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Book cover illustration

The Development of the Stamps of the First Decimal Issue of Canada 1859-68

Richard P. Thompson
Released March 2016. Exhibit series # 87.
58 pages, 8.5x11, spiral bound.
Colour C$ 23.00 [ISBN 978-1-927119-59-4].

In The Development of the Stamps of the First Decimal Issue of Canada 1859-68, Richard Thompson presents a very interesting study focused on the printing aspects of Canada’s second stamp issue, the Decimals of 1859. Illustrated and discussed in careful detail are plate proofs, perforations, colours, watermarks, papers, printing orders, plate imprints and varieties.

Richard Thompson had a schoolboy collection as a child. He converted it to a collection of Canada and the Provinces in the 1970s, then put it aside again until 1988. When he was transferred to Montreal, he joined the Lakeshore Stamp Club, now Le club philatélique du Lakeshore. His first serious collection was of the Four-Ring Numeral Cancels of Canada, which received two National Gold awards, one a Reserve Grand, and an International Silver at CAPEX96. The collection in this book started out as a one-frame exhibit of the ten cents Prince Albert stamp, but was quickly converted to a collection of all six values of the First Decimal Issue of Canada. It has been awarded a BNAPS Vermeil in 1999, 2003 and 2007, and a BNAPS Gold in 2009, 2012 and 2014. Now retired, Richard lives in Victoria, BC.

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