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Book cover illustration

A People-Centered Philately: Canadian Pre-Stamped Post Card Advertising Series

Christopher Ellis
Released February 2024.
212 pages, 8.5 x 11, spiral.
Colour C$ 53.00 [ISBN 978-1-989280-44-7].

The goals of A People-Centered Philately: Canadian Pre-Stamped Post Card Advertising Series are twofold:

1) Document the series of address/front side advertising produced by several private companies on official issue, pre-stamped, Canadian postal stationery post cards
2) Contextualize these series by placing them in a human-centered and historical context, focusing on the human beings and companies behind the post cards.

Christopher Ellis is an archaeologist who spent most of his career as a professor (and for nine years Chair) in the Department of Anthropology at the University of Western Ontario in London, Ontario. While retired, he still carries out academic work in that field and has received several awards for his archaeology research and related volunteer work. As a specialist in history related fields, he has served on the board of heritage organizations including the Ontario Heritage Foundation (now Trust) and the Museum of Ontario Archaeology.

While a student in the late 1960s to mid-1970s, Chris served part-time, and also in summers, in various positions in the Canada Post Office including serving for two summers as Assistant Postmaster in the outlet at Ontario Place. He collects used British and French stamps, but a major interest is broadly in postal history and the people who used the resulting pieces of paper.

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This page was last modified on 2024-06-23.