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Book cover illustration

The BNAPS Catalogue of Canadian Military Mail Markings Volume 1 – Early Forts to pre-World War 2

G. Wayne Schnarr
Released March 2023.
400 pages, 8.5"x11", spiral bound.
B&W C$ 46.00 [ISBN 978-1-989280-37-9].

G. Wayne Schnarr’s The BNAPS Catalogue of Canadian Military Mail Markings, Volume 1 – Early Forts to pre-World War 2 completes the catalogue of Canadian military mail markings. Volumes 2 and 3 were compiled and edited by the late C. Douglas Sayles, who also compiled a substantive draft of Volume 1, which was further edited by the late Hendrik (Henk) Burgers prior to its completion by G. Wayne Schnarr.

Subjects covered include early markings to 1909, militia camp and other military post offices in Canada 1909 – 1941, the WWI Canadian Expeditionary Forces in the United Kingdom, on the European continent in France, Belgium and Germany, and also in Siberia. The final chapter covers WW 1 internment operations in Canada. Appendix 1 cross-references Bailey & Toop catalogue numbers with the Sayles Volumes 2 and 3 numbers. Appendix 2 lists BNAPS books on military and war-related subjects.

The series builds upon the publications by the late W.J. Bailey and E.R. Toop, including the two-volume Canadian Military Postal Markings (1881 – 1995) published in 1996 by Charles G. Firby Publications. This catalogue combines information from numerous sources, including several BNAPS publications and hundreds of scans of covers and cards from the author’s collection and submitted by BNAPS members.

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This page was last modified on 2025-02-24.