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Book cover illustration

The Hunting, Fishing and Conservation Stamps of Canada

Clayton Rubec
Released August 2011.
450 pages, 8.5x11, spiral bound.
Colour C$ 69.00 [ISBN 978-1-897391-86-0 ].
B&W C$ 32.00 [ISBN 978-1-897391-87-7].

The latest BNAPS catalogue, The Hunting, Fishing and Conservation Stamps of Canada, was prepared by Clayton Rubec to fill a huge void in the published knowledge base of Canadian revenue stamps issued for hunting, fishing and conservation permits and fund-raising. Collectors of all stamps, and members of the hunting and fishing fraternity, will be amazed at the variety and colour of these stamps issued to date in Canada, and also that the author was able to gather together the vast amount of material. BNAPS wishes to sincerely thank Clay Rubec for compiling the book, and the whole Rubec family for preparing the printing files.

Clayton Rubec graduated with a B.Sc. degree from Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario and an M.Sc. degree from McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario with additional post-graduate studies from several universities and institutions. In his work related to wildlife, wetlands and habitat conservation science, policy and international treaties, he has travelled to over 45 nations. He is an environmental scientist who retired from the Government of Canada in 2008 after 34 years of public service. His last federal government position, with the Canadian Wildlife Service of Environment Canada, was as Senior Policy Advisor. He is currently Vice-President of the Centre for Environmental Stewardship and Conservation (CESC) based in Ottawa, Ontario. Mr. Rubec has authored or co-authored over 195 books, journal papers, reports and other articles - a few of which deal with philatelic subjects. He is a collector of both Canadian and Iraqi stamps, postal history and revenues with obscure interests in philatelic ephemera from several other countries. He is a member of the British North American Philatelic Society, the Postal History Society of Canada, the International Peat Society and the Society of Wetland Scientists. He and his wife Leslie are also avid Chicago Cubs baseball fans.

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