of cancellation, hanging chads caught in the process of a relief break and many findings that Marler either did not see or did not report.

The purpose of the 'file markings' on the Three Cents Brown is studied and illustrated in depth. The experiment of using multiple reliefs on a transfer roll reveals the difficulties the siderographers had in its application. The colour shades of each of the denominations of the Admirals are also illustrated.

Richard M. Morris of Norfolk, Massachusetts, returned to stamp collecting after retirement as a priest of the Episcopal Church. A challenge by a stamp dealer led to a deep interest in the color and shades of stamps. Ultimately, under the publishing name Pittsboro Philatelics, Richard produced color guides for U.S. and Canadian stamps using Munsell color chips. A new interest in the process of intaglio printing led to his reading the Hon. George C. Marler's The Admiral Issue of Canada and ultimately to this exhibit, which received a Gold award at ROYAL 2007 ROYALE in Toronto. Richard continues to study the Admirals as a member of the Admiral Study Group of the British North America Philatelic Society (BNAPS), working closely with Leopold Beaudet, editor of the Admiral's Log, and Sandy Mackie of Aberdeen, Scotland. Richard has served on the Board of Directors of BNAPS. He is also a member of the Philatelic Specialists Society of Canada, Royal Philatelic Society of Canada, Canadian Philatelic Society of Great Britain and the American Philatelic Society. He has twice won the APS Research Award as an exhibitor.

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